Saturday, June 28, 2014

Immigration Part 2

Well it seems last week that a Montana judge ruled a law up there illegal so those in Montana can no longer even check if illegals are there illegally. 

Wonder what happened to E-Verify? Apparently in Montana you can't do it any longer.

What exactly have we come to where this is even a question? 

My God how can a court rule that the government can't verify citizenship before granting benefits which require citizenship to get?

The other thing I touched upon before and that was allowing the Obama administration to drive the story and the collusion I was seeing from the media in that. 

So suddenly this invasion is being really pushed as a "Humanitarian crisis" along our border and of course we must "Help" those suffering said crisis in all ways and manners. 

I.E. Don't even think of deporting them.

Nancy Pelosi is going to the region to tour it and meet with these poor children, to see what the US can do for them etc. and the media has jumped on it wholeheartedly. 

On top of that we have the first lady of one of the countries who is not only sending these people up here but has told us not to send them back, going around on a tour of the facilities where "Her" people are at to determine if they are being treated right.

What the hell people? Why she wasn't laughed at to her face when she suggested it I don't know. 

Oh, wait I do know. Obama et. al. are colluding with her and her husband to instigate and facilitate the invasion. That's why.

Why isn't Nancy Pelosi doing what a US Senator should be doing, which is tour those facilities to determine the best way to repatriate those people in the quickest manner possible?

Hell why aren't any of "Our" so called elected officials doing that?

Instead its all about how to make the invaders' lives easier and how can we further disperse them fully into our country.

Seeing the news today shows Ms. Pelosi is actually down there and this is her thoughts on things.

Nancy Pelosi seemed to indicate how unfortunate it was that a fence divides the community she was speaking in. That fence was the US/Mexican border fence. Apparently she thinks there shouldn't be one. (Surprise, surprise)

She also said we're all Americans and that the American people should see this as an opportunity to help all those who have trespassed upon us. 

I couldn't sit through listening to that woman for five plus minutes of BS but what I did hear was disgusting and anti-American. She should be ashamed of herself but then again she never has been. 

So once again the Obama administration, this time through good ole Nancy, is advocating against the best interests of our country. 

When is someone going to say enough already? When are those supposedly on our side, republicans, going to stand up and say no more?


Not only that but Obama and people representing him have announced that the American people haven't seen anything yet in terms of his "Executive actions" 

He along with dem reps have stated in the last few days that he is going to unilaterally dictate immigration via executive order which means further amnesty. They have come right out and said it. No one is calling them on it. Boehner is standing around saying he's thinking of challenging Obama in court over it but instead of whining some more about Obama's illegal actions why don't they do something about them. 

Well I'll tell you one thing. The establishment republicans want amnesty almost as much as Obama does. The only problem is they are waiting until they get reelected to do it. You see the Tea party republicans don't want it. They are fighting it but they won't win unless they get elected this fall. 

Once again the sheeple are electing the establishment and rejecting the conservative principled candidates. So once again you're going to get a majority establishment base in the Congress and Senate. 

Which means nothing positive is going to get done on the issue. Since business and establishment republicans want immigration too they will pass "Reform" giving amnesty to the millions of illegals and we'll be forced to continue to house, feed, care, school and jail them. 

Its all a fake out people. Nothing but a smoke and mirrors effort to get elected. Once the establishment republicans get a hold of the Senate and Congress they will make noises about securing our border and then legalize all the ones here already and allow millions more to come. They are not much better than the democrats on this subject. All they are waiting for is the elections to be over to screw us as bad or nearly as bad the democrats would. 

Why people can't see these stalling tactics for what they are is mind boggling. None of the establishment republicans want to vote for amnesty before the elections which is why Boehner has been stalling for months in the Congress. But look at what the Senate has done? They voted for amnesty a long time ago. This is what awaits us in the House if the establishment wins. 

Think long and hard about that before going into the voting booth.

More of the establishment republican philosophy is not what this country needs. 

Matter of fact, more would be a disaster.    


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Invasion USA. Obama and Treason, Sheldon Adelson, Rupert Murdoch and the media push to support it all

I've been watching this whole thing with the illegals invading our country for decades. I was going to say the last week or so but its been far longer than that. 

This last week or so is only the latest assault upon our borders. This time with collusion by the sitting President and our government. 

Thousands upon thousands of illegals are storming our borders, breaching them and invading our country. 

The President of this country has not only encouraged this attack upon us but facilitated it. His response to the situation.

Set up more places for them to live, give them bus tickets to further their invasion into the heartland of the country, provide legal representation to keep the invaders here and make sure they don't get sent away. Do everything short of issuing pardons and do not do anything to rid our country of these vermin. 

Instead of doing everything possible to prevent and repel the invasion he's done nothing but support it and encourage it. He is helping the invaders come and remain in this country not get rid of them.

The Vice-President has stated they are citizens of this country in his view. Statements have also been made that these enemies of the state are the epitome of what this country is all about and should be allowed to stay. But not only allowed to stay but welcomed and helped in any way possible by our government. 

The democrats have jumped on this bandwagon echoing the same sentiments. Calling for supposed "Reform" to accept these invaders and make them US citizens rather than fight vigorously to get rid of them. 

The President takes an oath of office to defend this country from enemies foreign and domestic, to faithfully defend the Constitution and protect this land.

He has not done this. The Vice-President has not done this. The Senators and Congressmen of the House and Senate have largely not done this. 

Instead he and the others have opened their arms to the invading forces of our country. He has done the exact opposite from defending this country from that invading force. He set up the latest invasion and continues even as it goes on to facilitate said invasion. We have the hordes coming across with a free ride once they get here, bringing with them disease, criminality, lack of education and other problems. These problems will migrate from the border to wherever these people end up. Impacting those local areas, police, fire, ems, schools, jails, welfare, and medical amongst many other negative impacts. 

This is called treason. To have a President actively doing what this one is amounts to nothing more than that. This President is not defending this country from enemies foreign or domestic or defending this country from attack. Neither is his government including his Vice-President. Our Congress is not much better ranging from actively supporting the invasion of our shores to just not acting to defend us from said invasion. Democrats and Republicans alike are to blame. 

As much as I would like to put the entire blame onto this President and democrats and while there is a huge amount of blame to be placed upon them, there is also blame to be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans. 

For some reason the Republicans keep taking a non-committal approach to the issue of amnesty. Talking about reform and other mealy mouthed crap rather than standing up and taking a stand. Even after Cantor lost due to that approach they still make noises of appeasement towards pro-amnesty proponents and even deny the reason for that representative's loss. 

In the last couple of days both Sheldon Adelson and Rupert Murdoch, two big Republican supporters, have come out with calls for amnesty and pushing Republicans to pass it. Mr. Adelson even went so far as to say that expecting or even thinking about getting rid of the masses which have invaded our country is ridiculous and not realistic. Basically saying if you think along those lines you must be crazy. 

While Obama and his administration are out there telling their planned campaign about violence and fear driving those who have overran our borders and telling America that most people in this country want amnesty for all these illegals, these have been proven to be nothing more than propaganda lies. Just like the story they have put out about why Cantor lost the election. They say it had nothing to do with his pro-immigration stance yet it has been proven to have been all about that stance. People didn't like it and said so with their vote. 

Interview after interview with the illegals, with those working with the illegals, and with experts with knowledge of the illegals all have said one thing. Its the same reason as it has always been. Money and benefits. They come because they are poor and have been told, think, or know they can get a much better standard of living here in the US than whatever hovel they originated from. 

Violence and fear while existing has been shown NOT to be the primary cause of the invasion. In some instances it is also cited but the primary reason is the same as it was 30 years ago. They talk about better homes, schools, medical care, free stuff, benefits, welfare, food stamps, etc. etc. 

This is what drives these people, this is what has always driven these people. 

The claim the American people overwhelmingly want amnesty for the invaders is beyond ridiculous. They don't, plain and simple. They may want reform but that reform is to get rid of what is here and prevent more from coming. It sure as hell isn't amnesty. 

So in the last few days I find it interesting the media has suddenly been showing human interest stories with one big theme running throughout. The Administration's version of things. CNN had a couple today. One about this seventeen year old who fled solely because of violence and was raped and all the travails she supposedly went through to get here.  The other about a like boy and his brother who was brutally murdered in his home country and his travails to get here. The underlying message "How can you want to kick them out now that they've been through so much and finally got here?" 

All pushing the violence and fear scenario as put out by Obama et. al. 

So even though this President has committed treason by acting against this country's interests, inviting, encouraging, facilitating, aiding and supporting the invasion of our country. Even though he continues to act in a treasonous manner by doing everything he can to help the invading forces in our land and for them to remain here rather than repel them the American people must stand up and fight these actions, these forces, and this administration.

Contrary to what Mr. Adelson and Mr. Murdoch propose, that is the last thing we should be doing. We must not legitimize the invasion of our country by foreign nationals. We must take concrete forceful steps to repel that invasion and get rid of those already here.

Contrary especially to what Mr. Adelson has said it has been proven that if steps are taken to make life here untenable for these hordes they will leave and leave running. It has been done even if it did not get a chance to last long enough. 

Arizona before the courts put a stop to it set in motion steps which proved 150% effective in combating the invasion of that state. While those steps were in effect masses and masses of illegals fled that state for other places where the welcome mat had been set out. 

It was so bad that California even sued Arizona over the massive influx of illegals which descended upon their state once Arizona's law went into effect. Then again California has always put up signs welcoming illegals with open arms. They just weren't too happy when thousands and thousands suddenly showed up on their doorstep. 

I still remember all the interviews with illegals which the media did trying to drum up sympathy and attack Arizona's laws. For me I just laughed at seeing someone finally do something that worked. These people were frightened, they said things like they had no place to go in Arizona, they wouldn't be able to work in Arizona, they basically wouldn't be able to do much of anything in Arizona and they faced capture at every turn and deportation so they were leaving and going other places where they would be able to do all the things Arizona was going to prevent them from doing and where they'd be welcome. 

Folks IT WORKED!!!

They fled the state en masse. Imagine what would happen if those laws were put into place on a nationwide basis. Where would they go? 

Nowhere in this country.

Imagine all the problems we have related to illegals being in this country. Overcrowded schools, medical systems, courts, prisons, police forces and many more, including the diseases they bring. Now imagine the illegals gone and not having any of those problems.

If effective disincentives to be, remain in or come to this country were put into broad implementation things would change and change quickly with respect to this problem. If there was no place they could go, no place to live, no place to work, no way to feed themselves or their children, if there was no place to send their children to school or places to get medical care, if they faced constantly being hunted down and deported do you honestly think this wouldn't be a massive detriment to coming or staying in this country? Do you?

So Mr. Adelson I strongly disagree with your statements that getting rid of and preventing even more invasions are outside the realm of reasonableness or reality. They are very much possible and have been proven to be exceedingly effective. Plain and simple they work and work well.

The problem, the issue which may be beyond realistic, the issue which may be unreasonable isn't whether its possible to get rid of them and prevent others from coming, the issue is getting this President and this government to do what is necessary to rid this land of the invading forces. 

Expecting them to implement effective measure to rid us of these hordes and prevent more from coming may be unrealistic and outside of reality but the methods and possibility sure exist if those in power would do it. 

The fact the government supports this invasion and that business supports it and the fact you and Mr. Murdoch have jumped on supporting it doesn't mean the people of this country support it or should support it. I for one hope they never do. 

So lets take these kids coming across, reunite them with their illegal parents and ship the whole lot back to where they came from. Lets take the families, mothers and kids, and teens and either ship them outright back to where they come from or reunite them with other illegal members of their family and do the same. 

Lets set laws making being in this country illegally untenable and lets make those cities, counties and states who choose to oppose our laws actually enforce and support them. Lets get our military down there on the border and take active forceful measures to stop the invasion. 

Lets meet the invaders with force and determination rather than accommodation and acceptance.

Lets put a stop to it and put a stop to it now. It can be done if there is the will to do it.

Lets make our politicians do what is right for this country and take a stand. Lets tell Republicans that this appeasement strategy isn't acceptable and won't be tolerated. 

Let's shut the door and make it one way going out. 

All that is needed is people to stand up and demand it. Show the media and politicians that we, the people, don't want legalization, amnesty, accommodation, appeasement, or any of the other things being offered to the invaders, proposed to them or already given them. 

Lets fight back and retake our country.