These aren't new phrases by and large. They just come and go as being used by the liberals and democrats.
This last week its been on again. There is a war on all these and more.
Except there isn't.
Not that you'd know it from listening to the news media. The way the portray events, slant events and outright twist events to further the liberal beliefs is beyond belief.
Let's take it one at a time where practical.
The war on women that doesn't exist.
There has been a plethora of the use of this phrase this last week or so. Backed by the media in full describing events as taking away a woman's choice, reproductive freedom, healthcare choices, and a few others this and the "War on women's health, war on women's reproductive freedom, war on reproductive choice, and the war on a women's healthcare choices amongst others.
All of it is a bunch of bullshit.
Listening to the liberals and media you would think the Supreme Court (SC) issued a decision which took that away from women.
They didn't.
What they won't tell you and don't want you to know is that there has been nothing done and nothing, outside of abortion, proposed that would be taking away anything and certainly not any of what they are claiming. A women still has the same rights and availability of options, the same choices she had the day before the SC decision.
That's right, absolutely nothing has changed on anything they are claiming has changed. Nothing!
The SC decision said those with religious beliefs in conflict with the government's mandate don't have to partake of it. They don't have to pay for it. That's it, a woman can do whatever she wants, take whatever drugs or other methods she wants to take but some employers don't have to pay for it.
The whole issue isn't about any of the crap the liberals claim it is. Its about who is going to pay for these woman to do what they want.
That's all its about and all its ever been about.
Does a woman have the right today to take a morning after pill.
The answer is a resounding yes!
Today though some companies whose owners do not believe in abortion don't have to pay for it.
Simple as that.
Like Sandra Fluke and the Rush controversy which occurred the liberals bring up a bunch of BS to obfuscate the truth of the matter.
All Rush was trying to say was why should we pay for her to sleep around? That's it and its a legitimate question. The second part of that question was why should a religious university be required to go against their beliefs and pay for her to sleep around as she chooses?
Neither he or anyone else said she can't sleep around or can't get contraceptives to do it.
All they said was why should we or a religious institution who doesn't believe in it have to pay for her social life whether with one person or twenty?
That is a good question and certainly a valid one.
Instead mass liberal hysteria came out attacking Mr. Limbaugh for saying it and completely burying the issue which is as valid today as it was then.
There is no war on women or anything related to their health or healthcare. Its all a fake narrative to win votes and attempt to scare people into the democratic arms.
Unless you count abortion as a war on women and I'm sure the liberals do, there is no war.
The republicans have not and are not waging a war at all. I for one don't care who is sleeping with who or how many. I don't care what kind of contraceptives they are using in the slightest. That's their business.
Other than abortion I've never heard anyone realistically calling for anything like what the liberals claim. No one cares what a woman is doing or using.
The issue is who gets to pay for it and yes there has been debate about whether the woman should pay for her own stuff or everyone else should do so.
I look at it this way. If I am going to have sex I don't think its anybody else's job to buy the raincoat but me. Liberals think the government ought to be buying them.
But this case wasn't even about that. It was about a religious company being required to go against their beliefs and pay for it.
The women can still get it they just won't have it bought for them at that company.
So that's the not-war on women.
Now we can go into the "War on the undocumented and minorities"
Lets get something straight there is again no war. There should be but there isn't.
The "Illegals" which the liberals want to call "Undocumented" to try to hide the illegality of their existence don't belong in this country, period.
They should be sent home immediately and the invasion stopped.
Instead anyone against them is called racist, inhumane and perpetrating a war on the undocumented/minorities.
It should be mentioned that this war has been extended under the umbrella of "War on minorities" in an effort to tie them together with the underlying theory that its all tied to race as in we're racists and that's why we oppose the illegal invasion of our country.
Even though its been shown that the majority of the invasion force consists of older teenagers the media continues to portray them as little children and their mommies. I can't even quantify the number of times I've heard the "Young children and their mothers" in news broadcasts over the last week or so.
The people in Murrieta have been painted as merciless, inhumane, racist, mean people who have been attacking buses filled with mothers and their young children. That is one example.
I've heard reference that anyone opposing the invasion is racist, mean spirited, inhumane, insensitive, uncaring, and a host of other pejoratives attacking them.
None of it is true. The fact that the media is jumping on this bandwagon is very concerning and troubling. There is certainly no impartiality here. They ignore anything showing a negative light and focus on these little children desperately seeking a more prosperous life.
That would be a great heartbreaking story if its true.
Its not.
Then there is the war on minorities.
What this boils down to is that anything against the liberal left idea of the way things should be with minorities constitutes a war on them.
They don't want the illegals deported so anyone calling for it makes it a war on them. They don't want them to abide by our laws so anyone calling for it makes it a war on them. This goes farther than just the illegals though as this non-existent war also extends to blacks.
Enforce discipline in the schools and its racist. Enforce the laws on blacks as well as everyone else and its racist. And now expecting blacks to pay their water bill is racist and a war on minorities.
According to these people anything that affects blacks more than whites is not only racist but part of the white war on minorities.
This of course doesn't take into account such things as there not being any whites in an area which accounts for mostly blacks being affected. In the water case its Detroit which is almost entirely black.
The liberals point to the fact that its affecting mostly black people as evidence that its racist and this is the way it gets reported in the media as well. They just don't mention its mostly blacks because there ain't no whites left to affect in that $hithole.
So now they've demanded the UN of all things come in and force the city to provide free water to all blacks in the city and make certain the residents there don't have to pay their water bills.
I'd laugh except so many including our federal government are taking this very seriously and instead of telling the UN to kiss off they are groveling to them.
This is scary people. Very scary. The United Nations is coming into our country and saying that getting free water is a fundamental human right and Detroit is violating UN laws by demanding payment and shutting off the water to those who don't pay the bill.
Our government instead of telling the UN to stick it is instead addressing its concerns with the city of Detroit to get water given to these blacks.
This is a hugely dangerous precedent to set. I have to pay my water bill. If I don't I get my water shut off. Its that simple. If I want my water back on I have to pay my past due balance and they turn it back on.
Yet if you're black in Detroit this is unacceptable and Detroit is expected to let the blacks get away with not paying? What is wrong with that picture?
Why is the media jumping in on this on the side of the whiners and complainers rather than saying "Why don't you pay your bill then?"
I wonder what else will be next. The right to have a home? The right to have electricity? The right to have a car? The right to have a telephone?
I know already the UN considers it a fundamental human right that everyone is entitled to have internet and internet access which means they must have the right to an internet accessing device of some kind.
Where does it end? The liberals think the government should pay for everything and no one should have less than any other. Now its nice to think the government should buy you a mansion in the Hollywood hills and a Lexus to drive around in and free everything else but that is not America.
Is it fun to struggle and not have, no its not. But that is life. The idea the blacks should have everything given to them is nothing new, what is new is the movement to see that happen.
That is exactly what is happening in Detroit right now. They are demanding the blacks be given free water service as a basic fundamental human right. If this succeeds it will be only the beginning not the end.
This has been a long term agenda of the liberals and blacks that has existed for a very long time.
So there isn't a war on minorities but maybe there should be.......
Bottom line here is that people need to start looking at what is being fed to them, twisted and slanted for their consumption and not believe a word of it.
The war isn't there although I think in some instances that maybe a war would be a good idea.
We definitely need a war on the illegals to stop the invasion of our country.
Another sad piece of news today I heard is that the LAPD is joining other law enforcement in California in not complying with federal law by holding illegals when captured for criminal acts. A long time bastion of liberal nonsense this is just the latest blow to getting rid of these people and actually enforcing our laws.
The fact law enforcement agencies are aiding and abetting illegals in staying here illegally when they have committed crimes is very depressing and a sad commentary on where we are as a society.
So the war that wasn't goes on with the complicity of the media and more the people who allow it.
Everyone is hoping for change come November when Republicans come into power but I just don't think its going to happen. Oh they might very well win, matter of fact I think they will, but I don't think what is elected with do anything they should.
The wrong kind of Republicans are being elected. Instead of conservative ones we'll be getting a bunch of democrat lite in office.
I'm glad I'm getting older, I just hope I won't live long enough to see where this country is headed. Its not some place I would want to live in I can tell you that. I know that's sad and probably not politically correct to say but its the truth.
Reading today the government in the UK castigated the BBC for actually reporting the joke the whole climate change thing is and ordering them to essentially stop putting on air any opposing views is just another bit of icing on the cake of where we're all going.
We'll just have to see if people wake up but the question begs if they do will it be enough to do anything? Or will it be a case of way too little, way too late.
Sorry, being pessimistic today I suppose. But the news isn't encouraging.
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