Monday, July 28, 2014

Resist Police and Be Let Go??? Now Conservatives Call For That Too

Well another video has surfaced with cops dealing with a black man fighting cops trying to arrest him. 

Once again blacks are calling for police to just walk away rather than subdue the violent resisting party. Let em go is the mantra being chanted along with the old "Its the polices fault"

If they'd only left him alone or if they'd only come back later it would've been different. 

The media supports this with the way the present the story. 

When did we get to this point? 

When did a police officer or officers using force to subdue a violent resisting drug dealer or anyone else for that matter become a bad thing?

When in the hell did the idea the police should just let the bad guy walk away instead of fight with him come into being?

I'd like to say its a black thing entirely and its representative of their sick culture but as I've seen lately its not just them.

While I have a great many problems with the culture of the blacks in our country and beyond even and while I think all of the above about them is true. While I think it started with them and can remember this attitude going back over thirty years I am also seeing it in white society.

Like many other things that the whites have copied from the black culture this is another of the bad things chosen. 

I can deal with that fine, its endemic within their culture among many, many other undesirable things and I know with the liberal brainwashed children over the last decades what is totally unacceptable has become more and more acceptable amongst the white people as well while the blacks have been validated in their perverse beliefs. 

What shocked me severely and is completely not understandable is how conservative and ultraconservative sources have come out attacking the police. 

We used to be law abiding, pro-police and anti-criminal in our beliefs without question but lately I've been seeing articles expressing outrage at police just doing their job in taking these bad guys down and seeing them from right wing sources. 

One attacked the police for that guy who resisted and fought the cops in New York but later died because he had numerous health problems including heart related ones. 

A right wing news site attacked the police for doing what they're supposed to do.

I understand that the blacks are so bereft of any sense of right or wrong in their culture and usually promotion of the wrong instead of the right but for the "Right Wing" to take the side of criminals over police? To say the police were wrong for trying to arrest a person fighting them?

The question now is how did "We" get to this place where we could think such things as the disgusting culture we revile.

That is a liberal and liberal black perspective not a conservative one.

Then there is the one showing up this weekend of another black guy fighting cops and them taking him down. Once again black outrage over the police treating like the dog he is. 

Its on video where this guy pulls out a baggie with a white substance in it and hands it to another black man who was trying to interfere with the police arresting this guy. The video clearly shows the other man taking the baggie from the one fighting and placing that behind his back under his shirt tucked into the waistband of his pants hiding it from the cops so the guy wouldn't be found with it on him. 

We as conservatives are now supporting this thug drug dealer over a cop? 


I can understand all the blacks doing what they usually do and supporting the POS over the police,  I can't understand how or why conservatives are.

There is something seriously wrong with that picture. Something very troubling and deeply disturbing if we as conservatives are supporting the very things we are supposedly fighting against and attacking those things we are fighting for. 

Something very wrong.

To the police, keep going and don't give up or give in. There are a hell of a lot of us out here who still support you completely. 

Don't cave in to these whiners demanding you to not do your job. Tell them plain and simple if you don't want your ass kicked don't fight with us.

Let these creatures know that while they may want you to stop enforcing the law, honest decent people don't want you to do that. 

We want you out there kicking ass and taking names. I want you to stand up to these people and tell them tough $hit.

Once again it comes down to people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions. That is often the crux of the matter. 

If they didn't fight they wouldn't be taken down with force. If they didn't fight they wouldn't get injured or possibly die from the fight. 

Of course if they hadn't been doing something wrong in the first place you wouldn't be trying to arrest them at all but that fact gets overlooked.

It gets buried by those trying their best to abdicate any responsibility for the things which they do. 

Its your job to not let them do so. 

I hope you keep doing your job.


Israel: Don't Stop Now!

A couple of other things going on. 

The whole Israel and Palestinian thing continues. I reiterate that Israel needs to exterminate the threat once and for all. I know that's not a popular word, especially with Jews, I would imagine, but its the only word that sums up my feelings on this. 

These people have been and are a threat to the Jewish people and the country of Israel. Their continued existence within Israel's lands will continue to be a major threat. 

The only way to neutralize that threat is to totally remove it. Like removing a cancer you want to excise the tumor completely. The Palestinians are a virulent form of cancer whose sole stated intention is to wipe out Israel and all Jews. 

There is only one way to deal with such a threat and that is to remove it, period. Whatever has to be done needs to be done and done fully. 

Rout these parasites from Israel lands and force them off onto the Arab countries in the area who never wanted them either and actually stole their land in the first place. I actually believe that the Arabs may have had a point considering what these animals are.

The calls for protecting the innocent civilians in Palestine are a joke as there are no innocent civilians except perhaps those under two years old. 

This is group of people who elected terrorists to represent them and run their supposed country. This is a group of people who support wholeheartedly the terrorists in every way imaginable. These people throw their bodies between the actively shooting terrorists and Israeli forces to protect the terrorists. These people allow weapons to be placed in their schools, homes, hospitals and other civilian places in the misguided belief that it will stop Israel from striking back against where the missiles come from. 

These are a people who are in bed fully with the terrorists they elected to lead them. They believe completely the same things. That Israel must be destroyed and wiped off the face of the Earth. They believe that all Jews must be killed. Their stated goal is to rid the world of the Jewish pestilence.

There are no civilians in Palestine, there just active and inactive combatants. For what is inactive today may well be active tomorrow. The children are armed at ages here which would still be in preschool. They are raised with one thing over all else. The Jews and Israel must be destroyed and destroyed completely. They learn this at their mother's breast. 

What are the Jewish people and Israel supposed to do? 

According to the hordes which have invaded England, France and other European countries with impunity in recent years, die.

These filthy Muslim animals have invaded England and many other European countries over the recent decades and have been allowed to stay. Now their numbers are massive and since England and others have not been able to rid themselves of the horde they are instead inundated with them.

They can do nothing, especially after ceding their sovereignty to the EU to deport these invaders. Much like what we are being forced to accept now in the United States they have been forced to accept them, accommodate them, and protect them. Over there you can't even speak the truth about them yet they can call for all Jews to die and that's acceptable. 

With that result you are seeing tens of thousands of them marching, rioting and demanding Israel to stop defending themselves and to die. 

With a Muslim loving, Israel hating President in this country we've abandoned our ally and instead supported yet again, terrorists in their stead. 

He supported the terrorists in Syria, Egypt and every Muslim country over the last years of his presidency. He supported with those who would overthrow the legitimate government of Ukraine and has started a pissing contest with President Putin because he supports the rightful leaders of that country as he should, as we should have. Instead Obama has supported Islamic terrorists and is doing so once again in Palestine. 

My greatest fear is that Israel will once again cave to international pressure rather than continue the fight to the finish as they need to do once and for all. 

If Israel backs down once again they face a future of the same as they have had for over sixty years. Attacks, killing and threat from these creatures. 

Israel needs to take the gloves off and deal with the Palestinians wholly and completely. They must stop worrying about whether Obama likes it or not. They must stop worrying if the liberals like it or not. They sure as hell must stop worrying about whether or not the Palestinians like it or not. 

They don't. Nothing Israel does or can do short of abandoning their nation and moving to another continent will make these people happy. Nothing has ever made any of them happy and nothing short of Israel's end ever will. 

This is something that Israel must face and deal with. No matter how much they do for the Palestinians, no matter how much they give to them, no matter how much they give up for them, nothing short of the end of Israel will make them happy. Nothing short of that will stop the attacks, ever.

I'll say again these animals have called for, believe completely, and wish for nothing else but, the extinction and destruction of Israel and all the Jewish people. They do not even believe that Israel has a right to exist. They don't want Jews or Israel in what they consider "Arab lands" 

How can a people whose entire reason for life is someone else's destruction and extermination ever be happy with anything short of those things?

I'll tell you, they can't. 

This is what Israel is facing and to hell with Obama, the UN, or anyone else. This is what they must deal with and what they must deal with sooner or later to the end. 

Its past time they did so. 

Bottom line its Israel and the Jewish people or these animals. 

One will survive and one won't. 

My vote and wholehearted support is with Israel.


SC Mom and Excuses For Her Bad Behavior

Something I don't get is how people come to some of the conclusions they do about things. I mean I know I've said this before but it just strikes me over and over again how important that observation is.

A woman goes to work and leaves her nine year old child alone in a park. She does this every day. Someone reported her and she got into trouble for doing it.

Simple right? Everyone knows you don't leave a little kid alone in a public park to wander for eight hours while you're at work. Just like you wouldn't dump them at the mall for eight hours either. 

Except its not simple. Its racist that the woman got into trouble. She's black in this case btw. Its unfair, its discriminatory, its racist, its attacking low income people, its a bunch of stuff.

What it is not is neglect according to large amounts of people. 

Since when? 

You just don't dump your kid off some place alone for the day every friggin day. You just don't do that. Color, once again, has no place in the discussion because it doesn't matter. White, black or polka dotted you don't leave your kid somewhere like a park or anywhere without supervision for eight hours each day.

Yet the responses are "Everybody in the area does it" "Lots and lots of kids are left there every day so she shouldn't have gotten in trouble" "Well look she's left the kid there for months and nothing has ever happened to the kid so that proves its okay" "If she wasn't black she wouldn't have got in trouble" "Its a war on the poor" "Its another example of the war on low income working people" "Its a parent's choice of when to leave her kid alone somewhere" "Its racist"

None of them are applicable and none of them should be used. 

I don't care if everybody does it. Just because everybody is doing something wrong doesn't make that something okay. Do you remember your mother asking "If everyone jumped off a bridge would you?" and you laughed at it as absurd. Well here's an example, everybody does it so its okay for this woman to do it. That is the justification or one of them being used. 

The fact that lots and lots of kids get left there everyday is again a case of just because that's happening it doesn't make it right, its not. All of the parents doing that should get into trouble for doing it not just the one woman. 

The argument that the kid has been left there for months and nothings happened to her so it proves its okay to leave a little kid in the park like that is beyond ridiculous. Just because nothing has happened to her yet doesn't mean she isn't being put at huge risk daily of bad things happening to her sooner or later. She is. 

The arguments about race, income and working people are just red herrings to detract from what this woman has done in the hopes the cops and prosecutors will back off when facing the "Racist" charge. It has nothing to do with any of that. If it does then there should be hell to pay because even if it was a rich white woman its still wrong and someone who does that should be going to jail period. To say blacks, poor etc should get a pass for child endangerment just sets my blood boiling. I'm tired of hearing these piss poor excuses for bad behavior and bad judgement. I'm sorry if its hard to find child care or afford it but hey you opened your legs and now you have a kid. You have a responsibility to take care of that child. You don't meet that by dumping a kid off anywhere without adult supervision. 

So yeah I'm tired of the race issue being brought up as some type of excuse or something for bad behavior by blacks. The same arguments were brought up in regards to the mom in Phoenix who left her little babies in a hot car while she went in for an interview for an hour or so in 100+ heat. "What was she supposed to do?" and on and on. Not that!

Anyway this is being excused and there are apparently huge numbers of people coming out in support of the mother in this case which really disgusts me. Its child abuse and nothing happening bad to that child is pure luck not justification for allowing it. 

How anyone can even think its okay under any circumstances is beyond me. The woman who reported it is being reported as approaching the child after watching her in the park for over five hours alone. She asked the child if she was alright and who was with her. The child told her she's been left alone there lots of times and was alone that day again.

I would really like to know how anyone can not see this as wrong, dead wrong much less how they can continually seek to justify it. 

I'm sorry I just don't get it and don't want to. 

The final thing I've heard is the "Its a parent's right to decide when to leave her child alone" bit. 

My answer is yes and no. Yes its a parent's right to decide this based on the child being old enough physically, psychologically and emotionally. But that right is predicated upon the parent having the judgement and capability to make a reasoned choice for their child that is in the best interest of the child and it's safety. 

If the parent is incapable, unable, or unwilling to exercise that good judgement then it falls on law enforcement and social service agencies to step in to protect and act in the best interests of said child. 

Leaving a nine year old alone at the park every day, all day and a girl at that is not good or acceptable judgement. The fact that the woman persists in thinking it is troubles me greatly. The fact that so many others think it is scares me. 

If a parent decides to give their nine or ten year old vodka because they think their child is ready for it, is that okay? Is deciding that a child doesn't have to wear a car seat or seat belt okay if the child doesn't want to and the parent thinks its old enough to decide for itself? How about going to school, smoking, drugs, sex or  a plethora of other things that a child shouldn't be allowed to do.

The entire excuse mentality for bad decisions, bad judgement, and bad behavior is extremely troubling and a very dangerous sign of where not only are we at but where we're going as a society. In days past she might claim its okay but all would unanimously condemn the actions. Today its the opposite and the media is sympathetic instead of condemning thereby furthering the dangerous mentality overtaking our country. 

It does exist already and it shouldn't. The question is what are we going to do about it? 

Maybe the question at this point should be "What can we do about it?"   

Twitter Stuff

Well kind of busy with Twitter. Its been real interesting. As I said before I had an account but never really used it for much of anything. So decided to actually check it out and have found myself hooked. 

It is addicting that is for sure. Its also easy to let it consume you. I found out quickly that it can tie you up for hours upon hours. 

I mean hit it at 8 in the evening and still be going at 2 in the morning on it trying to catch up and keep up.

Also it flies by so fast that I find myself missing a lot I'm pretty sure. 

So I made the decision to mostly hit it every other day. That way I keep one free even if the next is tied up keeping up.

Thankfully I don't have to type much at all which is a good thing.

One thing I'm trying to figure out is why are some weird things following me?

I've got three or so health fanatics who are followers for instance. They all talk about fitness and related garbage. 

Now you have to understand I am the opposite of fit. I certainly don't eat healthy but then again I'm happy and don't want to eat that way.

I'm a great cook and not a single thing I make have the words "Low", "Free", or "Non" in it. Not even close. Matter of fact I make stuff that for the most part is on the "DO NOT EAT" list of every health nut in the world. Creams, butter, pasta, red meats, you name it like that and I probably do it.

So why are these people following me? Add the fact I've never said a word about anything related eating or health in my posts so its not a F-you type thing. 

I've got other puzzling followers too. One doesn't speak English and other than "Este Es America, habla Englis" I don't speak Spanish. (Don't know if that is even right)

I have people who are selling everything from music to garage door openers and I have no idea why. 

Maybe I'm just not understanding something. Hell I'm probably not, I'll just say it. 

The thing is that maybe I'm doing it wrong but every follower who follows me is someone who's page I go and check out before following back. 

If I don't agree with him and his views I simply don't follow the person. There is one guy I'd really like to follow for example. He represents like 99% of my beliefs so far in what I've seen. The problem is that there is one huge thing I firmly don't believe in and therefore I don't follow the guy. Its a shame but his hatred for this thing is glaring and I will not show support for that in any way.

I also notice all these "Retweet doesn't mean or equate with endorsement" messages on peoples' profiles. 

What's up with that? Why would you retweet something that you don't agree with? 

I sure as hell don't.

I only do so when I agree with what the poster has said in the post or put up in the post. Period. I wouldn't retweet something I didn't support and believe in. Why would anyone? 

But those distancing themselves from things they retweeted exist and totally confuse me. I just don't get why.

Then there are the liberals who once again prove they have no argument with which to prove anything. As in other forms of media I've found over and over again their argument consists of creating things you haven't said or just calling you names and swearing. 

Another thing I find annoying and which will cause me not to follow someone is a poster who retweets or posts the same thing multiple times one after another over and over again. 

I've went to profiles where things are posted five or six times for each item. What the heck?

I mean I might retweet the same thing twice over the course of six or eight hours but I don't deliberately do it over and over again one after the other like some. 

So after a couple weeks now I have, as of Saturday, two hundred and six followers. I have no idea if that is good or not but I'm happy. I never looked for followers just wanted a place to air my comments about stuff. 

Anyway that's some of my Twitter experience so far. Will keep you updated on stuff as time goes by. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Couple of Questions For You

I guess I'll start tonight with this yahoo I was on Twitter with earlier this evening.

Can someone tell me how I can be a racist and racist bastard as I was called tonight for defending Israel and her right to defend herself from attack by terrorists while that person is saying they want the extermination of the entire Jewish people and their country?

While I've said point blank that I hope Israel bombs these terrorists back into the stone age so they don't even have any more missiles to fire I haven't called for the extermination of the Palestinians.

Don't get me wrong here, whatever it takes to put an end to the threat permanently I support but I haven't called for their utter annihilation and murder. I don't want every Palestinian on Earth to die just the ones in Israel attacking it constantly for decades. 

Yet somehow I'm the racist and racist bastard? How exactly does that work?

Then there was another guy who I didn't even talk to who decides that I'm a "God loving" "Gun nut" and something else.

Meaning I suppose part of the RR and supporter of the second amendment. 

Well I do support the second amendment fully and completely. As to the RR, I've never been a part of them and never will. 

I certainly identify with a lot of their beliefs though as they also believe in many of the same things as I do. 

They believe in things I don't as well. I don't think any group believes in everything someone else believes in but I do think you pick that which most closely is aligned with your beliefs, goals, and ideology.

Conservatism is the closest to mine. It is also the closest to theirs. That does not make me a RR conservative though. 

As Myr said "I'd rather fight the RR to keep them out of my bedroom than the liberals to keep them out everything else in my life" 

Its a statement I agree with one hundred percent. 

The last question and please just don't say because they are stupid. I am beginning to think that may well be the answer but I have met some really smart and interesting liberals in my life.

Why is it that liberals can do nothing but call you racist, call you names, get vulgar, attack you, twist what you've said and make up stuff from things you haven't said?

I mean I'm sorry but I won't repeat some of the things that have been said to me. Tonight alone I was called a derogatory term for a homosexual, shown images of my supposed KKK "Friends" screwing each other, accused of being a "Hillbilly" "Ugly F---er" and a few other things and this was from one man.

Not once could he respond civilly or with thought to anything I said to him. Last night another one goes off and tells me to remove my tweets from his something or another. At that point I said "FO" exactly with those two letters, no more. Then he gets affronted about it and says he never said any such thing. 

I can't tell you the number of times since I started this "Twitter" thing last week that people have responded as outlined. Not one has been able to have a civil discussion and/or debate about a single thing. 

I mean I realize that no one likes getting slapped down so easily but still can't someone put forward their position without twisting, inventing or attacking the other party?

I've seen it with other people as well. Its definitely not just me. All non-liberals seem to be treated the same.

Its an attitude of "Its just this way because I say it should be and that's that" Anything counter to that brings about pure obnoxiousness and rudeness.

I mean their position is usually indefensible and also usually easily countered but are you seriously telling me there are no more liberals out there that can actually argue their case on its own merits, few though they might be, without attacking or inventing things to be outraged about?

I don't care anymore about being called a racist. That ship has sailed and if you've read anything here you already know what I've said about myself and my personal fight regarding racism. 

If it was just a week on Twitter I probably would just chalk it up to the medium but I've seen this for years and still don't have an answer.

One guy even quoted from a post on here about Israel to prove I was a bunch of things that the post didn't even talk about. Don't ask me where he got his appellations from or from what he based them upon but once again it wasn't any facts regarding me.

Kind of like the posts and picks tonight. Liberal using anti-gay images and names to brand me gay. And it was several regarding homosexual sex acts. All nasty and mean and if I were a member of the RR I suppose I would have been outraged about it. I guess that was the point but then again this is a liberal arguing his point by making nasty comments about homosexuals. How liberal of him.

For the record for any future liberals reading this. Being called gay doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't have a problem with homosexuals or homosexuality. 

So, I probably won't get an answer to this, or at least by any liberals but then again, this blog is to put whatever I want to up here for all to see. 

These are my thoughts and ramblings tonight.  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza and America

As I said in my last post, after finding the non-existence of the protest in the city I attended, I decided to make good use of my time rather than let a trip to the city be wasted. 

I have been going to movies lately.

Not a big thing to most but generally for the last several years, since 2009 basically, I have been mostly housebound. 

I don't go out much due to my disabilities. 

I really don't go out much.

Money also plays into that some but even with money I still don't go out but not having any I'm sure has some effect.

I head to the big store once or twice a month and the local store for medications several more times in a month but other than usually hitting McDonalds or something like that about once a month for a "Dinner" out I stay at home.

So going out to the movies is kind of a big deal for me. Although the way I felt after going today may well make me reconsider. 

It does take a lot out of me and several days to recover. 

With that said there has been a movie I have been wanting to see since I first heard about it. Normally I would probably have waited until it was available for download but in this case I wanted to pay full price to specifically support not only Mr. D'Souza but the cause behind it.

So I went to see America today, Mr. D'Souza's movie about the liberal agenda of destroying our country.

First of all the above bit about me going to several movies over the last several months has a purpose. 

I've seen X-Men, Transformers, Cruise's movie, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

This theater is a big, nice, fairly new one located at an outside location at a huge major mall for the region. It has sixteen showrooms within the theater. 

The Apes movie was the busiest of all the movies I have seen and it had all of about ten or maybe to be generous twelve people in the entire theater when I saw it. Cruise's movie had no one but me in the showing. 

I had the place all to myself.

Keep that in mind. All the movies I went to see in this nice big theater had fewer than a dozen people in each screening I attended. 

So today I went down to said theater to see "America" and when I walked into the place it was packed. 

I mean almost completely full. Maybe a dozen seats scattered throughout NOT taken and people everywhere. 

Quite a shock over my usual recent experience. 

It was crowded. People coming in after the lights went down and even before were having to stand and look around for a bit trying to find seats. One set of three people couldn't find three seats together anywhere. They split up.

Anyway sat down and watched this wonderful movie. It was really good and fairly hard hitting. I think it could have hammered the liberals a lot more than it did though.

I was struck by the polite tone of Mr. D'Souza throughout the movie towards these people who would bring about the destruction of our country. He could have slammed them and done so but good.

He didn't. 

I understand why but I'm torn over whether or not the time for politeness is long over or whether it can be of benefit.

Either way he was exceedingly polite dealing with this and the people in the movie.

It was a great movie and everyone should see it.

In the end as the credits began to roll the entire theater began loudly applauding and it lasts for a good while. 

That says it all. 


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Big Protest Turns Into No Protest and Where's The Conservative Fighters

Well the big huge protest turned into a big huge nothing. 

Got up later than I planned today to start with which made me late to the start of the supposed protest by close to two hours. 

Went all the way down there, followed the directions, arrived at the intersection as specified just before one in the afternoon which was almost two hours after the eleven a.m. start time. 

And found nothing. 

The location was in an unpopulated industrial area with nobody around anywhere. 

There were a couple of overpasses on the way to that intersection and one after it but all empty and none in a populated area. 

In other words definitely not the place to hold a protest since there would be no one to see it. 

On top of that I thought something was strange because the directions said to park in the Target parking lot there at the intersection.

The problem is the Target in this city is miles away from said intersection and definitely not at it. 

I hung around there a bit looking around before heading about a mile or so over to the downtown area and driving around a little there to see if maybe I could find it. 

I didn't. Millions of people swarming everywhere but no protest in sight.

All was not lost though as I decided to make productive use of the time rather than see it wasted.

Going to my new destination I ended up exiting the freeway at the Target store, the only one in the city. The exit ramp let out right in front of it.

Didn't spend any time looking around there but also didn't see anything around while in front of it and driving past it down the road to my destination. 

So it was either fake to start with or just never materialized at all. 

Sad as its an indictment on us, the conservatives, who are supposedly "Standing up" and "Fighting back" but once again we're not. 

That is why I have deep distrust of those who say we're going to fight back against the destruction of our country. I fear its all talk and no walk. When it comes to it no one will show up on the battlefield so to speak. 

We need to but I don't think people will actually do it. They'll just sit around, bitch, moan and whine some more as they've been doing for over twenty years now.

Its been that long because I can remember how the conservatives were going to do it back with Clinton.

Guess what? 

Didn't happen then and hasn't since. 

We've been under the yoke of a party, an ideology, and a President for six years now and one who wasn't too much better for eight before that. Couple that with eight of Clinton and their bunch and you'll find we've been under that yoke since January 1993. 

Twenty one years and absolutely nothing has been done or changed except for the worse. 

We now have a republican party which has abandoned the principles of that party and colludes routinely with the liberal democratic enemy. A party who sides against those who are and stand for what the party is actually supposed to be. A party who sides with those who want to bring down America and our way of life.

Yet supposedly the great war pushing back against that destruction is imminent. 

I'd love to believe that it is. It needs to be. Its imperative that it gets fought but I just don't believe it will happen.

Too many people would actually have to put their asses on the line and quite possibly die in a battle against the forces which the government could bring to bear against them and I just don't see people having what it takes any longer. 

I'd drag my disabled fat butt out there to fight alongside those defending our way of life but how many else will do anything besides talk about it and never show up when it counts?

Too many, far too many I fear.

As more and more of our rights get trampled and taken away. As more and more of our way of life is irrevocably destroyed. As more and more of who we are as a people and a nation get redefined and altered, less and less will do more than whine behind their computer screens and call in to some talk radio show about how mad they are. 

None will actually fight or be willing to fight for all their talk about doing so. 

Call me cynical if you will, but I see it all the time. This non-protest was a good example. Asking something as simple as please show up resulted in no one coming. There was to be no fighting, no guns, no battles, just show up and be counted.

None of the so called "Patriots" could even be bothered to spend a few hours to do that. How in the hell are we to expect them to actually show up for a fight?

On top of that, there is supposedly this major outrage over the invasion of our country yet after making a big deal about all these protests happening this weekend the conservatives look like total fools because no one showed up or in cases where some did it was as one liberal on Twitter put it, more cops than protestors. 

Now the media get to say "Look here, all the outrage is proven to not exist because no one really came to protest anything."

Or even worse more pro-invasion people came out than anti-invasion ones. That lets them say the pro-invasion crowd is actually the real opinion of the people of the United States. 

I hope the protests fared better in other places, that's the only thing left but so far I haven't seen anything on the news about them. That doesn't bode well.

So while there is all the talk online and such there isn't yet again any action. 

I have to finish the post I'm writing on the militias but basically I said they look more like idiots than any real force that is going to do something. 

Of course I imagine if there is a real force out there they probably aren't putting it up on the internet for all to see which would be smart but damn it would be nice to know if such a force actually exists.

In the end the question that needs to be asked is are conservatives going to do nothing but talk about it or are they ever going to actually do something about it.

Cause, I hate to tell you, but time is running out. Its getting worse, a lot worse, sometimes daily but certainly weekly and monthly.

How much has to pass before its way too little and way too late to do anything about it?

I guess the bigger and most important question is has that time already come to pass?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Nationwide Protests Against Invasion 7/18 Come out and join

This weekend, specifically on the 18th there are going to be protests against the invasion of our country.

I hope they are huge and many, many people come out to support our country and sending those invading our borders back to wherever they came from.

Here is the link to the site showing locations of protest.

Twitter Liberal today and the invasion

Had a very unique conversation with a Twitter user today. Went by the SN of "J. Mark Soveign"

Now as you know if you've read anything I firmly believe we must stop the invasion of our country and be fully prepared to use whatever force is necessary to do so. 

I've also said in no uncertain words that this is a war that has been launched against us a long time ago and which we are losing and losing badly.

We need to recognize it for what it is which is a war and we need to fight it as a war because that is what it is. 

So he responds to something I wrote on Twitter. It goes on from there. He takes everything I say and claims I'm not answering his questions, putting things in my mouth I didn't say and twisting what I did. It gets even worse as he makes it out like I said we should go down there and just shoot all the little kids we can find to stop the invasion. 

On top of that I supposedly said it was an official declared war, I want to kill a bunch of little kids, I think asylum should be abolished  and in favor of killing them all instead. And it went on like that along with the fact I wasn't answering his questions supposedly.

He also said I'm totally insane. Who knows after all these years of being inundated with liberals I might be......

Now I'm just getting into doing Twitter even though I've had an account for some time. I never used it really. One of the things I hate is that it doesn't allow you enough space to type things out and respond adequately to such drivel as this.

So I am responding here. Whether or not he'll ever see it doesn't matter. I want to respond and do so in a proper way.

As I said on Twitter and have said here. I wasn't saying anything new.

Illegals have been invading our country for decades and getting away with it. I've had them say and heard them say that they honestly believe that large parts of our country belong to them. Further that they would get it back but not by fighting but by swarming over our borders and reoccupying it and outbreeding us.

This is what they've done. This is why they are or are becoming majorities in some states and projected to be or greatly increased in others. 

They're coming and we're doing nothing about it except make it easier for them to stay.

We've got anywhere from eleven to thirteen million acknowledged illegal aliens and possibly many more occupying our country right this minute. Thousands and thousands more are crossing all the time. The government admits in the latest surge its over 300,000 people violating our sovereignty and they are getting away with it.

The latest thousands are not primarily little children and mommies. That is nothing but a media ploy to foster dem/liberal plans.

That's all it is.

Eighty percent of the invaders are teens or older. Eight percent not eight. These are fifteen, sixteen, eighteen and twenty something year old young people not little kids. Gang members criminals and more masses looking for the good life and benefits. Only twenty percent are actually made up of children under twelve AND their adult parents or guardians. Keep that in mind, adults are included in that twenty percent.

With that said I want to make it clear I do not want to go on a shooting spree. I don't want to massacre little children or anything remotely like it. I don't want to ban the institution of asylum either.

These people can go to an American embassy in any country we have one and apply for asylum. They do NOT need to come to America to do this. The only reason they are coming here is for a better life. Another thing is that all those invading our country are not sex slaves as this person insisted they were. His take is they are all sex slaves being chased across the border by sex traffickers or fleeing violence and still being chased across the border. 

That of course is the pro-amnesty line and the liberal dem line but its not true and its been proven not true with the release of government documents showing that its a lie. The docs show these people are coming here for the same reason millions of others have came. A better life, money and benefits. Its economic migration.

This is a country and we have the right to our sovereignty which means we have a right to have our borders and keep them intact. 

When you have hordes of third world denizens massing on and forcing themselves across those borders then you are being invaded and those invading are called invaders. 

Plain and simple. The huge masses of peoples attacking our borders are invading our nation and that is something we must not allow.

Now, if your country is being attacked and invaders are broaching your shores, your security is at stake, your country is being inundated with unwanted diseased criminals and the country's very existence as we know it is being clearly threatened then we as a people and a country have a right and a duty to defend our country from that invasion and those invaders.

This must be looked at for what it is which is a war for our country and to protect our borders from invasion and those who would invade it.

It is not currently viewed as that by the government although more and more people are seeing it that way. Therefore it is not an "Official" war and I never said it was official. 

It should be though. If its not looked on as what it is then it will never be fought as it should be fought which is that war.

You can't fight a war against invasion if you don't acknowledge that that is what it is. If you don't acknowledge what it is then you can't and aren't prepared to fight it. 

Once its recognized as a war then proper responses can be brought to bear in the battle to turn back the horde. Sending the military in to secure our border and turn back any further invaders attempting to get access into our country is the biggest step that needs to be taken.

But if its not declared so we can begin to fight that invasion then we do not stand a chance. 

With all that said. I don't like war. I don't even want one. War is horrific and not to be desired. I don't relish that civilians, even invading ones, may die in it.

But until we officially call this undeclared war for what it is and fight it like the real war we're engaged in then we have no hope.

And yes there may be casualties in that war including children like in any war. One hopes not and prays not but part of war are things that you don't want. 

But our country must be secured at any cost and doing what is necessary at any price must be done to accomplish that goal. 

He asked if I'd shoot a gun in such a war knowing it might kill a child. If I was in that war and fighting to protect my country and defend it from attack I would do whatever was necessary to do so and yes if it meant a child possibly being killed then I would still fire that gun. (under appropriate ROE for use of deadly force)  He said more to the point that would I go  down there and shoot kids but I'll be nice and put it the way I did here.

Let me be clear that killing people isn't the only way of dealing with this and many, many options are available that accomplish the task of removing the invaders and preventing any others from accomplishing their task long before any thought of using weapons comes into play.

There are also multiple levels of force that doesn't involve shooting and killing anyone. Use of force is a broad category that covers everything from standing there and looking tough to dropping a big bomb on something. Many, many levels of force exist and the simplistic attitude of Mr, Soveign that using force means slaughtering children is beyond ridiculous. 

It may come to deadly force at some point but that is not something anyone wants including me. I hope and pray it doesn't come to that, ever but make no mistake drastic and forceful action must be taken and we must fight back against the incursions. 

Just putting our military down there and blanketing the border. Using the full resources of the military to seal the border and stop any incursions. Using them to immediately apprehend and shove them back across the border will probably be enough all by itself. 

I don't think it'll ever get to that point. I certainly hope not. Just like I hope and pray I never have to shoot an intruder in my home either but I am also fully trained and prepared to do so if warranted and justified to do it. 

So to are we and our nation entitled to protect ourselves from these intruders breaking into our home and to do so with any force which is necessary to accomplish that.

You hope for the best but prepare for the worst. 

They have no right to invade our country, they have no right to come here, they have no right to stay here and we have every right to keep them out and kick those already here out with them.

This is our country, not theirs, its time we started acting like it.

"Welcome to the United States, now go home!"

Monday, July 14, 2014

FIGHT BACK - UN Planning On Intervening Again

I wrote about the UN sticking their noses into the Detroit mess where people are whining about having their water shut off because they didn't pay the bills. 

Now the UN is planning on declaring the hundreds of thousands of illegals invading our country "Refugees" giving them fully protected status. 

This means the US would be forced to allow them and any others to come with impunity into our country and be allowed to stay permanently.

The high muckity muck of human rights something or other has held a meeting with representatives of multiple countries in South America to come to this decision. This follows on the meeting shown to be held by SA countries to facilitate the invasion of the United States taking place earlier. 

If this comes to pass as it looks like it might well do it would prevent the US from taking any action to protect our borders or get rid of the invading horde. It would make them official refugees entitled to stay and live in the US forever without any chance of being sent back where they came from. 

Further President Obama issued a statement today saying any child facing "Danger" will be allowed to stay. The problem is that "Danger" has been expanded and redefined to be basically whatever the liberals want it to be.

Danger of not having enough food, enough opportunity, adequate housing, electricity, water, social ability, and a host of other things deemed to be a "Danger" to an individual. 

All these things are considered to place children in danger of not having as good a life as a US child which to them is unacceptable. 

What scares me most is I don't think Obama et al will stand up for our sovereignty at all, especially since he is such a strong supporter for that organization and its stated goals. He certainly hasn't told them where to go on Detroit and this would have huge negative consequences on our country should it be allowed to happen.

I'll say it again, lock and load and fight for this country or lose it. Its coming down to that. Stop the invasion, turn the invaders back and do it with force, deadly force if necessary. 

But for God's sake do it already. Fight the government, fight Obama, fight liberals, fight the democrat lite republicans, and fight the freakin UN.

Fight back before its too late if its not already.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Now crying, Abbas

In a follow up to what I wrote before. 

The Palestinians in the form of Abbas the "President" of their terrorist existence are now begging the UN to place them under "International Protection" since they are getting their asses kicked royally after starting a war once again with Israel.

I find it highly funny that they attack Israel by killing three innocent children like they always do and now that Israel is saying enough of this and taking them out they are crying bloody murder.

They don't like being on the losing end of things obviously, who does. 

But Hamas is getting slammed and losing leaders right and left while the terrorists are in general getting their asses handed to them.

They once again screwed with the wrong people.

What I don't and won't find funny is the whining liberals crying come Monday at the UN making demands on Israel to not defend themselves against attacks. 

And while Abbas is crying to the UN his people are still attacking Israel with rockets constantly. 

In other words Abbas wants the UN to protect heir terrorist asses and stop Israel from defending themselves while they get to continue to fire upon Israel without consequence. 

Instead of telling them "Too bad, you asked for it and now you've got it, so live with it" they will do everything they can against Israel and once again will try to allow the Palestinian terrorists to get away with it.

Also of note more crying is going on about Israel succeeding in doing more damage than they have been able to do to Israel. So Israel should be stopped and condemned for winning. 

What a crock of $hit.

Sadly though that is what will happen and I just hope Israel tells them all to piss off in no uncertain terms. 

They need to level these terrorists and run them out of Israel once and for all. Let all these Muslim countries take these terrorists in and do something with them. It's been sixty some years of Israel putting up with their sorry terrorist butts and its time they went and Israel was allowed to live in peace. 

Also Muslims are marching and rioting in France, attacking Jews and their synagogues. Too bad guns are outlawed there, I have a solution that involves Mr. Remnington that would put stop to it real fast. 

This is what happens when a country allows illegals to flood their borders and set up shop in their country with impunity. 

Then again, look no father than our own country to see the same thing allowed here. The ones we have are now making demands of us about everything from wanting amnesty to welfare. 

Like France we have a bunch of apologists who rather than round them up and send them the hell someplace else are instead fighting to see how fast they can instead, accommodate those demands.  

France needs to send in the troops with guns and start shooting the bastards who want to riot and we need to start sending in our troops to protect our borders and keep them out in the first place before they get to where they can get uppity and start making any demands. 

They also need to round them all up and send them packing. Here and in France, all of us would find our lives and countries much the better for it. 

Lock and load people, lock and load. 


Where do they come up with this stuff

Have to say I've been on Twitter a couple of times today. Don't usually spend a lot of time on it but did a bit today.

Reading about the Israeli stuff going on left me scratching my head. 

There is this outrage that the terrorists so far have been ineffective with their attacks and Israel has been quite effective. 

In other words because Israel has prevented the Palestinian terrorists weapons from doing very much damage to Israel they shouldn't be doing very much damage to the Palestinian terrorists.

Who thinks like that? 

My God have the liberals really succeeded in warping basic thinking skills and common sense to that great a degree? 

Lord, I sure hope not. 

When I first moved out to the SE US where I currently reside something happened a few years after involving one of my daughters. 

This girl staying the night on a sleepover hauled off and hit my daughter in the mouth.

My daughter being taught well by me, decked her in response. 

End of conversation, at least after the crying and taking of the other girl to her house, right? 


All these other girls that were spending the night were having a huge fit screaming my daughter was at fault in this. 

The reason she was in the wrong was not for hitting this girl back and cleaning her clock but because my daughter hit her back harder than the girl had struck her.

When I heard all these girls going after my daughter I went in to break it up and asked what was going on. When they told me this bizarre idea I just stood there shaking my head in disbelief.

I mean who could possibly think this way? If someone takes the first punch and does a piss poor job of it since when is it incumbent upon the attacked to pull their punch to equal the poor performance of the attacker?

Absolutely bizarre. I told the girls in question and while they shut up about it they now thought I was crazy. 

I mean I taught my kids to never start it but feel free to finish it. 

My daughter that night did so.

So I just chalked it up to some regional thing unique to the South or something since it certainly wasn't the way the ball bounced out west for damn sure.

But here again I'm seeing the same crap from these people about Israel and their war on terrorists. 

The terrorists are doing a piss poor job of it and for some reason Israel shouldn't be wiping the floor with them since its not reciprocal. 

Reading these bizarre comments reminded me of that story with my daughter. 

Where does somebody come up with such nonsense?

Just because the terrorists aren't inflicting the same amount of damage as Israel is doesn't proscribe Israel from kicking their freakin asses here people. 

Matter of fact Israel is taking the approach in this case of not starting it but damn well finishing it. At least hopefully they probably think. 

Overwhelming retaliatory force for attacks being perpetrated upon them is a long standing principle or doctrine if you will. 

Now that the terrorists are getting their asses kicked by Israel they are demanding the UN and other countries force Israel to cease fire. Not to mention the terrorists use civilian locations and people to hide behind then cry foul over those locations being hit in retaliation. 

On top of these things the Palestinian people fully support the terrorists and terrorism and one way they do so is to put themselves and their children in harm's way, basically in front of the terrorists to try and prevent Israel from attacking. 

Then they cry and whine that Israel is hitting civilian targets and killing civilians. They caused it and now they are using it as a media ploy for sympathy and to get Israel condemned by the world.

Unfortunately there are enough Israel haters and liberals for them to succeed But I think Israel is getting a bit tired of hearing from them and doesn't much care what they like or don't like anymore.

Which in my opinion is a very good thing. 

I'll say it again, I hope Israel bombs them to rubble and then let them try and attack. They can pick up the rocks and throw them like their children do now. 

I'm saddened to see the children suffer like this but look not to Israel but to the children's parents for who is at fault. 

Look not at Israel to condemn for defending themselves from attack from these savages but look at the savages who are attacking them. 

If only Obama et al would take a page from Israel's playbook on how to secure a border and do the same thing on ours. Now that its been shown that Mexico and other countries are actively conspiring against us, looking to fully aid and foster the invasion of our country, steps to counter them and the invasion should be taken immediately. 

They won't be but they should be.

God Bless Israel and let them fully triumph over their enemies, the Muslim.

Brief Note on Comments.

I'm not exactly computer literate but tried to set this up to be so anyone can comment who wishes and even do so anonymously.

Someone who did comment a long time back said they had problems and something about having to register to do so.

I went back in and went over the settings once again and couldn't find out why that was so. Double checked all to make sure it seemed to say what I wanted it to which was anyone could comment even anonymously.

Whether it worked I don't know. If it didn't I don't know how to fix it. 

So if you try or have tried to comment and ran into obstacles in doing so I apologize as that is not supposed to be the way it works. 

Unfortunately if you have been asked to register or somehow have been prevented from easily commenting I don't know what to do about it to let you.

As far as I know there are no restrictions, hurdles or anything else to prevent you including moderation. 


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Israel and Terrorists

Real quick.

Just ran across hashtag about Gaze being under attack.

Amazing, terrorists start war, terrorists losing war, terrorists crying about it now, terrorists wanting it to stop.

Too friggin bad.

Maybe they want it to stop because too much of their terrorist infrastructure is getting destroyed? 

Just a thought. 

I feel sorry for the children though, they always get caught up in these things and they are the ones who suffer. 

I said this before, Israel needs to wipe the floor with them once and for all. Enough of this pussy footing around and playing games with these morons. 

Take them out and bomb them back into the frikin stone age then let them find a missile to fire.

The terrorists started it killing those Israeli teens and then firing missiles into Israel and they are still doing it. Now they're crying bloody murder about getting their asses kicked.

Boo hoo....

Even though they are calling on everyone to condemn Israel they sill keep firing those missiles don't they? 

Also another thing here is these terrorists use civilian locations like schools, hospitals, churches, homes, and apartment buildings to run their operations and fire missiles from. 

The people allow and even encourage these terrorists fully supporting them. 

With that in mind guess what become legitimate targets? 

All those things. 

Sorry you don't get to hide out in these places supported by the terrorist Muslims and then claim immunity from airstrikes. 

Rock and roll Israel!!

Santa Rosa California.....Justice Served, for a change.

First of all a young man is dead and its a tragedy that it happened. 

It was a horrible accident brought on by the boy in question but still it is very sad it happened. 

What it wasn't was racist, discriminatory or murder as another minority is claiming.

A thirteen year old boy who looked much older, more like an adult, lost his life. 

There is no doubt it was horribly tragic and no one wants something like that to happen especially the police officer involved. 

This police officer received a call of a man with an assault rifle walking down the street. Upon responding he observed what appeared to be a young adult carrying exactly that, an assault rifle. 

He exited his patrol car ordering the subject to drop the weapon repeatedly which the subject did not do. 

Instead the subject turned towards the officer raising the weapon at the officer at which time the officer discharged his service weapon.

The assault weapon in question was an AK-47 assault rifle. The officer was a twenty year weapons expert and weapons training officer who identified the weapon in the subject's hands and once it was raised towards him fired in self defense. 

This week the district attorney after a thorough investigation held a press conference where she announced the facts of the case and the determination of her office regarding the officer's conduct. 

It turned out the young adult while looking much older was only thirteen years old. The second thing was the AK-47 assault rifle was a replica BB gun not a real bullet firing one. 

Two pictures were up in the press conference, one showing the young man's weapon and the other a real AK-47. 

Both looked exactly alike. No differences at all. The exact same in appearance.

The second was that the evidence clearly showed the officer fired in self-defense based on the information he had available to him at the time of the shooting. 

The conclusion was that this was clearly a use of justified force and a clear case of firing in self defense. 

The prosecutor stated no charges would be filed since the officer did not do anything wrong. She also stated that the state attorney general's office would not be filing any charges either as this was a justified use of force. 

Justice in this case was finally served when in recent years far too many officers have been thrown under the bus in the name of political correctness and appeasement towards minority groups. 

With the above said, its still a tragic event. Its something the officer will never recover from even if he returns to work. Not only has he been forced to take a life but he's taken the life of a child. 

There is no getting over that, any of it. Its an officer's worst nightmare. I can remember training based on real life scenarios where an officer went into a house to search it and saw a shadow on a wall with a hand holding a gun. The officer in real life had turned and fired, killing the subject only to find out he'd just shot a little boy with a toy gun. 

The scenario was fake and for training but it had happened to a police officer before. That was why it was there. It had happened in different ways many times. 

Its not something that you want to contemplate but have to so you hopefully don't end up in a similar situation as this Santa Rosa officer did. 

What makes this even more tragic is that when it happened the Mexicans went ballistic out there. They started screaming racism, discrimination, murder, and a host of other baseless charges at the officer and his department.

They held protests and marches about the officer and the department for which he worked. They said it was first degree murder, it was because the officer was racist and hated Mexicans, they said the murder happened because the department and its officers hated Mexicans. 

They said a lot of things like always get said but what they didn't say was it was because a young man took a real looking gun out with him and pointed it at a police officer after not listening to orders to drop the weapon over and over again.

Maybe the anger should be directed at a teenager not doing what he was told instead. If he had he'd be alive. Maybe the anger should be directed at the fact he was allowed out of the house with a 100% real looking assault rifle to walk down the street with. If he hadn't been he would be alive. Maybe the anger should have been directed a number of places other than where it was but it wasn't.

Instead.another minority group wanted to scapegoat the cops and blame a police officer for another's actions. 

While the officer will live with this for the rest of his life, he should be the one who is angry because if the young man hadn't did these things the shooting would never have happened. Yet I can bet the officer isn't angry, isn't furious that he was put in that horrific position but instead incredibly sad and horrified by what happened. 

In the aftermath the Mexicans demanded the FBI investigate the racist murder of this young man even though it wasn't. The Mexicans demanded the Justice Dept. investigate the cop and department on civil rights charges even though none were violated. 

The Mexicans, of course, demanded the prosecution and jailing of the officer in this case by the district attorney or some other agency. 

Once the report came out from the district attorney's office showing clearly that the officer acted in justifiable self defense one would think it would be over but of course its not. 

The Mexicans are protesting the decision and making continued demands for the arrest and prosecution of the murderer of this boy. 

They are still marching and protesting the racist cop, department and apparently everyone else. 

The FBI is unbelievably investigating this and so is the justice department. For what reason I have no idea but its not the first time either one have jumped into things they shouldn't. I believe there is also a law suit going on as well. I think its based on the ridiculous civil rights violation claim as many of them are. 

Instead of accepting whose fault it truly was and mourning the loss of a young life lost so senselessly over simply not doing what he was told and being out with something he shouldn't have been out with the community instead chooses to blame non-existent factors and everyone and everything else but the real cause of the loss of life. 

I should mention there was clear video of what happened via the cop's dashcam. There were also witnesses who collaborated the officer's version of events even if they didn't think he should have fired at all. 

Does all this sound familiar? 

It should, you could replace the word "Mexican" with "Black" and pretty much describe any number other cases where everything that can be blamed is but not the person who is actually responsible for whatever happened. 

It seems the Mexicans have taken the page from the playbook of the blacks and are using it now to blame the cops for actions of their community. This is almost verbatim the blacks usual modus operandi.

In the end we know three things.

A young teen is still dead and that is a huge loss for his friends and family.

A cop's life is forever changed and possibly destroyed over what he HAD to do. 

Finally if nothing further happens legally against this officer and for now at least, justice has truly been served for a change, the officer vindicated in a hollow victory.

Pray for the officer and for the family of this boy. 

Both need it.