First off can someone please tell me why a poster will not read two days worth of detailed comments, proceed to put up his rant about everything you've already answered in detail and then attack you because they did not read what you bothered to say?
Then again I doubt he would have liked what I said anyway because he was another whiny bleeding heart wanker who couldn't grasp the simple concept of fight the cops get your ass kicked.
Oh well, I don't know why I bother to get worked up about people incapable of simple reading comprehension but I still do.
I know it's a lost cause but damn........sometimes!
Anyway I was reading and ran into an article by some group which I had the great fortune to never have heard of before which really makes me wish I still hadn't heard of them.
More of the liberal BS and its from an article in something called Colorlines from a group called Race Forward: The Center For Racial Justice.
That should tell you all a great deal right there and what it tells you is exactly what you'd expect. Liberal, race based, whiny ass complaining about anything and everything. Progressives.
But in this case it ties back into my post about the culture which exists in so much of the black population mentioned in my "Thug Video" post.
I read this article and after I stopped laughing I realized that these pathetic people are actually serious about the things they said.
Now that really disturbed me. The idea that they would say things which are so ridiculous yet do so in such a serious manner as if they were actual valid problems and solutions is kind of scary.
It is that because they are dead serious about what they are saying in that article which anyone with common sense and an ounce of brain matter would simply shrug off as the rantings of the idiot mind, that disturbs me the most.
But they don't and they expect not only to propagate this absurd mentality upon the rest of us and society in general but they actually seem to think there comments have a shred of validity.
Again this goes directly to the entire concept of a sick mentality pervading large parts of certain communities which I covered in the "Thug" post.
The entire article was about basically a sob story about a "Crisis" in black and Mexican youth employment.
Now it has been shown that minorities have a higher unemployment rate than whites although the reasons are debatable and not necessarily all about racism as so many blacks and liberals would like to make it. At least not in my opinion.
What the article does though is not address impediments to employment that may actually be major reasons impacting said unemployment such as environment, dress, manner, education, attitude, employment history, criminal history and other legitimate factors that do need to be taken into account but instead blame it all on racism. Then they call for the usual let's not hold them responsible for anything crap and you get a nice liberal whiny black, progressive bunch of horse manure.
So lets start with the two basic premises of this article.
Besides the usual whining about blacks and Mexicans not going to college or graduating from it they bring up the fact that the two groups tend to be more criminal and get either referred to law enforcement or arrested in school for offenses which they commit.
According to them and they play with the numbers here, the school age population of Mexican and Blacks is less than 40%. They then don't say how many of that 40% they are talking about but use a different guideline to say of those referred to law enforcement or arrested at school 70% of them are black and Mexican.
The way they put it and if you don't read it carefully it looks like they make up less than 40% of the school population yet make up 70% of those arrested etc.
That is not the case.
They, of course, attribute it to racism, their favorite word but what they don't do is look at whether the Mexicans and blacks commit more criminal acts, more violent offenses and more arrestable and/or referable acts.
Just because more blacks et al get arrested than whites might just be because more blacks and Mexicans deal drugs, are violent and generally do other things like assaults, rapes, robberies etc. much more than whites do either among adults or children.
They like to use this in areas where the communities are all minority too. Take South Central in 1990, an all black community.
Not only will the blacks get in trouble more than the non-existent white kids in the area schools but blacks will be arrested more in that area than the non-existent whites will. Yet people like this group will claim because of the high numbers of blacks who are arrested vs whites arrested it proves racism when it does nothing of the sort. There just aren't any whites around to be included in the numbers.
This also goes back to how and what kind of environment these kids are raised in.
The other big point is, according to them, that 60% of the people in jail right now are either black or Mexican. Not only that but huge numbers of blacks et al are former felons and that is the basis for calling for an end to what they outright call "Employment discrimination" for offenders. That means an end to not hiring people who have criminal records because its racist and discriminatory, supposedly, according to them.
They blame everybody but the blacks and Mexicans for their own problems. These people shit in their own nests and then complain that it stinks in there.
According to these people writing this article something must be done by, I guess, whites to make sure blacks and Mexicans not only get to college but graduate no matter what. According to them and our dear AG Holder, we must stop holding blacks and Mexicans to the same behavior standard as others (Read whites et al) and stop having them arrested for criminal behavior or have their actions referred to the police. The AG has even been so kind as to threaten schools nationwide that the Justice Dept. would sue unless blacks et al stop getting in trouble as much as they do.
Again no one says maybe we should be addressing their behavior rather than trying to not get them in trouble for doing wrong.
The other thing is, in these peoples' opinion, which I've seen many other places as well, we must stop sending minorities to prison for committing crimes because so many of them are in jail or convicted felons that it makes life difficult for them.
Of course no mention is made of doing something to get them to stop being criminals which btw would stop them going to jail at all.
God forbid we address that.
And then there is the bitching about employers who run criminal background checks on blacks and Mexicans and then refuse to hire them because of their criminal history.
They actually call it discrimination and demand an end to it. This goes with the states which have been passing laws banning employers from asking applicants about having a criminal background at all.
I was stunned when I first heard about it and frankly couldn't believe it but its happening all over the country and from reading this article I get the sense its a concerted push by the liberals to once again circumvent personal responsibility and excuse minorities from having to reap what they have sown.
Again no one says anything about tackling the root problem which is them committing crimes which land them in jail in the first place. Instead once again its about some white guy screwing them over because he doesn't want a felon working there.
Gee, God forbid the 7-11 owner who doesn't want the guy who just got out of prison for robbing and killing clerks in five 7-11 stores to be a clerk in his.
This is the overwhelming problem which exists for the blacks and Mexicans but mostly blacks out there and the liberal apologists that go along with them in the name of appeasement and God knows what else.
Its all about excusing undesirable and bad behavior while at the same time making excuses which get put into law for them who conduct themselves in such a manner.
I watched this interview on CNN tonight (old) where a Ms. Jackson, who is black, spent the seven minute interview screaming racism, screaming everything actually but not doing the one thing which was most important. Accepting that the problem wasn't with Omaha police or the OPA but with that "Thug" child, his mother, his family and being raised in that environment. Not only did she absolutely not accept that she wouldn't even admit any problem existed at all. I will say the black host of the interview was the opposite and told her in no uncertain terms this was a huge problem and not only that but he'd heard from police around the country who saw the same thing every single day just like in Omaha.
So this does tie into the the Omaha "Thug" video and I'll go into that now as its all part and parcel of the problems not only endemic within the black et al community but within our society as well.
Here's some ideas to counter the liberal BS from people like this "Racial Justice" organization.
Lets start with the environment which exists among a sad number of black communities around the country.
The Omaha video wasn't the exception it was the rule. This kind of environment not only exists around the country in black neighborhoods but it has existed for decades.
They think its perfectly fine and acceptable. They have appeasers and apologists who constantly tell them its okay to be that way.
They don't see any problem with being and fostering that type of life at all.
The problem is that little boy and the thousands upon thousands like him across this land are being raised in such a mess that the chances of a child in that environment making anything of himself or herself, succeeding at life are abysmal at best.
Add multi-generational dysfunction, criminality, teen pregnancy, lack of a father, lack of any decent role models, low education of everyone, lack of speaking proper English, crime and a list of other things leaves you with each birth being a gesture of futility for that child.
It's over before he/she makes it out of the birth canal.
Instead of being told this life is wrong and bad they get told its fine. They believe its great and they are actually in many, many instances proud of being like they are.
Remember that kid's mother was just sorry she got caught, not anything that was in the video, just that someone posted it and thereby caused her problems.
If it was an isolated mentality it would be sad and you could move on but when it is the mentality of a large percentage of a race it moves into a whole other dimension.
A baby is born into a cesspool. Likely no father around, uneducated mother, often a child herself, a family of at least undesirables if not criminals, drug dealers, gang bangers or other such detritus.
That is the first disaster which occurs. The chances for that child are horrible of having any kind of decent life as most people think of it.
Lack of money, education, and a poor environment are what face this child for its first years. There is a move to put kids at two years into pre-school but it doesn't remove the home life which is destroying these children merely gives them a short respite.
By the time that child enters kindergarten at age five assuming they do enter at that age the child has not likely had any educational support at home. Its likely the child has not had much behavioral support either and has been exposed to non desirable elements in his or her life which have had a negative impact. Such as baby thug has suffered with is an example.
The child is also likely not to speak English correctly and a movement has been in place for a number of years to not correct this because it might make the child feel bad rather than take the stance that it needs to be corrected so the child can get ahead and succeed in this world.
The child enters school but is likely to have little to no support at home while the teachers are not likely to have the support of the parent/s or relatives either. Homework does not get done or done correctly, discipline which has been lacking in the child's life now causes problems when said child is expected to behave and gets into trouble for not doing so.
The parent/s or relatives often attack the school over their child getting into trouble for not behaving as required and the same holds true for not performing well in school.
Its not the child's fault of course or the families' but that of the racists doing this to the child. This is reinforced by such drivel as was in this article.
The child is often violent or exhibits violent behavior, criminality and other problems mainly due to like exposure in his home environment. That may include the neighborhood in which he lives as well as in the home.
As time goes on the bad behavior and home life is reinforced and requirements conducive to learning and good behavior are clearly shown to the child to be unimportant and undesirable by his environment. Couple that with being allowed to get away with the unacceptable behavior as far as his family is concerned and performing poorly in school and homework and the problem escalates.
Add in the schools which often spend more time on social bs than actual academic work or requirements and the kids are screwed.
The child learns at home and elsewhere that crime is good, violence is good, not dressing appropriately is good, not speaking correctly is good, not getting an education is good, not doing homework or performing well in school is fine, that misbehaving is okay and a host of other undesirable behaviors and actions.
Through all this the child and his education are woefully failing by any considerations used by regular people to measure success. Family often fights failing a child among the minority community because their attitude and belief is one where social promotion is much more important than that of academic success and mastery. Not only that but they often sue and demonstrate any attempt to fail minority children and do so using the race card to further harm their children.
Throughout the child's life the parent/s and/or families reinforce the negative aspects of the child's environment and encourage the child to be that above anything else to the detriment of the child.
The violence and criminality along with all other negative aspects only increases with age which is the cause of the high number of blacks and minorities being arrested and/or referred to law enforcement.
By the time many black children reach twelfth grade IF they are still in school the likelihood of graduation is not all that great and the ones who do graduate I question whether they actually can perform at a 12th grade level.
All their problems are blamed on racism though instead of what they actually are. Its never because mom threw a fit over the school wanting to fail her kid. Its never because the parent never did homework with the child. Its never because the parent couldn't even be bothered to make their kid do the homework at all. Its never because the parent had a fit when their kid got in trouble for whatever instead of the kid getting into trouble at home from said parent. Its never about them, its always about someone else who is to blame when a mirror would hold all the answers to this community.
The time to be bitching is before these children are even born into this kind of life. Some clear things need to be said starting with this lifestyle is not acceptable. Period.
No one will say it though. No one will say get your act together because raising a kid like that will no longer be tolerated by society. No one will say that your crappy life isn't something to strive for but something to be immensely sad about. No one will tell them said life is bad and shameful not something to be proud of and want for themselves or their children.
Instead its all about racism. Its all about the tests are unfair to blacks, its about asking them to dress decently is racist to the blacks, asking them to do homework is unfair since there is no one who has the education at home to help them, its about failing them is racist and demanding them to be able to actually read, write and do math at grade level is unfair and also racist.
Its about asking them to speak correctly is racist, asking them to behave correctly is discriminatory, asking them to not beat other students is racist and asking them to behave is not fair because of their bad life and the lists go on but what it never is, ever is telling them its their fault and they are responsible for things being the way they are.
Nobody tells these kids nor expects them to not be criminals. Its an acceptable thing because mommy is or daddy is. Its acceptable because grandma and grandpa are as well as their aunts, uncles, and cousins, maybe even brothers and sisters along with great grandparents. It is never about this is wrong, its bad and its not something to strive for in your life.
Why is it so wrong to impress strongly upon these children that if they don't want a criminal record which will impede them getting a good job then maybe they shouldn't do criminal things which result in having such a record?
Its not the white business owner being a racist that is the problem its the black man who dealt drugs, robbed a store or did some other criminal act so why should everyone be penalized because of an individuals actions. Why won't someone say you did the crime and this is what you get?
Rather than cowtow to these blacks and minorities why aren't standards set like they used to be and blacks not excused from meeting them. Why aren't schools saying you aren't speaking properly anymore and then correcting them and ensuring that they do speak proper English. I can tell you speaking blacklish isn't going to get you hired at my company if I still owned one.
Why aren't kids required to prove competency as they used to be before being passed to the next grade no matter how much the parents and Jesse Jackson cry about it?
Why aren't kids being told that gang banger clothes and pants down around their knees aren't acceptable clothing? Every time I used to see a teen with pants like that, hell I still do, I'd tell them to get a belt, why can't schools? Why on Earth do groups like this protest schools who do tell these kids to pull up there pants and do tell them them that dressing like that isn't acceptable. Again its the R word which gets brought out. God forbid common sense prevails.
Why are blacks demanding that criminal behavior in children in school be overlooked rather than cracked down upon?
Why isn't social services in there removing children in this environment rather than chasing decent parents for giving their kid a crack on the ass? Hell why is this environment being excused and allowed to flourish?
Why don't we make these blacks and Mexicans learn what most white parents teach their kids. Crime, drugs, violence except self defense, beating others up, robbing them, killing them, bad behavior, and that a good chunk of the black culture are all unacceptable. That education, good behavior and presentation are important amongst other things.
We should be enforcing these kids getting a good education and forcing them to behave. We should get them away from environments like the thug baby are living in and we should no longer make excuses for a large part of their society to get away with bad behavior on many fronts.
If these kids were in supportive, good, decent environments and learned that the bad is not acceptable, if they were made to learn and had support at home, if they were made to behave at school and at home with backing from parents for the teachers, if the undesirable elements were not allowed around these children, if they got good grades and stayed out of trouble they would receive a good education. They would not be in jail or referred to law enforcement nor would they be arrested in such great numbers.
If schools could kick out and keep out the bad while keeping the good instead of being forced to put up with them it would work wonders. Then again if schools would go back to teaching the basics and leave the social liberal bs for college it would do even more wonders.
They wouldn't be failing constantly in school and in trouble for acting the part of the thug environment that they are raised in.
They would go on to college on merit rather than a drive to put them there whether they could actually succeed and do the work or not. They would have more jobs because they would be educated, have a good presentation and know respect which they sorely lack now.
Getting these kids into good decent environments and taking away the race card and all the excuses which allow them to do so poorly would do more for blacks than any crap groups like this could possibly conceive.
For adults start with what is acceptable and decent and what is not. Start with teaching them what is wrong with their society and why they consistently fail rather than tell them its all because of someone else's fault. Tell them to look in the mirror. Tell them they have to change their culture and the environment which these kids are brought into if they wish to have any hope for their children's future.
Tell them to take the R word out of their vocabulary and start inserting proper English into it. Tell them to stand up for what is right rather than advance what is wrong.
Be a parent instead of screwing a million girls and getting them pregnant then walking away. Support your kids and do what you have to in order to see that they succeed.
Do something with your lives besides sit and tell me I have to excuse everything, make allowances for everything, ignore everything so you don't get in trouble or can get a job. Don't tell me I have give up common sense and what is right and proper in order to make you feel better when you've not done a damn thing to earn it.
Take responsibility for yourselves and the problems within your community, the problems with your children and the problems with their schools.
Just stand up for a change and be a decent human being who wants the same things regular folk want for themselves and their families.
It ain't easy, it ain't always fun and its a lot of work but every time you look into your child's face you should know deep down its worth it.
Continue blaming everyone but yourselves and no matter how much bullshit you get passed to mask your troubles you'll still never succeed until you make those decisions to change for yourself.
This groups' idea to sweep even more of your garbage under the rug won't help you, only you making changes can help you.
While you wait its just more of your future going down the toilet.
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