A couple of other things going on.
The whole Israel and Palestinian thing continues. I reiterate that Israel needs to exterminate the threat once and for all. I know that's not a popular word, especially with Jews, I would imagine, but its the only word that sums up my feelings on this.
These people have been and are a threat to the Jewish people and the country of Israel. Their continued existence within Israel's lands will continue to be a major threat.
The only way to neutralize that threat is to totally remove it. Like removing a cancer you want to excise the tumor completely. The Palestinians are a virulent form of cancer whose sole stated intention is to wipe out Israel and all Jews.
There is only one way to deal with such a threat and that is to remove it, period. Whatever has to be done needs to be done and done fully.
Rout these parasites from Israel lands and force them off onto the Arab countries in the area who never wanted them either and actually stole their land in the first place. I actually believe that the Arabs may have had a point considering what these animals are.
The calls for protecting the innocent civilians in Palestine are a joke as there are no innocent civilians except perhaps those under two years old.
This is group of people who elected terrorists to represent them and run their supposed country. This is a group of people who support wholeheartedly the terrorists in every way imaginable. These people throw their bodies between the actively shooting terrorists and Israeli forces to protect the terrorists. These people allow weapons to be placed in their schools, homes, hospitals and other civilian places in the misguided belief that it will stop Israel from striking back against where the missiles come from.
These are a people who are in bed fully with the terrorists they elected to lead them. They believe completely the same things. That Israel must be destroyed and wiped off the face of the Earth. They believe that all Jews must be killed. Their stated goal is to rid the world of the Jewish pestilence.
There are no civilians in Palestine, there just active and inactive combatants. For what is inactive today may well be active tomorrow. The children are armed at ages here which would still be in preschool. They are raised with one thing over all else. The Jews and Israel must be destroyed and destroyed completely. They learn this at their mother's breast.
What are the Jewish people and Israel supposed to do?
According to the hordes which have invaded England, France and other European countries with impunity in recent years, die.
These filthy Muslim animals have invaded England and many other European countries over the recent decades and have been allowed to stay. Now their numbers are massive and since England and others have not been able to rid themselves of the horde they are instead inundated with them.
They can do nothing, especially after ceding their sovereignty to the EU to deport these invaders. Much like what we are being forced to accept now in the United States they have been forced to accept them, accommodate them, and protect them. Over there you can't even speak the truth about them yet they can call for all Jews to die and that's acceptable.
With that result you are seeing tens of thousands of them marching, rioting and demanding Israel to stop defending themselves and to die.
With a Muslim loving, Israel hating President in this country we've abandoned our ally and instead supported yet again, terrorists in their stead.
He supported the terrorists in Syria, Egypt and every Muslim country over the last years of his presidency. He supported with those who would overthrow the legitimate government of Ukraine and has started a pissing contest with President Putin because he supports the rightful leaders of that country as he should, as we should have. Instead Obama has supported Islamic terrorists and is doing so once again in Palestine.
My greatest fear is that Israel will once again cave to international pressure rather than continue the fight to the finish as they need to do once and for all.
If Israel backs down once again they face a future of the same as they have had for over sixty years. Attacks, killing and threat from these creatures.
Israel needs to take the gloves off and deal with the Palestinians wholly and completely. They must stop worrying about whether Obama likes it or not. They must stop worrying if the liberals like it or not. They sure as hell must stop worrying about whether or not the Palestinians like it or not.
They don't. Nothing Israel does or can do short of abandoning their nation and moving to another continent will make these people happy. Nothing has ever made any of them happy and nothing short of Israel's end ever will.
This is something that Israel must face and deal with. No matter how much they do for the Palestinians, no matter how much they give to them, no matter how much they give up for them, nothing short of the end of Israel will make them happy. Nothing short of that will stop the attacks, ever.
I'll say again these animals have called for, believe completely, and wish for nothing else but, the extinction and destruction of Israel and all the Jewish people. They do not even believe that Israel has a right to exist. They don't want Jews or Israel in what they consider "Arab lands"
How can a people whose entire reason for life is someone else's destruction and extermination ever be happy with anything short of those things?
I'll tell you, they can't.
This is what Israel is facing and to hell with Obama, the UN, or anyone else. This is what they must deal with and what they must deal with sooner or later to the end.
Its past time they did so.
Bottom line its Israel and the Jewish people or these animals.
One will survive and one won't.
My vote and wholehearted support is with Israel.
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