Monday, December 17, 2012

Banning crazy people not guns

Kind of chilly here today and haven't been feeling well. I guess the rain coming down again tonight along with last night might have something to do with it. 

It certainly plays hell with the arthritis, that's for sure. 

I see the gun debate rages on yet I still can't bring myself to weigh in on the whole thing. Especially after seeing all those faces CNN put up of the children who died Friday.

My heart just isn't into it to tell the truth. 

I haven't carried in a number of years now but I suppose, especially after Diane Fienstein made the comments she did that I'll have to go out and buy one or two now. 

Damned if I'll be reduced to 10 round mags and only certain firearms at that. 

Oh well its the same as usual with these horrible incidents, anti-gun nuts come out of the woodwork followed by the pro-gun ones right after.

I'm just afraid because of the horror beyond horror that was this shooting that the anti-gun ones might win this time around.

Oh well, once before I spent thousands buying a bunch of guns and nothing happened. This time I think I'll just limit it to one or two and plenty of hi-cap mags for them. 

The funny side of this if you can call anything about this funny is that Conn. is a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country yet even with them..........well you know what happened. 

Sadly no matter what may be put into effect law wise, if someone really wants to do something then they'll get what they need to do it somewhere. Look at the Chinese guy on Friday who attacked something like twenty five kids with a machete. 

The crazies will always be out there and now that it seems like we're not allowed to lock them up anymore, they're going to stay out there. 

So what can be done or should be done? That as usual is the big question all the way round. 

With mainstreaming having come into such fashion a number of years back we're putting these kids into classrooms with comparatively normal children exposing the normal kids to often bizarre and violent behavior all in the name of not "Stigmatizing" these decidedly abnormal children who shouldn't be there in a normal classroom at all in the first place.

They, because of not being put in an institution eventually grow up and guess what, they're still crazy and still shouldn't be allowed to roam the streets with normal people about. 

But they are and they do. Eventually some of them will do something like what happened Friday. If he had not been "Mainstreamed" as a child and allowed on the street when he left regular school then Friday might never have happened. 

Now I'll grant you that most of the crazies don't do things that are this appalling or on such a grand scale. Most assault, rape or kill if they are violent in nature and its usually a one or two people type of thing. 

But maybe its time to remove a lot of the "Rights" that have been granted to these people over the last twenty years and start back with locking them up and exerting strict control over them twenty four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year. 

Mainly because every time something like this happens whether its two or three people shot or ten to fifteen and now twenty-eight the thing I always hear afterwards is something along the lines of "He had problems" or "He was strange" with sometimes something along the lines of "He scared me." Sometimes all three and more along those lines. Usually these are mental problems often with a history of violence or bizarre behavior involved. 

I won't go into details but I owned a business a few years back and was contacted by the school district to see if I could transport students who had been banned from the bus because apparently God forbid anybody tell the parents that they get off their fat asses and take their own kid to school. No the school had to find "Alternative transportation."

Anyway they weren't allowed to discuss anything about the child involved like why he wasn't allowed on the bus or any of his history. Even though it could impact the safety of whoever might be transporting this kid to and from school.

In this one case they broke the rule to warn me that this kid was seriously disturbed. He's stabbed students and staff before with whatever was available, a pencil being a favorite, thrown desks and chairs around along with books including at people too.

He had assaulted teachers and staff as well as other kids repeatedly and frequently thrown major tantrums

He had to be escorted by a police officer into and out of school and between classes as I was given to understand. The first two definitely took plaee as I was greeted each morning by a cop and a cop brought him out and put him in my vehicle each afternoon.

What got him banned was putting a petite female bus driver in the hospital for a couple of weeks after viciously assaulting her.

The boy was eight years old

They broke those rules in order to make me aware that I or one of my personnel could be in serious danger from this kid. 

I made it a habit to try and personally pick him up and drop him off each day. I set the ground rules which he tried to break the first day.

I didn't let him get away with it and after a few days of giving me crap I told him point blank his behavior would not be tolerated by me and if he wanted to find out keep it up and I would beat his ass raw, then take him home. He of course blustered this and that about how I couldn't do that but I stared at him coldly and told him "I don't care!" That got through to him.

He behaved after that for the next year although his thinking processes and beliefs (which came from parent/s) were extremely bizarre to say the least

I wasn't sorry when the parents finally complained that I wasn't kissing their and his ass enough to suit them and I lost that rider. 

He also went to the children's youth church mine did and caused nothing but problems there as well, including assault and other issues. He even pulled my daughter's hair one night on the church bus but she turned around and gave him something that he was still crying about when they dropped him off. He also got banned from that bus too. 

This kid must be about sixteen or so by now and I can't help but wonder what he's like today. I had him from eight to almost ten years old and I can't imagine that he didn't continue the course he had stayed on for the time I had him which was downhill. 

The school had also told me they couldn't expell him because of the "Mainstreaming" laws. This was even though he was a proven violent crazy and a clear and present danger to others at virtually all times

I wonder what he's like now and how many more people he's hurt in the intervening years. I also wonder how many more he will hurt in the coming years as well.  

Because this man child will be an adult soon and he's a perfect example of someone I could see quite easily doing something horrendous somewhere. 

All because he wasn't locked up in the first place and was allowed to be with normal children. How many of them I have to ask did he hurt during his "Mainstreamed" school years? 

How many have suffered needlessly because of him and more importantly how many will suffer in the years ahead? 

Maybe we'll all mostly be saved from anything large scale because he'll beat his girlfriend or wife to death, maybe his baby. Only this time he'll go to jail and hopefully won't be out for a very long time. 

Who can tell but out there as illustrated in an article on CNN today there is already one boy who could be the next Lanza, Kiebold, or name your mass murderer

It chills me to think what we as a society are allowing to walk among us because of political correctness. 

I say locking up these people from early on when they begin exhibiting such behavior would be a much better solution than banning guns, at least with one you can shoot them if you need to.




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