Saturday, December 29, 2012

Liberals and their stupidity know no bounds

Well somehow I subscribed to a discussion on Breibart that I have no idea how I did that. Guess that tells you how computer illiterate I am. Although usually there is something you must click to subscribe to anything and there wasn't to my knowledge at least

Anyway something else weird about this site is that you can only reply to certain comments but not a lot of others. That means most of what you really want to reply to, you can't.

Now on this particular thread there were two replies I really wanted to comment upon but couldn't so its going to be in here that I get to say my two cents.

First of all they were replying to a right wing nut job in extreme and I do mean nut job. I have no problem with people, liberals included tearing this freakazoid a new one. She was way way out there accusing the government of being behind the Conn. shootings amongst others. 

But these two responses annoyed the crap out of me. 

I am going to paste their full and complete response here so there is no accusation of anything.

 The problem with you folks on the right is you are all paranoid & generally under educated to the point you will believe almost any conspiracy theory out there...While at the same time refusing to accept scientific facts when it comes to basic 4th grade biology & climate change. SAD!!!
We need to treat firearms like we do automobiles...ALL must be registered & all sales must be recorded. No one is advocating taking anyone's gun away from them...If you think otherwise that is probably because like I said you will believe any conspiracy theory the NRA puts out there for the gullible to chew on.

Now the climate change thing is the first thing that pissed me off. What is sad is that people like you can't accept that there is no CC or GM. Over and over again its been coming out that your whole scheme is nothing but the scam us right wingers have been saying it is. The founding father and creator of the whole GM/CC issue came out earlier this year stating he was mistaken. That there was NO CC/GW and there has been no GW/CC at all. He still thinks its going to happen someday but clearly states it hasn't been and is NOT happening now. 

Figures released by your side clearly show and state that over the last 16 years there has been NO CC/GW at all taking place.

There have been numerous items over the past year showing there is  no GM/CC going on at all and that there never has been. 

The whole CC/GM thing isn't and never has been true. So while your average 4th grader is still being indoctrinated by the liberals and probably spout it off hook, line and sinker, it doesn't make it true. It is up to the parents to counter the crap the schools are teaching. 

So I'd say you and your ilk are the ones who are sad. 

As to education and conspiracy theories I'm sure you and your kind would like to believe that conservatives are back woods hicks from West Virginia or something who dropped out of school in the 2nd grade or something but sadly once again you are wrong. Many, many of us are educated, even college educated. So there goes that theory much like CC/GW.

As to conspiracy theories and paranoia the problem is when you have reason to be paranoid and run into the conspiracies headlong. 

As an example years ago when I used to actually debate these things I had a high up democratic party official who I became online friends with. He actually taught me to debate properly and source my claims with neutral facts rather than partisan sources etc.

One of the things which you on the left call a conspiracy theory is the UN treaty on the rights of the child that they and dems tried to force down the throats of the US. 

At that time I was in a debate when my friend said show me some actual facts rather than what someone else had said. So I ordered the actual document from a US Senator and read through the whole bloody thing. 

And you know what? There was the conspiracy everyone was going on about, there was the actual treaty.

I put quotes up from it in the debate and the response was always "Well....but they'd never actually do THAT. And my response was if they have no intention of doing it then why is it in the language of the treaty in specific terms. There was no an answer. 

I had much the same reaction in arguing Al Gore's Goals 2000 education program. There was the conspiracy that the so called right wing had been going on about and they couldn't refute other than to say the same thing. "Oh...but they wouldn't actually do THAT. 

So yeah there are conspiracies. Do you know how much Britain gets fined each year by the UN because children still get spanked by their parents for instance? Lets just say a lot, a whole hell of a lot. 

Now on to guns, I'm not listening to the NRA here I'm reading Diane Fienstein's website where she says on the first day back the Senate is going to go for people's handguns, for their mags and much more such as registration, something I will never do. 

I'm watching CNN and MSNBC amongst others and they are saying the same thing. I don't need to go to right wing outlets to see anything  when the majors are carrying the same thing only with a different slant on the issue. 

The bottom line is they're coming for our guns. Everyone is saying that openly and it is a conspiracy to take away our 2nd amendment rights and remove guns from the people so the government can be even more oppressive of the people all in the name of the liberal mantra of "We know what's best for you, you don't."

The other post was this one.

You must be one of those Wing-Nuts they keep talking about on television.  Who is trying to take your guns?  NO ONE!  Are an extremist?  I don't know what newspapers you read, or television you listen too, but what you spout could only come from FOX as no one else has had programs calling for people to turn in their guns.  Even Liberals believe you have the right to own firearms, we just don't think you need 30 or 100 round clips to go bird, duck, rabbit, squirrel, bear, deer, goose, moose, wild boar, or whatever.
You can probably guess quite easily why this one pissed me off. Her comments about no one is taking our guns or going to. That we must be hearing that from Fox or something because no one has called for anyone to turn in their guns etc. 

The thing is that she is right by subtly writing a sentence slightly changed to say no one is calling for people to turn in their guns. They're not, they're trying to take them away. As I said before I get my news from major outlets that ironically don't include Fox but the majors and CNN. When I can stomach it for a few minutes I even listen to those idiots on MSNBC. I usually can't stomach them so thankfully I don't watch them all that much. The get your guns things actually comes from Diane Fienstein who has a website where she states she wants to go after handguns, clips etc. and includes demands for registering firearms nationwide which I sure as hell won't do. 

As to the mags it depends on what type of gun you have. And yes Diane is going for hi-cap mags and its not the 100 round ones only but standard clips that come with full size semi-auto handguns

A favorite of mine is a Sig P226 with a standard magazine of 15 rounds. Other standard semi-autos come with 16, 17, 18 and 19 round mags. And yes Diane and her compadres are coming after those standard and I want to emphasize the word standard here in terms of clips. These are not extended round mags but standard ones and she wants to ban them. 

I keep 5 mags, one in the gun and four extra, all standard not extended for any guns I might own. The higher capacity mags are for guns that use them like an AR-15

Yet she wantt she wants to ban standard size magazines and ban a whole lot of handguns as well. 

Oh and I'm not talking about all those animals and hunting you went on and on about and. I'm talking about human beings that you may need to protect yourself from, that's the reason for high-cap mags, its just not usually said out loud. 

just s d ddd. oubvenunalnd 

nd es sss\\\nmnnkln      
So there are the answers I didn't get to post and some comments about the issue.         


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