Well I'm not sure where to begin here since I decided to take a few days off for Christmas.
Let's see here, I guess we'll start with Mr. Donaldson as in ABC's Sam Donaldson.
Apparently he made some comments the other day that one, he hated the tea party and they've lost so we should get over it. Furthermore he states something along the lines of its not our country but his and people like him's country and we need to understand there is no country to take back because we're a part of their liberal etc country.
Well Mr. Donaldson let me say right off the bat that your full of it.
First of all we do need to take back our country from the liberals, the likes of you for instance. We are not part of 'Your' country but the United States of America which is not some communist, socialist, disaster as the liberals have done their best to make it. Its not what this country was founded upon and its not what this country is going to be allowed to become because of your twisted ideology.
Big thing here, the Tea Party didn't lose the election. The Tea Party got slammed down by the Republican Establishment and they put in place a moderate to liberal wishy-washy Ken doll.
Nobody liked him.
A lot voted for him because while he would be bad for the US, his impact would be the lesser of two evils.
A whole lot of people didn't even bother to vote because of their dislike for Romney.
So yes because of the non Tea party Republican Establishment forcing Romney upon us and making sure to do everything they could to keep real candidates from being in the race, we lost.
But Mr. Donaldson, you and your fellow liberals must learn to understand that the Tea Party or some other conservative group WILL eventually be able to stand up and win against that Establishment.
Crap like what Boehner did to Tea Party congressmen in order to try and keep them from power is only alienating people and when the dust settles the Tea Party will still be there.
And one day we will take back our country and The Tea Party in some form will win because we'll run on a true conservative platform and tell the Republican Establishment to piss off.
Give it time Mr. Donaldson, unfortunately for our country we've got four more years for Obama and the liberals run down the path of destroying our country even more but eventually it will be over.
Eventually it will be over Sir and then look out.
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