Last night things took a turn for the worse in Ferguson MO.
A police officer was shot and later another one was fired upon in his vehicle as he drove along the freeway.
The first actual Ferguson officer walked into a burglary in progress while on routine patrol and chased after the suspect only to have him turn and fire upon the officer wounding him/her.
The other apparently either in route to or from work driving along the freeway was ambushed by a car filled with bad guys shooting into his vehicle. This officer was from St. Louis from what reports are saying.
All the suspects in these events were, you guessed it, black.
This is what the cops deal with all the time in these communities not something that is an aberration or unusual in any way.
People ask why cops have an "Us vs Them" mentality and this is the reason. They face constant attack and threat from specific groups on an everyday basis virtually every minute of those dys.
So last night cops got shot. A horrible thing to have happen. A sad thing to have happen. Something abhorrent to decent people yet not to blacks.
You see when I saw comments being made on Twitter about this event I turned over to #Ferguson and #Fergusonlivestream to see what was going on and hopefully to find a video streaming feed live from there to watch.
I found several and put them up in my web browser, going back and forth between them.
What I saw there, both in the video and on the chats running with them, just disgusted me no end.
You wonder why I call them vermin? You may also wonder why I say I'm racist with cause and reason? You wonder why I take the police side of things or wish these cancerous infestations upon society get wiped out.
Well this is why and this answers all those questions and more.
I first was watching these people scream and yell about causing trouble, "Getting" the police and the usual crap they always spew including about their "Rights" which they don't have and completely misunderstanding the ones they actually do.
Along with the running of the mouths going on was the chat which contained some really weird conspiracy type stuff about what was happening. Some of that includes that police shot someone but were hiding the body so these fine citizens wouldn't know about it, that the police had shot and killed a twelve year old boy, that police were 'jamming' various things such as phone, email, internet and anything basically they could think of. One person went so far as to say the police had shut down Google's Gmail to keep the blacks in the dark about what was going on.
The darker side was people saying 'good' to the officer being shot and such tripe as that.
As time went on these vermin began walking up and down a business district street chanting their usual crap. But then it took a darker turn with them threatening to "Shut down" businesses if they didn't get their way and everything they wanted.
They also had a problem with the white business owners and others who didn't care for their spiel. At one point they directly threatened someone off camera. In another they got in the faces of the white business owners of a pizza restaurant. Not only did they make comments about the people better sleep there indicating something was going to happen if they didn't but said they were going to get them and shut them down. The people didn't like that and I couldn't hear what was said but the blacks began threatening them and one even went towards a woman saying she was going to hurt her until another grabbed her and kept her from going the rest of the way over there.
I should mention that the business owners were planning to stay there overnight and if the blacks come back to do mischief I think they'll be in for a nasty surprise.
The business owner went and started his very loud motorcycle and gunned the engine, completely overpowering these idiots and their screaming. Every time they started chanting the owner gunned the engine until the blacks left.
I just laughed my ass off.
It was then they started chanting the following.
"Who do we want?"
"Darren Wilson" (the police officer involved in the Brown incident)
"How do we want him?"
Over and over again.
These murderous vermin were demanding the killing of a police officer to satisfy their unjustified anger. Calling for his death over and over again while continuing to threaten what they were going to do if they didn't get him in that condition, dead.
If that wasn't enough they were cheering, celebrating, clapping, and overjoyed about the officer which had been shot. When they heard about a second officer being shot they repeated the same celebratory actions about that officer.
Between them and the chat comments calls for killing all cops and more cops kept coming. They were saying they need to shoot and kill a bunch more.
This is what the police deal with constantly from these groups. Its not an exception its the rule. Blacks and minorities constantly have this attitude towards police. Its what they think about them and its how they treat cops.
This should answer any of the questions I posed before. This is why. It is truly "Us vs Them" and people need to understand this.
In other news, Brown's parents called for more violence if they don't get what they want. They and the blacks can't seem to comprehend basic investigatory principles for officer involved shootings. The cop is rightly assumed to be acting in accordance with policy and his job. The shooting is investigated and if, big if there, if its found warranted then its turned over to prosecutors. That would be if an investigation determines that the officer did not act according to policy, or the investigation doesn't think the shooting was justified. The fact this went to prosecutors who are presenting it to a grand jury bothers me a great deal. Its nothing but appeasement to a minority having a fit.
They also claimed this was a struggle about human rights and said the violence will continue of Wilson isn't arrested and convicted. They are also livid over the police wearing the "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets in support of their brother officer who these blacks are demanding be lynched for defending his life while under attack. The mother said it lets her know how the police really feel about the situation. Well that's a good thing. They aren't allowed to tell her that they're trying to crucify a good cop who was only protecting himself so if they get that message finally its a good thing and be damned if they like it or not.
Meanwhile in Long Beach they were holding a protest about officer involved shootings there. Apparently another "Angel" pulled a gun on a cop who got him before he could get the cop. The minority, this time Mexicans, feel that it was excessive force.
So you have pictures of this wonderful father to three young kids who didn't do anything to deserve to be cold bloodily murdered by cops except the tiny little thing of pulling a gun on them. Of course according to them the police are supposed to do something besides defend themselves.
I'm sorry but I still don't get that whole thing. Where on earth did these people get the idea that cops aren't allowed to or supposed to defend themselves? Seriously where did they ever get this idea from? I mean its got to the point where I've seen on more than one occasion these people demanding that the police run the other way rather than confront or deal with a suspect. Several times I've seen attorneys for these animals say that police officers have a duty to retreat and if they had done so the person would be alive.
Duty to retreat? Just let them go? Don't defend themselves from attack? Don't shoot mentally ill people who attack with deadly force?
I just don't get where in the hell they come up with this shit. I just don't. Sorry.
And finally good old Eric Holder and his DOJ ordered police in Ferguson and surrounding areas to stop wearing bracelets which show support for officer Darren Wilson saying it "Upset and agitated" the blacks.
Too fu*king bad!
But the "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets they were wearing were ordered to be taken off. Apparently the blacks are allowed to protest and have their first amendment rights of rioting guaranteed but police officers don't get to have any.
That reminds me, the first amendment does NOT guarantee you the right to riot, mayhem, pillage or any other such activity. That is another thing I'd really like to know where they got it from. Because they are saying rioting is protesting which is protected.
They've said that since the LA riots of 92. Its still bull$hit today as much as it was then.
So these are reasons why. The problem is not that the police treat blacks any different than anyone else its that the blacks don't want to be treated like everyone else.
You see if my white ass does something wrong then I know I may be arrested and its one of those things if I'm not prepared for the cuffs then I shouldn't be doing something that could get them. Same if I resist arrest, I know I'm going to get my ass kicked by the cops. Simple fact. If I try to kill a cop I know damn well he's gonna try to kill me first. He wants to go home too.
The problem with blacks is they don't think that way. They don't think the cops should be arresting their sorry asses when they've committed crimes. They think they should be able to fight and resist cops and not get their asses kicked and as you can see in case after case they don't think cops should be able to shoot them when they try to kill the cops.
That isn't the biggest problem though. That we could live with as we've been living with it. Its just become a war zone between minorities and police. But the police have no problem cracking heads and putting these things six feet under.
No, the problem is society, people and now government including the chief law enforcement officer of the United States and our President have came out in support of this diseased thinking and routinely attack the police. Especially the DOJ who is going around and interfering with police across the country advocating for criminals and against our officers on the front line.
The black and minority mentality is being accepted at the highest levels as not only acceptable but even normal.
Its not. And like a child who gets rewarded for bad behavior it only encourages the minorities to act up more in a manner inconsistent with normal and decent behavior.
As happened last night when one of the live feed broadcasters was stopped by Ferguson police and found to have seventeen warrants outstanding for his arrest. Simple right, police arrest him and take him to jail? That didn't happen as state police showed up and made the police let him go. Rewarding bad behavior once again.
So that is my rant for the day. The fact that these things demand the murder of a police officer while calling for the murder of cops and even all cops says more in itself than I could ever say in any medium. So does the continued threat of violence on others if they don't get their way in this matter and the threats of the same in other similar cases around the country.
All I can do anymore is shake my head and pray that someone stands up to them as St. Louis county agencies did at first before a dem governor took over the area with the state police in appeasement. I hope they stand up to them and don't back down. I hope they wipe the floor with them as was started to be done and I hope that some law abiding citizens exercise their second amendment rights when these walking pestilences come around.
Until we as a society call their behavior what it is, totally unacceptable, and until we put a definitive stop to it, it will continue and it will get worse.
With calls for killing white babies and children by them, all I can say is, stay ready, be prepared and lock n load.
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