Thursday, November 21, 2013

Amok Time

Well I guess I'll start this out with the big news of the day although I won't go on and on about it. I think it speaks for itself. 

The "Nuclear" option was selected today by Sen. Reid and the democrats. It lets them do away with the two thirds majority rule that has been in place in the senate since God knows when and allows the democrats to do pretty much whatever they want. 

They don't mention they had a hissy fit when the Republicans also floated the idea of doing what they did today and Obama even called doing such a thing unconstitutional. Today though he applauded screwing the Republicans over and can't wait to further impose his destructive ideology upon us, the American people.

Oh well just remember payback is a bitch. One day, just statistically speaking, the Republicans will be back in control and then guess what?

It'll be you, the democrats turn to be screwed over and I'm going to laugh when it comes. 

Enjoy it while you can.

Absurdity number one of the day is some crazy liberal nut job in Portland Or. is saying PB&J sandwiches are racist and serving them in the schools is an example of some white privilege crap and also racist. 

She thinks pitas or tortas should be the proper food served to avoid exercising white privilege and being racist. That goes for talking to children about foods too. Talking about PB&J's is not something black and brown children will be comfortable with apparently.

The saddest thing though is that if it was just her being off her rocker I wouldn't care. She could go off and be the whack job she obviously is and it wouldn't affect anyone else other than to make them laugh.

The thing is though she's a principal of an entire K-8 school and apparently in charge of "Sensitizing" the teachers in the school and/or district to their "White Privilege" and making sure they teach diversity and other liberal claptrap to the children. All teachers have to undergo this crap as part of a decree regarding diversity and sensitivity training.

Sad for the children but it goes with what they've been doing to the children in that state for quite some time. Check into I believe it was called 21st Century Schools back in the early nineties and the utter crap they foisted off on the children in that state because of it. Also look at how the state treated the multitudes of parents who were outraged at what was being taught, or more importantly what was not, like any basics. 

Absurdity number two was something I read yesterday and I'm still laughing about it. 

Sorry, but it is hilarious.

One hundred and thirty two nations walked out of climate talks in protest that the rich nations won't give them a hundred BILLION dollars each and every year over this whole supposed climate change bs.

Sorry but don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. 

At least that's what they should be told but instead as you can probably imagine there are all these whiny people who are jumping up and down crying over the rich countries not paying for what doesn't exist. 

I mean really? These nuts want a hundred billion a year for supposed future harm they might suffer? 

Screw that!

The whole climate change thing continues to fall about as time goes along and nothing is showing any of it has any basis in reality but instead more and more evidence comes out showing that its been made up for the purpose of control. 

Control of nations, peoples, money and an eventual united government whose philosophy has long been espoused by liberals. 

It is also about redistribution of wealth and they who champion it make no bones about it being that, although they dress it up a bit by calling it past, current and future reparations for climate change damage caused by those who have against those who have not. It means give huge amounts of money to poor third world countries and take it from rich white ones.

Someone just tell them to go to hell. I don't give a damn if they like it or not. I don't care what they want. I don't care what they demand and I sure as hell don't care to see them ever get a damn thing. 

As far as I'm concerned they can keep walking. Sadly we have a President and administration who want to force the whole climate change fallacy down our throats so all we can do is hope he doesn't give away the store in his socialist expansion plans.

Australia has already decided to dump the whole climate change bull while Japan has "Delayed" implementing theirs. France is facing extreme and violent opposition to their CC farce and imposition of new rules. England is realizing that the CC isn't really and are facing opposition to any implementation there as well.

Now if the United States can only come to their senses and rid themselves of it. 

In the meantime I have been stocking up on light bulbs for the future. I may have to use these new pieces of $hit in a few years that isn't going to happen for a long time. Got quite a bunch so far and I'm still buying.

So that's what's up today. Diversity gone amok, Democrats gone amok. Environmental whackos gone amok, although in this case, that is a benefit for the rest of us.

Everyone has gone amok. :)



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