Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Couple Things On Today's News

Kind of quiet today really compared with annoying things over the last week. 

There are a couple of minor things though that I'll have a word about since I've been tied up on the big ones lately.

First the immigration thing. Everyone including the Republicans, who are supposed to be fighting this, are jumping on board the amnesty bandwagon. 

This is appalling not to mention frightening for the future of our country. Adding twelve or thirteen odd million people into our country legally will be even worse than it already is to have them here illegally.

As it stands now the illegals overburden our system and its resources to a tremendous extent as it is. Imagine how much worse its going to be if they all get legalized. 

Schools are overcrowded by them, they are forced to instruct them in a language other than English in the name of bilingual education. The amount of crime and disruptive as well as other undesirable behavior that comes with them is staggering. Illness follows them as they often come with third world illnesses into a first world county. Many are not vaccinated which further threatens the rest of us and our children.

The insistence by and capitulation to providing cultural, educational, and national instruction in other than American ideas, values and culture is beyond belief. The strife this often causes breaks over into the national spotlight on occasion such as the recent California cases where the Mexican national flag was not only encouraged to be flown on an American school but the school administration placed preference on said flag over the American one. In addition said administration attacked and penalized American students who wanted to or did display the American flag or protested the elevation of the Mexican one over ours.

Our health care system in some states is literally overwhelmed with illegals seeking free medical care for everything and those American citizens in those areas are the ones who suffer for allowing it.

This isn't new either sadly but something that has been going on for many, many years yet the politicians often not only encourage it but decry any attempt to combat illegals. 

Our police and legal system is overburdened by illegals as well and all these things represent vast amounts of money and resources being wasted to accommodate people who aren't even supposed to be here.

The scary part is that the political party who has always tried to stand in the way of these people invading our country is now stepping aside and holding up a welcome sign.

Arizona a couple of years back had the right idea and it worked. 

They essentially made life so inhospitable for the illegals to live in Arizona that there occurred a mass exodus from the state. This exodus was so massive that it resulted in California suing Arizona or the massive numbers of illegals who flocked to California, long known as illegal friendly. 

They asked for it but sure didn't like it when they all started coming. The point is that huge numbers of illegals RAN from the state of Arizona when what were clearly effective measures were put in place. 

That is what we need on a nationwide basis not giving in and inviting the hordes of invaders in with open arms. This is an invasion pure and simple and we are allowing our country to be overrun by it. Not only that but legalizing the invasion is beyond comprehension. It's not right and shouldn't be allowed.

You fight and you turn back invaders to your land, you don't make them legal for doing it.

Implementing the concepts originated by Arizona to make life unbearable if you're here illegally on a nationwide basis would very likely have the same results it did on the statewide level. It would force the illegals to run and since the laws would cover all of the United States and not just one state there would be nowhere within the US for the illegals to hide. They would have to leave. They would have to go back to Mexico or whatever third world cesspool originated them rather than remaining to destroy our country.

Its been proven to work so the question is why our lawmakers are not following that path rather than appeasement and legalization. That is no more than a reward to the invaders for invading our land and rather successfully taking over large swaths of it.

Stand up and fight is what we need, not roll over and cave.

Another thing in today's news is Harvey Weinstein who apparently has said he's going to make a movie that will make the NRA wish they were never alive.

I just laughed and still am every time I read about it and am now as I write this. 

Let me explain what ole Harvey means here. 

He is going to make a movie which is filled with a slanted viewpoint. One full of lies, twisted truths, misrepresentations, liberal bullshit and other tripe of the same nature and call it an enlightening exhibition of the truth behind the most egregious organization in existence. 

What you won't see is any semblance of reality or honest truth in it. You won't see the liberal leftist politicians constantly saying they want to ban all guns, confiscate all guns, register all guns so they know who has them when or if they need to take them for whatever idiotic reason they might come up with. 

What you won't see is that the NRA and so many guns owners fight encroachment onto our second amendment rights not because we're some bunch of loons as the left likes to make out but because we've seen for twenty, thirty, forty years the left stating unequivocally that their sole goal is to take away our guns. Their sole goal is to remove guns from America. They idolize England and other countries where those rights have been taken away. 

So yes, it comes down to any attempts by the left to do just about anything to guns elicits a very strong and very well deserved response with plenty of justification. against it. Since the left have made it abundantly clear that they wish to take away our rights totally if they could have their way then anytime one hears a leftist spouting reassurances about if we'd only do this it won't infringe your rights, you'll forgive us if we're beyond skeptical about it.

So don't expect too much correct out of the tripe which this film will be. Hopefully no one will waste money on it either and it'll be another leftist propaganda bomb as most of theirs are.

Which brings me to the last thing for today.

LZ Granderson and an article on CNN.

First let me say that Mr. Granderson is a liberal in most of what he believes from what I see of his writing. With that said I would also like to point out that at times he almost appears conservative as well. I went to CNN to find the proper spelling of his name when it took me to a list of his articles which I have read a number of. 

I ended up completely reading and/or rereading most of the ones in the list.

It struck me in the end Mr. Granderson is, most of all, a human being. While I didn't agree with a fair amount of what he wrote, his opinions are real and make you pause for thought and contemplation which is what someone who writes such hopes to have happen. That is whether or not someone reading it agrees with them or not.

As an example he wrote a piece about his son during the Martin mess and it also included a link to a piece about a thirteen year old boy named Drew Olglesby and his best friend and mother.

I didn't agree with a lot of what Mr. Granderson wrote but both articles from him really touched me and made me stop and think for a bit. They didn't change my mind about some things but it did make me think more about them and my thoughts about them. The reality of what he wrote made me sad for those children, his and Drew as well as the parents of them, and made me wonder how we can change that in a meaningful way for those children.  In the end it made me realize that maybe my opinions on the things weren't as strident as they were before, on this or that, than after I read those articles. 

Some things he wrote in those and other articles I found myself agreeing with or being stopped and made to think about it. I find as I write this I still am thinking about what I read.

I don't know about Mr. Granderson but when I write I hope that what I write might have the same effect on someone who reads it as he does with me.

I was going to make some snide comments about his latest article but really, after reading those pieces by him, I don't feel like doing that. 

What I will say is this.

He said the movie 12 years a slave is a bomb at the box office because people were afraid of the issue shown in the movie and by inference because of racism. I don't know really. I haven't see the movie and don't even know if its any good. I do have issue with the idea that the R word etc gets brought up automatically as a reason a movie fails. Essentially saying white people don't want to know about that part of their history which automatically supposes race plays a part. Maybe the movie sucks? I don't know but I'd really look for other reasons why its a box office disaster first before trotting out that. 

You may find that it, like other leftist films which come out and bomb, isn't really any good even if liberals like to find any other reason besides that fact to explain their failure. 

I haven't seen the movie because I have no interest in seeing it. I also don't have an interest in seeing "Bad Grandpa" or a host of other movies out. It doesn't have anything to do with race its just I don't have any interest in it or them. 

I do believe that if a movie is good or great it will do well and if its not.....

Message isn't really the point, whether its a good one or a bad one yet that seems to be what is most concerning here. People aren't getting the message which is trying to be sent. 

Then again, maybe I'm wrong here, we'll see.

In the last couple of days and last night in particular I wrote lamenting the culture and thought process that is so endemic within a large segment of the black and Mexican community. I said someone needed to stand up from that community and say its wrong.

Tonight reading his columns I found one which did exactly that. It also reminded me that while that way of thinking is endemic to a large segment of the black and Mexican populations its also present in too many of the white population as well.

That is something that is too easily overlooked when you begin focusing on only certain aspects of a problem. In this case mine was focused on blacks and Mexicans to the exclusion of all else. 

Reading that article made me realize that it does encompass others outside that community and that note should also be made of that too. 

I failed to do so. While I think its is a bigger problem still within those two communities, neither, I realize, have the monopoly.

I would strongly suggest reading Mr. Granderson's article on the subject as well as his other columns just because they're damn good ones, liberal or not.

Bad kids or Bad Parents? 


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