Just wanted to throw something on here. I've been busy with a new toy lately.
Got a new digital DMR radio and have been programming it. Its a pain in the a$$ to do it too. Takes forever but its a nice radio.
Has a big display screen on it which is real nice.
Anyway that is taking some time. As to news, well there are a few things that I should probably tackle.
Apparently the darling ACLU sued over illegals being sent back to wherever and the administration not only caved in but offered to bring them back. Not only that but they're going to buy advertising south of the border encouraging people to come back and they'll be allowed into the US.
What in the hell are these people thinking anyway. We don't want them here. They need to go! Period!
Yet not only is this illegal administration flaunting the law by not prosecuting illegals and shipping them out of the country but now they're going out of their way to invite the few they've actually gotten rid of back.
This has got to stop, its beyond not funny anymore. People are going to have to take up arms and head to the border to fight this invasion in the strongest terms possible.
Defend our country in whatever manner is necessary to stop the invasion and overrunning of our country. It looks more and more like the "People" are going to be the only ones who might do it since our government will not enforce our laws or protect our country as they are supposed to do.
These people are a clear and present danger to our nation and for multiple reasons which need the exact same response as any other criminal breaking into our homes would get.
It has to be stopped. The only question is whether or not people have the balls to show up and do what's necessary to fight it.
I hope and pray but sadly I'm not holding my breath.
Let's see, Russia. Russia is back in the news again. I really don't think much of their PR people for their inability to formulate the validity of supporting those in Ukraine who are against the ones who overthrew the lawful government of that country.
Its really simple. There was a legitimate government in place when there was a coup which overthrew it and sent the legitimate President of that country fleeing for his life. That President asked for help from their ally Russia in retaking the country and putting down the enemy who took over the country.
Russia should have went in from the beginning and restored the rightful government of the land. They did not and instead seem content on playing this halfassed game of I'm not quite sure what.
Now they're helping some of those in the eastern regions who are close to Russia in fighting to not be under the heel of the usurping powers.
So the US and EU is attacking President Putin and Russia for taking any of these actions and making economic threats yet again towards them.
What in the hell for?
Just because the current regime who overthrew the rightful government wants to kiss the West's ass instead of the closeness the lawful government had with Russia, we now take the side of those who lead a coup in a country?
The whole freezing of the relationship is due to our actions along with those of the EU against Russia for standing up for the lawful government and the people of Ukraine who do not want to live under this new illegitimate power.
What we should have done is back Russia and the rightful government in exile of the Ukraine from the beginning and done everything in our power to see those who unlawfully seized power, ousted and the rightful leadership returned.
Instead we've given them money, made noises of military assistance which thankfully will probably never happen and imposed national and personal sanctions on Russia and individuals within that country.
Another Obama mess of doing exactly the opposite of what he should have done.
Now on to Syria, ISIS, ISIL and Israel.
We have a problem we've had for a very, very long time. Matter of fact a long time of history in general.
That problem is called "Muslims"
Over Obama's Presidency so far he has repeatedly taken the side of the enemy which Islam is. Make no mistake about that. They are inimical to western thought, beliefs, our people and our countries.
He abandoned long time allies in the region and encouraged these extremist groups to seize power all over the middle east.
This is an action which is against the interests of our country and the west in general. He continues to do so with his latest abandonment and betrayal of Israel and support for the terrorists which the Palestinians are.
He went after Assad in Syria trying to remove him from power and not only provided monetary aid but military aid to our enemies for the purpose of removing the legitimate government of that land.
President Assad has hung on and remained in power and now the west is realizing what I said all along. Assad is fighting these Muslim extremists, our enemy, and is the only thing standing in their way of taking over yet another country.
Obama meanwhile has lost Afghanistan and Iraq for all intents and purposes and does not look like he's going back in to help those being slaughtered by the radical Muslims.
Meanwhile after betraying Israel and I think people will find out, causing Netanyahu to agree to a peace not in the best interests of Israel, we're already learning the Palestinians are rebuilding terrorist tunnels from which to attack Israel.
They have no intention of peace. Let me put this simply. Israel kicked their friggin ass in this latest round of fighting. The Palestinians cry for peace is not real. Its nothing more than a ploy to allow them to rearm, restock and prepare for further attacks on Israel.
That's all it is. They never plan to stop until their mission for existence is met or they are removed as a threat.
To wipe Israel and all Jews off the face of the Earth. That is their mission. They have it in their charter, their reason for existence, and they have repeatedly refused to remove it.
That is because they fully intend to carry out their goal. Israel stopping is doing nothing more than buying time for her enemies to better attack her once again.
The Palestinians proudly boast about rebuilding the terror tunnels, rearming, recruiting new people to the fight and getting ready to carry on their mission when they're ready.
Iran is outright bragging that they not only have provided advanced weaponry to the Palestinians but that they are going to continue to do so and give even better and bigger weapons to the terrorists.
Obama has over the years he's been in office enabled our enemy, lost hard fought gains in the region, abandoned our allies, continued to side with Muslim enemies over our friends and destabilized entire countries in the area.
He shows no signs of stopping. We need to send our military into the region en mass to put a stop to these scum. Wipe them out. Its the only language they understand and its the only thing that is going to stop them.
We need to fully support Egypt who is fighting them since they attempted to take over there with Obama's help, and we need to fully support Assad in Syria. Money, weapons, troops etc. need to be sent into the region ASAP to bolster his government and country.
Instead in light of these roaches actions Obama has given more aid to extremists attempting to overthrow Assad.
We now are in line for attack by these vermin and our borders have been left completely open by deliberate design of Obama against our nation. These are the acts of a traitor and they need to be recognized as such and he needs to be dealt with as such.
He has repeatedly acted against the best interests, hell the interests period, of the United States of America. He has compromised our security, abandoned allies, acted against our allies, supported enemies of our country and people, fostered, aided and abetted the invasion of our land by foreign nationals who may well include terrorists and he has no intention of stopping. He continues to do these things as we speak, taking actions contrary to our national interests in everything from illegals to foreign policy. He makes no bones about his intention to further flaunt our system of government to take further harmful actions against our country.
He's even made enemies of former friends in more than one place.
Exactly when are people going to wake up?
I was going to ask exactly when are people going to put a stop to it but they haven't even acknowledged what's going on yet and you can't stop something you don't admit is happening.
Israel meanwhile has agreed to a ceasefire. I have to wonder if Obama stopping arms going to Israel to defend itself and the abandonment of Israel by our Muslim loving President didn't have a great deal to do with it.
Israel was very clear they weren't stopping until all elements of Hamas and Hamas itself were eradicated this time. They also made the point which I did that stopping would only give Hamas time to rebuild its terrorist infrastructure yet they suddenly stopped?
Not only that but the government is furious with Bibi over his decision to enter into a ceasefire. The people of Israel fully supported the war as in 97.5% of the people were fully behind not stopping until any threat was permanently eradicated.
Yet he suddenly accept a ceasefire and stopped the war. You have to wonder why he'd do such a thing. Maybe the abandonment by the US and England had something major to do with it.
Much like the Muslims elsewhere in the region butchering so many the Palestinians need to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Israel at least needs to take care of them if not join in removing the threat elsewhere.
Until Israel commits to that endeavor, as much as they hate the word "Exterminate", they'll never have peace or safety in their land. The threat must be wholly removed like the cancer which it is.
The US and other countries must band together or the US must go alone to do the same in these other countries currently being overrun by these vermin.
Its the only solution, its the only way.
If you leave any of the diseased cells behind they will regrow and spread.
Now we must look to our own country as these creatures have invaded our land along with the other vermin crossing our borders these last months and pose a major threat of terrorist action and once again it can be laid directly on Obama's doorstep for his deliberate actions as having caused this dilemma.
I don't know what its going to take but something must be done to awaken the sheep to the dangers which have been thrust upon us by this disaster to our country which is our President.
If massive action either through the government and military or through citizens does not take place we are going to be even more screwed than we already are. Its way too late now, hundreds of thousands of roaches have invaded our shores and are now roaming freely among our populace. But we must put a stop to so much more that is still happening and is going to happen.
Stand up, speak up and take our country back.
Lock and Load people, lock and load. Get ready, be ready and do something about it.
Its only our entire way of life at stake.
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