Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Lena Dunham and What Didn't Happen.

A couple of things here.

This is probably going to set a bunch of people off as in they're going to go nuts about it. 

That is of course if they read it. 

The second is I know virtually nothing about Lena Dunham. What I have learned in last two days is she is some sort of liberal something with a show on HBO I believe it is. 

I know nothing about her and to my knowledge have never seen her in anything even. 

I'm right wing and can't stand liberals for the most part. 

With that said what's going on now with her and some sections from her book is revolting and disgusting to me.

Not for the reasons you probably think though. 

In her book she states she was curious at seven years of age if her one year old sister's vagina was the same as hers and asked her mother who told her yes but smaller. 

In the book she states a short time later she was alone with the baby and looked at her sister's vagina by opening its lips in order to see it. 

That's it. 

She also says she would give pieces of candy to her sister if she would kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Not French kiss her, just kiss her on the lips. The sister apparently didn't mind as she was happy to get the candy and readily agreed to do it.

She was seven years old. 

Any kissing at the time was no doubt innocent and playing at being grown up not some disgusting whatever.

Another thing was that the younger sister wanted to sleep with Lena for most of her childhood and was allowed to do so. Begged each day was the way it was put in the book.

I don't think there is anything at all wrong with that. It does not make it sexual in nature in any way. Even if Lena had sexual thoughts at that young an age about her sister it doesn't appear as if anything was done or occurred acting on those thoughts.

In one section Lena states she masturbated as a teen while her little sister was sleeping in the bed next to her. 


So what?

Never does it say anything about doing it in front of her when awake although that often occurs between siblings again out of curiosity usually. 

Not to mention the millions of children who have shared a room across history and one masturbates when the other or others are asleep.   

Somehow this has turned into a huge storm on Twitter and the internet with a right wing website attacking her and flat out saying she molested her sister.

That is flatly not true from what was published. 

It is a lie.

They took excerpts and twisted them claiming they said something they did not say. "Looking at her vagina" became "I molested my sister" even though nothing in the excerpts says anything of the kind. 

Lena apparently made the mistake of inserting adult thoughts and feelings not to mention knowledge in her book recounting these events by framing them with the above mentioned thoughts, feelings and knowledge.

That has added to the firestorm engulfing her.

Some of the framing is rather in my opinion inappropriate but still her thoughts and feelings in her biography as she looked back on her childhood.

While I may find them at the least ill advised to inappropriate it is not my book nor my childhood. 

With that said in the framing she stated such things as she acted as any sexual predator would in chasing a neighborhood girl. 

She says other things that would indicate she was interested in her sister sexually and says them in clearly an adult way.

I seriously doubt that at seven, ten, or thirteen she had any idea of all the things any sexual predator would do going after a child. That is something she placed there in her past as an adult with adult thought and knowledge. Poor choice but by these sick people taking her adult thoughts and reading it as the thoughts of the child at the time they've made even more of nothing.

I find it hard to see a young child or even teen reflecting the things Lena said in this book about herself when she actually was a child. Maybe she sees herself in that light now and ascribes things to her then self that she feels now but that does not mean her child self thought that way or acted that way. 

The other thing is all the things she says now as an adult are obviously not true as to her child self or she would have preyed on her younger sister, forcing sex onto her which she did not do. 

Do you think an actual sexual predator would spend ten years dying to do the kid and never do it? Seriously? A predator just by being one would assault the kid to meet their needs and to hell with the kid. That didn't happen.

Histrionics of this generation have made her clearly embellish and fabricate aspects to this story. Just look at the pebbles part. In it she says her sister was playing a game with her by doing that and cackled when she pulled on on her sister by freaking her out. 

That is certainly possible for a younger child to do something like that but for one problem. It was a one year old baby. What one year old baby is even capable of such? 


What she doesn't say is that she ever did anything to her sister. Whether there ever was any sexual contact between them is not addressed in anything I've read so far and nothing I've seen leads me to believe there is. If there was she hasn't said so or even hinted at it.

If there was which is possible as siblings often experiment as children, its not been written about in her book or someone missed the "Big" story.

Even if there had been that doesn't necessarily mean anyone molested anyone else nor that anyone was a victim of molestation. 

Matter of fact Dr. Charles Sofie of the Los Angeles Child Protective Services Division. The head or number two man of the agency and Dr. Phil's expert on his show categorically stated today on CNN twice that Lena Dunham did NOT in any way molest her sister at any time. 

He stated that what took place was NOT child molestation but normal stuff kids do. 

This is the expert that Dr. Phil uses and everyone knows he is dead against child molestation. He is also the big guy at the largest child protective agency in the country I believe and he says no to allegations that she molested her younger sister. 

What troubles me though beyond this is the recurring pathology in this country regarding sexuality and children. Even putting those two words in one sentence will get people howling in outrage.

I've had people say children have no sexuality and attack me for suggesting they indeed do. I've had them insist children are not sexual at all until the teen years, the mid teen years at that. 

There is even a movement in this country to say that no child under fifteen ever has any interests in anything sexual, doesn't like or ever want to do anything sexual unless they've been molested or exposed to sex inappropriately. That covers seeing pornographic material to seeing sexual acts being done by others. 

Except for those two things happening according to them no child even knows they have private parts for anything beyond peeing until the mid teen years. 

They actually think this and have gotten a lot of the psychological community to ascribe to those insane notions. 

The idea of children's sexuality is not some weird idea resident in my head but actual fact that people somehow deny and that worries me. 

This level of hatred over a little kid looking at another little kid's private parts is unbelievable.

I would strongly suggest people take a 'Human Sexuality' course at their local college to get educated about the subject.

Kids are sexual beings from even before they are born and this has been proven for sixty years or better. They don't just start being at sixteen as I've seen some say. It used to be known that children were from birth but science has shown in recent years sexual activity of babies en utero expanding the knowledge of the subject.

They are curious about their bodies and those of others. They look and explore their own body and other children's bodies just as well. 

They engage in sex play, sexual experimentation, sexual exploration or whatever term you wish to use. One of the oldest and most well known expressions is "Playing Doctor."

This is all normal and natural, completely so. 

There is nothing wrong, sick, perverted, criminal or damaging, if its not forced or coerced in any way, with it. 

Its called growing up.

Yet more and more people seem to be taking the idea that children who do any normal sexual development stuff are somehow bad or even molesters. Children are actually being charged now with child molestation in cases where they've engaged in sex play with kids. 

We're sending umpteen thousands of kids to jail as child molesters now and branding them as sexual offenders for life just for being normal kids and people seem okay with that.

Now a woman who admitted that she looked at her baby sister's vagina when the older was but seven years old is being wholesale attacked and charged with child molestation by these sick people. 

Its the people who have the hang ups about sex who are the sick ones not the innocent seven year old engaging in completely innocent activity to satisfy her curiosity. 

When did our society become so twisted as to ascribe perversion to normal kids play? When did it become so perverted as to take complete innocence and turn it into something so ugly and nasty? 


But now these sick individuals are screaming with calls that she should be arrested for child molestation. Its not enough they want to twist innocent curiosity into perversion but now they want to criminalize it.

The funny thing is that child molestation used to have something to do with actually committing a sexual act on a child. That means something that is done for the purpose of arousing one or both of the parties. 

I wasn't aware that a seven year old curious about her body and that of her sister taking a quick look qualifies as remotely sexual in nature. 

There was no playing, fondling, rubbing, stimulation, nothing. Just looking at it.

Yet today it apparently does and both this woman and her sister have been placed into the center of a shit storm they neither caused nor deserved. 

If anyone is a victim of anything here it is these sisters from these sick people who see the most innocent of things as dirty and wrong. 

What scares me more is these same sick individuals probably have children of their own or will. What will their perverted thoughts on normal childhood sexuality and development do to them.

I wonder how many have or will end up putting their kids into jail for playing doctor?




Saturday, November 1, 2014

This and that again.

This one is a bit of this and that covering different things. 

First of all I voted and I voted as I said I would. 

The Tea Party candidate got my vote, the establishment Republican candidate did not. 

Where I live now there just isn't a lot of choices so there were only two people running. One good and one bad.

To illustrate what I have said before this last week saw a possible presidential candidate, Jeb Bush, come out in favor of amnesty for illegals, joining Boehner who has already called for it this election cycle. 

He is the choice of much if not all of the establishment Republicans. Another establishment choice, Ed Gillespie, says our great health care system was bad and while wanting to get rid of O-care he also wants a Republican version of it to be passed to take its place. 

And you wonder why I say the establishment Republicans are almost as bad as the democrats? 

Add to that how most of the establishment Republicans have dropped the call for repealing it and you can see what's going to happen. 

They are going to leave us stuck with the crap. 


I see so much of it that its really got me down. From the morons on one website who do nothing but constantly whine about a feature a company has had problems delivering to blacks in Ferguson who are whining about an additional two thugs who got shot after attacking cops. 

There seems to be no end to it. The feature in question does not affect operation of the product. Its just a bonus feature. Yet for months now these people constantly whine and cry about it in thread after thread. Sometimes there are multiple threads with these people crying like it was the end of the world. 

For God's sake get over it. 

Then there is my favorite topic. 

The vermin in Ferguson and St. Louis currently. 

Its not bad enough with these people attacking a police officer for defending himself when attacked and lauding a violent thug to the world but now they've branched out to anoint two more thugs for sainthood. 

One actually was shooting trying to kill a police officer after running from him then jumping and assaulting him. This specimen of black culture today then opened fire on the officer who returned fire killing him. 

You'd think that was open and shut. Except, like the claims of Mike Brown running backward so he could be shot entirely in the front, the mother of this POS claims he had a sandwich in his hand and the bullets fired at the officer came from it not a gun.

Stupid and most everyone would just laugh at the stupidity of such a ridiculous claim but not the blacks in the area who are claiming the police murdered another saint of the neighborhood.

Then there is the psycho who charged two police officers with a knife and was shot by those officers to defend themselves. 

Its all caught on video from start to finish. The thug ended up within about two feet of the officer after being shot. He was seen charging the cops. 

Another "End of story" type thing that has turned into a crusade for blacks as they anoint him a saint and claim murder by the cops.

There ridiculous claims of "Oh it wasn't a big knife" or "He needed help not shot" are so far removed from common sense as to be a complete joke as the other two thugs situations are. Yet they are once again holding him up as an innocent victim of police brutality. 

I just don't get why these morons hold up violent and insane people as angels and cops as devils when its the thugs who attacked the police and the cops who simply defended themselves. 

But that is what happened and we now have three thugs being held up as angels in the area and three claims of murder being committed by police. All are being protested and used as an excuse for the coming "War."

An individual on Twitter took exception to my comment of being racist with cause and justification which I've explained on here before. In his opinion I am just a racist POS period. 

My explanation of what I said fell on deaf ears. He seems incapable of understanding I don't believe blind hatred of anyone. But what he can't understand is that with cause and justification I am prejudiced against certain groups within a race for instance. 

I don't hate blacks just for being black as a racist who hates with blind hatred would do. I do hate a segment of the black population because of their diseased culture, mentality and actions. 

Those actions, mentality, and culture give me cause and justification for my prejudice against them. In other words there is good cause to hate that portion of the black community who are infested with those attributes. 

I also hate or am prejudiced against certain elements of whites so I wonder what that would make me since I am white? There are elements within the white culture which are diseased and have a twisted mentality which in their own way make them bad as well.

Hell there are elements of society in general which I find appalling and I entertain hatred of those elements and they cross racial lines covering all of them. 

I think everyone feels hatred or prejudice for certain things. The person who attacked me for instance is clearly prejudiced against conservatives and Republicans. I would even suggest he thinks we are vile and antithetical to his views of what this country should be.

In much the same way as I see this diseased culture of some blacks as destructive on many levels to society I would venture he feels the same about people like me. The difference is he sees no problem with his prejudice against me but does with my prejudice against those things I find objectionable. 

With me though I am up front and honest about it. 

In case you haven't paid attention more and more has come out supporting the officer in this case over the lies of the blacks claiming cold blooded murder. 

In other news Australia has taken the courageous step of standing up to the UN and other parties who want unfettered transmission vectors for Ebola to be allowed. 

Australia has engaged in the common sense decision to ban anyone who has been to infected countries from entering theirs. 

The UN is currently threatening them because of it. Other countries are criticizing them but so far Australia is standing up to them and not budging. 

Hears hoping they continue to do so. 

On top of that Canada has now taken the same decision essentially and banned people as well. 

Congratulations to Canada and Australia for doing what is best for their people and not political correctness. 

In this country Obama has refused repeatedly to put the citizens of this country's welfare over that of political correctness and racial politics. 

Allowing infected in and people who have been exposed not to mention people who have traveled to these infected countries is another act of treason against this country and all in the name of racial politics. Can't treat blacks that way or hurt the black economies down there. 

The idea of quarantine is a basic one. Don't let infected out where they can infect others. What is so incomprehensible about that?

If they can't come here then no one here can become infected. That is about as simple as it can get folks. Each and every person who comes here is a risk and we have been incredibly lucky so far that we haven't been slammed with cases from Obama's reckless and outright dangerous policies in this matter. 

As has been shown Obama knowingly put our children at great risk by allowing diseased illegals not only into our country but allowing them to stay and spreading them out all over the country. It was almost deliberate in nature. 

We now have thousands of our children infected or recovering from these diseases, some who have died and more who have suffered severe likely long term complications from them. 

All because of Obama's deliberate harmful actions. He has never taken responsibility for any of it and is even threatening doctors and scientists to not tell the truth about what he did. 

His polices with Ebola are reckless, dangerous and beyond belief. 

It looked like Christie was standing up and taking common sense back into this discussion but then he wimped out. NY also took a stand only to back down as did the Governor of Maine who blustered about like an idiot then went slinking off with whimper not doing a damn thing. 

Meanwhile Obama attacked all of them for taking a stand which he won't do and trying to protect their citizens since Obama won't protect the rest of us. 

On to the people involved. That nurse who came back should have been quarantined whether she liked it or not and damn the courts or the ACLU. Gov. Chistie caved in and let her go then the Governor of Maine did even worse. 

Meanwhile this selfish piece of shit walks around flaunting the fact she will do whatever she wants and not caring about putting others at risk.

I have to say if I lived up there and she came towards me I'd pull my gun out and she could either stop or I'd shoot the bitch. 

Why there is even any discussion about this is beyond me. Its very simple and shouldn't even be up for debate. 

Then there is the doctor in New York who knowing he was infected and sick still went out and about all over the city. He went to a bowling alley, rode the subway and went to restaurants. 

This after the nurse in Dallas who also knowingly traveled by air when she knew she was sick shows as nothing else could that voluntary measures which Obama touts do not work. 

These people were supposed to be following these voluntary measures yet did exactly what they wanted anyway regardless of the risk to the nation and people in the areas they lived. 

Just like that stupid bitch in Maine who won't follow anything because she thinks she's above such it shows voluntary is not workable or working. 

Latest figures say by end of December there will be one hundred and thirty one cases of Ebola in US and one has to ask if no one who had been to one of the countries with the disease was allowed in would there be any?

I think that answer would clearly be, no.

I think an area should be set up on a military base somewhere like out in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico or Arizona and anybody who does come back from an Ebola country should be put there for the twenty-one days and that's that. No communications, no lawyers, no ACLU, no nothing. 

You are clear at the end of those twenty-one days you go home, you're not then you're getting treated. 

The key though is the nation is protected, something that it is not at the moment.

More news has come out about Obama negating our immigration laws and planning massive legalization of illegal aliens to happen after Tuesday's election. 

I do wish people would stand up to this bullshit and put a stop to it.

Great article today in the Daily Caller about the whole illegal disease thing. http://dailycaller.com/2014/10/31/obamas-border-policy-fueled-epidemic-evidence-shows/

As I said I voted and did not vote for the establishment candidate. It dismays me to see so many conservatives on Twitter and elsewhere saying we must vote in this election for any Republican who is running regardless of their stand on anything. 

This is even though most of them are not running on any real issues. They're staying away from most of them. Some are even running on the wrong platform on issues like being pro-amnesty instead of anti. They are choosing the wrong things and staying away from controversy. This is primarily for two reasons. They don't want to alienate us but don't want to alienate liberal Republicans either not to mention any votes from other parties they might be able to siphon away. And of course the perennial not giving anything for their opponents to attack them with which means they don't give anything for Republicans to support them with.

The establishment treats conservatives like shit, says we're crazy people who they don't want in their party, sides with democrats to attack conservative candidates, runs out all conservatives running for office, chooses non-conservative positions on core issues and then demands we fall in line and come out and vote for them. 

The sad thing is every election we've pretty much done so. 

Well if you read my earlier post on this you know that I will no longer jump when they call. These people do not represent me or my views. If I'm not wanted, if my positions are not wanted or crazy, if my candidates are bad and not wanted then who in the hell do they think they are to demand that I support them when they won't support me and my kind? 

The only time the establishment Republicans want us is at election time. The rest of the time they want us to shut up and be silent. 

Well they can screw our country without me helping. 

Its become a question of the democrats who would destroy our country being in power or the establishment Republicans who would destroy it a bit less fast being in power. 

The point that conservatives are missing is the word "Destroy" I won't vote for anyone who would do that to this country and both the establishment and dems would. 

I keep hearing "Its the lessor of two evils" and to an extent they are right but again missing a big word there. 


I have no desire to vote for any brand of "Evil."

So while the establishment choice for president and the speaker of the house call for amnesty for illegals along with Obama and the dems, I'll wait and see if someone comes along who actually "Represents" me. 

Unfortunately though like in 2012 I foresee the establishment attacking anyone like that again. 

Until the establishment is handed a couple of major defeats they will never listen and I'm not sure even then. They haven't listened to clear repudiations before so I don't have a lot of hope they will in the future. 

Instead they'll attack us for four years then order us to turn out to vote for them at election time.

What's sick is that so many will.

Not me.

Not anymore.

As they say "Never again"

A school district in Los Angeles is being attacked for of all things posting an English only sign in an American school in an American city. 

God forbid we want English to be spoken in America. 

The liberals and race apologists/whiners are out in full force. 

More schools are leaving the lunch program because Michelle's food is shit. Just not enough of the big players to matter. 

Michelle has blackmailed them into serving garbage for food and many large districts don't have the choice. 

I wonder if they can just stop participating in providing free lunches at all that way there is no loss of money if they leave the federal program. 

I bet that would get the ridiculous rules about the food reversed in a heartbeat. 

Imagine a huge school district who not able to serve decent food just up and decides since they can't afford to do free lunches by themselves they should just stop providing them at all. 

I bet the whiners if the district stuck with it would very quickly get these guidelines changed back so kids could eat again. 

Another pet peeve lately is white supremacists who seem to flock to me and that bothers me. 

I've said here and on Twitter that I don't believe in blind hatred for any reason yet these people who do show up and start giving me statements to get me to go along with them. 

What don't they understand about not being welcome anywhere near me.

One thing I've decided is that people are strange from them to the other side who thinks they are cute. One guy just keep saying F the GOP to me like that impresses me. 

Then I have Anon people trying to be something besides a joke. I've got them threatening me and its like really? I've dealt with real threats in my life so having some kids behind a computer screen who don't have a pair between six of them is hardly something I'm worried about.

As I said the other night the most they could do is tell the world I'm a disabled fat white guy who is going bald. 

All of which I've said before and I'm not worried about becoming public.

If they get my name so what? Sure I value my privacy but I also have nothing to worry about. I have a clean criminal history, never been arrested or even charged with anything must less serve jail time. 

So the most they could do is tell the world my name is such and such in which city I live in.

Anyway they're saying they're coming to get me which will never happen but you have to wonder why the cops don't shut these morons down. Most of what they say is bull but I understand that some of them have hurt others by their actions. 

Claiming to have committed crimes and having information when they've done neither is typical for kids but when they cause harm to others then someone needs to step in and stop them. 

In the meantime I just laugh at them and hope one does actually show up. It will be a very bad day for them if they do. Same for some others who have threatened me. 

Getting cold out here the last few days. Its forecast for 28 tonight. We were supposed to have snow today but nothing happened which isn't out of the norm as the weather forecasters are usually wrong. 

Still want to move out to Arizona though, this cold is getting old. 

Need the warmth and dry heat out there more and more every year. Then again still haven't won the lottery though I keep trying. 

One question for all is this. Its one of those life's imponderables.

Why do you always get stuck behind some slow driving moron when you're on back roads? 

Every single time. 

Yesterday I had to go into the city. Stuck behind a big rig for a while which is normal and I can understand even if annoying.

But then on return trip I get this idiot who was varying his speed from 50 to 70 in a 55 mph zone. Not only that but in the two lane area he had to sit in the left lane. 

So that means you can't pass a lot of the time because he's parked in the left lane going slow while others are in the right lane going slower. 

He wouldn't move for nothing. Fifty miles of that crap. I damn near rammed his ass off the road at one point. 

One of these days these morons are going to drive me over the edge into insanity. 

What is so bloody hard about slower traffic keep right and go the damn speed limit. I'm not even asking for someone to speed for crying out loud but seriously? 

There is always such idiots out there. 

So I set my cruise at five over at 60mph as I always do and this idiot kept slowing down, speeding up and being an ass the whole way. When we went down to one lane he then proceeded to slow down to 50 and stay there for periods of minutes at a time. 

I think these people should be taken off the road or at least ticketed for multiple things including impeding the flow of traffic. 

Well that's about all I can think of for this episode of "This and That" 

Have fun, stay safe and lock and load til next time.




Friday, October 10, 2014

Cops vs Blacks

It seems I can't get away from this issue. 

I just can't fathom where our society has got to in terms of accepting the black behavior that has been taking place as acceptable. 

Hammond Indiana is in the news with another blacks vs cops story. In this case blacks were being uncooperative and refusing orders including exiting the vehicle. 

Cops told the male suspect repeatedly to get out of the vehicle including a final warning before finally, after fifteen minutes, smashing the window to get to the passenger who was refusing to obey orders.

Once they smashed the window the suspect then turned lunged towards the back of the car and was tazed. 

Simple right? 

Failure to obey and posing a possible threat by going for something. 

Only its not. Instead we have CNN et. al excusing this behavior on the part of the blacks and crucifying the cops over quite reasonable and justified actions which they performed. 

This goes back to other things I've said about blacks and not listening and not obeying. More on that later.

How people can justify the misbehavior of these people and attack the police is beyond comprehension when it is so clearly the actions of the blacks that invite what happens. 

Then today CNN does another related story interviewing another black crying about one of the officers from the above incident. 

This black woman encountered the officer in question in 2006 along with other cops in a traffic stop. 

Sound familiar yet? 

Just wait it gets better.

In 2006 police pulled over a vehicle with this woman, a man and at least a couple kids in it. 

The man obeyed at least for a while and there wasn't a problem while he did so. The woman on the other hand did not and there was a problem with her.

What a novel concept. Don't listen and obey a police officer and you have an issue. 

This woman, again, refused to get out of the car after repeated orders to exist the vehicle. (Deja vu??)

This woman finally did do what she was told, for a second.

She did exist the vehicle finally and then proceeded to run like hell down the street.

Now understand this. After refusing command after command to get out of the car the woman does so then takes off running from the cops.

Guess what the cops do? 

Shake their heads and chalk it up to crazy people, get back in their cars, and head to the doughnut shop?

Nah, they chase after her, yelling at her to stop which she doesn't. 

Can you guess what's next? 

That's right the cop who catches up to her tackles her to the ground and places her under arrest. 

End of story right? 

Nah, of course not, you're dealing with blacks here after all. 

Its never I screwed up and got busted its racism and the cop's fault. 

In this case the adult son or close to jumped out of the vehicle and went nuts over mom getting caught which causes them to take him to the ground as well. Somewhere in this the man started resisting too. 

So they cry, find an attorney and sue the police. Now reality is this, cities, police departments and most places except Wal-Mart just settle these out of court because its cheaper than paying attorneys to go to court. 

This of course is translated by the blacks and media as police at fault and paid valid claims when in fact it doesn't mean that at all. 

Do you notice the similarities in these two incidents? 

Its not the cops who have issues here its the blacks who as usual do. 

If they had listen and complied with orders none of these incidents would have been incidents at all.

What the media and others never tell you is that contact with law enforcement officers is governed by your actions. They react to what you do, say and how you say it. 

You control to large extent what happens or doesn't happen. 

The fact the Hammond officers sat their talking to them for fifteen minutes instead of telling them twice and knocking windows out is a testament to their trying to kiss black ass and not much more. I know for a fact most departments wouldn't have spent five minutes yapping with people refusing orders from the officers. 

These officers either showed incredible restraint or incredible stupidity in waiting fifteen minutes before taking action. 

Instead they are being attacked for taking any action at all on people who did not comply and do what they were told. 

Absolutely unbelievable. 

Then there is the black thug in St. Louis who tried to kill a cop and lost the gunfight. 

He opened fire on a police officer and the officer returned fire killing him.

End of discussion right? 

Nah, of course not. 

Again not listening to the cop and running from the cop, attacking the cop then running again, until finally turning and shooting at the officer yet the blacks are outraged he is dead and the cop is not.

The cop wasn't supposed to defend himself according to these brain surgeons. 

This is of course what they are crying about Mike Brown and Darren Wilson as well. 

Again each and every one of these incidents begin with the actions of the suspects and what they do not the officers. It is the suspects who control the situation and escalate each and every one of these incidents to their final outcome, not the cops. 

It all boils down to they would not listen and would not do what they were told to do. From Mike Brown refusing profanely to get out of the street when told to the motorist in Indiana refusing fifteen minutes of being ordered to get his ass out of the damn car. 

Last night in St. Louis, once again, blacks rioting refused to listen and do what they were told resulting in necessary force being used to control them. 

I watched the streams live and watched these people telling the officers they didn't have to do this and that while the officers kept giving them orders to get back or whatever. 

They refused and the cops did what they had to do. 

They spent the rest of the evening crying about it. Bassem Masri a terrorist who is live streaming from the area was told to get back when cops were in a fight and he told them he had the right to be there and the cop told him and told him and finally tear gassed him and a few others who thought they had non-existent rights. 

Masri kept crying all night about it. 

Later cops ordered them to disburse from an unlawful assembly and they told the cops they didn't have to and that they could do what they wanted to do. 

The only thing that kept the cops from kicking their sorry asses was leaders went to the cops demanding this and that and the cops said you can leave one way or the other.

They chose to leave and the cops watched them go then left themselves. 

Again all of this could have been avoided if they had only listened and obeyed as you are supposed to do. 

If you attack the police, run wild and rampage you're going to be stopped unless some liberal gets in charge. 

I thought the chief of St.Louis was going to kiss their ass as he's been doing but was surprised when they took decisive action last night. 

After all this is the man who criticized the Ferguson and St. Louis County police over their stopping the rioting going on in the beginning. He's also the one who pulled his officers out of the area and from backing up the Ferguson and County officers taking the blacks' side of it.

Then the fist night of the shooting he let the vermin run wild through the streets of St. Louis, so I had deep reservations that anything meaningful was going to be done to stop them at all. 

Last night I was bolstered to see the city cops do something and do it hard and fast. I wasn't so thrilled that later on someone high up in the department pulled cops back who were about to kick their ass again. 

I'll be watching and wondering which side the city will come down on in the next few days. 

What no one realizes is that unless this crap is stopped and stopped hard it will continue. These vermin get emboldened every time there is any sign of weakness by the cops like letting them run wild. 

Striking hard and taking these vermin head on is the only way to finally put a stop to the mentality if they don't like something then they can riot and rampage all over the place. 

We can see what abdication and appeasement looks like. From the riots in 92 where Gates just let em run wild to Ferguson where the liberal Governor ordered the highway patrol to take charge from locals to kiss the blacks' ass, we can clearly see it doesn't do anything but encourage them. 

As they continue to threaten rioting if their bizarre and destructive world view is not adopted and recognized as valid there are only two alternatives. 

One is appeasement and doing what they want and the other is a massive show of force sending a clear and concise message that this behavior is not and never will be acceptable. 

As I replied to a lady last night on Twitter who asked "How many more black men must die?" 

"How many more black men are going to attack the police?"

She thought I didn't get it.

I don't. 

As my grandmother used to say 'You bring it on yourself' my question is why these vermin can't see that simple fact.

Listen to what you're told, do what you're told, when you're told to do it and I think a whole lot of your problems with the police will magically disappear. 

What is so disturbing though is the acceptance of this diseased mentality of these people by the media and politicians. Rand Paul was in town there today kissing their ass and advocating excusing criminality and attacking our laws and institutions. 

How did we get to this point in our country where its even up for discussion? 

That's what I can't fathom. 

There is right and there is wrong. 

These people and that diseased mentality they posses is wrong. Just plain and simple wrong. 

There is no excuse, no explanation, certainly no justification for them. 

Yet media and politicians continue to do all of those things.

Another example is today CNN also ran a piece on white people who have guns have them because of racism. 


Because whites have been stocking up on guns for the last couple of months and the media as well as liberals know what's going to happen if the blacks take it out of their area into non-black areas. 

They are going to die because decent people won't stand for being attacked. 

If guns aren't taken away the blacks can't inflict the damage they say they want to do to white people including killing white babies in the hospital when their born.

They know people don't give a damn if these vermin destroy their slums but people will fight back if they come out of the sewer into decent neighborhoods and among decent people.

Answer is take away guns so whites will cave into demands by blacks easier. They probably would too because they'd have nothing to defend against the marauding hordes.

I don't know about racism but I know I've seen these savage vermin and their conduct my entire life and you're damn right I have guns in large part because of them. 

Racism, maybe, but I prefer common sense.

I really fear how far we've fallen as a society where this whole mess is seen as somehow acceptable and justified. 

As I listen to the blacks rampage one of the common threads running through their twisted minds are that rioting, killing, rampaging, etc. are protected by the first amendment. That they have the right to do those things and that doing those things are legitimate protest. 

Their diseased mentality where their twisted minds come up with all the bullshit they do doesn't concern me half as much as the mentality in society today which agrees with them and enables them.

In the end I hope the police wipe the floor with them. Its the only way to stop these recurring rampages. They won't listen and behave like civilized people so they will have to be shown. The only language they understand is force and that is what will have to be used and a lot of it. 

Otherwise they won't get the message as they haven't so far.

I fear police won't do what's necessary, but I hope and pray they do, for all our sakes and that of our children.

To the decent people of Missouri, I can only say one thing:

Lock and load!


Monday, September 29, 2014

Dean Obeidallah Again With Another Liberal Whiny Rant.

 Somehow when I hit publish it instead went to draft. I have no idea how but this was actually written days ago not today.

Well as I was messing around on Yahoo I ran across another liberal whiny rant by Mr. Nonsensical, Dean Obeidallah himself.

In it he goes hog wild after Republicans again, outdoing even himself and his rant against Oklahoman Rep. Bennett. 

Side note, sent a nice letter of support to Rep. John Bennett today for standing up and speaking the truth about Islam and the threat it poses to all non-Muslims in the world and to us, America.

I encourage you to write or call Rep. Bennett to show your support at the following. 

Capitol Address:

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Room 300A
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 557-7315
Email: john.bennett@okhouse.gov
Good ole Dean is really frothing at the mouth with theatrics in this one. Calling conservatives "Crazies" and referring to their beliefs as "Lunacy" among other things.
He first attacks Russell Pierce of Arizona for making statements about birth control for women on welfare. He makes it sound like this is some new idea that Mr. Pierce came up with and that it is crazy and he is crazy. 
Well Mr. Obeidallah, its been an idea around for a very long time and its really quite simple. If you want to be on welfare, as in have everyone paying for your a$$, then you don't need to be popping out ten kids more than when you went on it. If you want to have us foot the bill then you don't have more kids until you can get a job and support yourself and them without taxpayer money to do it.

Nothing new there. Matter of fact I believe there is something similar without the birth control requirement in the welfare reform law democrats, Clinton and Republicans, Newt passed back in the 90s. No more money if you have more kids. 

The problem is you liberals attacked that as harming all those babies these women keep on having when they can't afford them. You say denying them extra money for each baby popped out while they're on welfare is unfair. 

So what is a good solution besides paying for them to have children we have to pay for? How about saying while on welfare you will also be on birth control and not have more kids. Such a simple, reasonable idea yet you make it into something else entirely.

The other part of his comments was to say if you want to do drugs or drink you should be tested for those substances and if you do them then you pay for it but you don't get welfare to do it.

I don't find those comments offensive or wrong in any way. They make as much sense as when I first heard the same idea back in the 80s. You don't get to pop kids out while on welfare on someone else's dime. 

What I find offensive and wrong is what happened after he said them. 

First of all he didn't stand by his comments but instead cried they belonged to someone else and he forgot to "Attribute" them properly. That was the cowards way out and wrong of him. It offends me that politicians cower in the face of attack instead of asking "Yeah what of it?" Grow a set and stand up to this $hit for crying out loud.

Then we can get into the dems attacking him for it and being allowed to run the narrative about it. Republicans were stupid in this case for allowing it as they are everywhere else they've let it go on. 

Lastly though his fellow Republicans ran cowering and sniveling to jump on the dem bandwagon and denounce Mr. Pierce rather than stand by him as they should have done. Shame on them for their cowardice. I'm sure you and many other dems were just wriggling in absolute glee about it.

At least Mr. Pierce knows who his friends are not now and I know who not to ever vote for when I move out to Arizona, those sniveling cowards who make me ashamed to be a Republican. 

Your next attack of note is on Richard Mourdock who by twisting what he said have made him out to be some nut job rather than a human being who made a simple statement that was and is true. 

All he said was any baby is a gift of God and if it exists it must exist because God intended it to. He did not say God intended a man to rape a woman. He did not justify rape or anything like that. 

If you are religious and believe things happen in life as God intended them to happen or because God intended them to then a pregnancy is something he intended otherwise it would not be. 

Once again though, dems pounced on it and were allowed to run the narrative about it. While Republicans cowered sniveling and abandoned one of their own, even condemning him for it Mourdock was sunk.

The only shameful conduct was once again on the part of dems and Republican cowards. 

Then we can move on to Sharron Angle who you go after for saying we might need 2A remedies to take back our country. Again you want to take it to be something insane and bad when in actuality its not. 

Its reality. One I doubt will happen not because it is not needed but because people don't have the guts to actually do it. I imagine the dems were allowed to control the story on that one too and I'd be surprised if you didn't find Republicans bowing and scraping while attacking one of their own instead of standing up and saying "You're damn right!" People don't have the wherewithal to actually stand up and fight for this country so you and your ilk will ultimately win not because of merit but because of cowardice by the majority to do what is needed to take back and save this country from the destructive path which liberals have taken us down.

The comment about "Taking out" Reid wasn't a call to kill him but I'm sure you like twisting that around to be that. It was a simple statement that he had to go in the election which after all she was running in and was kinda the point. But again I'm sure dems took it and twisted it into something else, were allowed to yet again control the narrative, and got Republicans to denounce her.

As you continue your rant about "Right wing crazies," "Nuts" and the "Crazy train" you once again miss it completely.

You attack another Republican who apparently also has warned about the Muslim threat to this country and Joni Earnst as being a fruitcake because she's said she's going after O-care and supports states' rights. You also take exception with her calling out Obama as a dictator which he's acting like with his illegal unilateral actions. 

Which is probably where the reference "Dictator" comes into play as someone who is not governing under the law as law dictates but doing whatever his sorry a$$ wants to in spite of the law such as ignoring it or making his own laws outside of Congress. The same as a dictator would do? You see? 

Now if you knew anything at all you'd know that all law derives from the Judea-Christian bible and its God. But hey you're young and dumb, I can understand your ignorance. Maybe you'd be more familiar with other countries where the law derives from Allah and is called I believe "Sharia" Only Western law isn't barbaric and savage as Muslim law is. 

Our laws trace back to what they trace back to and while they have changed and become secular they got their start in the annals of religion long ago. Ever hear "Thou Shalt Not Kill" hence "Murder" as an example. 

Anyway on to your next which would be Mr. Tillis in NC. 

I'd really like to know the context surrounding that quote. I find it very hard to believe it as written is not part of something broader. 

Ah how did I know it. I found the entire quote which is totally true and a very valid message. Once again the dems and you have taken something and twisted it into something else. You've then ran with it and are being allowed to control the narrative on it. 

But that doesn't make you right for here is the ENTIRE quote wherein that sentence lies. (From Talking Points Memo dot com 5/06/14 http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/thom-tillis-divide-and-conquer-poor)

"What we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the people who are on assistance," Tillis said. "We have to show respect for that woman who has cerebral palsy and had no choice, in her condition, that needs help and that we should help. And we need to get those folks to look down at these people who choose to get into a condition that makes them dependent on the government and say at some point, ‘You’re on your own. We may end up taking care of those babies, but we’re not going to take care of you.’ And we’ve got to start having that serious discussion."
Wow entirely different when seen in context isn't it? 
He's simply saying the moochers are going to have to be cut off from the teat at some point but the genuine needy must be protected. What a shocking idea and absolutely horrific isn't it?
Only to a liberal. 
The next part is again something you've taken completely out of context and have twisted to make it into something racist. His comment that the traditional population of NC wasn't growing while black and Hispanic populations were. World of difference if you look at everything he said from the article you linked to.The article itself is biased like you are.
(Article from Talking Points Memo 6/17/2014  http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/thom-tillis-traditional-voters-north-carolina-hispanics-african-americans)  
 Conversation between host and Mr. Tillis
William: Let's start fairly broad with the Republican Party. You watch— and probably see many more— polls than I do or we do in general. When you watch what's happening in presidential politics. When you see this shift that Hispanics used to be in the Republican Party and now they're clearly on the other side of the aisle —when you see all of these things that have transpired, what do you think about? what is going on in the Republican Party?

Tillis: Well I think it has more to do what's going on in the demographics of this country and recognizing that and then having a platform and a message that resonates. If you take a look, you mentioned the Hispanic population —the African American population, there's a number of things that our party stands for that they embrace. I think we have to do a better job of communicating it. I think we have to do a better job of being out there in between elections, garnering support for the things that we're trying to advance. And I think that we need a focus on limited government and free markets which is something that's appealing to everybody. That kind of work will position us for those growing sectors. The traditional population of North Carolina and the United States is more or less stable. It's not growing. The African American population is roughly growing but the Hispanic population and the other immigrant populations are growing in significant numbers. We've got to resonate with those future voters.
If anything you should be ashamed of twisting and completely, repeatedly misrepresenting what was said by these people in some petty lame attempt to demonize them and further a liberal agenda. 
Hopefully liberal dems have not been allowed to control this one nor have Republican politicians abandoned him. 
Your final potshot at Gov. Brownback is once again absurd. Why is telling people to take responsibility for themselves so anathema to you liberals. All he did was tell this woman apparently whining about it to go find another boss if she didn't like the policies of the one she had. Guess what? That's a good idea. I don't like where I work I would go someplace else that was more amenable not sit and whine and want the government to force my boss to be everything I wanted. 
Your "War on women" has been an entirely democratic created fantasy that you've been allowed to not only make up but run with and get away with. Why I don't know but you have. There is no war on women. Never has been and never will be except by muzzies. 
Not everything that doesn't meet with liberal ideology constitutes some delusional war no matter how much you claim it does. Much like many of your other claims which you bandy about simply because they don't agree with that agenda. 
The Hobby Lobby decision for example did not take away one single thing from women. A woman today can go and get a contraceptive device whenever she wants to. Nothing changed except for one little thing. A boss doesn't necessarily have to pay for it in some limited circumstances. 
That's it, no big war or anything else. If a woman wants whatever a woman can still go and get the same thing she could have gotten the day before that decision came out. Same exact thing. 
The thing is though its a liberal agenda to force everyone to pay for other people for everything. Your agenda of forcing all employers to pay for other peoples' personal items in this case was stymied. You libs don't like that. I can understand that. What I don't understand is why you've been allowed to fabricate lies and then spread them with impunity. That, I don't get. 
Its kind of like what Rush said that got him so attacked by you libs. Why should the taxpayer/school have to pay for you to go out and get laid safely? Nobody told Fluke she couldn't get contraceptives but no one but her should have to foot the bill so she can have safe sex. Keep your damn pants on if you can't afford a rubber. 
It applies to many of the things that you brought up in your rant. You and liberals think everybody else should pay for everything for everybody and no one should be responsible or have any obligations to do for themselves or meet any guidelines for anything. 
Why? Why is suggesting that so crazy? If I want to have sex I buy my own damn rubbers. If I had to go on food stamps I worked my butt off to get back off of them as quickly as possible. When we didn't have money I didn't get my wife pregnant with more kids because we couldn't afford them. And the list goes on because its called taking responsibility for yourself which is sorely lacking these days.
What I haven't gotten for a very long time is why Republicans repeatedly run such piss poor campaigns and platforms. They get attacked and do not fight back. Do not wrest control of the story from dem hands which would be quite easy to do in most cases. They allow your kind to get away with whatever you want to and I just don't get it. I could run much better campaigns that these so called professionals have. Its astounding that they miss so much they could go after the dems on and do so little to help their own candidate. Just unbelievable. 
You may be right about Republicans losing and democrats winning this November but not for the reasons you think. 
I'll tell you why there is a good chance they will lose and its not because they might run off at the mouth its because they probably won't. They've ran conservatives out of the election and are not following any conservative principles at all. As you noted they've been keeping their mouths shut but not because they are trying not to say anything disastrous but because what's left in the candidate field has nothing conservative to say as they don't believe in conservative ideals and principles.
You see conservatives want people to stand up, speak up and take a stand on things. They want them to stand by the things they've taken positions on and to fight for those things we hold dear. 
There is an establishment in Washington that has abandoned the principles of the Republicans and conservatism. They have denigrated conservative ideas, beliefs, representatives, and candidates. They have stabbed us in the back on core issues which are important not only to us but to the nation as well such as the invasion. A couple of days ago Boehner stated amnesty must be passed for the benefit of the economy. They have repeatedly chosen the democrats over their own people, they have betrayed us. 

They don't speak up. They keep quiet and refuse to take a stand on anything. They mouth general platitudes that are meaningless and say nothing that is anything.

Its their keeping quiet that will doom them. Its their betraying all Republicans stand for that will doom them. Its burying it's conservative side that will doom them. 

The establishment has chosen to stick a knife into conservatives and betray us. They have chosen democrats and their agenda over that of true Republicans. They have even conspired with the enemy to defeat conservatives in the elections. 

Their silence and betrayal will defeat them because if they had stayed true, if they had spoken up and taken a stand we'd vote for them.

The other nails in the coffin are allowing the democrats to set the narrative about everything and again staying silent instead of calling out their constant lies. 

Its about them running scared of the dems instead of standing up and challenging them. Instead of showing the lies and distortions they snivel and cow before them and apologize when they have nothing to apologize for. 

They abandoned conservatives and other Republicans on the expediency of politics instead of standing by them and fighting for and with them.They no longer believe as true Republicans do.

They allow the liberal agenda to go forward rather than fight it and choose democrats over their own ideals and people. They are as I like to call them democrat lites. They believe and follow a less liberal ideology than the democrats but still a liberal one. 

Finally after the way they've treated conservatives they then show up with marching orders that we'd better turn out and vote for them in November. After betraying us and screwing over our candidates they tell us we have no choice but to vote for them now.
They miss the big picture entirely. 
One of the things you'll see on Twitter lately are posts saying Obama only won by a couple million votes and over nine million of us conservatives stayed home in 2012. (I think that was the correct figures roughly) Therefore we must go and vote Republican this election. 
The problem is though that they were screwing us then too. They attacked the conservative candidates and collaborated together to defeat, malign, impugn and otherwise take down any conservatives running. They marginalized us as you try and do and didn't want us to play in their sand box.
They shoved a liberal masking himself as a Republican down our throats as a candidate and told us to shut up and go vote for him you don't have any choice. 
Many of us felt we should go and vote Republican even though we detested Romney. I was one of those who said they were not going to vote at all. I caved in and went at the last minute anyway. Apparently over nine million of us decided to send the message anyway and did not.
While many were saying no one was stupid enough to elect that man to another four years I said oh yes they were. And I was right. If they could do it once they were certainly idiotic enough to go for a second round. 
They did. My vote didn't matter and sadly the nine million plus didn't either because the establishment Republicans have not listened. 
Instead they've doubled down, tripled down and more on treating us like scum and making sure we know we are not wanted anywhere near their halls of power. They have went so far as to collude with dems to defeat a conservative candidate and in other elections as well. They've agreed to everything the dems want and gotten nothing substantial in return. 

They've betrayed conservatives and this country.
Now once again they are telling us we have no choice. We have to go and vote for them so get going. Chop, chop!
The thing is nine million plus people tried to tell them our vote matters, our party matters, our beliefs, ideals and this country matter. 
The establishment Republican answer to that has been F**k you.
I think that not only will those nine million plus from before not vote, that the millions more that got talked into voting anyway will not vote this time round either. 
At least I hope so.

I know I will not be voting for any candidate except a conservative one if there is one on the ballot for me.
Its going to be our turn to say the same back to the Republican establishment this November and that is why I think you and your democrats will win. 
Maybe they'll get the message this time, maybe this time the establishment will listen. 
Don't hold out a lot of hope but maybe.