Thursday, August 15, 2013

Obama and The Mideast

Well things are blowing up in the Mideast as you may have noticed. 

As I said a long time ago Obama backed radical Islamist groups to take over a number of countries including our long time ally Egypt. He abandoned Mobarak to the Islamic wolves and needless to say they took over. 

The military is not and never was going to allow a radical Islamic government. They finally kicked it out on its ass and took Morsy into custody. 

They also had the backing of most of the people who were against radical Islam overtaking their country. 

Now we have Islamic extremists attacking and fighting the military and current government and the current government and military putting down these attacks. 

I hope they succeed in getting rid of them.

Now the Obama administration has issued a statement that "We don't take sides" which is an outright lie because they backed the radical Islamic groups and their takeover of several countries. 

If they hadn't taken sides then we wouldn't be in the mess we're in over there. 

So the government and military as well as the radical Muslims no longer trust the U.S. at all. Surprise, surprise. 

What disturbs me is that while they are 'not taking sides' they're telling the current government and military over there to stop fighting back against the attacks by the radical Muslims. 

Remember through all this that if not Islam itself, radical Islam is and has been our enemy for a very, very long time. 

That is why I said that Obama's actions in supporting radical Islamists and their takeover of the middle east border on if not cross the line into being treasonous. 

These people that Obama et. al. have outright supported in many forms are our ENEMY!. 

Look at the Assad situation. No matter what you think of Assad either pro or against, he's fighting radical Islamists who want to take over his country. He's fighting Al Qaeda and other groups like them to preserve his country from radical Islam. 

He's fighting our enemy and you know what we're doing. 

Logic would dictate that we would support those fighting against our declared enemy but instead Obama and his administration along with some establishment Republicans are instead throwing or wanting to throw financial and military support behind our enemy. 

There is something seriously wrong with this picture. We should be supporting Assad whether we like him or not but instead once again Obama has chosen radical Islam over secular government. 

Obama may not be Islamic as many have charged but he sure has supported them over secular governments giving the power over a great deal of the middle east since he entered office. 

He has backed our enemies for whatever reason and in case no one has told him these people don't like the West and they sure as hell don't like us. 

They're also not going to like us just because we put them in power so if that is what Obama somehow thinks and/or believes he's in for a huge shock.

And our nation suffers for the idiocy by him and the middle east is as you can see thrown into chaos. 

The question I have is for what purpose?


Morons and my day part 2

Well an update to my day. 

I just finished the blog post I had been working on when a couple of other things came up.

The moron of the last post who I said I was done with replied. 

As usual the facts they stated were wrong but I was just called outright an ignorant low IQ uneducated poor white trash wing bag conservative who lives in a neighborhood which thinks its okay for men to hit women. 

So in addition to that they have the law wrong and the final thing they had to say was that "All great people are liberals..." 


You might have some right to append the "Wind bag" appellation to me as I do tend to go on a bit at times but the rest? 

I just don't have time to deal with such complete imbecility. 

Of course I'm not going to respond but this shows you the mentality of many of the liberals out there. And they say conservatism is filled with hate. 

It is also their general response when they can't argue a point and win. 

Anyway on with reality and life.

The other piece of wonderful news is as I was leaving the complex where I live a friend stopped me to tell me that I had oil coming out of my tail pipe which is not a good thing. He said it is probably the head gaskets on my vehicle. That is very much not a good thing. 

So its been going just great so far and the night is still young. 

I wonder what's next. Then again maybe I shouldn't. :)

Morons, weather and a camera up the ying yang.

Well its been an interesting couple of days web wise. The temps are down out here and got a great letter today from the hospital about an upcoming procedure. 

As I said the temps and more importantly the humidity is down today and was last night as well.

It felt so nice after weeks of high humidity and temps. 

I made a comment the other day on a story about a fourteen year old attacking a police officer and the police officer decking her in return. 

Thought it was a one off comment. You know the kind where you say something that isn't really controversial or anything and go on  to the next thing. 

Well someone decided to be offended. First I don't know whether this is a man or woman. So that is why I am not saying he or she. 

But anyway this person decides to make it into a federal case. 

This was about one of the excessive force claims from my last post. The case of the violently mentally disturbed kid who slugs the cop twice, once in the face and has her hand around his throat when he punches her. 

First the person attacks me for saying what I did and calls it excessive force upon this poor mentally disabled child. 

So I do a quick Google search on news and find four different articles in the space of minutes which I post on this site showing none of them using the word "Disabled" All of them do say some form of what I originally saw which is violent, disturbed, etc. and my favorite was the quote by HER defense attorney which said "Deeply disturbed teen" 

None of them said anything about being retarded or otherwise anything of that nature. In other words this was a little psycho who took on police. 

Well that's fine but this person just couldn't seem to understand that. They went on about it being the same.

Now maybe I'm just not up on the new things and all that the liberal whack jobs come up with but since when does being retarded or having Down Syndrome equate to a violent psycho?

I don't believe they are the same. 

But what got me was this person kept going on and on with the "Get away with it" card. 

"They are mentally ill so they shouldn't be....pick your ending. In this case it mostly had to do with being hit, being arrested, being taken down etc.

Now I stated several times that mental cases don't get that card to play. If they attack a cop the cop not only has a right to defend himself he's allowed and justified in using necessary force to do so.

Just like if someone came at you and started hitting you, you don't have to sit there and be a friggin punching bag and do nothing. More to the point you don't have to ask if this person attacking you is a nut job before you defend yourself nor are you proscribed from defending yourself if you do have knowledge of the person being crazy. 

Neither is a cop. Just because she was a violently mentally disturbed psycho doesn't mean she gets to attack a cop freely without the cop being able to use necessary force to defend himself and effect an arrest. 

She also slugged another cop and continued to resist arrest off camera until several officers got there and only after being pepper sprayed was she able to be taken down and cuffed. 

As I also pointed out they were well within use of force guidelines to use a Tazer or baton on her at that point, yet they did not. Once again cops trying to use minimal force are getting slammed for doing so.

But anyway over the past couple of days this has been going back and forth and the person's major argument is some liberal whining version of utopia in which nut jobs are allowed to do whatever and get away with anything and no one is allowed to defend themselves against any attack by them, especially cops.

Its been one of those bizarre conversations where you say something simple and the other person can't seem to grasp or fathom simple words and concepts. 

At one point I had to ask if this person is even from our country as they stated that a cop is not allowed to hit someone ever. And that's like, so not our country. Matter of fact I don't know any country which forbids cops from using force such as hitting an attacking person if appropriate. 

Then I figured out this person isn't living in the real world at all which is where they get this weird world view. They're living in some whining liberal utopia where no consequences exist for actions taken and all these people, psychos, criminals, you name it get away with whatever they want and no one stops them or interferes with them in any way such as police. There is certainly no use of force allowed since the police are the bad guys to most liberals. Hell maybe there are no police in this bizarre utopia the poster has envisioned, I don't know. 

So today I get up and guess what? I've got another reply to my last post on that site. 

So I go and guess what? Its devolved into name calling which is usually the result of trying to speak to or with liberals. Now I should point out that she called and insinuated things before but I thought it might be a one time thing but today I was shown it wasn't to be. 

So I decided to end this as this person doesn't seem to have basic reading comprehension skills to understand a thing I've been saying. 

After replying I told the individual that this is it and have a nice life and all so that's over but I have to wonder if they are really that dense and stupid or just skip over parts of posts they don't like and pretend they don't exist?

I occasionally am attacked by right wing nuts too and the same applies to them. 

I don't know anymore. Sometimes I wonder why I bother but you see stuff like this and it just gets to you. 

I knew and worked with a fair amount of cops in my years in EMS and security and had a good relationship with most of them. I also had training via an academy and I get so sick and tired of these people who attack cops for doing nothing more than their jobs.  

This isn't some liberal utopia where everyone gets away with whatever and cops sit back and take being hit or shot at etc. 

Lately that seems to be all over the news, nothing but attacks on police for doing nothing more than their job. 

I'm not saying there aren't bad cops out there, I'm sure there are. They are human you know but to see the police attacked for doing their jobs and often lose their jobs not because they did anything wrong but because segments of the public are crying and demanding their termination is just plain wrong.

And it needs to stop which means departments bosses need to grow a set and stand by their officers like the boss down in Pembroke Pines did for the officer in the little psycho video.

And on to the most wonderful and looked for procedure to be had in the medical industry. 

Because I've crossed that fifty mark the doctor has come to the conclusion I need to have a colonoscopy.

To say I'm excited is an exceedingly overwhelming overstatement as is the above comments. 

I got this nice little letter today from the surgical unit at the hospital instructing me to eat clear broth for twenty four hours prior to the visit. To take any medication to which I am prescribed on the day of the surgery yet I have to eat actual food in order to take it which is a no-no according to them. 

Oh and to stop taking two of my heart medications for a week prior to it.

I also have to take two laxatives all day and night the day before one of which I have to drink 8oz of every 10 to 20 minutes. Oh joy.

Plus a whole list of other things I can and cannot do.

So lots of joy to look forward to come next month. 

As I said real exited.  

So that's my day so far.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Police Use Excessive Force??? Not So Fast.

Well today seems filled with stories of excessive force by police officers. 

Maybe I should say people claiming the police used excessive force. 

It absolutely astounds me how these people think or in most cases don't. 

The people making comments are absolute morons in many, many of the comments I saw on CNN. 

Maybe I'm just too old or something but these people annoy the holy f**k out of me. 

So today four stories were in the news, one a carry over from yesterday. 

Let's take case number one which was yesterday's carry over. 

A ten year old bites a police officer and he gives him a small cuff across his mouth or maybe the side of his head. You'd think big deal right, it wasn't a hard cuff or hit yet its being shouted "CHILD ABUSE" by police officer, all over the place. 

Okay give it a break. The cop didn't "Abuse" this child in any way, shape or form. The mother is white trash who kidnapped this kid many years ago running after having custody taken from her. She's bad mouthed the father to the point the kid is yelling his dad isn't his real father. The boy lives in the back of a school bus and is completely illiterate having received no schooling either in a school or by homeschooling. 

Living conditions were to put it politely dismal and the only one abusing this child was the mother who was the one who was filming the child being taken away screaming at the cop making a mountain out of a molehill. Not to mention making the entire situation even harder on her son she claims she's so worried about.

Second was watching another black family crying about their angel being brutally murdered by police officers in Miami. This drunk gun carrying angel took two police departments on a pursuit then tried to run down a couple of cops and finally reached for said gun when officers opened fire sending their angel to hell.

Two years later they are still whining and carrying on about it being excessive force and that her baby was taken from her by the police.

Let's give everyone a little lesson here, no matter what your race is don't try to kill a couple of cops and you won't get killed.

And then it gets better. During the shootout four bystanders suffered gunshot wounds. Now should the city pay for their medical bills and such. I believe that would be highly appropriate. Yet they didn't and instead of these people suing, the problem is they've joined the "Excessive force" brigade too rather than sue for medical bills and the usual stuff. 

Again, it was regrettable that they got caught in the shooting which occurred and even more regrettable that the cities didn't do the stand up thing but to claim police brutality and excessive force, nah that's bull.

Third was a case, again in Florida, where this well grown severely mentally disturbed fourteen year old girl hits the cop, then grabs him by the throat and throws a full punch into his face. At which point the officer hits back once. He strikes her in the face and her head as would be expected by anyone with an ounce of a brain cell snaps back from the blow. The officers then took her to the ground while she was still fighting and finally had to use Mace to subdue this teen who was violent and wild. Its been acknowledged that the teen is violently mentally unstable.

Once again, though,  there are screams of child abuse and excessive force along with cries of hitting a mentally disturbed child etc.etc.

I'm sick and tired of the advocates for these crazy people getting up and crying, whining and generally screaming bloody murder anytime a police officer takes appropriate action against one of these crazies. 

I, frankly don't give a damn if they're nuts or not. If they attack a police officer that officer has a right to use whatever force is appropriate to defend himself from said attack. If the crazy gets hurt or dies then too damn bad. This isn't by far the first time these people come out whining. 'Oh this man who came at the officer with a butcher knife, trying to kill him was mentally ill and shouldn't have been shot'. 

Guess what? Sure they should. If these people are that far gone then its sad and unfortunate but I'll be damned if I will sit back and expect an officer to take injury or worse in order to keep these advocates for the crazy people happy. 

If they are that far gone then they should be locked up.......oh wait a minute. That's right these same advocates, years ago, fought to let them free and integrate them into society. 

Well if they're running loose then crazy or not these people shouldn't expect police to die or be seriously injured in order to "Accommodate" the fruitcakes.

And here we come to the last one today.

We have an eighteen year old male spraying graffiti on a fast food place when cops catch him. 

Now did this person stop as they commanded? Did he do anything the cops ordered him to do? 

The answer would once again be, no.

He definitely did not. 

Instead he took off and led the police in a foot pursuit until he was cornered. 

Did he obey commands at that point? 

Once again, no.

Instead he charged the police who fired a tazer in an effort to subdue him in the least traumatic way possible. 

Now for some reason he started experiencing "Medical distress" and died some time later at a hospital. 

So what's the first thing out of relatives mouths?

You guessed it, the "Innocent baby" routine starts up again, followed by the "They used excessive force" crap and more along those lines.   

Now I'm as I said before sick and tired of hearing this complete BS. People you need to learn that not obeying a police officer, committing a crime, attacking a police officer, etc. is going to get met with force of some kind. 

I'll take out the ten year old here and say the other three would never have happened if it wasn't for the actions they themselves committed and are responsible for.

Yet all the crying and such is against the police. I think its about time some people start crying and whining about these people who attack the police in the first place. 

They used to teach something in school about actions have reactions and I guess they must not do so anymore because these people certainly don't seem to understand the concept. 

To them it seems that people should be able to get away with whatever they want and police should just walk the other way or else stand there and take whatever these people want to do to the officer. 

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way and these people need to learn that. 

What really set me off though after seeing all these stories was the comments section over the Tazer one.

Let's get something straight, a tazer is one of the tools available to help avoid the use of deadly force. There are others yet these whiners are crying about some deaths which have occurred and some foreign human rights group screaming about their use. 

Well as I said these people, after reading a lot of the comments, are morons. Secondly the human rights group can take their asses back to wherever they came from and stay there or if it's here, leave.

I remember the billy club and bullets days. That means they had a billy club and a gun and that was it. You either beat em with the billy club or simply shot the SOBs with the gun. 

Frankly with all the whining and crying by these people, maybe shooting the bad guys would be better than trying to use less than deadly force in dealing with them. Maybe then they'd see why the other things were introduced to law enforcement. It would certainly make officers' lives easier.

Now they've come up with other alternatives besides those two things in an attempt to be able to avoid using deadly force. Does that mean that someone won't die from a tazer strike or a baton strike? 

No it doesn't. There have even been deaths from pepper spray. 

But what I can guarantee is that there would be a whole lot more deaths without them if they went back to the old way before these other tools were introduced. 

So instead of bitching, whining, crying and otherwise carrying on about a bad guy dying why don't you people expend some of that energy in getting your kids to learn some simple basic things. 

Like obeying commands, not fighting police officers, not using weapons against police officers, not running from police either on foot or in a car and obeying commands. 

Then you can start on educating the underside of the public on good ways not to die or be injured by police.

I think that blaming the police constantly for the actions of the bad guys and blaming them for what happens to said bad guys because of their own actions is way past old, and just plain wrong. 

I'm sick and tired of it and I sincerely hope many, many more are as well. 

Support your local Police and Sheriff not the bad guys.

There's my rant for the day.