Well the election has come and gone, we're left with Monday morning quarterbacking going on by all sides of course.
The democrats of course are up saying Virginia wanted a progressive liberal and didn't want some conservative nut case. Some of them have even used the word nut to describe a Tea Party candidate in Cuccinelli.
Then again there is the establishment republican party who abandoned for all intents and purposes the Cuccinelli campaign in order to "Prove" that the Tea Party couldn't win.
Today they are saying that no such thing happened but facts show otherwise.
The big referendum on the Tea Party has been decisively proven according to them and the Dems.
The idea is, according to them, proof that the Tea Party is full of unelectable extremists. That they are the fringe of the Republican party. That no one wants them.
Sadly this is coming from the Republican party themselves I think more than the Dems.
But any way you look at things keep in mind some facts about that race.
Start with the Dem liberal progressive won it by two points. That's it. All the liberal media had been saying double digit leads yet it came down to two percentage points. (Some say 2.5)
In addition keep in mind that the Dem here outspent Cuccinelli two to one and out advertised him by a factor of ten to one.
I won't even get into all the heavyweights that showed up for the Dem. in this race.
And still Cuccinelli almost won. I know, according to the liberals, almost doesn't count but really? Think about it, the Dems pulled out all the stops, spent enormous sums of money, and slammed the airwaves with non-stop anti-Cuccinelli ads and they only won by two points?
That should give them some serious pause in which to think about things. If the Dem supported spoiler hadn't been in the race where would that seven points have gone? Some say to Cuccinelli some say not. Independents though broke for Cuccinelli so it would only be logical to think that seven percent of Independents would mostly at least go to him as well.
Further it should give the Republican establishment even further pause because without their help, with their nastiness and attacks on the Tea Party and very little money from them, Cuccinelli came within two points of winning the day.
That should say a lot to a number of people but it sure doesn't seem like it is. Today is all about the everything besides the fact, with everything against him, he still almost pulled it off.
Maybe the Republican establishment should take serious notice of that fact, hell they should take serious notice of it because despite everything they did to ensure his defeat he almost pulled it off.
That is the story that is getting almost no play in the after election yakking going on. Oh sure there are comments about it being a narrow win but that's as far as they go.
And it really shouldn't be.
The Republican establishment also needs to learn that the Tea Party isn't made up of fringe nut jobs or whackos looking to steal the Republican party.
They need to understand those of us who have followed and support the Tea Party are main stream Republicans who often have been long time members of the party.
They need to understand we got sick and tired of compromising on basic principals and want people who will go in and stand up for us, the people. Representatives who will not give in on the myriad issues confronting us from the left as the establishment Republicans have and continue to do.
For myself I don't want nor like the get along go along mentality that the establishment Republicans have turned into. I don't want it. I want someone who will clearly stand up and say NO!
No to taking our guns away. No to making seventeen million illegals, legal. No to our huge debt. No to redistribution of wealth. No to socialized medicine. No to forcing all this environmental garbage upon us as a country, especially when its being proven almost daily just how false climate change and global warming really is.
Just say no.
The establishment Republicans have forgotten how to do this and prefer to demonize and marginalize us into some type of radical freaks when we are not any such thing.
The epitome of what I'm talking about occurred with Bush II when he demanded more social spending than even the Democrats would tolerate and it was those Democrats who actually had to constrain Bush from what he wanted to spend and cut said spending.
There is something fundamentally wrong with that picture when big spending pro social program liberals say the Republican is spending way too much money and step in to stop said Republican.
Something seriously wrong.
So they keep making us out to be some fringe nuts but in reality we're not. We're lifelong Republicans who simply want people who represent us and stand up for us, not talk about it then go to Washington and do whatever they want to besides that.
Demonizing us is not going to help the party other than make us feel even more like the Republican party just doesn't get it.
Personally I don't think they do.
I've been a lifelong Republican, President Reagan was elected just before I could vote but I would have voted for him if I could have. I did four years later.
I've been a loyal supporter and more importantly voter for the Republican party my entire life. Yet they don't seem to get they are alienating me and many, many others. Not only that but they are making it worse by name calling and the hatred exhibited towards us from them.
Do I think the Tea Party is perfect? No.
Some of their social positions are much too restrictive for me but as I've always done I rely on the courts to temper such things. I loved Reagan and still do but I didn't agree with some things he espoused and relied on the courts to reign such things in. They did.
Do I think they do stupid things? Yes I do. The shutdown wasn't wrong in and of itself but what was wrong is there was no clear objective or any hope whatsoever of accomplishing anything.
If there had been something to be gained then going to the mat for it might be called for but there wasn't. Now they've made it impossible for it to happen again from what I read.
It was, basically, a completely wasted shot which did nothing for anybody and actually hurt the cause. So I don't agree with everything.
The thing is though out of all the parties and ideologies, the Tea Party most represents those views held by me and they represent my interests the most along with what I truly believe is those of the country. Further my views haven't changed all that much other than crystallizing even more what I believe and don't believe in. They have changed but fundamentally I haven't.
So to all the Establishment Republicans out there, be careful what you wish for and be doubly careful in what you're trying to do.
You may run the Tea Party out of the Republican Party but I guarantee you that you'll lose a hell of a lot of Republicans along with it and I'll be among the first to go with them.
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