An additional comment to yesterday's post about the police and the case in SoCal.
I find the comments fascinating to say the least.
The latest in this case, although not others, being that you don't have to follow commands or orders from a law enforcement officer.
This attitude has been evidenced in prior conversations to my complete surprise and I have to wonder where these people get such notions.
This is especially true when over and over again these use of force incidents show up in the news where the problem is the people did not comply and do exactly that which they needed to do and force got used upon them.
At some point you would think people would get the idea. Don't do what you're told and you get in trouble.
I mean I know this is a stupid question but don't parents teach their children to do what they are told to do anymore???
I sure as hell was. If I didn't there were painful consequences to not doing so.
Yet over and over again its like watching a recalcitrant child yelling no and thinking they can do that. Acting surprised and shocked when they get their butt's tanned over not doing so.
Why can't people grasp this? I mean my kids basically had it down pat by the time they were four years old or so. You don't listen and do what you're told you get into trouble, period.
Sure they needed reminders now and again, never so much as when they hit the terrible teens, but overall they got the message.
I do notice that like mouthy and whiny teens these people give the usual "We don't have to do nothing if we don't want to." and "Who are they to tell me what to do" type blather so well known to parents everywhere.
But the problem is these people are supposedly adults not teens or children.
They should bloody well know better yet they seem not to. I watch repeatedly in these cases where people get up with the same inane crap spewing from their mouth as you would expect from a child or teenager not an adult.
And while I've seen it before I got hit with the most ridiculous statement by one poster in his reply to me.
A cop telling you what to do and any law requiring you to obey a command or order from a peace officer is unconstitutional.
Seriously? Unconstitutional?
And this people is in a nutshell why you have in many cases a use of force to effect compliance.
This attitude of they don't have to do what they're told.
Please get this through your heads.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says you get to stick your finger up to an authorized authority giving you an order or command. Nothing! You have redress but at the time you better obey or else suffer the consequences and when you do please don't get up all whiny and cry about it.
So other than having things like cowards and bullies being thrown around to describe police officers trying to get someone to comply and stop fighting which again is extremely ridiculous the only other one of note was some guy comparing the police to the torture and such of detainees in Iran by their government.
Then he had the audacity to inform me Russia media was closely following this story.
Really? Like I give a damn what Russia has to say about anything.
These people actually exist out there and that is what is most frightening to me. More and more their bizarre views are being considered normal and common sense is being considered abnormal.
That more than anything disturbs me like nothing else. Their whining and crying about their actions or those of another which caused something to happen are being taken as truth and right rather than being outright laughed at.
I've asked before where are we headed and exactly what have we become where basic right and wrong are constantly questioned by people who seem to have lost the concept.
Where its about the people in the wrong being victims rather than the police they fight or other actual victims.
With the lack of comprehension of basic right and wrong along with the lack of taking responsibility for one's actions I wonder where we've gotten to and where we're going to.
Nowhere good for either, I fear.
Today I got another shock while watching the news.
Some man who busted into his ex-wife's home and killed her was finally arrested after a day long search for him. Interviewing his brother I watched as the brother said something to the effect of 'They're going to put him in a cage for the rest of his life and only animals should be in a cage. He ain't no animal.'
I mean this brother looked to be in his thirties if not forties and he believes something like that?
Its not inhumane to put a murdered in jail because it treats them like animals?
Well my solution is to just take em out back and shoot em but that doesn't seem to be a very popular opinion.
Then again if you're a killer are you really more than a wild animal anyway?
Oh and to add to my comments about race, guess what race they were?
And people wonder why racism exists. Not overly concerned that an innocent woman got cold bloodily murdered just that the guy who did it is going to jail for the rest of his life hopefully.
That isn't right according to the brother.
Well that's it for this one.
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