Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rueben Navarette and the illegals invading, Israel, and Detroit, plus court rules again for illegals.

Another sad day today. 

A Federal court of appeals has ruled that Arizona must give driver's licenses to illegals. 

How can our courts continually make these rulings? 

I mean I know its the 9th circuit and they've always been a bunch of whackos but still. Its just another affront to the rule of law being conducted by our government and supported more than not by our courts. 

Hey I've got an idea. Arizona can say sure come on down and apply for a license and every single one of the GD illegals showing up and applying for one can be arrested and shoved back across the border where they belong. 

How about that?

A simple and great way to round them up.  

In another story I saw today President Obama are going around trying to diffuse the growing anger about the invasion by saying most all of the women and children will end up deported and not allowed to stay in the United States. 


It took me a while to stop laughing.

If you believe that one I have some swampland in Florida to sell you.

Let me be blunt here. Since the liberals meaning the Prez and all want them here and do NOT want to do anything like deport them this is just more obfuscation to appease the growing angry people of this country. Smoke and mirrors, calm the angry right wingers, shut em up and all the while keep the illegals coming. Once they get settled in of course we can't possibly send them back into poverty etc. can we?

The President and liberals have absolutely no intention of doing any such thing as sending them back or they'd already be on the friggin bus. Hell if they can charter jumbo jets to fly them all over the United States they can sure as hell charter them to fly them back to whatever dismal cesspool they crawled out of.

You don't see that happening do you?

Heck you don't even see buses being chartered to send them back so what makes you think once they're all settled and comfy its going to happen, if they can even find them which they can't by the way, not that they want to. 

Its not.

And Ruben Navarette has a column on CNN calling for US Marshals service to be sent to Murrieta Calif to attack the people standing up against the invasion of our country and calls for them to be suppressed and arrested for doing it. 

Maybe Mr. Navarette should instead be calling for someone to be sent to arrest and deport the mass of illegal invaders which are showing up in places like Murrieta. 

But of course he's not doing that is he?

No instead he has a problem with people protesting and standing up for our country against the invasion force and the government's complicity in it.

That and he and his liberal friends don't want it seen that there is any opposition to the invasion which he is wholly in favor of.

Shame on you Mr. Navarette.

Israel is once again under attack by the Arab terrorists who have vowed to wipe them from the face of the Earth. 

The Palestinian terrorists are not only attacking into the heart of Israel but once again celebrating the attacks en mass and calling for the killing of all Israeli's wherever they can be found including especially civilians. 

When is Israel just going to go in and wipe the floor with them and be done with it? Bomb them back into the stone age and then take over the territory and tell them they can either live with it or get the hell out.

They have to do something sooner or later. 

The Obama administration has abandoned Israel and attacks them every chance it gets. It has been for a long time now. They are basically on their own and someone somewhere has to ask how much more are these people supposed to put up with. 

How much more must Israel endure to appease others while these monsters attack them and kill them and their children. How much more must Israel sit back and do nothing while these terrorists call for killing Israel's children before Israel has the right to stand up and say enough? 

How much?

I say its way past enough and has been for years. The terrorists want a war Israel will give them one they'll never forget and I hope they do. Deal with them once and for all and never have to worry again. 

If Israel doesn't it sure would be nice if our government told the illegal masses to get the hell out but of course nobody has the cujones to do that.

And Detroit is back in my sights after seeing the representative of "Welfare Rights" having a fit about a reporter reporting somewhat accurately about the blacks and the water bill problem. 

First of all when did "Welfare" become a right that anyone has? 

I'm sure the liberals would like to make it one but I wasn't aware that they had succeeded or that it was one. 

Welfare rights indeed. 

How about you have the right to the same treatment as every other American and if you don't like it go pi$$ up a rope. I for one am so sick and tired of listening to their whining. If America is so bad as they continually claim there is a lot of real estate in Africa that is open, go get you some.

The reporter actually was more on the side of the blacks which was her side than not but she still attacked him for reporting any of the ugly truths that she didn't like being out there. 

As an example of the biggest one she went ballistic about the fact that so many who have their water cut off then promptly show up at the water company and guess what?

They pay the bill. 

She didn't want that out there being reported. 

This puts to the lie the claim that its mainly if not all about poor people who can't afford their water bill. They find the money fast enough once it gets shut off that's for sure. 

Which by the way in case you didn't realize it is why the water company is shutting off the water in the first place. They know these people and they know their games. 

They know as soon as they shut off the water the money will magically appear to pay the bill. Of course it comes with a lot of bitching and moaning but the money does come. 

Are there people who can't pay the bill? Yes there are but they are not the majority here. Its what it always has been its those who can and don't.

I know I've put off paying a bill as long as I can before to usually pay something else but like the residents of Detroit once whatever it is gets shut off I show up with money to take care of it. I sure as hell don't go crying racial discrimination because I don't have the money or more to the point because I chose not to pay the bill when I should have.

The water dept. knows this as well and miraculously it is working the same with them and most of the residents in question. 

That's another thing, why is expecting blacks to do what is expected of every other American considered racist? I mean that is what is being said here. 

Expecting them to pay their water bill to have water turned on is being called discriminatory and racist. That is what the liberals are saying. 

Why is it though? 

If it was just this one instance I wouldn't do more than laugh but its all the time. Anything comes up that any other American would be subject to it becomes a racist thing when it involves blacks. 

Expect them to obey the law, its racist/discriminatory.

Expect their children to obey the rules in school, its racist/discriminatory.

Expect them to pay their water bill, its racist/discriminatory. 

Expect them to do anything you and I, the average non black American have to do and its called racist and discriminatory. 

What in the world is up with that? 

More to the point why aren't more people standing up and saying no to the characterization that it is?

Instead we're supposed buy into it all and excuse their behavior, bad behavior mostly at that, and allow it for some strange liberal reason. 

I just don't get it just like their demands the media not portray crime on the news involving them because its racist and discriminatory since most crime in some areas is comprised of nothing but blacks. 

The two things in common here is that liberals in both instances don't want attention to be drawn to anything besides the "Facts" they want out there. 

It doesn't look good if anyone is against the invasion. It doesn't look good to show these blacks for what many of them are. It screws with their narrative and now for Mr. Navarette to call US agents to descend upon those against the invasion and silence them I think is too far. 

My final thoughts are this.

Mr. Navarette has called for five hundred US Marshals to descend and silence those protesting the invasion of America in their town. He's called for them to protect the invaders and ensure they get free access to the community and anything else they want. He calls for them to make sure the illegals are not made to feel unwelcome by horrible Americans who can see this for what it is. 

He compares it to desegregation in the South in the 60s and calls for the 60s to come again in relation to sending Federal agents in to enforce the "Rights" of the illegals to invade our country. 

How about this? How about if he gets his way and five hundred agents come in with their guns and try to intimidate American citizens in favor of illegal aliens. But how about a thousand, or two thousand American citizens show up too with their guns and show the agents we're not going to take this crap on our own soil. 

How about that?

It worked in Nevada when federal agents went after an old man and his ranch it should work even better here. 

It used to be asked if you would die for your country and if you were patriotic there was only one answer. I wonder if there are enough left that feel that way to answer the only choice, for it may come to that. 

I've said it before, this invasion must be fought and it must be fought on the very simple and accurate premise that this is an invasion by masses of people who are crossing our borders to overwhelm us and take over our country. Its been going on for many years and its only getting worse. 

Something must be done about it. The invaders must be fought and turned back. 

Its that simple folks, stop the invaders. Turn them back or take them down but put a stop to it one way or the other. 

I wonder if anyone will do it or more specifically if enough will do it. Having one or two people is not going to be effective or stem the tide. Having hundreds if not thousands of armed citizens show up for the fight and prosecuting the war against the invaders would be a good start.

So far I'm not impressed with the militias who are going out of their way to say they aren't going to do anything except stand around and look like idiots turning over the invaders to CBP while giving them food and water. 

They are calling for no violence and of course the illegals want to be turned over these days so they can get "Permisso" from the government.

What they think they can do if they're not willing to fight the invaders I don't know but I'm sure they'll manage the "Idiot" look just fine. 

I've been working on a piece about them or at least some comments about them and as I say in my post that isn't up yet. They all look and act like a bunch of yahoos and not much else. 

This is a war people and its always been a war. I can remember back when I was a kid in the 70s the Mexicans used to say we won't fight you to get this country back we'll just outbreed you to win. They have always seen a large part of the SW as part of Mexico illegally taken away from them. They have always wanted it back. They're getting it.

Guess what they've done? Between illegals overrunning our borders and massive breeding they've done exactly that. 

I don't know that its not too late already and frankly I fear it might well be. There just doesn't seem any will to get rid of the invading force which is already here numbering twelve million odd illegals and I certainly haven't seen much in the way of resolve about getting rid of the masses currently coming. (Mostly teens contrary to the media narrative)

Unless Americans are willing to fight this war and fight it hard we will lose. We will lose our country, our language, our customs, our beliefs, our schools, medical and everything else.

Its already happened in California and happened a long time ago. Its been happening elsewhere as well and its been happening and ongoing across the country now. 

So people either need to fight or they need to just give up and we'll call this the United States of Mexico North. And we can all go down to the border and welcome them with open arms as our traitorous President has been and is doing. 

Oh and Mr. Navarette, since you love the illegals so damn much why don't you go back to Mexico with them if we ever deport them which I certainly hope will get done. 

Hell why don't you just go back to Mexico anyway and spew your anti-American bull$ht there where it might be appreciated more.

I want to hope something will be done but I'm more afraid it won't.

Please prove me wrong......


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