Monday, September 29, 2014

Dean Obeidallah Again With Another Liberal Whiny Rant.

 Somehow when I hit publish it instead went to draft. I have no idea how but this was actually written days ago not today.

Well as I was messing around on Yahoo I ran across another liberal whiny rant by Mr. Nonsensical, Dean Obeidallah himself.

In it he goes hog wild after Republicans again, outdoing even himself and his rant against Oklahoman Rep. Bennett. 

Side note, sent a nice letter of support to Rep. John Bennett today for standing up and speaking the truth about Islam and the threat it poses to all non-Muslims in the world and to us, America.

I encourage you to write or call Rep. Bennett to show your support at the following. 

Capitol Address:

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Room 300A
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 557-7315
Good ole Dean is really frothing at the mouth with theatrics in this one. Calling conservatives "Crazies" and referring to their beliefs as "Lunacy" among other things.
He first attacks Russell Pierce of Arizona for making statements about birth control for women on welfare. He makes it sound like this is some new idea that Mr. Pierce came up with and that it is crazy and he is crazy. 
Well Mr. Obeidallah, its been an idea around for a very long time and its really quite simple. If you want to be on welfare, as in have everyone paying for your a$$, then you don't need to be popping out ten kids more than when you went on it. If you want to have us foot the bill then you don't have more kids until you can get a job and support yourself and them without taxpayer money to do it.

Nothing new there. Matter of fact I believe there is something similar without the birth control requirement in the welfare reform law democrats, Clinton and Republicans, Newt passed back in the 90s. No more money if you have more kids. 

The problem is you liberals attacked that as harming all those babies these women keep on having when they can't afford them. You say denying them extra money for each baby popped out while they're on welfare is unfair. 

So what is a good solution besides paying for them to have children we have to pay for? How about saying while on welfare you will also be on birth control and not have more kids. Such a simple, reasonable idea yet you make it into something else entirely.

The other part of his comments was to say if you want to do drugs or drink you should be tested for those substances and if you do them then you pay for it but you don't get welfare to do it.

I don't find those comments offensive or wrong in any way. They make as much sense as when I first heard the same idea back in the 80s. You don't get to pop kids out while on welfare on someone else's dime. 

What I find offensive and wrong is what happened after he said them. 

First of all he didn't stand by his comments but instead cried they belonged to someone else and he forgot to "Attribute" them properly. That was the cowards way out and wrong of him. It offends me that politicians cower in the face of attack instead of asking "Yeah what of it?" Grow a set and stand up to this $hit for crying out loud.

Then we can get into the dems attacking him for it and being allowed to run the narrative about it. Republicans were stupid in this case for allowing it as they are everywhere else they've let it go on. 

Lastly though his fellow Republicans ran cowering and sniveling to jump on the dem bandwagon and denounce Mr. Pierce rather than stand by him as they should have done. Shame on them for their cowardice. I'm sure you and many other dems were just wriggling in absolute glee about it.

At least Mr. Pierce knows who his friends are not now and I know who not to ever vote for when I move out to Arizona, those sniveling cowards who make me ashamed to be a Republican. 

Your next attack of note is on Richard Mourdock who by twisting what he said have made him out to be some nut job rather than a human being who made a simple statement that was and is true. 

All he said was any baby is a gift of God and if it exists it must exist because God intended it to. He did not say God intended a man to rape a woman. He did not justify rape or anything like that. 

If you are religious and believe things happen in life as God intended them to happen or because God intended them to then a pregnancy is something he intended otherwise it would not be. 

Once again though, dems pounced on it and were allowed to run the narrative about it. While Republicans cowered sniveling and abandoned one of their own, even condemning him for it Mourdock was sunk.

The only shameful conduct was once again on the part of dems and Republican cowards. 

Then we can move on to Sharron Angle who you go after for saying we might need 2A remedies to take back our country. Again you want to take it to be something insane and bad when in actuality its not. 

Its reality. One I doubt will happen not because it is not needed but because people don't have the guts to actually do it. I imagine the dems were allowed to control the story on that one too and I'd be surprised if you didn't find Republicans bowing and scraping while attacking one of their own instead of standing up and saying "You're damn right!" People don't have the wherewithal to actually stand up and fight for this country so you and your ilk will ultimately win not because of merit but because of cowardice by the majority to do what is needed to take back and save this country from the destructive path which liberals have taken us down.

The comment about "Taking out" Reid wasn't a call to kill him but I'm sure you like twisting that around to be that. It was a simple statement that he had to go in the election which after all she was running in and was kinda the point. But again I'm sure dems took it and twisted it into something else, were allowed to yet again control the narrative, and got Republicans to denounce her.

As you continue your rant about "Right wing crazies," "Nuts" and the "Crazy train" you once again miss it completely.

You attack another Republican who apparently also has warned about the Muslim threat to this country and Joni Earnst as being a fruitcake because she's said she's going after O-care and supports states' rights. You also take exception with her calling out Obama as a dictator which he's acting like with his illegal unilateral actions. 

Which is probably where the reference "Dictator" comes into play as someone who is not governing under the law as law dictates but doing whatever his sorry a$$ wants to in spite of the law such as ignoring it or making his own laws outside of Congress. The same as a dictator would do? You see? 

Now if you knew anything at all you'd know that all law derives from the Judea-Christian bible and its God. But hey you're young and dumb, I can understand your ignorance. Maybe you'd be more familiar with other countries where the law derives from Allah and is called I believe "Sharia" Only Western law isn't barbaric and savage as Muslim law is. 

Our laws trace back to what they trace back to and while they have changed and become secular they got their start in the annals of religion long ago. Ever hear "Thou Shalt Not Kill" hence "Murder" as an example. 

Anyway on to your next which would be Mr. Tillis in NC. 

I'd really like to know the context surrounding that quote. I find it very hard to believe it as written is not part of something broader. 

Ah how did I know it. I found the entire quote which is totally true and a very valid message. Once again the dems and you have taken something and twisted it into something else. You've then ran with it and are being allowed to control the narrative on it. 

But that doesn't make you right for here is the ENTIRE quote wherein that sentence lies. (From Talking Points Memo dot com 5/06/14

"What we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the people who are on assistance," Tillis said. "We have to show respect for that woman who has cerebral palsy and had no choice, in her condition, that needs help and that we should help. And we need to get those folks to look down at these people who choose to get into a condition that makes them dependent on the government and say at some point, ‘You’re on your own. We may end up taking care of those babies, but we’re not going to take care of you.’ And we’ve got to start having that serious discussion."
Wow entirely different when seen in context isn't it? 
He's simply saying the moochers are going to have to be cut off from the teat at some point but the genuine needy must be protected. What a shocking idea and absolutely horrific isn't it?
Only to a liberal. 
The next part is again something you've taken completely out of context and have twisted to make it into something racist. His comment that the traditional population of NC wasn't growing while black and Hispanic populations were. World of difference if you look at everything he said from the article you linked to.The article itself is biased like you are.
(Article from Talking Points Memo 6/17/2014  
 Conversation between host and Mr. Tillis
William: Let's start fairly broad with the Republican Party. You watch— and probably see many more— polls than I do or we do in general. When you watch what's happening in presidential politics. When you see this shift that Hispanics used to be in the Republican Party and now they're clearly on the other side of the aisle —when you see all of these things that have transpired, what do you think about? what is going on in the Republican Party?

Tillis: Well I think it has more to do what's going on in the demographics of this country and recognizing that and then having a platform and a message that resonates. If you take a look, you mentioned the Hispanic population —the African American population, there's a number of things that our party stands for that they embrace. I think we have to do a better job of communicating it. I think we have to do a better job of being out there in between elections, garnering support for the things that we're trying to advance. And I think that we need a focus on limited government and free markets which is something that's appealing to everybody. That kind of work will position us for those growing sectors. The traditional population of North Carolina and the United States is more or less stable. It's not growing. The African American population is roughly growing but the Hispanic population and the other immigrant populations are growing in significant numbers. We've got to resonate with those future voters.
If anything you should be ashamed of twisting and completely, repeatedly misrepresenting what was said by these people in some petty lame attempt to demonize them and further a liberal agenda. 
Hopefully liberal dems have not been allowed to control this one nor have Republican politicians abandoned him. 
Your final potshot at Gov. Brownback is once again absurd. Why is telling people to take responsibility for themselves so anathema to you liberals. All he did was tell this woman apparently whining about it to go find another boss if she didn't like the policies of the one she had. Guess what? That's a good idea. I don't like where I work I would go someplace else that was more amenable not sit and whine and want the government to force my boss to be everything I wanted. 
Your "War on women" has been an entirely democratic created fantasy that you've been allowed to not only make up but run with and get away with. Why I don't know but you have. There is no war on women. Never has been and never will be except by muzzies. 
Not everything that doesn't meet with liberal ideology constitutes some delusional war no matter how much you claim it does. Much like many of your other claims which you bandy about simply because they don't agree with that agenda. 
The Hobby Lobby decision for example did not take away one single thing from women. A woman today can go and get a contraceptive device whenever she wants to. Nothing changed except for one little thing. A boss doesn't necessarily have to pay for it in some limited circumstances. 
That's it, no big war or anything else. If a woman wants whatever a woman can still go and get the same thing she could have gotten the day before that decision came out. Same exact thing. 
The thing is though its a liberal agenda to force everyone to pay for other people for everything. Your agenda of forcing all employers to pay for other peoples' personal items in this case was stymied. You libs don't like that. I can understand that. What I don't understand is why you've been allowed to fabricate lies and then spread them with impunity. That, I don't get. 
Its kind of like what Rush said that got him so attacked by you libs. Why should the taxpayer/school have to pay for you to go out and get laid safely? Nobody told Fluke she couldn't get contraceptives but no one but her should have to foot the bill so she can have safe sex. Keep your damn pants on if you can't afford a rubber. 
It applies to many of the things that you brought up in your rant. You and liberals think everybody else should pay for everything for everybody and no one should be responsible or have any obligations to do for themselves or meet any guidelines for anything. 
Why? Why is suggesting that so crazy? If I want to have sex I buy my own damn rubbers. If I had to go on food stamps I worked my butt off to get back off of them as quickly as possible. When we didn't have money I didn't get my wife pregnant with more kids because we couldn't afford them. And the list goes on because its called taking responsibility for yourself which is sorely lacking these days.
What I haven't gotten for a very long time is why Republicans repeatedly run such piss poor campaigns and platforms. They get attacked and do not fight back. Do not wrest control of the story from dem hands which would be quite easy to do in most cases. They allow your kind to get away with whatever you want to and I just don't get it. I could run much better campaigns that these so called professionals have. Its astounding that they miss so much they could go after the dems on and do so little to help their own candidate. Just unbelievable. 
You may be right about Republicans losing and democrats winning this November but not for the reasons you think. 
I'll tell you why there is a good chance they will lose and its not because they might run off at the mouth its because they probably won't. They've ran conservatives out of the election and are not following any conservative principles at all. As you noted they've been keeping their mouths shut but not because they are trying not to say anything disastrous but because what's left in the candidate field has nothing conservative to say as they don't believe in conservative ideals and principles.
You see conservatives want people to stand up, speak up and take a stand on things. They want them to stand by the things they've taken positions on and to fight for those things we hold dear. 
There is an establishment in Washington that has abandoned the principles of the Republicans and conservatism. They have denigrated conservative ideas, beliefs, representatives, and candidates. They have stabbed us in the back on core issues which are important not only to us but to the nation as well such as the invasion. A couple of days ago Boehner stated amnesty must be passed for the benefit of the economy. They have repeatedly chosen the democrats over their own people, they have betrayed us. 

They don't speak up. They keep quiet and refuse to take a stand on anything. They mouth general platitudes that are meaningless and say nothing that is anything.

Its their keeping quiet that will doom them. Its their betraying all Republicans stand for that will doom them. Its burying it's conservative side that will doom them. 

The establishment has chosen to stick a knife into conservatives and betray us. They have chosen democrats and their agenda over that of true Republicans. They have even conspired with the enemy to defeat conservatives in the elections. 

Their silence and betrayal will defeat them because if they had stayed true, if they had spoken up and taken a stand we'd vote for them.

The other nails in the coffin are allowing the democrats to set the narrative about everything and again staying silent instead of calling out their constant lies. 

Its about them running scared of the dems instead of standing up and challenging them. Instead of showing the lies and distortions they snivel and cow before them and apologize when they have nothing to apologize for. 

They abandoned conservatives and other Republicans on the expediency of politics instead of standing by them and fighting for and with them.They no longer believe as true Republicans do.

They allow the liberal agenda to go forward rather than fight it and choose democrats over their own ideals and people. They are as I like to call them democrat lites. They believe and follow a less liberal ideology than the democrats but still a liberal one. 

Finally after the way they've treated conservatives they then show up with marching orders that we'd better turn out and vote for them in November. After betraying us and screwing over our candidates they tell us we have no choice but to vote for them now.
They miss the big picture entirely. 
One of the things you'll see on Twitter lately are posts saying Obama only won by a couple million votes and over nine million of us conservatives stayed home in 2012. (I think that was the correct figures roughly) Therefore we must go and vote Republican this election. 
The problem is though that they were screwing us then too. They attacked the conservative candidates and collaborated together to defeat, malign, impugn and otherwise take down any conservatives running. They marginalized us as you try and do and didn't want us to play in their sand box.
They shoved a liberal masking himself as a Republican down our throats as a candidate and told us to shut up and go vote for him you don't have any choice. 
Many of us felt we should go and vote Republican even though we detested Romney. I was one of those who said they were not going to vote at all. I caved in and went at the last minute anyway. Apparently over nine million of us decided to send the message anyway and did not.
While many were saying no one was stupid enough to elect that man to another four years I said oh yes they were. And I was right. If they could do it once they were certainly idiotic enough to go for a second round. 
They did. My vote didn't matter and sadly the nine million plus didn't either because the establishment Republicans have not listened. 
Instead they've doubled down, tripled down and more on treating us like scum and making sure we know we are not wanted anywhere near their halls of power. They have went so far as to collude with dems to defeat a conservative candidate and in other elections as well. They've agreed to everything the dems want and gotten nothing substantial in return. 

They've betrayed conservatives and this country.
Now once again they are telling us we have no choice. We have to go and vote for them so get going. Chop, chop!
The thing is nine million plus people tried to tell them our vote matters, our party matters, our beliefs, ideals and this country matter. 
The establishment Republican answer to that has been F**k you.
I think that not only will those nine million plus from before not vote, that the millions more that got talked into voting anyway will not vote this time round either. 
At least I hope so.

I know I will not be voting for any candidate except a conservative one if there is one on the ballot for me.
Its going to be our turn to say the same back to the Republican establishment this November and that is why I think you and your democrats will win. 
Maybe they'll get the message this time, maybe this time the establishment will listen. 
Don't hold out a lot of hope but maybe.  

Ferguson Once More and The Vermin Who Reside Within/Without

Last night things took a turn for the worse in Ferguson MO. 

A police officer was shot and later another one was fired upon in his vehicle as he drove along the freeway. 

The first actual Ferguson officer walked into a burglary in progress while on routine patrol and chased after the suspect only to have him turn and fire upon the officer wounding him/her.

The other apparently either in route to or from work driving along the freeway was ambushed by a car filled with bad guys shooting into his vehicle. This officer was from St. Louis from what reports are saying.

All the suspects in these events were, you guessed it, black. 

This is what the cops deal with all the time in these communities not something that is an aberration or unusual in any way.

People ask why cops have an "Us vs Them" mentality and this is the reason. They face constant attack and threat from specific groups on an everyday basis virtually every minute of those dys.

So last night cops got shot. A horrible thing to have happen. A sad thing to have happen. Something abhorrent to decent people yet not to blacks.

You see when I saw comments being made on Twitter about this event I turned over to #Ferguson and #Fergusonlivestream to see what was going on and hopefully to find a video streaming feed live from there to watch.

I found several and put them up in my web browser, going back and forth between them.

What I saw there, both in the video and on the chats running with them, just disgusted me no end. 

You wonder why I call them vermin? You may also wonder why I say I'm racist with cause and reason? You wonder why I take the police side of things or wish these cancerous infestations upon society get wiped out.

Well this is why and this answers all those questions and more.

I first was watching these people scream and yell about causing trouble, "Getting" the police and the usual crap they always spew including about their "Rights" which they don't have and completely misunderstanding the ones they actually do.

Along with the running of the mouths going on was the chat which contained some really weird conspiracy type stuff about what was happening. Some of that includes that police shot someone but were hiding the body so these fine citizens wouldn't know about it, that the police had shot and killed a twelve year old boy, that police were 'jamming' various things such as phone, email, internet and anything basically they could think of. One person went so far as to say the police had shut down Google's Gmail to keep the blacks in the dark about what was going on. 

The darker side was people saying 'good' to the officer being shot and such tripe as that.

As time went on these vermin began walking up and down a business district street chanting their usual crap. But then it took a darker turn with them threatening to "Shut down" businesses if they didn't get their way and everything they wanted. 

They also had a problem with the white business owners and others who didn't care for their spiel. At one point they directly threatened someone off camera. In another they got in the faces of the white business owners of a pizza restaurant. Not only did they make comments about the people better sleep there indicating something was going to happen if they didn't but said they were going to get them and shut them down. The people didn't like that and I couldn't hear what was said but the blacks began threatening them and one even went towards a woman saying she was going to hurt her until another grabbed her and kept her from going the rest of the way over there. 

I should mention that the business owners were planning to stay there overnight and if the blacks come back to do mischief I think they'll be in for a nasty surprise.

The business owner went and started his very loud motorcycle and gunned the engine, completely overpowering these idiots and their screaming. Every time they started chanting the owner gunned the engine until the blacks left. 

I just laughed my ass off.

It was then they started chanting the following. 

"Who do we want?" 

"Darren Wilson" (the police officer involved in the Brown incident)

"How do we want him?" 


Over and over again.

These murderous vermin were demanding the killing of a police officer to satisfy their unjustified anger. Calling for his death over and over again while continuing to threaten what they were going to do if they didn't get him in that condition, dead. 

If that wasn't enough they were cheering, celebrating, clapping, and overjoyed about the officer which had been shot. When they heard about a second officer being shot they repeated the same celebratory actions about that officer. 

Between them and the chat comments calls for killing all cops and more cops kept coming. They were saying they need to shoot and kill a bunch more. 

This is what the police deal with constantly from these groups. Its not an exception its the rule. Blacks and minorities constantly have this attitude towards police. Its what they think about them and its how they treat cops. 

This should answer any of the questions I posed before. This is why. It is truly "Us vs Them" and people need to understand this.

In other news, Brown's parents called for more violence if they don't get what they want. They and the blacks can't seem to comprehend basic investigatory principles for officer involved shootings. The cop is rightly assumed to be acting in accordance with policy and his job. The shooting is investigated and if, big if there, if its found warranted then its turned over to prosecutors. That would be if an investigation determines that the officer did not act according to policy, or the investigation doesn't think the shooting was justified. The fact this went to prosecutors who are presenting it to a grand jury bothers me a great deal. Its nothing but appeasement to a minority having a fit.

They also claimed this was a struggle about human rights and said the violence will continue of Wilson isn't arrested and convicted. They are also livid over the police wearing the "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets in support of their brother officer who these blacks are demanding be lynched for defending his life while under attack. The mother said it lets her know how the police really feel about the situation. Well that's a good thing. They aren't allowed to tell her that they're trying to crucify a good cop who was only protecting himself so if they get that message finally its a good thing and be damned if they like it or not.

Meanwhile in Long Beach they were holding a protest about officer involved shootings there. Apparently another "Angel" pulled a gun on a cop who got him before he could get the cop. The minority, this time Mexicans, feel that it was excessive force. 

So you have pictures of this wonderful father to three young kids who didn't do anything to deserve to be cold bloodily murdered by cops except the tiny little thing of pulling a gun on them. Of course according to them the police are supposed to do something besides defend themselves. 

I'm sorry but I still don't get that whole thing. Where on earth did these people get the idea that cops aren't allowed to or supposed to defend themselves? Seriously where did they ever get this idea from? I mean its got to the point where I've seen on more than one occasion these people demanding that the police run the other way rather than confront or deal with a suspect. Several times I've seen attorneys for these animals say that police officers have a duty to retreat and if they had done so the person would be alive. 

Duty to retreat? Just let them go? Don't defend themselves from attack? Don't shoot mentally ill people who attack with deadly force? 

I just don't get where in the hell they come up with this shit. I just don't. Sorry.

And finally good old Eric Holder and his DOJ ordered police in Ferguson and surrounding areas to stop wearing bracelets which show support for officer Darren Wilson saying it "Upset and agitated" the blacks. 

Too fu*king bad!

But the "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets they were wearing were ordered to be taken off. Apparently the blacks are allowed to protest and have their first amendment rights of rioting guaranteed but police officers don't get to have any. 

That reminds me, the first amendment does NOT guarantee you the right to riot, mayhem, pillage or any other such activity. That is another thing I'd really like to know where they got it from. Because they are saying rioting is protesting which is protected. 

They've said that since the LA riots of 92. Its still bull$hit today as much as it was then.

So these are reasons why. The problem is not that the police treat blacks any different than anyone else its that the blacks don't want to be treated like everyone else. 

You see if my white ass does something wrong then I know I may be arrested and its one of those things if I'm not prepared for the cuffs then I shouldn't be doing something that could get them. Same if I resist arrest, I know I'm going to get my ass kicked by the cops. Simple fact. If I try to kill a cop I know damn well he's gonna try to kill me first. He wants to go home too. 

The problem with blacks is they don't think that way. They don't think the cops should be arresting their sorry asses when they've committed crimes. They think they should be able to fight and resist cops and not get their asses kicked and as you can see in case after case they don't think cops should be able to shoot them when they try to kill the cops. 

That isn't the biggest problem though. That we could live with as we've been living with it. Its just become a war zone between minorities and police. But the police have no problem cracking heads and putting these things six feet under. 

No, the problem is society, people and now government including the chief law enforcement officer of the United States and our President have came out in support of this diseased thinking and routinely attack the police. Especially the DOJ who is going around and interfering with police across the country advocating for criminals and against our officers on the front line. 

The black and minority mentality is being accepted at the highest levels as not only acceptable but even normal. 

Its not. And like a child who gets rewarded for bad behavior it only encourages the minorities to act up more in a manner inconsistent with normal and decent behavior.

As happened last night when one of the live feed broadcasters was stopped by Ferguson police and found to have seventeen warrants outstanding for his arrest. Simple right, police arrest him and take him to jail? That didn't happen as state police showed up and made the police let him go. Rewarding bad behavior once again.

So that is my rant for the day. The fact that these things demand the murder of a police officer while calling for the murder of cops and even all cops says more in itself than I could ever say in any medium. So does the continued threat of violence on others if they don't get their way in this matter and the threats of the same in other similar cases around the country.

All I can do anymore is shake my head and pray that someone stands up to them as St. Louis county agencies did at first before a dem governor took over the area with the state police in appeasement. I hope they stand up to them and don't back down. I hope they wipe the floor with them as was started to be done and I hope that some law abiding citizens exercise their second amendment rights when these walking pestilences come around.

Until we as a society call their behavior what it is, totally unacceptable, and until we put a definitive stop to it, it will continue and it will get worse.

With calls for killing white babies and children by them, all I can say is, stay ready, be prepared and lock n load.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Liberals and Insanity. The Question Being Ours or Theirs

Originally I was only going to comment upon liberals and their insanity but the more I thought about it the more I began to realize in dealing with them it was often I who was close to being driven insane. 

Not only that but seeing others comments it made me realize they're doing it to a heck of a lot of us as well.

So here we are. I think its safe to say that with some the liberals have succeeded. I've dealt with some conservatives that went off into la la land and it was like watching a Twilight Zone episode you just never got or escaped from. 

In light of the person I'm speaking of I want to make this clear to all. Being conservative does not mean I support, endorse, or have anything to do with the KKK and like groups. 

I don't.

Matter of fact I consider them to be disgusting, revolting and generally worthy of being wiped off the face of our planet making the world a much better place by their absence. 

I'm sure many of you will think I am refuting the many liberals who, of course, always label me as a member among other things. 

I'm not.

I'm actually writing this for those people professing to be conservatives who have written me professing Jews run the world and deserved to be gassed or the guy last night who informed me the Jews paid for Hitler to kill them. The other stuff about blacks, Mexicans, India Indians, orientals and such is just more crap I don't want to hear. 

If you give me that $hit, I am going to call you on it and slam you for it as I did last night. 

So kindly do us all a favor and save your vitriol for someone who might give a flying fig for it. As in don't bother me with it, I don't like it, won't put up with it and don't want to hear it.

With that said the liberals seem to constantly want to put conservatives in that role as being one with those type of groups. 

Ninety-nine percent of the ones I've met are not. 

It seems that the only plan they have is to call us racist, KKK members, haters or label us dumb, ignorant, stupid, uneducated, or morons. 

They can't even realize the foolishness of their own words. If that were true the KKK would have membership in the millions and millions not hundreds if that. 

I have to wonder if they truly believe that tens of millions of conservatives are really all stupid and racist? 

I can't imagine they do but then again there is a lot about liberals that boggle the sane mind. Including the fact that they even exist.

I've mentioned before that's all they do. Hit reply and call you something. Not even the slightest attempt at an intelligent response. Clear evidence most are incapable of reasoned thought and/or intelligence.

If there is any group in existence which more personifies stupidity and ignorance it is that of liberals. It is truly hard to believe there is a smart one among them.

I almost feel sorry slamming them so often and winning without even trying because they are so pathetic. 

My favorite, of course, is those who keep repeating the same thing over and over again as if somehow it will make it true. "You're a moron" and seven times later they're still posting same basic thing. 

Do they think just because they've said I'm one eight times that it will make it true? Then again I have eight posts by them showing it is true, of them. 

Then there are the rare few that actually will communicate with you in a civil manner. For that I truly thank them and do so publicly as well. 

Its that rare.

Some of them even seem like nice people, deluded, but nice. 

Speaking to them is, lets say, interesting. 

It is these conversations that often drive me close to insanity. They remind me of a fundamentalist Christian I ran into many, many years ago. She loved this author's work so much and just adored the author herself etc. She went on and on about how great the author and her work was. Finally I asked her how she reconciled the author and her work with her very fundamental religious beliefs and her reply was "I just don't read those parts" but isn't she so great. Then went on talking about how great and wonderful the author etc. was.

Don't get me wrong this author was great and wonderful and I loved her books which is why I was sitting in a hallway waiting to hear her speak at a convention in 1984 but what she wrote, what she believed in, what she and her books were about, were definitely not in line with fundamental Christianity at all starting with a pro-homosexual outlook and getting worse for a fundie from there. 

(Fundie was and is a disparaging term for fundamental Christians who want to run everyone else's lives.)

Its kind of like that dealing with liberals. Like that woman who 'just didn't read' the parts she didn't like, they seem to just ignore things which don't fit into their unique and quite insane worldview. They also tend to alter things to fit into that same psychotropic reality.

Sometimes the simplest things will be turned into bizarre ones which just leave you shaking your head in disbelief. Oh it happens with conservatives too but not almost every single time. 

Like last night I was speaking with one about Islam and the threat it poses to basically the entire Western world and our civilization within it. 

Simple right? 

Islam has, as a overriding fundamental tenet of its existence, that Muslims must kill or enslave all those who do not follow the way of Islam therefore its a threat, a big one. 

Her response was that she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America. 

I replied that may be but their religion does. Their religion wants nothing except conquering all non-Muslim people and eradicating them from existence. Their religion calls for all true believers to go out and destroy the infidel or enslave him. Their religion even condemns any Muslim, who does not fight for Allah by defeating the infidels, to hell.  

She replied that she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America. 

Some form of that for about two hours to anything I said just about. The other thing of course was Christianity has things in it we don't follow anymore so why can't Muslims have that same right.

Barring that some rule in one small part somewhere in the bible saying don't eat fish on Tuesday or you'll go to hell isn't in any way comparable to a bible which throughout calls for one thing and one thing only as its major tenet, the slaughter of all non-Muslims, its just not the same.

So the entire very long conversation was she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America and our bible has things we don't follow so its the same as muzzies not following what's in their bible. 

No matter what I said, no matter what way I explained it she replied she has muzzie friends who are good and don't want to attack America. 

Do you see where the 'being driven insane' part comes in?

Or the guy who sent me a post saying "You're a moron" and which I replied something like 'Oh another wonderful example of liberal intelligence and winning arguments' 

His reply was you're dumb. Went on for a short while only about an hour sporadically but basically his answer was always to say something nasty to any argument I gave him ending with calling me ignorant. 

Did find out one thing though when he admitted liberals live in a deluded state of which they're much happier than my pathetic one apparently. 

So basically its an exercise in futility and probably my own fault for trying to make them see some sense. 

I just find it so hard to comprehend people being that stupid though. Still I always try and speak politely to them which I think angers them even more. 

But their propensity to delusion is astronomical. If you don't like illegal immigration you're a racist and a hater. What the hell is with that anyway? What is a "Hater?" It sure seems to be anyone who disagrees with a liberal idea or plan. It also sounds like something a kindergartener would cry about on the playground "Teacher, teacher he's being a hater":

But if you reply with any statistics about or facts about how illegal immigration has and is negatively impacting our country they crawl out of the woodwork crying "Hater" among other things.

They of course can't refute a single thing you've said but you're the moron. You not liking our kids falling critically ill from disease brought into this country by scads of illegals makes you a "Hater."

Your not liking the destruction of the health system any place the illegals go makes you a "Hater" 

If you don't like the astronomical increase in crime which occurs with illegals flooding an area then you're a "Hater"

But they can't refute or even discuss one of those things with you yet I'm the moron. 

Another example is over three hundred thousand people came to New York today to support screwing our country over in the name of "Climate Change" and "Global Warming."

Over three hundred thousand liberals showing up to demand measures that will severely harm not only the people in it but this country as well even though there is an incredible amount of proof showing its all a bunch of complete bull$hit. 

Its all been a hoax and a not so subtle feint to enable socialism and redistribution of wealth. There is no GW/CC. There hasn't been any GW/CC. There isn't going to be any GW/CC. This has been shown over and over again. 

The hoax is up. It's all been a lie.

Yet three hundred thousand liberals in their deluded mindset showed up in New York to demand things be done which will severely harm this country and our people.

They refuse to see the truth and run around looking like kooks. They are demanding drastic measures be taken for something that has never existed, never posed a threat and never will be. 

This is what drives people insane. 

Much like the constant cry of "Racism" every single time some black or other minority takes on a cop and loses. Not a single one of these liberals will accept the direction "If you take on a cop you're liable to lose" as acceptable. 

What the hell people? That these liberals think its okay to attack police and then think the police aren't supposed to do anything or defend themselves is just beyond insane. 

Which is the point. These people drive me insane because they are insane. I just don't think we have enough room to lock them all up somewhere and lose them forever. 

My final thought on it is this. 

When I saw all those liberal ninnies massing on the streets of New York today all I could think about is a fire dept. helicopter tanker, the kind used to scoop up massive amounts of water and drop it on fires, being filled with piss and opening its doors over these loons. 

Maybe one of those huge airplane tankers even.

What a pleasant thought to end this with. My sentiments about liberals and what to do with them in a nutshell. Besides that is develop space travel and stick on a rocket someplace else, any place else.



Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ebola and US Troops

There is one item I forgot to mention getting caught up about the traitorous actions of our so called Republican leaders. 

That is President Obama is sending our servicemen to Africa to deal with Ebola. 

This is incomprehensible, horrific, unacceptable and just plain wrong. 

There is a whole list of things concerning this move which are bad just from the perspective of danger of contamination. But there is also much more and worse to deal with for our troops. 

You see common sense dictates methods of old work well. Isolate and contain the disease. Period!

Seal the borders of these countries, don't let anyone out and contain it. Then worry about treating it. 

The biggest problem is stopping the spread of the disease. These countries know that and they themselves are sealing their borders and banning travel between countries. 

The issue though is that the UN says that is racist and discriminatory and these countries must not be closed off to travel in either direction. The UN has attacked airlines for instance who will not fly into disease zones any longer and attacked crew who refuse to fly into these countries in airlines that still do. 

They say the citizens have the right to travel and move around. 

The only problem with this twisted mentality is free travel spreads the disease. 

This will I'm sure be called racist but I'm going to say it anyway. 

These people are savages.

Literally they are exactly that. What our soldiers are going to have to contend with is a populace which still believes in witches and omens. Who thinks this disease is a magical curse and brought about by witches or demons etc. 

These people don't understand basic hygiene, infectious disease control methods, spread and transfer vectors, treatment options and methodologies. They don't want to understand them either. 

This is what our soldiers are going into and that is besides the incredible risk of becoming victims themselves. 

These people in Africa just savagely murdered an entire eight person aid team trying to help them in one of the hardest hit areas. Maybe they thought them to be witches or something. News seen earlier says that other citizens attacked a burial team working to bury the bodies of Ebola victims. Which burial methods follow strict protocols for containing and preventing the spread of the disease from infected bodies. 

These people don't listen to directions about much of anything and spread the infection at an alarming rate. Its been their savagery that has caused this epidemic to spread like it has and to continue as well. 

They don't practice basic preventative measures or rules of disease which causes enumerable problems. They ride around for example in taxi cabs all day long infected which spreads it to anyone who enters the cab after them. The driver of course is probably infected too. Can you imagine the numbers of people who take a cab on any given day in a large city. Even more is the number of people that cab driver comes into contact with. These people have been told to stay home, not go out, not to travel and they don't listen. 

They are responsible for killing their fellow countrymen and couldn't be doing a better job of it if they tried. 

A lot of them don't like soldiers and don't like Americans. 

There is no room in the hospitals and patients traveling after being told not to are turning up constantly and being turned away. They continue to contaminate everyone and everything they come into contact with. 

These people have attacked doctors and nurses in hospitals, killing some, because they think they're casting spells on them or making them sick. They have attacked doctors and nurses to break out of quarantine facilities. 

This and worse is what we're sending our servicemen into, a place where hopping a cab to their duty post can literally kill them. The risk of infection is enormous and attack even higher. 

All will cost lives of our people and for nothing. Its not going to help anything other than image with certain segments who have screamed racism over the US not doing anything. 

With Obama already bringing the disease into this country willy nilly and way beyond the three medical personnel we're going to be screwed not to mention the risk from returning servicemen. 

The people will continue not to listen, not to follow orders and do even the most basic things to end the spread of this disease and protect themselves from it. 

I doubt Obama has allowed orders that should be given that would let our soldiers shoot to kill if anyone even gets near them. Because as brutal as that sounds that is what they need to have. 

I just pray they all return home safe and uninfected. I just don't think its going to happen.

This is one time I hope the men and women of our armed services stand down and refuse to deploy. For them, for us and for their loved ones. 

Other Items I've Neglected of Late

There of course have been other items in the news lately which bear a comment or two. 

A couple more whining people crying about the police and not liking getting their a$$es kicked when they fought the cops. What else is new. Once again its another minority, again not a surprise. 

That black actress who was screwing in a car in broad daylight who thinks its her right is still saying cops had no right to bother her. Even though civil rights organizations have come out attacking her she still thinks the cops were in the wrong because she played a cop on TV once. Honey you're wrong, cops get to ask you ID and if you weren't an actress you'd have ended up in jail for not providing it. What an idiot. What you think doesn't matter to what the law actually is. Get over it, act like an adult and apologize for being a whiny crybaby caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing in public for the world to see. 

The invasion of course continues and the diseases brought by Obama's treason are still spreading and affecting our children as more and more states have children falling ill. California is the latest. 

On that same note Boehner has once again stabbed us in the back, calling for amnesty as needed for the economy. 

I wish Conservatives would get it across their thick heads that Boehner and the establishment Republicans in power want nothing to do with us or our beliefs. Nothing that is except our votes then we can go back to shutting up and not making trouble for them. 

Do the conservatives realize that the big E conspired to defeat ALL conservative candidates this year including by working with the democrats? Do they realize the big E does not want conservatives doing anything except bringing in votes for THEIR candidates. That is all we're good for to their way of thinking. 

I have to wonder if they truly realize just how screwed we are by the big E. They've been fighting conservatives since before 2010 and hate us. They've been positively ecstatic that they defeated all of our candidates this year in the primaries. They have routinely betrayed us and the principles of the Republican party. And they continue to do so even as they demand we tow the party line and vote for THEM. 

For a while there I thought about doing just that. If there was an "R" after their name they'd get my vote but now, I'm thinking differently. 

They are mad that they lost 2012 because so many conservatives stayed home and did not vote since they ran all the conservatives out of the election and put liberal Romney in their place. 

Do you get that? They are mad that we didn't vote, not humbled by seeing what their distancing themselves from us did. They learned nothing from it. Instead of learning that if you want to wear the Republican name then you act like a damn Republican instead of a dem lite they instead marginalized those reps we did have and refused to include us in anything unless forced. Even then they screwed us any way they could and continue to this day to betray conservative ideas and principles while excluding true Republicans from everything. 

They have the gall to demand we tow the line and vote for them then shut up so they can continue their liberal swing to supposedly attract more voters. 

What they can't see is they're losing plenty of voters and I'm one of them. I won't vote for the bastards this time. I'll sit it out. Last time I let myself talk myself into doing what I said I would not do which is ever vote for Romney. I'm ashamed of doing so even to this day. I won't make that mistake again. 

If Boehner, McConell and the rest of the E don't want us fine but its time they got the message we don't want them either. I'll be damned if I'll give my vote to these people who do not represent me and despise me and those like me. They didn't get it from losing in 2012 but maybe they'll get it this time if enough people do it. 

What so many do not understand is that Boehner and the rest of the E do not plan on doing any of what people think they will. Boehner has already come out saying he believes amnesty must be passed and the election hasn't even taken place yet. Do you honestly think he or any of them are going to send the damn illegals back and seal our borders? 

Really? Not going to happen because these people don't want it. They think it'll buy them votes if they legalize them so that is what they will do. 

Do you truly think Boehner et al is really going to go after Obama? Look at his half assed lawsuit. He could have gotten Obama on so many egregious violation which he has committed that its not funny yet he choose some piddling little thing to challenge in court. Its liable to not even make it to court before Obama leaves office and O gets to continue with no limits on destroying our country. 

Congress has complete control over funding so stop funding things that are hurting our country. Stop funding Obamacare. Stop funding the EPA. Stop funding the DOJ Civil Rights division and other race baiting crap within it. Stop funding anything that helps illegals stay in this country. Do fund things to stop the invasion and get rid of those are already here. 

Do something for crying out loud besides capitulate which is all they have been doing. Even when conservatives force action Boehner and the E screw it up and we end up with nothing but looking bad. Boehner gave in on everything when gov shut down. We got nothing except egg on our faces. Conservatives were made to look bad because the E screwed us over. 

Its time to send a message to Washington alright and that message is we're tired of the establishment Republicans running things and betraying our ideology, our beliefs, and our principles. 

Let them go after Mexican votes and see how they do without us at the voting booth then watch them cry. 

If we run out and do their bidding and vote for them its only going to go on as usual and we're going to keep being screwed over by them. Not only that but our country is going to keep on getting screwed by them. 

Put a stop to it. 

Don't vote for them in November.  


Rep. John Bennett and Dean Obeidallah Plus Other Stuff

Interesting thing happened last night. I made a short comment under a hash tag after posting some stuff in my timeline about an article on CNN by Dean Obeidallah. 

The article was attacking a Representative in Oklahoma who had stood up and spoken out regarding the threat Islam and Muslims pose to not only our country but all of the Western world. 

Rep. John Bennett had not only spoken up and told the truth about the very real threat posed by Muslims to us and the Western world but he'd had the audacity to not bow to terrorist groups such as CAIR and such entities as NAACP who were demanding an apology. Instead he stood up to them and not only refused to apologize but kept speaking the truth. 

Oh, the horror of it. Finally a politician who didn't bow down in abject terror to these groups yelling the "R" word. 

So this article basically attacked Mr. Bennett completely saying that he is racist, bigoted, hate filled and general a piece of low life scum. Ending by not only calling for him to resign but telling people in Oklahoma to subvert the election process by writing in a more biddable candidate on their ballot in November as Bennett was running unopposed.

Considering the number of people today who run scared from the appellation of racism by these groups and are down right afraid to take any stand much less take on these groups to actually see Mr. Bennett doing so was remarkable, refreshing and frankly wonderful.

Too many people, whether famous or ordinary, are actually frightened to be labeled racist or hateful. So libs jump on those words anytime anyone says anything against their ridiculous beliefs and plans. 

Stop the invasion and its racist and hateful. Support police against thugs who attack them and its racist and hateful. Not having a problem with a city turning off the water to people who refuse to pay their bill and you're hateful and racist. Asking why don't blacks stop committing crimes instead of whining about being in jail for doing so and you're once again racist and hateful. You are also "Ignorant, stupid, a member of the KKK, a Nazi, monster" and the list goes on. 

There is no discussion, no debate with these people because they can't win the argument so resort to name calling or trying to bait you into anger like them instead. 

So many people are afraid of being called these names or being branded these things that I find it pitiful.

And because of this so many people keep silent and do not say what needs to be said or take the stands that need to be taken. 

When the people do this it sends the wrong message to Washington that they are fine with things which they are not fine about. When the people in Washington do this it is cowardice and they accomplish nothing except perhaps keeping their jobs but they hurt their constituency and they hurt this country. 

You would think that adults would have learned the old adage "Sticks and stones..." by now and would apply it. So what if some liberal calls you a racist. You know whether you are or not. Why cower in shame when you have done nothing to be ashamed of? 

Rep. Bennett has taken a stand on the St. Louis cop attacking thug and President Obama's response to it, and now he's taken a stance on the concrete threat posed by Muslims in our world. 

Make no mistake, Islam is a religion of violence, murder and enslavement. Their holy book calls throughout to exterminate or enslave all those who do not follow Islam. No "Buts", no "Ors" just kill em all or make em slaves. 


This is what you are dealing with here. This is what the United States is dealing with and it is what the Western World is facing. Not only that but it is what all of them are going to be facing in the coming years. 

One point six billion people who follow a religion who has a sole purpose which is to exterminate all non-Muslim peoples or make them into Islam's slaves. This isn't hypothetical, this isn't racist, this isn't bigoted, this is simple fact. 

Now you will hear from Muslims and apologists that the majority of Muslims don't feel that way even though poll after poll shows they at least support those beliefs. The problem is even if everything they claim is actually true it leaves a huge number of people whose sole goal is to kill us. 

There are estimated to be 1.6 Billion Muslims. 1%, that is one percent, of them would be one point six Million people. Million, that's a hell of a lot of people who have for a goal to destroy Western civilization. 

If you take other estimates that range from six to fifteen percent and even higher that is just astronomical. Its horrifying to contemplate because that makes millions upon millions who want to kill us and wipe our civilization, our beliefs, our very existence out of the world. 

A thousand of those millions coming here and living amongst us could turn and cause significant harm to our country from within. Devastating harm and injury to us. Considering their preferred method of attack is to target civilians and children specifically the results are truly terrifying to contemplate. 

Is it so beyond reasonable to think over the last twenty or thirty years a thousand or two thousand Muslims could have come to this country and would attack us from within if called to do so as their religion dictates? 

Stop and think about this a moment because this religion is about conquering and killing all non-believers. That is a major tenet of their bible throughout. It is a Muslim's duty to God to seek out and kill or make a slave of any who do not follow Islam. Anyone who is Muslim and does not do so is not following Allah's word and commandments, his directions and orders. There are specific passages in the Quran condemning those who sit back and do nothing to kill and enslave non-believers.

Yet those who claim the "Religion of Peace" would have you believe that the majority of Muslims are just really bad ones who don't follow their God and bible's teachings. 

Maybe so. I don't know but that is also the point. 

Along comes Representative Bennett who is trying to warn us of this and other facts. This is especially true considering that the Muslims have specifically called for America's death and destruction. He's standing up and getting slammed by a coalition of liberal and Muslim apologist groups. 

Starting with a terrorist or terrorist front organization called CAIR which has been successfully legislating and fighting in court to shove Muslim acceptance and toleration down American throats, they are attacking Rep. Bennett for speaking the truth. 

The NAACP has joined in as well. They of course stick their nose into everything where its not wanted. I did have to laugh when I read this week they'd bullied another set of politicians to do their bidding and it was that blacks have the right to show their naked butts to the world without penalty of the law. We used to call that indecent exposure where I'm from but I guess not anymore. 

It was disheartening to see an entire city council minus one cave in to these thugs in suits and allow this unacceptable dress to continue without consequence but again the "R" word was immediately raised as the NAACP said it would affect blacks most. The city council ran crying at being called that instead of growing a pair and saying "Maybe you should be addressing the blacks if you don't want them getting into trouble because we're not having their asses showing to the world in our town." That of course didn't happen and they repealed the ordinance. 

So they're crying about Bennett too and now liberal religious groups have joined the fray. Shamefully one of them being a Jewish one. This of course is like a Jewish group coming out and supporting Hitler. In case no one told these particular Jews, they're on the same list for extermination as we are. Matter of fact the Jewish people have a higher priority for eradication than we do. Muslims hate Jewish guts a hell of a lot more than American ones. 

So now Rep. Bennett is facing demands he resign. I sincerely hope people come out and support him fully for having the courage to stand up and speak out when others are too afraid to do so. 

Now this brings us back to Mr. Obeidallah who decided to reply to me, several times. He's a writer at CNN and I've read a number of his articles over recent years and seem to recall that he's a good writer even on things I disagree with him about. 

I never actually thought someone like him would respond to me yet he did so. I had hoped someone of his caliber would respond with the insight and thoughtfulness he put into his articles on CNN.

I was rather surprised when I discovered he responded in the usual liberal fashion of name calling and baiting comments. All hateful, all attempting to hurt, inflame or otherwise do something disagreeable. 

Examples were asking me if I was a member of the KKK. Suggesting I was a member of the same KKK group as the Oklahoma Rep must be in. Of course the "R" word and "Bigot" had to come in. Even though Islam is not a race so not something you can be "Racist" against. He impugned my manhood and outright called me a coward who would do nothing to defend myself, family or community if under attack. 

Mr. Obeidallah had nothing with which to reply. Not one argument, not one point of view about it, not one constructive thing to say. Matter of fact except for name calling and insults he didn't have anything to say at all. Much like liberals in general most of the time. 

Now I've always wondered just what they think they are doing with all that garbage. Is it just to hurt? Enrage maybe? Get a rise out of you? Exactly what is the purpose of looking like complete idiots except to fuel the stereotype that they are in fact exactly that? 

You see Mr. Obeidallah I know fully exactly what I am but I also know exactly what I am not. I know exactly who I am and exactly who I am not. I know what I am capable of and I know what I am not capable of. I've been faced with pulling that trigger and know for a fact whether I can do it or not. Can you say the same about any of these things? 

You who do not know me in any way shape or form except for a short sentence saying something along the lines of  "People need to show support for Rep. John Bennett" have made your nasty little comments and called your names as other liberals often do and yet it shows you for what you are much more than it reflects badly upon me who did not call you names or attack you in any way. I remained polite even though you couldn't be bothered to even attempt to do so in any fashion from the first word you typed to me.

As I've said before I'm a big boy and I can take whatever. It doesn't bother me. Petty crap like this stopped bothering me before I got out of junior high and that was a heck of a long time ago. I know what I've got between my legs and like then I don't have any need to prove it to anyone including you. 

So do you feel big and powerful that you've insulted someone who is not a famous reporter/writer for one of the biggest news organizations in the world? Does it make your appendage hard to be a total prick because someone has the audacity to disagree with you? 

Well enjoy it you've certainly earned the title in this case. I for one will continue to read your articles disagreeing with some and maybe agreeing with others because you do write well. But a lot of respect I had went out the window last night with your few words of what is really hate. Not that you probably care one way or the other, but I just wanted to say that. 

Others of course chimed in with the normal hate speech which is common for them so don't feel alone in your attack upon me Mr. Obeidallah, there were others. I actually know I've succeeded and won when all a liberal can say to my argument is calling me names. They can't fight facts and reality so resort to childish name calling. 

One thing I've always wondered about is the liberal fascination with gay slurs bestowed upon conservatives. Why do your lot insist eight times out of ten with calling conservatives gay, and other less printable things expressing our supposed love for homosexual sex acts? 

I've just never got that. I don't know about you but you see I'm quite comfortable with my sexuality and it doesn't bother me at all,  but you all seem to find being gay a bad thing to be upset about. Believe it or not there are conservative gay people out there. Ever hear of Log Cabin Republicans as an example? So I just don't get you all always resorting to that kind of thing. 

Of course there might be people who aren't comfortable with themselves who get offended at being called that but still isn't it rather juvenile? Matter of fact isn't most of what you liberals resort to with all this name calling and baiting, quite juvenile? 

Oh well, just my two cents. 

I would like to thank IAdam11 an Arab American who from that encounter spoke to me in a civilized manner for quite some time last night. We did not agree on any number of things in relation to Islam and Muslims but he earned my respect and thanks for treating me as another human being and being willing to have an open discourse about a difficult subject and one which was especially personal to him. 

I've found the occasional person who will buck the usual liberal stereotype and discuss things, but its few and far between. 

 So that was my brush with ten seconds of fame if you can call it that. Being spoken to by a nationally recognized writer, even if he did act like a child and did nothing but call me names and insult me. 

It kind of reminds me about stars I worked around many years ago. Some of them were real pricks in real life, ones you'd never suspect of it too. Others were unbelievable nice and fondly remembered to this day thirty years later. I guess we know which category Mr. Obeidallah falls under.

This is the article
Dean Obeidallah Attacks Rep For Telling Truth