Friday, November 8, 2013

Risking many, She doesn't like being judged for it.

Just ran across an article on CNN which really got me angry.

This woman has three kids and the video opens with "I did feel judged....."

You're damn right you should feel that way. You were judged and found wanting and for very good reason too. 

This woman has "Decided" to put at risk people and especially children all to make her own "Decisions" to the detriment of her children and others' children as well as adults. 

I guess I should start at the beginning.

The title of the video is "Mom: Hospital staff insulted my baby." 

I'd take exception to that and say they insulted her but then again either apply.

This woman with three kids has chosen to not vaccinate two of said children. 

As another article in CNN today shows that decision puts not only her children at high risk of getting once eradicated diseases but puts many, many others, often children, at high risk as well.

The second article covers how many once eradicated diseases are now back because of selfish whack jobs like this mother. 

Whooping cough, measles, mumps etc. All are back and there are two primary reasons. Illegals coming here with diseases and people like this mother who do not vaccinate their children against these diseases allowing them to spread within our population a lot more than they would otherwise outside a certain segment. 

This mother's decision and others like her mean that not only are her children likely to contract such diseases but they will also spread these diseases to others, adults and children. 

This is especially true of children with who they would most likely have the most contact. 

The second article talks about the author's five week old son who almost died because of contracting whooping cough because of parents like this mother. Parents who did not vaccinate their children which then spread the disease around for her young infant, who was too young to get vaccinated, to get. 

So we get back to this particular mother and her children and her whining to national media.

Someone, presumably a nurse, wrote on discharge instructions "0 immunizations", an unhappy face, and the word "Loser" at the bottom under the face. 

She says its an insult to her baby. She says she felt insulted for the choices she has made. She says they judged her and her baby. She says they have no right to judge her or make judgements about her. 

I say sure they do. I also say that everyone has a right to make judgements about her and the others who are so stupid, so reckless, so uncaring that they don't care if their children get sick and quite possibly die. Furthermore they don't care that by their decision they put hundreds if not many more at risk of serious illness and/or death. 

Because that is what they are doing. You can sugar coat it like they apparently do to be about their "Choices" etc. but bottom line that is what they're doing. 

That baby is the loser in this as well as her other child who is not vaccinated and she is a loser for not getting the protection her children need and her uncaring attitude about anyone else except for her "Choices" 

So was anything wrong with what the nurse said? I say no. It was an extremely accurate description of child and mother. 

Because this has such wide ranging repercussions  to everyone it means that everyone and certainly medical professionals have the right to judge her and her children. 

Sadly this isn't about her and her "Choices" its about what her choices mean for hundreds or more people and when someone's "Choices" affect or have the likely potential to cause overwhelming harm to so many others it means we, the people, and nurses, doctors and others get to make a judgement on such careless, reckless "Choices" 

So as a parent who did vaccinate his children throughout their childhood and someone who has a bit of medical background I firmly believe that any parent who does not vaccinate their children should have said children removed from their care because their "Choices" clearly show they don't give a damn about their kids or killing them much less anyone else.

This is a serious medical issue that has been expanding in recent years due to the selfishness of people like this mother and there is no excuse for it. It needs to go back to mandatory vaccinations or go to it period. 

The welfare of these children, even their very lives, are at stake and many, many others as well. Parents' "Choices" have limits and when said "Choices" start causing tangible and widespread harm as they are doing then they should lose their right make such "Choices."

So yes Katie Smart, you were judged. With reason and with cause you were found to be wanting and you were found to be harming not only your children but quite possibly many others as well. 

You and your baby are losers plain and simple. 

Sadly though, loser that you are, you'll be allowed to possibly kill your children and possibly many, many more because of your losing "Choice"

Enjoy it because I really hope that is one choice that will be summarily removed from parents like you, one day soon. 

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