Mr. Roland Martin wrote an interesting opinion piece on CNN today. I usually have a problem with Mr. Martin's way of thinking but on occasion I am also really struck by some of his pieces and in a good, thought provoking way. Today was one of the latter.
What I'm going to write is going to be called at least in part racist and you know what it probably is at least to some extent. The thing is it's also the truth however uncomfortable that might be. I'll get back to this at the end.
In a lot of ways he's right. Gun Conversation Mostly A Waste Of Time
Reading this made me realize that when I hear of another killing or a bunch of them in black neighborhoods in Chicago I generally just think, oh well another day in Shitcago. (I don't like the city at all)
If the media puts out that its a child who was killed I'll offer up a prayer for her and her family and then move on.
You just don't think about it all that much because it's an everyday thing in Chicago and frankly if a lot of people would admit it the attitude is "Oh more of these animals killed one another, that's a good thing" and you go on not really caring.
Yet when you see twenty beautiful white children gunned down like they were in Conn. it hits you deeply and hard. These are my kids or the neighbors' kids. And it scares you that it could happen, it scares you that it could be your little ones instead. And it scares you that there is nothing that can be done to prevent it from happening again tomorrow. Nothing!
Although putting well trained police or security officers with police training into the schools is a good idea. As is advanced training for at least some school personnel the idea has been soundly rejected because it came from the NRA. I don't like the idea of volunteers unless they come equipped with advanced training and are police certified to have taken that advanced training.
He's right the first reaction is pro and anti-gun people jumping up and down screaming and crying "We need to take their guns away" and "Oh they're coming after our guns, oh woe to us all"
Well that is definitely an issue and its been a very long running one and I doubt anything is going to change except how much any party gets done towards their goal at least until the next election comes up when it will get undone either for good or bad. The liberals have always wanted to take them away while the conservatives have always wants unlimited freedom. There needs to be some things done but the knee jerk reaction to take away our guns is not one of them.
So it comes and slams you when you realize you don't have this reaction towards large numbers of black children being killed as they are in Chicago. I'll grant you that most of the dead in Chicago are gang bangers but shouldn't our reaction to the children, the ones below 13 be the same as for those in Conn. Shouldn't it hit us just as hard to read about the five year old killed while sleeping because some gang banger sprayed the wrong house with bullets?
Yet it doesn't.
Oh I suppose you can try and make excuses like "Well its not all in one day like this was" or something else but I've heard of fourteen, fifteen, twenty killed over one weekend in Chicago. Maybe out of that there was only one or two kids and the rest were bangers but that's still one or two precious babies taken by animals, diseased and deranged animals or maybe worse than animals as animals don't piss and crap in their own bed like these do unless there is something seriously wrong with them, which I think there is.
So why don't so many care about those babies? Mr. Martin brought that up and he's right. Why don't we?
Its too simplistic to say its racism I think although I really don't have any answers to the question.
It should bother us just as much as Conn. did, it should but it doesn't.
His comments about education, poverty, income disparities, and anger which I'm assuming he's referring to the blacks about are issues that should be addressed but no one on the left will like any meaningful answers given to them unless its what they want.
We've been lowering standards in education for blacks at all levels for well over thirty years now and possibly longer than that. I can remember being in elementary, jr. high, and high school and being told that blacks were given points automatically on tests so they would have a better chance of passing. My naive childish question was why do they get points given to them when I don't and have to really study and work hard to pass the same test.
They answer that they didn't receive the same advantages that I had made no sense to me. They were in the same class, with the same teacher, with the same books and all yet they got points and I didn't?
We have changed curriculum because of calls that it was racist. That was the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Somehow "See John run" was racist against blacks as was using apples and oranges in math lessons and there was a whole host of other things as well.
In the end not only did education get dumbed down for all children so a social agenda could be advanced but that for black children was criminally dumbed down even worse. The answer often became lets make the other race children as dumb as the black ones rather than lets make these black children learn like the other ones.
So yes black children have got the shaft in education and its mostly because of liberals and black activists that this has happened. Anyone remember "Ebonics" or the efforts made to make the way many blacks spoke into an "Official" language. They said it made the black children feel bad about themselves when teachers corrected them for not speaking correctly. But hey they did the same to me and because of that I learned to speak correctly but not so for many black children.
Yes I'm aware that in black communities that children often have no familial support to help with their homework or even to make sure they do it buts that something endemic of the black community although its spreading into all races now.
So what it boils down to is we don't require or expect black children to perform to the level of their other race peers which in the end leaves them uneducated and unready for the world.
Look what happened a few years ago in Chicago for example when the new Superintendent of schools out there said if you can't pass then you're going to get flunked just like a white student does.
Jesse Jackson, Sharpton and other black spokespersons along with half of the blacks or more in the city showed up for massive protests and demonstrations over and over again calling it racist.
That was a perfect example of the problems of education of black children. There are many, many more.
Poverty is because of the way they live. They don't have a sufficient education to attain much in the way of decent jobs unless they get a union one so they are left to low pay jobs. The income disparities thing follows hand and hand with this. The high number of single parent families or no parent families among blacks is astronomical and they have no way of getting ahead except through welfare which thanks to the liberals they have become extremely adept at doing. It doesn't really help them either although they are real good at scamming the system. I was once on a bus that was mostly filled with black women going from Chicago to Milwaukee and during the ride they were talking back and forth about how they had welfare in multiple places like Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana and had to go there each month to get it.
Because of generations of being told they are an entitled race of people they have a great deal of hostility towards work or not living off welfare. Even more there is anger that because they don't have intact families and don't work they don't have what they see others having. Once again they feel they are entitled to the best of the best even though they don't warrant it and certainly don't deserve it.
This attitude has been spreading out to the point where its not just blacks anymore. Lots of white and Hispanic girls getting pregnant without a dad in the picture and think its okay, again, harking back to the education system's social agenda of removing the stigmatism of not having two parents. Well that agenda worked and worked extremely well with the black community and has spread out into other races sadly too.
Blacks need to be held to the same standards as all students in expectations and accomplishments. No special anything for them. Not to be mean but to bring them up to where everyone else is or should be at.
But first of all and most importantly we need to go back to an old fashioned education system as we used to have in this country before the social agenda being promulgated became the be all and do all of said education system. The social engineering has to go and basics need to be brought back.
As my other post noted a liberal was trying to explain the GW/CC scam and said any 4th grader knows the truth of it. The problem is that there is no CC/GW but that child has definitely been indoctrinated with the liberal socialist agenda to the point he believes because of his teachers that such a thing does in fact exist when it doesn't.
When my daughter attended K-2nd grade in Chicago she knew about environmentalism, recycling, and how bad smoking was and that I didn't love her because I smoked around her.
What she didn't know was how to write her own name. Got the social agenda down pat but there was very little old fashioned education going on.
The entire Chicago school district had picked up and used a discredited and disproved methodology of teaching children to read called "Sight Reading" in place of the tried and true phonics that had been and still is used successfully.
The reason, black children had problems with phonics or more problems than white children in learning by that method. They told me there was some evidence that blacks learned sight reading easier than they learned phonics.
The only problem was this sight reading was discredited and disproved as a valid way to teach any child to read. But because some black liberal education advocates said it can be easier for black children to learn by that method that it had to be implemented district wide.
So instead of a few black kids having problems with learning to read we now how an entire huge district who couldn't read.
And yes her teacher and I had more than a few words regarding it and she was such a nasty bitch she told my 6 year old daughter to go home and tell her daddy that I was screwing up her education by interfering and teaching her phonics which btw I had been teaching her since she was about 3 and 1/2 years old.
So the social crap has to go. Basics have to be brought back into the classroom and those basics have to apply to all including black children.
With a solid educational foundation to back them up when they are grown the poverty and income disparities should recede dramatically but only if they're held to the same standards as white and other race children. No more gimmes and no more coddling but high expectations and high demands.
If a parent can't be a parent then the kids need to be removed and placed into stable home environment where they receive that parenting. Its about as simple as that.
The anger, well that's been institutionalized for so many, many years that I don't know how to combat that other than over the long term buy putting a stop to the gimmes and coddling the black community usually gets. Coupled with actually teaching children a true education and not a bunch of social crap eventually the outcome is hoped to be that of productive young men and women who received a good back to basics education and are prepared to go out and get advanced education to bring them into professional fields at least on par with non black races. With that the anger will eventually be overcome by accomplishment and pride in their much earned successes.
But it has to start with getting rid of the social progressive agenda that was infiltrated within America's public schools and the liberal activists interference in black children's education.
Now back to the beginning when I was talking about racism and prejudice in regards to myself.
Well I am both.
I know I'm both and I try to fight that each and every day. I don't always succeed but I do try and sometimes I don't because I just get tired of hearing more stuff on the news. Waking up one day and seeing niggers gone wild again and again for the thousandth time where they rampaged through a mall or store or whatever it is where they all get together and slam a particular location stealing, beating and God knows what else makes it very hard for me to fight being racist and I don't always win at it. I just think a few cops with Mt tmaa
M-16s opening fire into these animals might get the idea across to them that this won't be tolerated anymore but no one has the cujones to do it of course.
I didn't become a racist and prejudiced because of how I was raised or anything like that. I became that way through living 50 years with being around them, seeing them, and listening to them over the course of my life.
I lived in LA when Rodney King got just what anyone else would have got under the same circumstances yet had to deal with a media who played it up as racially motivated beating to the point that after watching day by day the trial in the last day or so the news media finally started saying crap it wasn't that at all. I watched the blacks and their so called leaders incite the situation to where its common for blacks to threaten rioting if something doesn't go their way.
I watched the riots and a black elected leader tell the blacks over and over again to go riot and destroyed the white neighborhood but stop doing it in theirs.
I watched that same woman and others throwing tantrums because store owners were shooting these rampaging animals when they came calling on the owners and their businesses. I watched them demand the police go in there and take away the guns of these people trying to defend themselves and their stores so the blacks could "Protest" the verdict. Oh btw they all said the riots were legitimate protest to the verdict. I watched that too.
Then after that one bitch's call to take to white neighborhoods the white communities where she told them to go got together and barricaded off their neighborhoods and instituted armed patrols to which she and other black leaders threw tantrums about and demanded that police go in there and take away their guns and dismantle the barricades. The police went in there alright bringing the patrols coffee and making sure they had enough ammo.
Needless to say that didn't go over very well with those blacks.
I've seen a whole hell of a lot in my life and it is that that builds up a picture of being racist and prejudiced. Not some white sheet or belonging to some white supremacy group of which I am neither.
They hate and are racists without reason or cause. I have many years of cause that I have to try and fight.
Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose.
What I can say is the blacks need to clean up their own mess for a change and get their house in order before screaming about anything else. They are a problem in and of themselves of their own making. They need to look inside rather than outside for solutions.
In the meantime I'll continue my fight, sometimes successfully and other times not so much.