Sunday, January 26, 2014

Misc. Things and an End to the Missouri Rape Saga.

A couple little things to add.....

Arizona Republicans have apparently voted to censure John McCain for his decided non-conservative voting record. 

I'm surprised it hasn't happened before. He certainly isn't very, by any measurement. 

What did surprise me was a former Congresscritter by the name of Jon Kyle opening his mouth to attempt to marginalize the statewide Republican vote.

He said things like it not being at all representative of Republicans in the state and how McCain was very conservative. 

How he can say these things I have no idea, especially the last one. He got downright nasty about the Republicans basically saying this was some fringe non-mainstream part of the party. 

I didn't read anything that would lead me to believe this was any type of fringe element or anything of that nature. It might be but I didn't see anything to make me think so.

Further all anyone has to do is look at McCain's record to see he's definitely not much of a conservative. Not only that, but in the same article you can see a guy running for the governorship of Arizona on the Democratic ticket not only defending McCain but endorsing him fully.

That should tell you all you need to know right there. 

Apparently the Republican party has decided to abandon a long held platform and endorse amnesty for all the illegals. I sincerely hope they get their asses kicked in every upcoming election and the Tea Party puts them in their place big time. 

Sadly, I won't hold my breath.

The ASU has decided to suspend a fraternity and go after any students to penalize them for being part of an off campus party celebrating MLK day. Apparently this university has forgotten a US citizen's basic rights to say things people may or may not agree with.

Whether you consider their party a celebration/condemnation of what black culture has become since MLK or a racist event that is demeaning to blacks doesn't really make any difference. These people have the right to say, by way of that event, whatever they want to. The university has no, and should have no say on what people say and do especially when it was not on the university campus and other than it being students of the university has nothing to do with said university.

Unfortunately CNN and everyone else is condemning the students and no one is defending their right to be idiots or satirists if they choose which they do have a right to be.

President Obama is apparently threatening to continue his illegal actions vis-a-vis executive orders to get the liberal crap he wants to foist off upon us in place since he can't do it legislatively. 

And finally a note about something else which happened in the last week, the end to an ordeal,  which was quietly mentioned without fanfare but which should have got the headline coverage its beginning did. 

It didn't. 

If you've read this you know that I spoke up regarding the Missouri rape case of several months back. In it everyone from the news media to the people commenting on the story eviscerated this poor guy in Missouri. The ones commenting especially took the side of the girl and called for the head of his kid who supposedly raped her.

Now without going into it all again the boy denied doing what the girl claimed. The girl was drinking, sneaked out of her house to go to a party, drank some more and had sex. The boy said it was consensual the girl, afterward, claimed it wasn't. 

All I ever said was maybe people should wait before lynching this poor boy. There was and is no evidence of any sexual assault either then or now. This got me attacked with a vengeance to put it mildly.

At the time the new media was carrying days and days of it in front page headlines and blasting the airwaves with the story nonstop. It went on for a long time. It was all attacking the boy even though there was no evidence. Even though what evidence there was didn't seem to support such an attack. Even though the girl and her family were playing games about pressing charges with the prosecutor. 

Nothing the sheriff had to say was believed and neither was anything the prosecutor said about it. They were also attacked. Nasty charges were leveled against each and all without any evidence to back them up. The prosecutor even stated repeatedly that he had, on the record, proof of everything he was saying and had claimed yet it did nothing to abate the viciousness with which his character and professionalism were attacked.

I came into the comment sections and said why don't we wait a minute here because its not apparent at all that a rape took place. I said there was no evidence of a conspiracy to protect the boy. There were a lot of things about the girl that called into question her basic veracity about everything. 

Yet this position was completely unacceptable to those replying in those sections.

Well this week with a whimper, no front page headlines, no nonstop coverage, no weeks long splashing it everywhere, no nothing really except a buried story well down on the list and for only a day or so, if that, it was noted that I was right.

A special prosecutor was appointed and after months of trying to find a way to hang this boy out to dry the article was that there was insufficient evidence to pursue any charges against the boy. That means basically there was none. If there had been the slimmest chance of getting this boy they would have went for the jugular but there apparently wasn't. This fully matched up with what the prosecutor and sheriff had said all along. 

The boy was innocent and the girl was lying. Surprise, surprise. Once again the mentality of if they say it happened then it did happen has been shown to be false. Or a better way to say it is that its been shown once again to be complete bullshit.

The boy was charged with endangering the welfare because after her friend took her out of his car he didn't wait around to see if she got her in the house which she didn't, even though her friend said she didn't need his help. Instead she dumped her "Friend" on the walk and took off, leaving her out in the cold to be found later by her family. Somehow this was the boy's fault too.

Sadly after destroying this boy and his family's reputation with the long strident attacks which were sustained for weeks and weeks by the news media. After destroying or at the very least seriously calling into question the reputations of law enforcement and the district attorney's office the news media didn't spend any time whatsoever on exonerating those which they had maligned. 

Even if they had not apologized they could have at least played up the fact that this boy, this prosecutor and this sheriff were innocent of all and they had made an egregious mistake in jumping to such erroneous conclusions and then broadcasting them over and over again. 

They could have at least made it front page news and main headlines in their news for a couple of days.

They didn't, and after destroying peoples' lives, they couldn't even attempt to undo a tiny bit of their damage. 

For those who attacked me so vociferously and called me every appalling name in the book, this is why I suggested caution instead of jumping on the lynching bandwagon, innocent peoples' lives were either destroyed or seriously damaged all because you had to rush to judgment.

All you had to do was wait to hear some actual facts.

Do I think either the news media or people in general will learn anything from this?


No, I do not.                            

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