Friday, October 25, 2013

From God to a Steak

Well several things today, some light some not.

The Air Force essentially removed the point of the oath cadets take at the Air Force academy. No longer will cadets have to say "...So help me God" 

Sad that some atheist whack jobs succeeded with something like that. 

Let's see, there is the N.C. guy from the Republican party who had an interview and said blacks were lazy and had an institutional ideology that government owed them and that they were entitled to everything.

He was fired or forced to resign for telling the truth which leads me into the next part. 

Once again there is the whole get something for nothing entitled mentality rearing it's head over wages in unskilled entry level work.

These people think they are entitled to exorbitant wages because they just are when working at no skill entry level positions like McDonalds and other such jobs. 

Sadly the liberals were out in force in the comments section saying Republicans have no heart. While I disagree with that obviously I can say that regardless of that accusation we obviously do have a couple of things the libs don't have.

Reason, logic, common sense, and intelligence. 

These jobs are entry level positions for someone totally unskilled. They are not 15 dollar an hour jobs for crying out loud. Just because you can't find other work with your fancy college decree doesn't mean you get to go in and demand college level wages in unskilled, entry level positions. 

You get paid what the job is worth not what you think you're worth.

That these people can't seem to grasp that is just more of a sign that kids aren't getting educated sufficiently have basic reasoning skills which would show them this.

Instead they feel entitled to something they haven't earned and don't deserve and expect businesses to pay for what these people think they should be making. One thing they can do is let the jobs go back to high school and college kids trying to earn a few extra dollars rather than adults trying to support an entire family on what clearly is not for that purpose.  

And finally in the cycle a story was out today showing more people on government benefit programs than were working. 

I've known for years it was going to come to that but still, to see it actually happen is disconcerting. 

Now on to one of my favorite subjects, steaks.

Now I can rarely afford them but I still love them a great deal. 

So imagine my absolute surprise when I ran across an article from someone who claimed to love them so much and was telling people how to continue to eat them but in a healthy way.

Now don't get me wrong I'd been saying for years that these health food nuts wanted you to eat crap that was exactly that instead of great tasting food. 

This article pointed out five ways to eat healthy steaks so I took a look. 

To my shock those five points were actually what not to buy when shopping for a steak. 

Don't buy T-bone, Prime Rib and similar cuts of meat. Don't buy well marbled cuts, don't buy anything but extra lean 95 or 97% fat free cuts, and last but not least ideally do not even buy beef but instead buy bison and buffalo. 

Now as I said this is exactly what not to buy. The best steak isn't a flank steak or the other cuts listed. Marbling is essential to a flavorful and full of taste quality cut of steak. The less fat the less quality of the steak. 

If you stop and look at the most expensive cut of meat in the world which is Kobe it is known for its rich marbling which is essential to taste and flavor of the meat. 

Translate that as the more fat running throughout the steak the better that steak's flavor and taste is. 

Why on Earth would anyone who loves steak write up a list of what not to ever buy in a steak and put it up as desirable to get. 

It's not. 

Now I want one........ugh


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