Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rep. John Bennett and Dean Obeidallah Plus Other Stuff

Interesting thing happened last night. I made a short comment under a hash tag after posting some stuff in my timeline about an article on CNN by Dean Obeidallah. 

The article was attacking a Representative in Oklahoma who had stood up and spoken out regarding the threat Islam and Muslims pose to not only our country but all of the Western world. 

Rep. John Bennett had not only spoken up and told the truth about the very real threat posed by Muslims to us and the Western world but he'd had the audacity to not bow to terrorist groups such as CAIR and such entities as NAACP who were demanding an apology. Instead he stood up to them and not only refused to apologize but kept speaking the truth. 

Oh, the horror of it. Finally a politician who didn't bow down in abject terror to these groups yelling the "R" word. 

So this article basically attacked Mr. Bennett completely saying that he is racist, bigoted, hate filled and general a piece of low life scum. Ending by not only calling for him to resign but telling people in Oklahoma to subvert the election process by writing in a more biddable candidate on their ballot in November as Bennett was running unopposed.

Considering the number of people today who run scared from the appellation of racism by these groups and are down right afraid to take any stand much less take on these groups to actually see Mr. Bennett doing so was remarkable, refreshing and frankly wonderful.

Too many people, whether famous or ordinary, are actually frightened to be labeled racist or hateful. So libs jump on those words anytime anyone says anything against their ridiculous beliefs and plans. 

Stop the invasion and its racist and hateful. Support police against thugs who attack them and its racist and hateful. Not having a problem with a city turning off the water to people who refuse to pay their bill and you're hateful and racist. Asking why don't blacks stop committing crimes instead of whining about being in jail for doing so and you're once again racist and hateful. You are also "Ignorant, stupid, a member of the KKK, a Nazi, monster" and the list goes on. 

There is no discussion, no debate with these people because they can't win the argument so resort to name calling or trying to bait you into anger like them instead. 

So many people are afraid of being called these names or being branded these things that I find it pitiful.

And because of this so many people keep silent and do not say what needs to be said or take the stands that need to be taken. 

When the people do this it sends the wrong message to Washington that they are fine with things which they are not fine about. When the people in Washington do this it is cowardice and they accomplish nothing except perhaps keeping their jobs but they hurt their constituency and they hurt this country. 

You would think that adults would have learned the old adage "Sticks and stones..." by now and would apply it. So what if some liberal calls you a racist. You know whether you are or not. Why cower in shame when you have done nothing to be ashamed of? 

Rep. Bennett has taken a stand on the St. Louis cop attacking thug and President Obama's response to it, and now he's taken a stance on the concrete threat posed by Muslims in our world. 

Make no mistake, Islam is a religion of violence, murder and enslavement. Their holy book calls throughout to exterminate or enslave all those who do not follow Islam. No "Buts", no "Ors" just kill em all or make em slaves. 


This is what you are dealing with here. This is what the United States is dealing with and it is what the Western World is facing. Not only that but it is what all of them are going to be facing in the coming years. 

One point six billion people who follow a religion who has a sole purpose which is to exterminate all non-Muslim peoples or make them into Islam's slaves. This isn't hypothetical, this isn't racist, this isn't bigoted, this is simple fact. 

Now you will hear from Muslims and apologists that the majority of Muslims don't feel that way even though poll after poll shows they at least support those beliefs. The problem is even if everything they claim is actually true it leaves a huge number of people whose sole goal is to kill us. 

There are estimated to be 1.6 Billion Muslims. 1%, that is one percent, of them would be one point six Million people. Million, that's a hell of a lot of people who have for a goal to destroy Western civilization. 

If you take other estimates that range from six to fifteen percent and even higher that is just astronomical. Its horrifying to contemplate because that makes millions upon millions who want to kill us and wipe our civilization, our beliefs, our very existence out of the world. 

A thousand of those millions coming here and living amongst us could turn and cause significant harm to our country from within. Devastating harm and injury to us. Considering their preferred method of attack is to target civilians and children specifically the results are truly terrifying to contemplate. 

Is it so beyond reasonable to think over the last twenty or thirty years a thousand or two thousand Muslims could have come to this country and would attack us from within if called to do so as their religion dictates? 

Stop and think about this a moment because this religion is about conquering and killing all non-believers. That is a major tenet of their bible throughout. It is a Muslim's duty to God to seek out and kill or make a slave of any who do not follow Islam. Anyone who is Muslim and does not do so is not following Allah's word and commandments, his directions and orders. There are specific passages in the Quran condemning those who sit back and do nothing to kill and enslave non-believers.

Yet those who claim the "Religion of Peace" would have you believe that the majority of Muslims are just really bad ones who don't follow their God and bible's teachings. 

Maybe so. I don't know but that is also the point. 

Along comes Representative Bennett who is trying to warn us of this and other facts. This is especially true considering that the Muslims have specifically called for America's death and destruction. He's standing up and getting slammed by a coalition of liberal and Muslim apologist groups. 

Starting with a terrorist or terrorist front organization called CAIR which has been successfully legislating and fighting in court to shove Muslim acceptance and toleration down American throats, they are attacking Rep. Bennett for speaking the truth. 

The NAACP has joined in as well. They of course stick their nose into everything where its not wanted. I did have to laugh when I read this week they'd bullied another set of politicians to do their bidding and it was that blacks have the right to show their naked butts to the world without penalty of the law. We used to call that indecent exposure where I'm from but I guess not anymore. 

It was disheartening to see an entire city council minus one cave in to these thugs in suits and allow this unacceptable dress to continue without consequence but again the "R" word was immediately raised as the NAACP said it would affect blacks most. The city council ran crying at being called that instead of growing a pair and saying "Maybe you should be addressing the blacks if you don't want them getting into trouble because we're not having their asses showing to the world in our town." That of course didn't happen and they repealed the ordinance. 

So they're crying about Bennett too and now liberal religious groups have joined the fray. Shamefully one of them being a Jewish one. This of course is like a Jewish group coming out and supporting Hitler. In case no one told these particular Jews, they're on the same list for extermination as we are. Matter of fact the Jewish people have a higher priority for eradication than we do. Muslims hate Jewish guts a hell of a lot more than American ones. 

So now Rep. Bennett is facing demands he resign. I sincerely hope people come out and support him fully for having the courage to stand up and speak out when others are too afraid to do so. 

Now this brings us back to Mr. Obeidallah who decided to reply to me, several times. He's a writer at CNN and I've read a number of his articles over recent years and seem to recall that he's a good writer even on things I disagree with him about. 

I never actually thought someone like him would respond to me yet he did so. I had hoped someone of his caliber would respond with the insight and thoughtfulness he put into his articles on CNN.

I was rather surprised when I discovered he responded in the usual liberal fashion of name calling and baiting comments. All hateful, all attempting to hurt, inflame or otherwise do something disagreeable. 

Examples were asking me if I was a member of the KKK. Suggesting I was a member of the same KKK group as the Oklahoma Rep must be in. Of course the "R" word and "Bigot" had to come in. Even though Islam is not a race so not something you can be "Racist" against. He impugned my manhood and outright called me a coward who would do nothing to defend myself, family or community if under attack. 

Mr. Obeidallah had nothing with which to reply. Not one argument, not one point of view about it, not one constructive thing to say. Matter of fact except for name calling and insults he didn't have anything to say at all. Much like liberals in general most of the time. 

Now I've always wondered just what they think they are doing with all that garbage. Is it just to hurt? Enrage maybe? Get a rise out of you? Exactly what is the purpose of looking like complete idiots except to fuel the stereotype that they are in fact exactly that? 

You see Mr. Obeidallah I know fully exactly what I am but I also know exactly what I am not. I know exactly who I am and exactly who I am not. I know what I am capable of and I know what I am not capable of. I've been faced with pulling that trigger and know for a fact whether I can do it or not. Can you say the same about any of these things? 

You who do not know me in any way shape or form except for a short sentence saying something along the lines of  "People need to show support for Rep. John Bennett" have made your nasty little comments and called your names as other liberals often do and yet it shows you for what you are much more than it reflects badly upon me who did not call you names or attack you in any way. I remained polite even though you couldn't be bothered to even attempt to do so in any fashion from the first word you typed to me.

As I've said before I'm a big boy and I can take whatever. It doesn't bother me. Petty crap like this stopped bothering me before I got out of junior high and that was a heck of a long time ago. I know what I've got between my legs and like then I don't have any need to prove it to anyone including you. 

So do you feel big and powerful that you've insulted someone who is not a famous reporter/writer for one of the biggest news organizations in the world? Does it make your appendage hard to be a total prick because someone has the audacity to disagree with you? 

Well enjoy it you've certainly earned the title in this case. I for one will continue to read your articles disagreeing with some and maybe agreeing with others because you do write well. But a lot of respect I had went out the window last night with your few words of what is really hate. Not that you probably care one way or the other, but I just wanted to say that. 

Others of course chimed in with the normal hate speech which is common for them so don't feel alone in your attack upon me Mr. Obeidallah, there were others. I actually know I've succeeded and won when all a liberal can say to my argument is calling me names. They can't fight facts and reality so resort to childish name calling. 

One thing I've always wondered about is the liberal fascination with gay slurs bestowed upon conservatives. Why do your lot insist eight times out of ten with calling conservatives gay, and other less printable things expressing our supposed love for homosexual sex acts? 

I've just never got that. I don't know about you but you see I'm quite comfortable with my sexuality and it doesn't bother me at all,  but you all seem to find being gay a bad thing to be upset about. Believe it or not there are conservative gay people out there. Ever hear of Log Cabin Republicans as an example? So I just don't get you all always resorting to that kind of thing. 

Of course there might be people who aren't comfortable with themselves who get offended at being called that but still isn't it rather juvenile? Matter of fact isn't most of what you liberals resort to with all this name calling and baiting, quite juvenile? 

Oh well, just my two cents. 

I would like to thank IAdam11 an Arab American who from that encounter spoke to me in a civilized manner for quite some time last night. We did not agree on any number of things in relation to Islam and Muslims but he earned my respect and thanks for treating me as another human being and being willing to have an open discourse about a difficult subject and one which was especially personal to him. 

I've found the occasional person who will buck the usual liberal stereotype and discuss things, but its few and far between. 

 So that was my brush with ten seconds of fame if you can call it that. Being spoken to by a nationally recognized writer, even if he did act like a child and did nothing but call me names and insult me. 

It kind of reminds me about stars I worked around many years ago. Some of them were real pricks in real life, ones you'd never suspect of it too. Others were unbelievable nice and fondly remembered to this day thirty years later. I guess we know which category Mr. Obeidallah falls under.

This is the article
Dean Obeidallah Attacks Rep For Telling Truth 




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