Two quick notes today.
(This is for all the Democrats and democratic sympathizers who have been crying this week about the health care law being such a disaster as being all the Republicans fault)
One is to the Democrats out there, just because the Republicans do not want something that is bad for the country to work or succeed doesn't mean we are to blame when the crap you came up with doesn't work and/or works badly.
Its your bloody health care law and we didn't have any part in it.
All it's successes if any would accrue to you but that means all it's failures do also. Since its nothing but a failure and disaster to this country you get to eat it.
So deal with it and stop whining! Its a bad law and its bad for the country and its all your fault.
The other one is for Oprah Winfrey.
Just because President Obama is a horrible President. Just because he's anti-American. Just because he's he's destroying this country.
It doesn't mean everyone's dislike of him has anything to do with race as you said.
Guess what? Race is the least thing to find issue with if you could find a problem with it. Its everything else that the people don't like.
I am not foolish enough to think there aren't people out there who don't like him just because of his being black but make no mistake unlike what you said the majority of people don't like him because of his policies and what he has done to this country both at home and abroad. That doesn't even include what he wants to do to this country which will be even more disastrous for us.
Your bleating that everyone who is opposed to him is because they don't like black people is utter BS.
What you and the Democrats don't seem to get or simply are unable to comprehend is people don't want the liberal leftist progressive socialist viewpoint which he and the Democratic party espouse.
They don't like him because of that. They don't like him because he's sold us down the river with radical Islam and they don't like he's abandoned his allies in the name of appeasement.
There is so very much with which to dislike him and his party and all of it has nothing to do with race. The few who don't like him because he's black don't even register on the scale as being of any significance at all.
Once again I'll give you the message you still haven't grasped in all these years.
It's about ideology, ideology, and once again, ideology.
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