Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ebola and US Troops

There is one item I forgot to mention getting caught up about the traitorous actions of our so called Republican leaders. 

That is President Obama is sending our servicemen to Africa to deal with Ebola. 

This is incomprehensible, horrific, unacceptable and just plain wrong. 

There is a whole list of things concerning this move which are bad just from the perspective of danger of contamination. But there is also much more and worse to deal with for our troops. 

You see common sense dictates methods of old work well. Isolate and contain the disease. Period!

Seal the borders of these countries, don't let anyone out and contain it. Then worry about treating it. 

The biggest problem is stopping the spread of the disease. These countries know that and they themselves are sealing their borders and banning travel between countries. 

The issue though is that the UN says that is racist and discriminatory and these countries must not be closed off to travel in either direction. The UN has attacked airlines for instance who will not fly into disease zones any longer and attacked crew who refuse to fly into these countries in airlines that still do. 

They say the citizens have the right to travel and move around. 

The only problem with this twisted mentality is free travel spreads the disease. 

This will I'm sure be called racist but I'm going to say it anyway. 

These people are savages.

Literally they are exactly that. What our soldiers are going to have to contend with is a populace which still believes in witches and omens. Who thinks this disease is a magical curse and brought about by witches or demons etc. 

These people don't understand basic hygiene, infectious disease control methods, spread and transfer vectors, treatment options and methodologies. They don't want to understand them either. 

This is what our soldiers are going into and that is besides the incredible risk of becoming victims themselves. 

These people in Africa just savagely murdered an entire eight person aid team trying to help them in one of the hardest hit areas. Maybe they thought them to be witches or something. News seen earlier says that other citizens attacked a burial team working to bury the bodies of Ebola victims. Which burial methods follow strict protocols for containing and preventing the spread of the disease from infected bodies. 

These people don't listen to directions about much of anything and spread the infection at an alarming rate. Its been their savagery that has caused this epidemic to spread like it has and to continue as well. 

They don't practice basic preventative measures or rules of disease which causes enumerable problems. They ride around for example in taxi cabs all day long infected which spreads it to anyone who enters the cab after them. The driver of course is probably infected too. Can you imagine the numbers of people who take a cab on any given day in a large city. Even more is the number of people that cab driver comes into contact with. These people have been told to stay home, not go out, not to travel and they don't listen. 

They are responsible for killing their fellow countrymen and couldn't be doing a better job of it if they tried. 

A lot of them don't like soldiers and don't like Americans. 

There is no room in the hospitals and patients traveling after being told not to are turning up constantly and being turned away. They continue to contaminate everyone and everything they come into contact with. 

These people have attacked doctors and nurses in hospitals, killing some, because they think they're casting spells on them or making them sick. They have attacked doctors and nurses to break out of quarantine facilities. 

This and worse is what we're sending our servicemen into, a place where hopping a cab to their duty post can literally kill them. The risk of infection is enormous and attack even higher. 

All will cost lives of our people and for nothing. Its not going to help anything other than image with certain segments who have screamed racism over the US not doing anything. 

With Obama already bringing the disease into this country willy nilly and way beyond the three medical personnel we're going to be screwed not to mention the risk from returning servicemen. 

The people will continue not to listen, not to follow orders and do even the most basic things to end the spread of this disease and protect themselves from it. 

I doubt Obama has allowed orders that should be given that would let our soldiers shoot to kill if anyone even gets near them. Because as brutal as that sounds that is what they need to have. 

I just pray they all return home safe and uninfected. I just don't think its going to happen.

This is one time I hope the men and women of our armed services stand down and refuse to deploy. For them, for us and for their loved ones. 

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