Sunday, July 13, 2014

Now crying, Abbas

In a follow up to what I wrote before. 

The Palestinians in the form of Abbas the "President" of their terrorist existence are now begging the UN to place them under "International Protection" since they are getting their asses kicked royally after starting a war once again with Israel.

I find it highly funny that they attack Israel by killing three innocent children like they always do and now that Israel is saying enough of this and taking them out they are crying bloody murder.

They don't like being on the losing end of things obviously, who does. 

But Hamas is getting slammed and losing leaders right and left while the terrorists are in general getting their asses handed to them.

They once again screwed with the wrong people.

What I don't and won't find funny is the whining liberals crying come Monday at the UN making demands on Israel to not defend themselves against attacks. 

And while Abbas is crying to the UN his people are still attacking Israel with rockets constantly. 

In other words Abbas wants the UN to protect heir terrorist asses and stop Israel from defending themselves while they get to continue to fire upon Israel without consequence. 

Instead of telling them "Too bad, you asked for it and now you've got it, so live with it" they will do everything they can against Israel and once again will try to allow the Palestinian terrorists to get away with it.

Also of note more crying is going on about Israel succeeding in doing more damage than they have been able to do to Israel. So Israel should be stopped and condemned for winning. 

What a crock of $hit.

Sadly though that is what will happen and I just hope Israel tells them all to piss off in no uncertain terms. 

They need to level these terrorists and run them out of Israel once and for all. Let all these Muslim countries take these terrorists in and do something with them. It's been sixty some years of Israel putting up with their sorry terrorist butts and its time they went and Israel was allowed to live in peace. 

Also Muslims are marching and rioting in France, attacking Jews and their synagogues. Too bad guns are outlawed there, I have a solution that involves Mr. Remnington that would put stop to it real fast. 

This is what happens when a country allows illegals to flood their borders and set up shop in their country with impunity. 

Then again, look no father than our own country to see the same thing allowed here. The ones we have are now making demands of us about everything from wanting amnesty to welfare. 

Like France we have a bunch of apologists who rather than round them up and send them the hell someplace else are instead fighting to see how fast they can instead, accommodate those demands.  

France needs to send in the troops with guns and start shooting the bastards who want to riot and we need to start sending in our troops to protect our borders and keep them out in the first place before they get to where they can get uppity and start making any demands. 

They also need to round them all up and send them packing. Here and in France, all of us would find our lives and countries much the better for it. 

Lock and load people, lock and load. 


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