Well I guess you can only type a certain amount before it cuts you off and I was rambling on a bit there. :)
Anyway this is to finish up that last post.
First of all there is a small portion of my previous post which will not post in this color for nothing. Black or the blue you see in the post. It didn't show before I posted it and I've went back to update about eight times now and change the color of the text to this one and clicking update does nothing. So for that small portion you're stuck with blue. Sorry.
So getting back to finishing my post.
Its about like this, not having one is fine until you need it, then you're screwed.
Carrying it costs you nothing and at worst it never comes out of its holster while at best it saves a life or lives maybe even your own.
So no I'm not in favor of restrictions, afterall its not the gun its what you do with it and for all those who say get rid of hi-cap mags and "Assault Rifles" and the gun violence and mass shootings will stop.
Well keep living in a fantasy world as long as you leave the real one alone in terms of restricting my rights to protect myself by restrictive and ridiculous gun laws.
You see nothing has changed in my lifetime, and I'm 50 years old, in terms of the fact that the bad guys don't go to gun stores and go through background checks or anything else to get their weapons.
They never will either. Us on the other hand do go down and submit to background checks and the like in order to purchase a gun.
I just have never understood and still don't understand how these fools can think much less say with a straight face that the solution is to take away firearms from those of us who have went through background checks and everything and that by doing this we'll stop the shootings in Chicago or elsewhere, and the mass shootings across the nation.
News flash for you, you won't. Its been said for umpteen years that it won't and anybody that has a lick of common sense can see restricting mags or firearms won't do a damn thing except make it easier for the criminal.
Because all you nut job anti-gun whackos, they don't play by any rules you may dream up. They will still get their firearms and the ones they want at that and your rules and laws be damned. They don't care about them or anything else.
They only ones these stupid laws harm is the non-criminal law abiding civilian out there who wishes to purchase effective self defense weapons.
It kind of makes you wonder if some of these conspiracy theory nuts might have a point when they say disarming the citizenry is the ultimate goal of the anti-gun nuts.
After all the laws do nothing for their supposed existence except take them away from us.
What is scary is that the polls are putting a new question to people in their polls and that is something along the lines of 'Do you think all guns should be banned' and even scarier they are getting increasing numbers saying yes.
I've seen %s ranging from 13% to 26%.
People have really become the sheeple that what were once considered nut jobs prophesied.
Sad and extremely frightening.
All I can say is that next payday, I join the NRA for the first time in my life simply because of what is at stake and the things said about it and its president on CNN.
As the saying goes, they can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead fingers.
Stand up, join the NRA to fight this and everyone start fighting by writing actual long had letters to your supposed representatives.
Okay well my short finish of my last post has turned into a long one instead but please do everything you can to fight these anti-gun nuts and preserve our rights. Most importantly fight to preserve the right to defend yourself and your family from harm by others who don't give a damn about bans or anything else.
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