Monday, July 21, 2014

A Couple of Questions For You

I guess I'll start tonight with this yahoo I was on Twitter with earlier this evening.

Can someone tell me how I can be a racist and racist bastard as I was called tonight for defending Israel and her right to defend herself from attack by terrorists while that person is saying they want the extermination of the entire Jewish people and their country?

While I've said point blank that I hope Israel bombs these terrorists back into the stone age so they don't even have any more missiles to fire I haven't called for the extermination of the Palestinians.

Don't get me wrong here, whatever it takes to put an end to the threat permanently I support but I haven't called for their utter annihilation and murder. I don't want every Palestinian on Earth to die just the ones in Israel attacking it constantly for decades. 

Yet somehow I'm the racist and racist bastard? How exactly does that work?

Then there was another guy who I didn't even talk to who decides that I'm a "God loving" "Gun nut" and something else.

Meaning I suppose part of the RR and supporter of the second amendment. 

Well I do support the second amendment fully and completely. As to the RR, I've never been a part of them and never will. 

I certainly identify with a lot of their beliefs though as they also believe in many of the same things as I do. 

They believe in things I don't as well. I don't think any group believes in everything someone else believes in but I do think you pick that which most closely is aligned with your beliefs, goals, and ideology.

Conservatism is the closest to mine. It is also the closest to theirs. That does not make me a RR conservative though. 

As Myr said "I'd rather fight the RR to keep them out of my bedroom than the liberals to keep them out everything else in my life" 

Its a statement I agree with one hundred percent. 

The last question and please just don't say because they are stupid. I am beginning to think that may well be the answer but I have met some really smart and interesting liberals in my life.

Why is it that liberals can do nothing but call you racist, call you names, get vulgar, attack you, twist what you've said and make up stuff from things you haven't said?

I mean I'm sorry but I won't repeat some of the things that have been said to me. Tonight alone I was called a derogatory term for a homosexual, shown images of my supposed KKK "Friends" screwing each other, accused of being a "Hillbilly" "Ugly F---er" and a few other things and this was from one man.

Not once could he respond civilly or with thought to anything I said to him. Last night another one goes off and tells me to remove my tweets from his something or another. At that point I said "FO" exactly with those two letters, no more. Then he gets affronted about it and says he never said any such thing. 

I can't tell you the number of times since I started this "Twitter" thing last week that people have responded as outlined. Not one has been able to have a civil discussion and/or debate about a single thing. 

I mean I realize that no one likes getting slapped down so easily but still can't someone put forward their position without twisting, inventing or attacking the other party?

I've seen it with other people as well. Its definitely not just me. All non-liberals seem to be treated the same.

Its an attitude of "Its just this way because I say it should be and that's that" Anything counter to that brings about pure obnoxiousness and rudeness.

I mean their position is usually indefensible and also usually easily countered but are you seriously telling me there are no more liberals out there that can actually argue their case on its own merits, few though they might be, without attacking or inventing things to be outraged about?

I don't care anymore about being called a racist. That ship has sailed and if you've read anything here you already know what I've said about myself and my personal fight regarding racism. 

If it was just a week on Twitter I probably would just chalk it up to the medium but I've seen this for years and still don't have an answer.

One guy even quoted from a post on here about Israel to prove I was a bunch of things that the post didn't even talk about. Don't ask me where he got his appellations from or from what he based them upon but once again it wasn't any facts regarding me.

Kind of like the posts and picks tonight. Liberal using anti-gay images and names to brand me gay. And it was several regarding homosexual sex acts. All nasty and mean and if I were a member of the RR I suppose I would have been outraged about it. I guess that was the point but then again this is a liberal arguing his point by making nasty comments about homosexuals. How liberal of him.

For the record for any future liberals reading this. Being called gay doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't have a problem with homosexuals or homosexuality. 

So, I probably won't get an answer to this, or at least by any liberals but then again, this blog is to put whatever I want to up here for all to see. 

These are my thoughts and ramblings tonight.  

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