So, as the new year approached I steadily looked at the upcoming light bulb ban with great distaste.
I mean who in their right minds except the liberal environmentalist whack jobs wants to spend fifteen dollars for a light bulb that you could buy until Jan 1st for twenty-five cents? I have been buying four for a dollar for a very long time.
Certainly not me.
On top of that I don't like the new LED or fluorescent lights. The light isn't right to me and to give you an example the LED lighting produces something with a blue hue to it. Decidedly not what I want to read with or really do anything with.
Fluorescents meanwhile are something that bothers my eyes and always has. So you you have a choice between lights that don't look right and aren't nearly as effective and/or lights that bother your eyes not to mention you pay a huge amount instead of getting them cheaply as you do now.
On top of that reading about them says they have high levels of mercury and require extraordinary efforts in disposing of them not that I'd bother doing any of that crap. Fluorescents meanwhile, unless they've changed, have this habit of exploding on you. Not pleasant at all.
So as the new year approached I did what any self-respecting person with an ounce of brains would do. I bought hundreds of the bloody things so the environmentalists could have their friggin ban and I wouldn't be affected for quite some time.
Now don't get me wrong I know other ways to get around the ban but all at increased cost over what I have been paying. Increased cost is bad.
So I stocked up on light bulbs, a lot of light bulbs.
So guess what happens next?
After seven years of doing basically nothing about this assault on our freedoms in the name of the nanny state, the idiots in Washington finally, after the ban goes into effect, pass the budget deal which includes getting rid of it.
Now in checking the net for stories about it I had the misfortune to run across several rants by environmentalists about how horrible it is. The thing that got me about these rants is that they were saying things more applicable to the former Soviet Union than America.
Things like it didn't matter what people wanted, it didn't matter what the market wanted, that people wouldn't choose the crap light bulbs and needed to be forced to use them. Other things were said like people shouldn't have the choice regarding them, that the environment was much more important than a person's rights.
There was also the usual sky is falling nonsense being spouted and used as a justification to force what's best onto people, supposedly. And of course there were buzz words being bandied about like "Culture Change" which in the context being used was a call for forcing people into such a thing. Of course we're much too stupid to be allowed to decide things, this or anything else, for ourselves.
The latter was often the excuse used for forcing people to do what these nuts "Think" should be done and reading these articles, especially the comment section following, was actually a bit scary to realize all these people thought much the same and even worse.
The nasty hate filled comments surprised me in their scope and depth as well as their vitriolic harangue of anyone who didn't fall into line, their line.
Then again what was laughable was the extent they went to in an attempt to portray peoples' dislike and displeasure over the light bulb ban as non-existent. In the course of their name calling of the Right, tea party, Republicans and any anti-ban person, they continuously went out of their way to say no one was really opposed to the ban except a few weirdos. On top of that they went further to try and say most people weren't bothered by the ban. Then, of course, was when they started in on why the "People" had to be forced into buying these light bulbs they don't want.
Sometimes I found myself asking why on earth are they going on about everyone liking the ban then spending most of their article calling for forcing all these same people into buying the new crap. I mean if everyone likes the new crap and wants it why does anyone need to be forced into buying it?
I know stupid question.......still.
While the articles intimated it the comment sections outright called anyone not agreeing with this social engineering crap, stupid, lacking in intelligence, right wing, neanderthal, and more of the like. Not to mention of course anti-environment, anti-world, anti-nature, anti-progress, and even more.
But in the end what matters is no one wants the new crap bulbs expect the light bulb industry. One key facet of the articles which I mentioned above is that all said no one is buying the new light bulbs because no one likes them or their cost which leads into their call for forcing them to buy said bulbs. The market clearly showed the peoples' preference and it wasn't what the environmentalists wanted, it never is.
So in continuing my luck in life, after I bought all these normal light bulbs the government finally got off their arse and fixed the problem so normal light bulbs can continue without restriction.
Ah, so much fun but then again in researching the net for this post I found a site with several hundred bulbs in bulk sold for a very good price.
At least I'll have that if I should need it in the future.
What I don't intend to ever do though is actually buy these new pieces of crap much less use them.
While I was quite happy to see something finally done, I also don't hold out much hope that sooner or later some liberal won't come along and screw us once again.
So I will keep stocking up and suggest you do the same, unless you like the crap of course.
Long live the venerable light bulb! :)
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