Monday, September 22, 2014

Liberals and Insanity. The Question Being Ours or Theirs

Originally I was only going to comment upon liberals and their insanity but the more I thought about it the more I began to realize in dealing with them it was often I who was close to being driven insane. 

Not only that but seeing others comments it made me realize they're doing it to a heck of a lot of us as well.

So here we are. I think its safe to say that with some the liberals have succeeded. I've dealt with some conservatives that went off into la la land and it was like watching a Twilight Zone episode you just never got or escaped from. 

In light of the person I'm speaking of I want to make this clear to all. Being conservative does not mean I support, endorse, or have anything to do with the KKK and like groups. 

I don't.

Matter of fact I consider them to be disgusting, revolting and generally worthy of being wiped off the face of our planet making the world a much better place by their absence. 

I'm sure many of you will think I am refuting the many liberals who, of course, always label me as a member among other things. 

I'm not.

I'm actually writing this for those people professing to be conservatives who have written me professing Jews run the world and deserved to be gassed or the guy last night who informed me the Jews paid for Hitler to kill them. The other stuff about blacks, Mexicans, India Indians, orientals and such is just more crap I don't want to hear. 

If you give me that $hit, I am going to call you on it and slam you for it as I did last night. 

So kindly do us all a favor and save your vitriol for someone who might give a flying fig for it. As in don't bother me with it, I don't like it, won't put up with it and don't want to hear it.

With that said the liberals seem to constantly want to put conservatives in that role as being one with those type of groups. 

Ninety-nine percent of the ones I've met are not. 

It seems that the only plan they have is to call us racist, KKK members, haters or label us dumb, ignorant, stupid, uneducated, or morons. 

They can't even realize the foolishness of their own words. If that were true the KKK would have membership in the millions and millions not hundreds if that. 

I have to wonder if they truly believe that tens of millions of conservatives are really all stupid and racist? 

I can't imagine they do but then again there is a lot about liberals that boggle the sane mind. Including the fact that they even exist.

I've mentioned before that's all they do. Hit reply and call you something. Not even the slightest attempt at an intelligent response. Clear evidence most are incapable of reasoned thought and/or intelligence.

If there is any group in existence which more personifies stupidity and ignorance it is that of liberals. It is truly hard to believe there is a smart one among them.

I almost feel sorry slamming them so often and winning without even trying because they are so pathetic. 

My favorite, of course, is those who keep repeating the same thing over and over again as if somehow it will make it true. "You're a moron" and seven times later they're still posting same basic thing. 

Do they think just because they've said I'm one eight times that it will make it true? Then again I have eight posts by them showing it is true, of them. 

Then there are the rare few that actually will communicate with you in a civil manner. For that I truly thank them and do so publicly as well. 

Its that rare.

Some of them even seem like nice people, deluded, but nice. 

Speaking to them is, lets say, interesting. 

It is these conversations that often drive me close to insanity. They remind me of a fundamentalist Christian I ran into many, many years ago. She loved this author's work so much and just adored the author herself etc. She went on and on about how great the author and her work was. Finally I asked her how she reconciled the author and her work with her very fundamental religious beliefs and her reply was "I just don't read those parts" but isn't she so great. Then went on talking about how great and wonderful the author etc. was.

Don't get me wrong this author was great and wonderful and I loved her books which is why I was sitting in a hallway waiting to hear her speak at a convention in 1984 but what she wrote, what she believed in, what she and her books were about, were definitely not in line with fundamental Christianity at all starting with a pro-homosexual outlook and getting worse for a fundie from there. 

(Fundie was and is a disparaging term for fundamental Christians who want to run everyone else's lives.)

Its kind of like that dealing with liberals. Like that woman who 'just didn't read' the parts she didn't like, they seem to just ignore things which don't fit into their unique and quite insane worldview. They also tend to alter things to fit into that same psychotropic reality.

Sometimes the simplest things will be turned into bizarre ones which just leave you shaking your head in disbelief. Oh it happens with conservatives too but not almost every single time. 

Like last night I was speaking with one about Islam and the threat it poses to basically the entire Western world and our civilization within it. 

Simple right? 

Islam has, as a overriding fundamental tenet of its existence, that Muslims must kill or enslave all those who do not follow the way of Islam therefore its a threat, a big one. 

Her response was that she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America. 

I replied that may be but their religion does. Their religion wants nothing except conquering all non-Muslim people and eradicating them from existence. Their religion calls for all true believers to go out and destroy the infidel or enslave him. Their religion even condemns any Muslim, who does not fight for Allah by defeating the infidels, to hell.  

She replied that she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America. 

Some form of that for about two hours to anything I said just about. The other thing of course was Christianity has things in it we don't follow anymore so why can't Muslims have that same right.

Barring that some rule in one small part somewhere in the bible saying don't eat fish on Tuesday or you'll go to hell isn't in any way comparable to a bible which throughout calls for one thing and one thing only as its major tenet, the slaughter of all non-Muslims, its just not the same.

So the entire very long conversation was she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America and our bible has things we don't follow so its the same as muzzies not following what's in their bible. 

No matter what I said, no matter what way I explained it she replied she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America. 

Do you see where the 'being driven insane' part comes in?

Or the guy who sent me a post saying "You're a moron" and which I replied something like 'Oh another wonderful example of liberal intelligence and winning arguments' 

His reply was you're dumb. Went on for a short while only about an hour sporadically but basically his answer was always to say something nasty to any argument I gave him ending with calling me ignorant. 

Did find out one thing though when he admitted liberals live in a deluded state of which they're much happier than my pathetic one apparently. 

So basically its an exercise in futility and probably my own fault for trying to make them see some sense. 

I just find it so hard to comprehend people being that stupid though. Still I always try and speak politely to them which I think angers them even more. 

But their propensity to delusion is astronomical. If you don't like illegal immigration you're a racist and a hater. What the hell is with that anyway? What is a "Hater?" It sure seems to be anyone who disagrees with a liberal idea or plan. It also sounds like something a kindergartener would cry about on the playground "Teacher, teacher he's being a hater":

But if you reply with any statistics about or facts about how illegal immigration has and is negatively impacting our country they crawl out of the woodwork crying "Hater" among other things.

They of course can't refute a single thing you've said but you're the moron. You not liking our kids falling critically ill from disease brought into this country by scads of illegals makes you a "Hater."

Your not liking the destruction of the health system any place the illegals go makes you a "Hater" 

If you don't like the astronomical increase in crime which occurs with illegals flooding an area then you're a "Hater"

But they can't refute or even discuss one of those things with you yet I'm the moron. 

Another example is over three hundred thousand people came to New York today to support screwing our country over in the name of "Climate Change" and "Global Warming."

Over three hundred thousand liberals showing up to demand measures that will severely harm not only the people in it but this country as well even though there is an incredible amount of proof showing its all a bunch of complete bull$hit. 

Its all been a hoax and a not so subtle feint to enable socialism and redistribution of wealth. There is no GW/CC. There hasn't been any GW/CC. There isn't going to be any GW/CC. This has been shown over and over again. 

The hoax is up. It's all been a lie.

Yet three hundred thousand liberals in their deluded mindset showed up in New York to demand things be done which will severely harm this country and our people.

They refuse to see the truth and run around looking like kooks. They are demanding drastic measures be taken for something that has never existed, never posed a threat and never will be. 

This is what drives people insane. 

Much like the constant cry of "Racism" every single time some black or other minority takes on a cop and loses. Not a single one of these liberals will accept the direction "If you take on a cop you're liable to lose" as acceptable. 

What the hell people? That these liberals think its okay to attack police and then think the police aren't supposed to do anything or defend themselves is just beyond insane. 

Which is the point. These people drive me insane because they are insane. I just don't think we have enough room to lock them all up somewhere and lose them forever. 

My final thought on it is this. 

When I saw all those liberal ninnies massing on the streets of New York today all I could think about is a fire dept. helicopter tanker, the kind used to scoop up massive amounts of water and drop it on fires, being filled with piss and opening its doors over these loons. 

Maybe one of those huge airplane tankers even.

What a pleasant thought to end this with. My sentiments about liberals and what to do with them in a nutshell. Besides that is develop space travel and stick on a rocket someplace else, any place else.



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