Saturday, July 12, 2014

Santa Rosa California.....Justice Served, for a change.

First of all a young man is dead and its a tragedy that it happened. 

It was a horrible accident brought on by the boy in question but still it is very sad it happened. 

What it wasn't was racist, discriminatory or murder as another minority is claiming.

A thirteen year old boy who looked much older, more like an adult, lost his life. 

There is no doubt it was horribly tragic and no one wants something like that to happen especially the police officer involved. 

This police officer received a call of a man with an assault rifle walking down the street. Upon responding he observed what appeared to be a young adult carrying exactly that, an assault rifle. 

He exited his patrol car ordering the subject to drop the weapon repeatedly which the subject did not do. 

Instead the subject turned towards the officer raising the weapon at the officer at which time the officer discharged his service weapon.

The assault weapon in question was an AK-47 assault rifle. The officer was a twenty year weapons expert and weapons training officer who identified the weapon in the subject's hands and once it was raised towards him fired in self defense. 

This week the district attorney after a thorough investigation held a press conference where she announced the facts of the case and the determination of her office regarding the officer's conduct. 

It turned out the young adult while looking much older was only thirteen years old. The second thing was the AK-47 assault rifle was a replica BB gun not a real bullet firing one. 

Two pictures were up in the press conference, one showing the young man's weapon and the other a real AK-47. 

Both looked exactly alike. No differences at all. The exact same in appearance.

The second was that the evidence clearly showed the officer fired in self-defense based on the information he had available to him at the time of the shooting. 

The conclusion was that this was clearly a use of justified force and a clear case of firing in self defense. 

The prosecutor stated no charges would be filed since the officer did not do anything wrong. She also stated that the state attorney general's office would not be filing any charges either as this was a justified use of force. 

Justice in this case was finally served when in recent years far too many officers have been thrown under the bus in the name of political correctness and appeasement towards minority groups. 

With the above said, its still a tragic event. Its something the officer will never recover from even if he returns to work. Not only has he been forced to take a life but he's taken the life of a child. 

There is no getting over that, any of it. Its an officer's worst nightmare. I can remember training based on real life scenarios where an officer went into a house to search it and saw a shadow on a wall with a hand holding a gun. The officer in real life had turned and fired, killing the subject only to find out he'd just shot a little boy with a toy gun. 

The scenario was fake and for training but it had happened to a police officer before. That was why it was there. It had happened in different ways many times. 

Its not something that you want to contemplate but have to so you hopefully don't end up in a similar situation as this Santa Rosa officer did. 

What makes this even more tragic is that when it happened the Mexicans went ballistic out there. They started screaming racism, discrimination, murder, and a host of other baseless charges at the officer and his department.

They held protests and marches about the officer and the department for which he worked. They said it was first degree murder, it was because the officer was racist and hated Mexicans, they said the murder happened because the department and its officers hated Mexicans. 

They said a lot of things like always get said but what they didn't say was it was because a young man took a real looking gun out with him and pointed it at a police officer after not listening to orders to drop the weapon over and over again.

Maybe the anger should be directed at a teenager not doing what he was told instead. If he had he'd be alive. Maybe the anger should be directed at the fact he was allowed out of the house with a 100% real looking assault rifle to walk down the street with. If he hadn't been he would be alive. Maybe the anger should have been directed a number of places other than where it was but it wasn't.

Instead.another minority group wanted to scapegoat the cops and blame a police officer for another's actions. 

While the officer will live with this for the rest of his life, he should be the one who is angry because if the young man hadn't did these things the shooting would never have happened. Yet I can bet the officer isn't angry, isn't furious that he was put in that horrific position but instead incredibly sad and horrified by what happened. 

In the aftermath the Mexicans demanded the FBI investigate the racist murder of this young man even though it wasn't. The Mexicans demanded the Justice Dept. investigate the cop and department on civil rights charges even though none were violated. 

The Mexicans, of course, demanded the prosecution and jailing of the officer in this case by the district attorney or some other agency. 

Once the report came out from the district attorney's office showing clearly that the officer acted in justifiable self defense one would think it would be over but of course its not. 

The Mexicans are protesting the decision and making continued demands for the arrest and prosecution of the murderer of this boy. 

They are still marching and protesting the racist cop, department and apparently everyone else. 

The FBI is unbelievably investigating this and so is the justice department. For what reason I have no idea but its not the first time either one have jumped into things they shouldn't. I believe there is also a law suit going on as well. I think its based on the ridiculous civil rights violation claim as many of them are. 

Instead of accepting whose fault it truly was and mourning the loss of a young life lost so senselessly over simply not doing what he was told and being out with something he shouldn't have been out with the community instead chooses to blame non-existent factors and everyone and everything else but the real cause of the loss of life. 

I should mention there was clear video of what happened via the cop's dashcam. There were also witnesses who collaborated the officer's version of events even if they didn't think he should have fired at all. 

Does all this sound familiar? 

It should, you could replace the word "Mexican" with "Black" and pretty much describe any number other cases where everything that can be blamed is but not the person who is actually responsible for whatever happened. 

It seems the Mexicans have taken the page from the playbook of the blacks and are using it now to blame the cops for actions of their community. This is almost verbatim the blacks usual modus operandi.

In the end we know three things.

A young teen is still dead and that is a huge loss for his friends and family.

A cop's life is forever changed and possibly destroyed over what he HAD to do. 

Finally if nothing further happens legally against this officer and for now at least, justice has truly been served for a change, the officer vindicated in a hollow victory.

Pray for the officer and for the family of this boy. 

Both need it.

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