There of course have been other items in the news lately which bear a comment or two.
A couple more whining people crying about the police and not liking getting their a$$es kicked when they fought the cops. What else is new. Once again its another minority, again not a surprise.
That black actress who was screwing in a car in broad daylight who thinks its her right is still saying cops had no right to bother her. Even though civil rights organizations have come out attacking her she still thinks the cops were in the wrong because she played a cop on TV once. Honey you're wrong, cops get to ask you ID and if you weren't an actress you'd have ended up in jail for not providing it. What an idiot. What you think doesn't matter to what the law actually is. Get over it, act like an adult and apologize for being a whiny crybaby caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing in public for the world to see.
The invasion of course continues and the diseases brought by Obama's treason are still spreading and affecting our children as more and more states have children falling ill. California is the latest.
On that same note Boehner has once again stabbed us in the back, calling for amnesty as needed for the economy.
I wish Conservatives would get it across their thick heads that Boehner and the establishment Republicans in power want nothing to do with us or our beliefs. Nothing that is except our votes then we can go back to shutting up and not making trouble for them.
Do the conservatives realize that the big E conspired to defeat ALL conservative candidates this year including by working with the democrats? Do they realize the big E does not want conservatives doing anything except bringing in votes for THEIR candidates. That is all we're good for to their way of thinking.
I have to wonder if they truly realize just how screwed we are by the big E. They've been fighting conservatives since before 2010 and hate us. They've been positively ecstatic that they defeated all of our candidates this year in the primaries. They have routinely betrayed us and the principles of the Republican party. And they continue to do so even as they demand we tow the party line and vote for THEM.
For a while there I thought about doing just that. If there was an "R" after their name they'd get my vote but now, I'm thinking differently.
They are mad that they lost 2012 because so many conservatives stayed home and did not vote since they ran all the conservatives out of the election and put liberal Romney in their place.
Do you get that? They are mad that we didn't vote, not humbled by seeing what their distancing themselves from us did. They learned nothing from it. Instead of learning that if you want to wear the Republican name then you act like a damn Republican instead of a dem lite they instead marginalized those reps we did have and refused to include us in anything unless forced. Even then they screwed us any way they could and continue to this day to betray conservative ideas and principles while excluding true Republicans from everything.
They have the gall to demand we tow the line and vote for them then shut up so they can continue their liberal swing to supposedly attract more voters.
What they can't see is they're losing plenty of voters and I'm one of them. I won't vote for the bastards this time. I'll sit it out. Last time I let myself talk myself into doing what I said I would not do which is ever vote for Romney. I'm ashamed of doing so even to this day. I won't make that mistake again.
If Boehner, McConell and the rest of the E don't want us fine but its time they got the message we don't want them either. I'll be damned if I'll give my vote to these people who do not represent me and despise me and those like me. They didn't get it from losing in 2012 but maybe they'll get it this time if enough people do it.
What so many do not understand is that Boehner and the rest of the E do not plan on doing any of what people think they will. Boehner has already come out saying he believes amnesty must be passed and the election hasn't even taken place yet. Do you honestly think he or any of them are going to send the damn illegals back and seal our borders?
Really? Not going to happen because these people don't want it. They think it'll buy them votes if they legalize them so that is what they will do.
Do you truly think Boehner et al is really going to go after Obama? Look at his half assed lawsuit. He could have gotten Obama on so many egregious violation which he has committed that its not funny yet he choose some piddling little thing to challenge in court. Its liable to not even make it to court before Obama leaves office and O gets to continue with no limits on destroying our country.
Congress has complete control over funding so stop funding things that are hurting our country. Stop funding Obamacare. Stop funding the EPA. Stop funding the DOJ Civil Rights division and other race baiting crap within it. Stop funding anything that helps illegals stay in this country. Do fund things to stop the invasion and get rid of those are already here.
Do something for crying out loud besides capitulate which is all they have been doing. Even when conservatives force action Boehner and the E screw it up and we end up with nothing but looking bad. Boehner gave in on everything when gov shut down. We got nothing except egg on our faces. Conservatives were made to look bad because the E screwed us over.
Its time to send a message to Washington alright and that message is we're tired of the establishment Republicans running things and betraying our ideology, our beliefs, and our principles.
Let them go after Mexican votes and see how they do without us at the voting booth then watch them cry.
If we run out and do their bidding and vote for them its only going to go on as usual and we're going to keep being screwed over by them. Not only that but our country is going to keep on getting screwed by them.
Put a stop to it.
Don't vote for them in November.
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