Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Omaha Police and Thuggery Video. Real Life Exposed and guess who doesn't like it?

I haven't said anything yet but this issue is one which is one of the ones I mentioned in the police post which made me start this up again.

While many make this out to be something new its not really. I can remember back in the 80s and 90s the same basic thing.

So lets start with the Omaha Police Assoc. who released this video in the first place. 

Now a couple of things here, everything the OPA said is accurate and spot on about the blacks and that applies to other minorities as well as good ole white trash too. 

You seem to see it a lot more with blacks and to a lesser extent other minorities though and this can't be argued or dismissed.

Does the video accurately reflect black culture and the way they raise their children in too many cases? 

The answer sadly is yes. 

This is what a large percentage of black people are like and it is muti-generational as shown in the following days after release of the video.

The grandmother is a felon, the family are gang members and druggies and the kid has already been shot in a drive-by gang shooting aimed at others of his family.

This is not something new to the boy its something that is his heritage and that of his mother and her mother etc. on back for many years. Its his entire family.

This is the same as it is in south central LA or Cabrini Greens in Chicago. Pick your place and you will see it.

The kid was removed from the home along with three other children in the days following the release of the video. Not only that but you came to find out that the family are long time CPS customers. The mother and baby had been moved and resettled to try to keep them away from the gang life in the past and apparently are going to be again. 

The problem is a paraphrase of the old saw about you can take the baby and family out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the baby and his family. In this case add gang to that.

The video as most of America already knows shows some trash calling this baby names, challenging it to fight, calling it a "Pussy", getting it to repeat things back to them. (Bad words and bad things)

Those bad things included such wonderful phrases like "Say suck my d***" and others. They also included getting the baby to say what gang they were a part of. As apparently the family were members of a particular gang.

What I find very disturbing in it, amongst other things, was this kid without prompting saying a whole bunch of swear words all on his own and also on his own sticking his middle finger up and a well practiced and quite comfortable use of it too. It wasn't the first time by a long shot.

Now according to CNN the boy used vulgar language 35 times in the amount of time which the video encompasses and from what I could tell that did not include the egged on words. I might be wrong about that but either way it wasn't a pretty picture of this child's life.

In a subsequent interview the mother in another example of the problem denies her baby ever says bad words like were in the video. Further she rails against either the brother or brother's friend, I'm not sure which because it keeps changing, for taking the video and posting the video. That was the big thing, not her son being talked to that way or the fact he said all those things but that this person took a video of it and posted it. Her comment was we wouldn't be having any problems if the video hadn't been taken and posted. Further she said all their problems were because the video had been taken and put up.

There is where she sees the blame. In getting caught, not in a child having to live that way. Not in the things said to the child and certainly not in all the things the child said but in the video being posted online and getting caught because of said video.

That's sad, it really and truly is. Its also a perfect example of the culture which has come to exist today and especially true for blacks.

So the OPA says they released the video to show the people of Omaha what their officers have to deal with in terms of a culture of violence, thuggery and criminality inherent in the black population of Omaha on a daily basis. They want the public to truly see what they deal with all the time.

Then they go on to say its not racist and has nothing to do with race.

Okay lets start with number one. That is wholly accurate. This is real life. This is what cops, social workers, paramedics, teachers and others deal with each and every day. Its heartbreaking to witness and know that no one will do anything about it or speak up and say this is unacceptable. To know no one will do anything to stop it.

What is worse is to know that its not because it doesn't need to be stopped or doesn't need to be spoken up about but because people are too afraid of being called racist if they say or do anything to end it or the cycle of which its a symptom.

That is just a sad fact as will be illustrated in the next little bit.

Now number two assertion from the OPA is complete BS.

It definitely is racist and its meant to show whites just what crap the cops have to deal with from the blacks every day. 

For the OPA to take the stance it has nothing to do with race is extremely dishonest on multiple levels for multiple reasons. 

Whether the reasoning behind releasing it was because the cops are racists or because they're just tired of being called racists I don't know. I would say probably the latter but I don't know for sure.

What I do know from reading is that the blacks don't like the police there anymore than they do most everywhere else. They have been whining and complaining about them and apparently got the ACLU in there to file lawsuits for "Discrimination" against the police. God knows what else but I wouldn't be surprised if it also included complaints of excessive force. That is a common tactic and practice by blacks against the police.

So yeah, the black aspect certainly played a part in releasing the video but that doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that the validity of the video is compromised in any way because its not.

The video as I said represents reality for far too many black and minority children in this country. This is the cesspool they are being raised in and what is so sad is that the parents and families often as is the case here from everything I've seen think its alright and just fine and dandy.

Its not.

Now as I also said I've seen this before, its not new. Back in the 80s and 90s I saw it in LA. Blacks and Mexicans gang members would raise their children the same way. I was horrified the first time I saw a two month old child with a gang tattoo at the end of his eye. 

You saw it on small children and babies and these parents were proud of it, bragged about it and certainly had no intention of changing it.

I watched them talk about these children and babies as the next generation of bangers to be raised by them in the gang from birth. They were giddy to have babies and children to do this too. Yet then as now no one spoke up about this atrocity being perpetrated upon small innocent and vulnerable children.

No one said or did anything and it was a human interest type piece on the news not a condemnation of what was taking place. 

Those children were thrown away for all intents and purposes to a life of shit because nobody would. 

All these years later this video surfaces showing the same thing basically and what is absolutely astounding is the reaction to it.

At least one black community leader, CNN commentators, the ACLU and the police chief of Omaha denonced the release of the video and said it would upset blacks in that city. They also of course brought out the R word and the community leader even went so far as to tear into the OPA for condemning the child to a life of crime, criminality and thuggery before he's out of diapers. 

Yet isn't that exactly what the family and 16 year old mother of this baby is already doing and will continue to do since she doesn't apparently see anything wrong with that life?

Isn't that what it will mean to every black child in this country who is being raised with those values and that ideology? 

Living that kind of life holds nothing but a bad outcome for that baby and all those other children unless a child can take the extraordinary step of denying everything they've been raised to think and believe and everything their families' think and believe to break with that life and go beyond it.

What are the realistic chances of that happening? I know it does but how many ever do that vs how many are left in that same type of environment to become copies of their parent, grandparents, uncles and aunts etc.? To be thugs, criminals, druggies, violent, single parent or absentee father, or a whole host of other undesirable things which exist within that culture.

The ACLU says its racist and in response to a lawsuit they filed on behalf of blacks the day before. Maybe so but its still accurate and its still an in your face example of what the cops have to deal with daily. It doesn't negate that no matter how much the blacks and ACLU hate it. It represents a very serious problem endemic to the black community there and elsewhere. 

Sure maybe the OPA said enough is enough, take a look at real life since you're accusing us of being the bad guys, take a look at the real bad guys all over this city. Is that something so bad to have done?

I'd get tired of being accused of stuff all the time too when its usually not true and if I had such a clear cut example of the trash I had to deal with I'd put it out there so people could see what I deal with and understand exactly who is complaining about me doing my job. (NOT LE BTW)

Then we have yet another police chief who apparently lacks a set who quickly distanced himself and the department from all the department's police officers. He basically said something to the effect that the video will upset the blacks who are already upset about pretty much everything already. Surprise there in that, the blacks in Omaha don't like the police anymore than the ones in LA do. He denounced the video and made it clear he doesn't agree with what was said about it or its content. God forbid the truth of things shines through the bullshit.

I guess its more of that whole "They shouldn't be telling me what to do" crap. (Cleaned up into English)

I already addressed the black community leader who is more incensed that black culture was thus exposed and the reality of what was shown which he didn't want shown than any concern for the reality of that child's life or any other children living in similar shitholes. 

The ACLU of course is the ACLU and doesn't give a damn about anything like common decency or children's lives as long as their constituency isn't upset since showing the blacks in their element definitely has a negative impact on their anti-police narrative. 

In the end through all the bull surrounding this whole case the child here will lose, as sadly is usually the case. 

They won't take him away from that kind of life and put him in a decent home, they'll just gloss it over, maybe provide "Counseling" to the teen mom and forget all about it unless more abuse comes up. 

I'm certainly not a proponent of social services and have a lot of problems with them but something needs to be done. 

If one could know these children would get into good decent homes and out of this kind of life then I would applaud the idea of taking these kids out of these homes and putting them into decent ones.

Sadly we don't have enough foster homes of any kind much less good ones for the kids already in the system and that holds more true for black children who nobody seems to want. 

While these kids need to be out of that environment as quickly as possible which means taking them away from the trash called parents and other family members of like persuasion I don't know what could be done with them when looking at the reality of it.

At this point I'm almost at the point of saying anything would be better than what they've got but then again knowing about group homes and such I just can't say it yet.

Maybe large scale orphanage type places need to be brought back and made use of. 

I don't know. 

What I do know is that that young boy is facing a life that no child should be subjected to but first people have to start letting the black community know that the life in question is not a good one and that it is not an acceptable one for children to be subjected to.

Someone needs to say its wrong and then maybe solutions to rescue these children from a vicious cycle can be found.

Someone needs to get these children away from these kind of people.

It would be real nice to finally see one of these "Community leaders" from the black community stand up and be that someone instead of bitching about their lives being exposed. I don't hold out any hope though that one will stand up for what's right but who knows, maybe someday.

Its been over twenty years since I first saw children exposed to this type of life and nothing has been done so I am left with only one question. 

When will it happen and how many children must be thrown away like this boy before it does?



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