Saturday, December 29, 2012

Guns and the liberals trying to take them

Apparently Diane Fienstein has stated that on their first day back that the Democratically controlled Senate is going to go after handguns.

Also apparently in this she has plans to make everyone register any and all firearms which a person may possess. 

What a shame that her sort would insist on drastically attacking our second amendment rights like this although certainly not surprising as I've seen it time and time again. 

Well Mrs. Fienstein why don't you and your colleagues in the Senate who want to do this come on down and try taking away our firearms. 

Let's see if you have the balls to actually try it instead of sending out your government gestapo to take them.

I bet the lot of you are too cowardly to do it because at best you'd get laughed off the front porch of whoever's house you may come to and that's at best. 

I think we all know what the worst is for your kind. 

I really don't think your 300 plus million weapons' owners are going to put up with your schemes and I don't think you'll get anywhere. At least it's my hope that people stand up and take a stand against this clear and damning attack on them and the 2nd. 

As I've said before you are welcome to come on down and try but I won't give a damn thing to you except maybe some ammo and I'll never register a damn thing either

So people you have a choice, take it up the ass some more by these liberal, communist, socialist dems or stand up and be willing to fight for what may be the most important of all fights to come. 

A citizenry without weapons is a citizenry set for enslavement to their government with no recourse at all to stop their tyranny. 

Think about that please. 

Fight this, don't give a damn thing up and don't register anything. 

Stand up and take a stand please.             

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