Got up later than I planned today to start with which made me late to the start of the supposed protest by close to two hours.
Went all the way down there, followed the directions, arrived at the intersection as specified just before one in the afternoon which was almost two hours after the eleven a.m. start time.
And found nothing.
The location was in an unpopulated industrial area with nobody around anywhere.
There were a couple of overpasses on the way to that intersection and one after it but all empty and none in a populated area.
In other words definitely not the place to hold a protest since there would be no one to see it.
On top of that I thought something was strange because the directions said to park in the Target parking lot there at the intersection.
The problem is the Target in this city is miles away from said intersection and definitely not at it.
I hung around there a bit looking around before heading about a mile or so over to the downtown area and driving around a little there to see if maybe I could find it.
I didn't. Millions of people swarming everywhere but no protest in sight.
All was not lost though as I decided to make productive use of the time rather than see it wasted.
Going to my new destination I ended up exiting the freeway at the Target store, the only one in the city. The exit ramp let out right in front of it.
Didn't spend any time looking around there but also didn't see anything around while in front of it and driving past it down the road to my destination.
So it was either fake to start with or just never materialized at all.
Sad as its an indictment on us, the conservatives, who are supposedly "Standing up" and "Fighting back" but once again we're not.
That is why I have deep distrust of those who say we're going to fight back against the destruction of our country. I fear its all talk and no walk. When it comes to it no one will show up on the battlefield so to speak.
We need to but I don't think people will actually do it. They'll just sit around, bitch, moan and whine some more as they've been doing for over twenty years now.
Its been that long because I can remember how the conservatives were going to do it back with Clinton.
Guess what?
Didn't happen then and hasn't since.
We've been under the yoke of a party, an ideology, and a President for six years now and one who wasn't too much better for eight before that. Couple that with eight of Clinton and their bunch and you'll find we've been under that yoke since January 1993.
Twenty one years and absolutely nothing has been done or changed except for the worse.
We now have a republican party which has abandoned the principles of that party and colludes routinely with the liberal democratic enemy. A party who sides against those who are and stand for what the party is actually supposed to be. A party who sides with those who want to bring down America and our way of life.
Yet supposedly the great war pushing back against that destruction is imminent.
I'd love to believe that it is. It needs to be. Its imperative that it gets fought but I just don't believe it will happen.
Too many people would actually have to put their asses on the line and quite possibly die in a battle against the forces which the government could bring to bear against them and I just don't see people having what it takes any longer.
I'd drag my disabled fat butt out there to fight alongside those defending our way of life but how many else will do anything besides talk about it and never show up when it counts?
Too many, far too many I fear.
As more and more of our rights get trampled and taken away. As more and more of our way of life is irrevocably destroyed. As more and more of who we are as a people and a nation get redefined and altered, less and less will do more than whine behind their computer screens and call in to some talk radio show about how mad they are.
None will actually fight or be willing to fight for all their talk about doing so.
Call me cynical if you will, but I see it all the time. This non-protest was a good example. Asking something as simple as please show up resulted in no one coming. There was to be no fighting, no guns, no battles, just show up and be counted.
None of the so called "Patriots" could even be bothered to spend a few hours to do that. How in the hell are we to expect them to actually show up for a fight?
On top of that, there is supposedly this major outrage over the invasion of our country yet after making a big deal about all these protests happening this weekend the conservatives look like total fools because no one showed up or in cases where some did it was as one liberal on Twitter put it, more cops than protestors.
Now the media get to say "Look here, all the outrage is proven to not exist because no one really came to protest anything."
Or even worse more pro-invasion people came out than anti-invasion ones. That lets them say the pro-invasion crowd is actually the real opinion of the people of the United States.
I hope the protests fared better in other places, that's the only thing left but so far I haven't seen anything on the news about them. That doesn't bode well.
So while there is all the talk online and such there isn't yet again any action.
I have to finish the post I'm writing on the militias but basically I said they look more like idiots than any real force that is going to do something.
Of course I imagine if there is a real force out there they probably aren't putting it up on the internet for all to see which would be smart but damn it would be nice to know if such a force actually exists.
In the end the question that needs to be asked is are conservatives going to do nothing but talk about it or are they ever going to actually do something about it.
Cause, I hate to tell you, but time is running out. Its getting worse, a lot worse, sometimes daily but certainly weekly and monthly.
How much has to pass before its way too little and way too late to do anything about it?
I guess the bigger and most important question is has that time already come to pass?
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