Well saw an interesting article about immigration earlier tonight where Rep. Guttierrez, a democrat from Illinois said something to the effect of Congress needs to stay in session to pass immigration reform and the reason???
Well it seems he is up in arms because Mexican families are not together during the holidays. I'm not sure whether that is because they leave their families and illegally come here or that they are getting deported from here where they have families also here illegally.
Either way he is demanding that we make it so the illegals can all be together for the holidays.
Where I have a big problem is the difference in how to do that.
Rep. Guttierrez wants basically no real immigration law so all the illegals can be together here in the United States while I want all of them sent back to wherever and they can all be together wherever that is to their hearts' content.
Further the reason they are not together is their fault. One: They leave their families to illegally come here. Two: Being here results in them being deported and their families don't get caught so they get separated.
Either way the illegals themselves can solve this problem very easily.
One: They can not leave their families that they so want to be with by coming here illegally.
Two: The illegal families can turn themselves in and go with the illegal first arrested.
That way they're all together.
That of course was after I got rather happy with the headline above it which read:
"Amnesty Dead!"
Oh well its not but its not going anywhere anytime soon either.
Although I do wish someone would tell Senator McCain that he's making a hell of an assumption in that his wishy washy "Moderate" republicans will win in next years primaries.
With that misguided belief he says once they get rid of the "Right" and have these traitors to the Republican party going towards the general election they can push immigration again.
Then again there was a comment from some guy from "America's Voice" which said basically Republicans were risking their political lives and Boehner would go down in history as sealing the doom of his party should he not do the reform before the end of the year.
The problem for Mr. McCain, Gutterierrez, America's Voice, and the immigrant rights activists is that plain and simple if the Republican party caves in and lets all these illegals stay then that will seal their fate far worse than not doing it conceivably could.
Not only that but anyone who votes for anything but getting rid of these millions of illegals is risking their political lives with real Republicans.
What no one seems to want to talk about is that the people want them gone. Period. Get rid of them. That's what the INS is for so go back to round-ups and round them all up.
What's so hard about that?
In the end the Republican party may go down as the whining activist states but if it does I hope it at least goes down sticking to it's principles. It can say in the end it stood up for what was right and even though it cost them they did the right thing to the end.
I know, bunch of romantic drivel but still its better than being like McCain and his ilk who are all too ready to compromise theirs.
Another thing for the Republican party to remember is that all those illegals who supposedly will seal the Republican's fate if the Republicans don't give in and pass amnesty can't vote, at least not without democratic chicanery.
The key is that they can't vote as long as they are illegals. Make them legal then you might have something to worry about. Don't and you won't.
Either way what is right is that they go and not be allowed back in. Simple as that.
Now another thing today was Jews are being attacked by roving bands of animals, sorry make that black youths, who are playing a new game called "Knock Out The Jew." Which is real lovely but what gets me is all the people commenting that the Jews deserve it.
Most say because the Jews are liberal and this is what they get.
I'm sorry liberal or conservative is neither here nor there in something like this. Once more these animals are attacking innocent white people just for fun, this includes a twelve year old child. The Jews don't deserve this and aren't responsible for the hatred continually shown by blacks to others. Its the blacks' fault just like its been the blacks' fault in other instances of these kind of attacks where primarily they think its cool to beat or kill whites.
While you could say liberalism allowed them to be this way and excuses what they do all the time, to blame a particular group who is being victimized by them is wrong to my way of thinking.
Speaking of blacks, there is one who fought with and attempted to run from a cop in northeastern Virginia who is now crying excessive force because he got his a$$ tazed. The cop apparently held down that bottom as long as the guy was playing the fool and now he's under investigation because the bad guy got forty seconds worth of showing who's boss.
Now on too lighter fare.
Nancy Pelosi my absolute favorite of all liberal whackos (as in not) got up to say a whopping one million people signed up for health care while the HHS Secretary was saying just 100,000 did. Not only that but she stated 500,000 actually got it.
Maybe Sebillous and her should talk because apparently the HHS Secretary can't find the other nine hundred thousand.
The final thing that left me laughing was some guy impersonated a cop to get a discount on donuts not only that he waved a gun around saying "See I'm a cop."
Can you say dumb$hit?
I think that's it for tonight although my glasses broke a bit ago so I'm going to have to go get them fixed tomorrow. At least its warming up a bit from what it has been.
Quote above on impersonation from following location at Breibart.com
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