Well I guess I'll start this out with the big news of the day although I won't go on and on about it. I think it speaks for itself.
The "Nuclear" option was selected today by Sen. Reid and the democrats. It lets them do away with the two thirds majority rule that has been in place in the senate since God knows when and allows the democrats to do pretty much whatever they want.
They don't mention they had a hissy fit when the Republicans also floated the idea of doing what they did today and Obama even called doing such a thing unconstitutional. Today though he applauded screwing the Republicans over and can't wait to further impose his destructive ideology upon us, the American people.
Oh well just remember payback is a bitch. One day, just statistically speaking, the Republicans will be back in control and then guess what?
It'll be you, the democrats turn to be screwed over and I'm going to laugh when it comes.
Enjoy it while you can.
Absurdity number one of the day is some crazy liberal nut job in Portland Or. is saying PB&J sandwiches are racist and serving them in the schools is an example of some white privilege crap and also racist.
She thinks pitas or tortas should be the proper food served to avoid exercising white privilege and being racist. That goes for talking to children about foods too. Talking about PB&J's is not something black and brown children will be comfortable with apparently.
The saddest thing though is that if it was just her being off her rocker I wouldn't care. She could go off and be the whack job she obviously is and it wouldn't affect anyone else other than to make them laugh.
The thing is though she's a principal of an entire K-8 school and apparently in charge of "Sensitizing" the teachers in the school and/or district to their "White Privilege" and making sure they teach diversity and other liberal claptrap to the children. All teachers have to undergo this crap as part of a decree regarding diversity and sensitivity training.
Sad for the children but it goes with what they've been doing to the children in that state for quite some time. Check into I believe it was called 21st Century Schools back in the early nineties and the utter crap they foisted off on the children in that state because of it. Also look at how the state treated the multitudes of parents who were outraged at what was being taught, or more importantly what was not, like any basics.
Absurdity number two was something I read yesterday and I'm still laughing about it.
Sorry, but it is hilarious.
One hundred and thirty two nations walked out of climate talks in protest that the rich nations won't give them a hundred BILLION dollars each and every year over this whole supposed climate change bs.
Sorry but don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
At least that's what they should be told but instead as you can probably imagine there are all these whiny people who are jumping up and down crying over the rich countries not paying for what doesn't exist.
I mean really? These nuts want a hundred billion a year for supposed future harm they might suffer?
Screw that!
The whole climate change thing continues to fall about as time goes along and nothing is showing any of it has any basis in reality but instead more and more evidence comes out showing that its been made up for the purpose of control.
Control of nations, peoples, money and an eventual united government whose philosophy has long been espoused by liberals.
It is also about redistribution of wealth and they who champion it make no bones about it being that, although they dress it up a bit by calling it past, current and future reparations for climate change damage caused by those who have against those who have not. It means give huge amounts of money to poor third world countries and take it from rich white ones.
Someone just tell them to go to hell. I don't give a damn if they like it or not. I don't care what they want. I don't care what they demand and I sure as hell don't care to see them ever get a damn thing.
As far as I'm concerned they can keep walking. Sadly we have a President and administration who want to force the whole climate change fallacy down our throats so all we can do is hope he doesn't give away the store in his socialist expansion plans.
Australia has already decided to dump the whole climate change bull while Japan has "Delayed" implementing theirs. France is facing extreme and violent opposition to their CC farce and imposition of new rules. England is realizing that the CC isn't really and are facing opposition to any implementation there as well.
Now if the United States can only come to their senses and rid themselves of it.
In the meantime I have been stocking up on light bulbs for the future. I may have to use these new pieces of $hit in a few years that isn't going to happen for a long time. Got quite a bunch so far and I'm still buying.
So that's what's up today. Diversity gone amok, Democrats gone amok. Environmental whackos gone amok, although in this case, that is a benefit for the rest of us.
Everyone has gone amok. :)
Talking about day to day stuff, mostly what is in the news or interests me. American and strongly against the illegal invasion of our country along with most things liberal. Fight back against the invaders and fight back against the liberals destroying our country! Comments welcomed as well as discussion. Come on in and hopefully enjoy Also on Twitter @Palos112
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Oprah and Democrats, you just don't get it, again
Two quick notes today.
(This is for all the Democrats and democratic sympathizers who have been crying this week about the health care law being such a disaster as being all the Republicans fault)
One is to the Democrats out there, just because the Republicans do not want something that is bad for the country to work or succeed doesn't mean we are to blame when the crap you came up with doesn't work and/or works badly.
Its your bloody health care law and we didn't have any part in it.
All it's successes if any would accrue to you but that means all it's failures do also. Since its nothing but a failure and disaster to this country you get to eat it.
So deal with it and stop whining! Its a bad law and its bad for the country and its all your fault.
The other one is for Oprah Winfrey.
Just because President Obama is a horrible President. Just because he's anti-American. Just because he's he's destroying this country.
It doesn't mean everyone's dislike of him has anything to do with race as you said.
Guess what? Race is the least thing to find issue with if you could find a problem with it. Its everything else that the people don't like.
I am not foolish enough to think there aren't people out there who don't like him just because of his being black but make no mistake unlike what you said the majority of people don't like him because of his policies and what he has done to this country both at home and abroad. That doesn't even include what he wants to do to this country which will be even more disastrous for us.
Your bleating that everyone who is opposed to him is because they don't like black people is utter BS.
What you and the Democrats don't seem to get or simply are unable to comprehend is people don't want the liberal leftist progressive socialist viewpoint which he and the Democratic party espouse.
They don't like him because of that. They don't like him because he's sold us down the river with radical Islam and they don't like he's abandoned his allies in the name of appeasement.
There is so very much with which to dislike him and his party and all of it has nothing to do with race. The few who don't like him because he's black don't even register on the scale as being of any significance at all.
Once again I'll give you the message you still haven't grasped in all these years.
It's about ideology, ideology, and once again, ideology.
(This is for all the Democrats and democratic sympathizers who have been crying this week about the health care law being such a disaster as being all the Republicans fault)
One is to the Democrats out there, just because the Republicans do not want something that is bad for the country to work or succeed doesn't mean we are to blame when the crap you came up with doesn't work and/or works badly.
Its your bloody health care law and we didn't have any part in it.
All it's successes if any would accrue to you but that means all it's failures do also. Since its nothing but a failure and disaster to this country you get to eat it.
So deal with it and stop whining! Its a bad law and its bad for the country and its all your fault.
The other one is for Oprah Winfrey.
Just because President Obama is a horrible President. Just because he's anti-American. Just because he's he's destroying this country.
It doesn't mean everyone's dislike of him has anything to do with race as you said.
Guess what? Race is the least thing to find issue with if you could find a problem with it. Its everything else that the people don't like.
I am not foolish enough to think there aren't people out there who don't like him just because of his being black but make no mistake unlike what you said the majority of people don't like him because of his policies and what he has done to this country both at home and abroad. That doesn't even include what he wants to do to this country which will be even more disastrous for us.
Your bleating that everyone who is opposed to him is because they don't like black people is utter BS.
What you and the Democrats don't seem to get or simply are unable to comprehend is people don't want the liberal leftist progressive socialist viewpoint which he and the Democratic party espouse.
They don't like him because of that. They don't like him because he's sold us down the river with radical Islam and they don't like he's abandoned his allies in the name of appeasement.
There is so very much with which to dislike him and his party and all of it has nothing to do with race. The few who don't like him because he's black don't even register on the scale as being of any significance at all.
Once again I'll give you the message you still haven't grasped in all these years.
It's about ideology, ideology, and once again, ideology.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Illegals, Blacks, Jews and Nancy Pelosi.
Well saw an interesting article about immigration earlier tonight where Rep. Guttierrez, a democrat from Illinois said something to the effect of Congress needs to stay in session to pass immigration reform and the reason???
Well it seems he is up in arms because Mexican families are not together during the holidays. I'm not sure whether that is because they leave their families and illegally come here or that they are getting deported from here where they have families also here illegally.
Either way he is demanding that we make it so the illegals can all be together for the holidays.
Where I have a big problem is the difference in how to do that.
Rep. Guttierrez wants basically no real immigration law so all the illegals can be together here in the United States while I want all of them sent back to wherever and they can all be together wherever that is to their hearts' content.
Further the reason they are not together is their fault. One: They leave their families to illegally come here. Two: Being here results in them being deported and their families don't get caught so they get separated.
Either way the illegals themselves can solve this problem very easily.
One: They can not leave their families that they so want to be with by coming here illegally.
Two: The illegal families can turn themselves in and go with the illegal first arrested.
That way they're all together.
That of course was after I got rather happy with the headline above it which read:
"Amnesty Dead!"
Oh well its not but its not going anywhere anytime soon either.
Although I do wish someone would tell Senator McCain that he's making a hell of an assumption in that his wishy washy "Moderate" republicans will win in next years primaries.
With that misguided belief he says once they get rid of the "Right" and have these traitors to the Republican party going towards the general election they can push immigration again.
Then again there was a comment from some guy from "America's Voice" which said basically Republicans were risking their political lives and Boehner would go down in history as sealing the doom of his party should he not do the reform before the end of the year.
The problem for Mr. McCain, Gutterierrez, America's Voice, and the immigrant rights activists is that plain and simple if the Republican party caves in and lets all these illegals stay then that will seal their fate far worse than not doing it conceivably could.
Not only that but anyone who votes for anything but getting rid of these millions of illegals is risking their political lives with real Republicans.
What no one seems to want to talk about is that the people want them gone. Period. Get rid of them. That's what the INS is for so go back to round-ups and round them all up.
What's so hard about that?
In the end the Republican party may go down as the whining activist states but if it does I hope it at least goes down sticking to it's principles. It can say in the end it stood up for what was right and even though it cost them they did the right thing to the end.
I know, bunch of romantic drivel but still its better than being like McCain and his ilk who are all too ready to compromise theirs.
Another thing for the Republican party to remember is that all those illegals who supposedly will seal the Republican's fate if the Republicans don't give in and pass amnesty can't vote, at least not without democratic chicanery.
The key is that they can't vote as long as they are illegals. Make them legal then you might have something to worry about. Don't and you won't.
Either way what is right is that they go and not be allowed back in. Simple as that.
Now another thing today was Jews are being attacked by roving bands of animals, sorry make that black youths, who are playing a new game called "Knock Out The Jew." Which is real lovely but what gets me is all the people commenting that the Jews deserve it.
Most say because the Jews are liberal and this is what they get.
I'm sorry liberal or conservative is neither here nor there in something like this. Once more these animals are attacking innocent white people just for fun, this includes a twelve year old child. The Jews don't deserve this and aren't responsible for the hatred continually shown by blacks to others. Its the blacks' fault just like its been the blacks' fault in other instances of these kind of attacks where primarily they think its cool to beat or kill whites.
While you could say liberalism allowed them to be this way and excuses what they do all the time, to blame a particular group who is being victimized by them is wrong to my way of thinking.
Speaking of blacks, there is one who fought with and attempted to run from a cop in northeastern Virginia who is now crying excessive force because he got his a$$ tazed. The cop apparently held down that bottom as long as the guy was playing the fool and now he's under investigation because the bad guy got forty seconds worth of showing who's boss.
Now on too lighter fare.
Nancy Pelosi my absolute favorite of all liberal whackos (as in not) got up to say a whopping one million people signed up for health care while the HHS Secretary was saying just 100,000 did. Not only that but she stated 500,000 actually got it.
Maybe Sebillous and her should talk because apparently the HHS Secretary can't find the other nine hundred thousand.
The final thing that left me laughing was some guy impersonated a cop to get a discount on donuts not only that he waved a gun around saying "See I'm a cop."
Can you say dumb$hit?
I think that's it for tonight although my glasses broke a bit ago so I'm going to have to go get them fixed tomorrow. At least its warming up a bit from what it has been.
Quote above on impersonation from following location at Breibart.com
Well it seems he is up in arms because Mexican families are not together during the holidays. I'm not sure whether that is because they leave their families and illegally come here or that they are getting deported from here where they have families also here illegally.
Either way he is demanding that we make it so the illegals can all be together for the holidays.
Where I have a big problem is the difference in how to do that.
Rep. Guttierrez wants basically no real immigration law so all the illegals can be together here in the United States while I want all of them sent back to wherever and they can all be together wherever that is to their hearts' content.
Further the reason they are not together is their fault. One: They leave their families to illegally come here. Two: Being here results in them being deported and their families don't get caught so they get separated.
Either way the illegals themselves can solve this problem very easily.
One: They can not leave their families that they so want to be with by coming here illegally.
Two: The illegal families can turn themselves in and go with the illegal first arrested.
That way they're all together.
That of course was after I got rather happy with the headline above it which read:
"Amnesty Dead!"
Oh well its not but its not going anywhere anytime soon either.
Although I do wish someone would tell Senator McCain that he's making a hell of an assumption in that his wishy washy "Moderate" republicans will win in next years primaries.
With that misguided belief he says once they get rid of the "Right" and have these traitors to the Republican party going towards the general election they can push immigration again.
Then again there was a comment from some guy from "America's Voice" which said basically Republicans were risking their political lives and Boehner would go down in history as sealing the doom of his party should he not do the reform before the end of the year.
The problem for Mr. McCain, Gutterierrez, America's Voice, and the immigrant rights activists is that plain and simple if the Republican party caves in and lets all these illegals stay then that will seal their fate far worse than not doing it conceivably could.
Not only that but anyone who votes for anything but getting rid of these millions of illegals is risking their political lives with real Republicans.
What no one seems to want to talk about is that the people want them gone. Period. Get rid of them. That's what the INS is for so go back to round-ups and round them all up.
What's so hard about that?
In the end the Republican party may go down as the whining activist states but if it does I hope it at least goes down sticking to it's principles. It can say in the end it stood up for what was right and even though it cost them they did the right thing to the end.
I know, bunch of romantic drivel but still its better than being like McCain and his ilk who are all too ready to compromise theirs.
Another thing for the Republican party to remember is that all those illegals who supposedly will seal the Republican's fate if the Republicans don't give in and pass amnesty can't vote, at least not without democratic chicanery.
The key is that they can't vote as long as they are illegals. Make them legal then you might have something to worry about. Don't and you won't.
Either way what is right is that they go and not be allowed back in. Simple as that.
Now another thing today was Jews are being attacked by roving bands of animals, sorry make that black youths, who are playing a new game called "Knock Out The Jew." Which is real lovely but what gets me is all the people commenting that the Jews deserve it.
Most say because the Jews are liberal and this is what they get.
I'm sorry liberal or conservative is neither here nor there in something like this. Once more these animals are attacking innocent white people just for fun, this includes a twelve year old child. The Jews don't deserve this and aren't responsible for the hatred continually shown by blacks to others. Its the blacks' fault just like its been the blacks' fault in other instances of these kind of attacks where primarily they think its cool to beat or kill whites.
While you could say liberalism allowed them to be this way and excuses what they do all the time, to blame a particular group who is being victimized by them is wrong to my way of thinking.
Speaking of blacks, there is one who fought with and attempted to run from a cop in northeastern Virginia who is now crying excessive force because he got his a$$ tazed. The cop apparently held down that bottom as long as the guy was playing the fool and now he's under investigation because the bad guy got forty seconds worth of showing who's boss.
Now on too lighter fare.
Nancy Pelosi my absolute favorite of all liberal whackos (as in not) got up to say a whopping one million people signed up for health care while the HHS Secretary was saying just 100,000 did. Not only that but she stated 500,000 actually got it.
Maybe Sebillous and her should talk because apparently the HHS Secretary can't find the other nine hundred thousand.
The final thing that left me laughing was some guy impersonated a cop to get a discount on donuts not only that he waved a gun around saying "See I'm a cop."
Can you say dumb$hit?
I think that's it for tonight although my glasses broke a bit ago so I'm going to have to go get them fixed tomorrow. At least its warming up a bit from what it has been.
Quote above on impersonation from following location at Breibart.com
Monday, November 11, 2013
Why Not A Post Every Day???
I suppose some people may wonder why there isn't a post up here every day or maybe even more than one as has happened in the past.
I thought I'd address that briefly here and now.
Its not that I don't find things I could post about such as the anti-second amendment folks whose stupidity knows no bounds out in Washington state.
A six time felon breaking into these students' off campus apartment got a gun pulled by the residents of said apartment who were in fear of their lives. The school is taking punitive action against them for having and pulling the firearm on someone to likely save their own lives.
Or maybe the moron on CNN who advocates for Obamacare and says it should have been even more progressive and socialistic than it is. Who goes on to say the Democrats should basically abandon the center and be true liberals pushing a liberal, far left, progressive agenda. Somehow he thinks people actually want that.
The problem becomes that in many, many cases it would be me ranting the same thing on a different day.
I've already said plenty on anti-second imbeciles so it becomes a question of is there something really new which I could speak about and for the most part the answer is no.
They're still imbeciles and retarded liberal morons. Taking away our guns is still wrong and isn't going to be allowed to happen outside the liberal bastions like New York where they are plenty used to having their basic rights and freedoms taken away or vastly restricted.
The same applies to the liberals in general. I see an article like that and I wonder how much of that stuff they've been legalizing that they have been smoking.
Except for certain constituencies no one wants more left wing liberal crap in our government or its polices.
I've also said plenty about that. Frankly there isn't much new I could say to it. Other than bringing out another example of their BS there is nothing new in it.
So rather than go on repeated rants and diatribes on a subject I tend to not post unless something comes up that is new in some way like the woman whining about being called a loser along with her child because they are such losers.
That all boils down to not having new posts every day and sometimes for a week or even weeks at a time.
It doesn't mean I don't see things and occasionally it will annoy me enough to actually write a post about the same type of thing only on a different day.
So yeah, hearing about Obamacare failing because its a very bad law and this liberal saying its all somehow the Republicans' fault is just more of their imbecility.
News flash to all liberals. Its a very bad law and it sucks not to mention nobody likes it except maybe certain groups of people and even then I'm not so sure. So stop using the R word to blame your shit on and own up to the disaster you've caused.
Anyway I've went and spoke anyway, oh well. LOL
I thought I'd address that briefly here and now.
Its not that I don't find things I could post about such as the anti-second amendment folks whose stupidity knows no bounds out in Washington state.
A six time felon breaking into these students' off campus apartment got a gun pulled by the residents of said apartment who were in fear of their lives. The school is taking punitive action against them for having and pulling the firearm on someone to likely save their own lives.
Or maybe the moron on CNN who advocates for Obamacare and says it should have been even more progressive and socialistic than it is. Who goes on to say the Democrats should basically abandon the center and be true liberals pushing a liberal, far left, progressive agenda. Somehow he thinks people actually want that.
The problem becomes that in many, many cases it would be me ranting the same thing on a different day.
I've already said plenty on anti-second imbeciles so it becomes a question of is there something really new which I could speak about and for the most part the answer is no.
They're still imbeciles and retarded liberal morons. Taking away our guns is still wrong and isn't going to be allowed to happen outside the liberal bastions like New York where they are plenty used to having their basic rights and freedoms taken away or vastly restricted.
The same applies to the liberals in general. I see an article like that and I wonder how much of that stuff they've been legalizing that they have been smoking.
Except for certain constituencies no one wants more left wing liberal crap in our government or its polices.
I've also said plenty about that. Frankly there isn't much new I could say to it. Other than bringing out another example of their BS there is nothing new in it.
So rather than go on repeated rants and diatribes on a subject I tend to not post unless something comes up that is new in some way like the woman whining about being called a loser along with her child because they are such losers.
That all boils down to not having new posts every day and sometimes for a week or even weeks at a time.
It doesn't mean I don't see things and occasionally it will annoy me enough to actually write a post about the same type of thing only on a different day.
So yeah, hearing about Obamacare failing because its a very bad law and this liberal saying its all somehow the Republicans' fault is just more of their imbecility.
News flash to all liberals. Its a very bad law and it sucks not to mention nobody likes it except maybe certain groups of people and even then I'm not so sure. So stop using the R word to blame your shit on and own up to the disaster you've caused.
Anyway I've went and spoke anyway, oh well. LOL
Friday, November 8, 2013
Risking many, She doesn't like being judged for it.
Just ran across an article on CNN which really got me angry.
This woman has three kids and the video opens with "I did feel judged....."
You're damn right you should feel that way. You were judged and found wanting and for very good reason too.
This woman has "Decided" to put at risk people and especially children all to make her own "Decisions" to the detriment of her children and others' children as well as adults.
I guess I should start at the beginning.
The title of the video is "Mom: Hospital staff insulted my baby."
I'd take exception to that and say they insulted her but then again either apply.
This woman with three kids has chosen to not vaccinate two of said children.
As another article in CNN today shows that decision puts not only her children at high risk of getting once eradicated diseases but puts many, many others, often children, at high risk as well.
The second article covers how many once eradicated diseases are now back because of selfish whack jobs like this mother.
Whooping cough, measles, mumps etc. All are back and there are two primary reasons. Illegals coming here with diseases and people like this mother who do not vaccinate their children against these diseases allowing them to spread within our population a lot more than they would otherwise outside a certain segment.
This mother's decision and others like her mean that not only are her children likely to contract such diseases but they will also spread these diseases to others, adults and children.
This is especially true of children with who they would most likely have the most contact.
The second article talks about the author's five week old son who almost died because of contracting whooping cough because of parents like this mother. Parents who did not vaccinate their children which then spread the disease around for her young infant, who was too young to get vaccinated, to get.
So we get back to this particular mother and her children and her whining to national media.
Someone, presumably a nurse, wrote on discharge instructions "0 immunizations", an unhappy face, and the word "Loser" at the bottom under the face.
She says its an insult to her baby. She says she felt insulted for the choices she has made. She says they judged her and her baby. She says they have no right to judge her or make judgements about her.
I say sure they do. I also say that everyone has a right to make judgements about her and the others who are so stupid, so reckless, so uncaring that they don't care if their children get sick and quite possibly die. Furthermore they don't care that by their decision they put hundreds if not many more at risk of serious illness and/or death.
Because that is what they are doing. You can sugar coat it like they apparently do to be about their "Choices" etc. but bottom line that is what they're doing.
That baby is the loser in this as well as her other child who is not vaccinated and she is a loser for not getting the protection her children need and her uncaring attitude about anyone else except for her "Choices"
So was anything wrong with what the nurse said? I say no. It was an extremely accurate description of child and mother.
Because this has such wide ranging repercussions to everyone it means that everyone and certainly medical professionals have the right to judge her and her children.
Sadly this isn't about her and her "Choices" its about what her choices mean for hundreds or more people and when someone's "Choices" affect or have the likely potential to cause overwhelming harm to so many others it means we, the people, and nurses, doctors and others get to make a judgement on such careless, reckless "Choices"
So as a parent who did vaccinate his children throughout their childhood and someone who has a bit of medical background I firmly believe that any parent who does not vaccinate their children should have said children removed from their care because their "Choices" clearly show they don't give a damn about their kids or killing them much less anyone else.
This is a serious medical issue that has been expanding in recent years due to the selfishness of people like this mother and there is no excuse for it. It needs to go back to mandatory vaccinations or go to it period.
The welfare of these children, even their very lives, are at stake and many, many others as well. Parents' "Choices" have limits and when said "Choices" start causing tangible and widespread harm as they are doing then they should lose their right make such "Choices."
So yes Katie Smart, you were judged. With reason and with cause you were found to be wanting and you were found to be harming not only your children but quite possibly many others as well.
You and your baby are losers plain and simple.
Sadly though, loser that you are, you'll be allowed to possibly kill your children and possibly many, many more because of your losing "Choice"
Enjoy it because I really hope that is one choice that will be summarily removed from parents like you, one day soon.
This woman has three kids and the video opens with "I did feel judged....."
You're damn right you should feel that way. You were judged and found wanting and for very good reason too.
This woman has "Decided" to put at risk people and especially children all to make her own "Decisions" to the detriment of her children and others' children as well as adults.
I guess I should start at the beginning.
The title of the video is "Mom: Hospital staff insulted my baby."
I'd take exception to that and say they insulted her but then again either apply.
This woman with three kids has chosen to not vaccinate two of said children.
As another article in CNN today shows that decision puts not only her children at high risk of getting once eradicated diseases but puts many, many others, often children, at high risk as well.
The second article covers how many once eradicated diseases are now back because of selfish whack jobs like this mother.
Whooping cough, measles, mumps etc. All are back and there are two primary reasons. Illegals coming here with diseases and people like this mother who do not vaccinate their children against these diseases allowing them to spread within our population a lot more than they would otherwise outside a certain segment.
This mother's decision and others like her mean that not only are her children likely to contract such diseases but they will also spread these diseases to others, adults and children.
This is especially true of children with who they would most likely have the most contact.
The second article talks about the author's five week old son who almost died because of contracting whooping cough because of parents like this mother. Parents who did not vaccinate their children which then spread the disease around for her young infant, who was too young to get vaccinated, to get.
So we get back to this particular mother and her children and her whining to national media.
Someone, presumably a nurse, wrote on discharge instructions "0 immunizations", an unhappy face, and the word "Loser" at the bottom under the face.
She says its an insult to her baby. She says she felt insulted for the choices she has made. She says they judged her and her baby. She says they have no right to judge her or make judgements about her.
I say sure they do. I also say that everyone has a right to make judgements about her and the others who are so stupid, so reckless, so uncaring that they don't care if their children get sick and quite possibly die. Furthermore they don't care that by their decision they put hundreds if not many more at risk of serious illness and/or death.
Because that is what they are doing. You can sugar coat it like they apparently do to be about their "Choices" etc. but bottom line that is what they're doing.
That baby is the loser in this as well as her other child who is not vaccinated and she is a loser for not getting the protection her children need and her uncaring attitude about anyone else except for her "Choices"
So was anything wrong with what the nurse said? I say no. It was an extremely accurate description of child and mother.
Because this has such wide ranging repercussions to everyone it means that everyone and certainly medical professionals have the right to judge her and her children.
Sadly this isn't about her and her "Choices" its about what her choices mean for hundreds or more people and when someone's "Choices" affect or have the likely potential to cause overwhelming harm to so many others it means we, the people, and nurses, doctors and others get to make a judgement on such careless, reckless "Choices"
So as a parent who did vaccinate his children throughout their childhood and someone who has a bit of medical background I firmly believe that any parent who does not vaccinate their children should have said children removed from their care because their "Choices" clearly show they don't give a damn about their kids or killing them much less anyone else.
This is a serious medical issue that has been expanding in recent years due to the selfishness of people like this mother and there is no excuse for it. It needs to go back to mandatory vaccinations or go to it period.
The welfare of these children, even their very lives, are at stake and many, many others as well. Parents' "Choices" have limits and when said "Choices" start causing tangible and widespread harm as they are doing then they should lose their right make such "Choices."
So yes Katie Smart, you were judged. With reason and with cause you were found to be wanting and you were found to be harming not only your children but quite possibly many others as well.
You and your baby are losers plain and simple.
Sadly though, loser that you are, you'll be allowed to possibly kill your children and possibly many, many more because of your losing "Choice"
Enjoy it because I really hope that is one choice that will be summarily removed from parents like you, one day soon.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tea Party, Losers??? Or Not??
Well the election has come and gone, we're left with Monday morning quarterbacking going on by all sides of course.
The democrats of course are up saying Virginia wanted a progressive liberal and didn't want some conservative nut case. Some of them have even used the word nut to describe a Tea Party candidate in Cuccinelli.
Then again there is the establishment republican party who abandoned for all intents and purposes the Cuccinelli campaign in order to "Prove" that the Tea Party couldn't win.
Today they are saying that no such thing happened but facts show otherwise.
The big referendum on the Tea Party has been decisively proven according to them and the Dems.
The idea is, according to them, proof that the Tea Party is full of unelectable extremists. That they are the fringe of the Republican party. That no one wants them.
Sadly this is coming from the Republican party themselves I think more than the Dems.
But any way you look at things keep in mind some facts about that race.
Start with the Dem liberal progressive won it by two points. That's it. All the liberal media had been saying double digit leads yet it came down to two percentage points. (Some say 2.5)
In addition keep in mind that the Dem here outspent Cuccinelli two to one and out advertised him by a factor of ten to one.
I won't even get into all the heavyweights that showed up for the Dem. in this race.
And still Cuccinelli almost won. I know, according to the liberals, almost doesn't count but really? Think about it, the Dems pulled out all the stops, spent enormous sums of money, and slammed the airwaves with non-stop anti-Cuccinelli ads and they only won by two points?
That should give them some serious pause in which to think about things. If the Dem supported spoiler hadn't been in the race where would that seven points have gone? Some say to Cuccinelli some say not. Independents though broke for Cuccinelli so it would only be logical to think that seven percent of Independents would mostly at least go to him as well.
Further it should give the Republican establishment even further pause because without their help, with their nastiness and attacks on the Tea Party and very little money from them, Cuccinelli came within two points of winning the day.
That should say a lot to a number of people but it sure doesn't seem like it is. Today is all about the everything besides the fact, with everything against him, he still almost pulled it off.
Maybe the Republican establishment should take serious notice of that fact, hell they should take serious notice of it because despite everything they did to ensure his defeat he almost pulled it off.
That is the story that is getting almost no play in the after election yakking going on. Oh sure there are comments about it being a narrow win but that's as far as they go.
And it really shouldn't be.
The Republican establishment also needs to learn that the Tea Party isn't made up of fringe nut jobs or whackos looking to steal the Republican party.
They need to understand those of us who have followed and support the Tea Party are main stream Republicans who often have been long time members of the party.
They need to understand we got sick and tired of compromising on basic principals and want people who will go in and stand up for us, the people. Representatives who will not give in on the myriad issues confronting us from the left as the establishment Republicans have and continue to do.
For myself I don't want nor like the get along go along mentality that the establishment Republicans have turned into. I don't want it. I want someone who will clearly stand up and say NO!
No to taking our guns away. No to making seventeen million illegals, legal. No to our huge debt. No to redistribution of wealth. No to socialized medicine. No to forcing all this environmental garbage upon us as a country, especially when its being proven almost daily just how false climate change and global warming really is.
Just say no.
The establishment Republicans have forgotten how to do this and prefer to demonize and marginalize us into some type of radical freaks when we are not any such thing.
The epitome of what I'm talking about occurred with Bush II when he demanded more social spending than even the Democrats would tolerate and it was those Democrats who actually had to constrain Bush from what he wanted to spend and cut said spending.
There is something fundamentally wrong with that picture when big spending pro social program liberals say the Republican is spending way too much money and step in to stop said Republican.
Something seriously wrong.
So they keep making us out to be some fringe nuts but in reality we're not. We're lifelong Republicans who simply want people who represent us and stand up for us, not talk about it then go to Washington and do whatever they want to besides that.
Demonizing us is not going to help the party other than make us feel even more like the Republican party just doesn't get it.
Personally I don't think they do.
I've been a lifelong Republican, President Reagan was elected just before I could vote but I would have voted for him if I could have. I did four years later.
I've been a loyal supporter and more importantly voter for the Republican party my entire life. Yet they don't seem to get they are alienating me and many, many others. Not only that but they are making it worse by name calling and the hatred exhibited towards us from them.
Do I think the Tea Party is perfect? No.
Some of their social positions are much too restrictive for me but as I've always done I rely on the courts to temper such things. I loved Reagan and still do but I didn't agree with some things he espoused and relied on the courts to reign such things in. They did.
Do I think they do stupid things? Yes I do. The shutdown wasn't wrong in and of itself but what was wrong is there was no clear objective or any hope whatsoever of accomplishing anything.
If there had been something to be gained then going to the mat for it might be called for but there wasn't. Now they've made it impossible for it to happen again from what I read.
It was, basically, a completely wasted shot which did nothing for anybody and actually hurt the cause. So I don't agree with everything.
The thing is though out of all the parties and ideologies, the Tea Party most represents those views held by me and they represent my interests the most along with what I truly believe is those of the country. Further my views haven't changed all that much other than crystallizing even more what I believe and don't believe in. They have changed but fundamentally I haven't.
So to all the Establishment Republicans out there, be careful what you wish for and be doubly careful in what you're trying to do.
You may run the Tea Party out of the Republican Party but I guarantee you that you'll lose a hell of a lot of Republicans along with it and I'll be among the first to go with them.
The democrats of course are up saying Virginia wanted a progressive liberal and didn't want some conservative nut case. Some of them have even used the word nut to describe a Tea Party candidate in Cuccinelli.
Then again there is the establishment republican party who abandoned for all intents and purposes the Cuccinelli campaign in order to "Prove" that the Tea Party couldn't win.
Today they are saying that no such thing happened but facts show otherwise.
The big referendum on the Tea Party has been decisively proven according to them and the Dems.
The idea is, according to them, proof that the Tea Party is full of unelectable extremists. That they are the fringe of the Republican party. That no one wants them.
Sadly this is coming from the Republican party themselves I think more than the Dems.
But any way you look at things keep in mind some facts about that race.
Start with the Dem liberal progressive won it by two points. That's it. All the liberal media had been saying double digit leads yet it came down to two percentage points. (Some say 2.5)
In addition keep in mind that the Dem here outspent Cuccinelli two to one and out advertised him by a factor of ten to one.
I won't even get into all the heavyweights that showed up for the Dem. in this race.
And still Cuccinelli almost won. I know, according to the liberals, almost doesn't count but really? Think about it, the Dems pulled out all the stops, spent enormous sums of money, and slammed the airwaves with non-stop anti-Cuccinelli ads and they only won by two points?
That should give them some serious pause in which to think about things. If the Dem supported spoiler hadn't been in the race where would that seven points have gone? Some say to Cuccinelli some say not. Independents though broke for Cuccinelli so it would only be logical to think that seven percent of Independents would mostly at least go to him as well.
Further it should give the Republican establishment even further pause because without their help, with their nastiness and attacks on the Tea Party and very little money from them, Cuccinelli came within two points of winning the day.
That should say a lot to a number of people but it sure doesn't seem like it is. Today is all about the everything besides the fact, with everything against him, he still almost pulled it off.
Maybe the Republican establishment should take serious notice of that fact, hell they should take serious notice of it because despite everything they did to ensure his defeat he almost pulled it off.
That is the story that is getting almost no play in the after election yakking going on. Oh sure there are comments about it being a narrow win but that's as far as they go.
And it really shouldn't be.
The Republican establishment also needs to learn that the Tea Party isn't made up of fringe nut jobs or whackos looking to steal the Republican party.
They need to understand those of us who have followed and support the Tea Party are main stream Republicans who often have been long time members of the party.
They need to understand we got sick and tired of compromising on basic principals and want people who will go in and stand up for us, the people. Representatives who will not give in on the myriad issues confronting us from the left as the establishment Republicans have and continue to do.
For myself I don't want nor like the get along go along mentality that the establishment Republicans have turned into. I don't want it. I want someone who will clearly stand up and say NO!
No to taking our guns away. No to making seventeen million illegals, legal. No to our huge debt. No to redistribution of wealth. No to socialized medicine. No to forcing all this environmental garbage upon us as a country, especially when its being proven almost daily just how false climate change and global warming really is.
Just say no.
The establishment Republicans have forgotten how to do this and prefer to demonize and marginalize us into some type of radical freaks when we are not any such thing.
The epitome of what I'm talking about occurred with Bush II when he demanded more social spending than even the Democrats would tolerate and it was those Democrats who actually had to constrain Bush from what he wanted to spend and cut said spending.
There is something fundamentally wrong with that picture when big spending pro social program liberals say the Republican is spending way too much money and step in to stop said Republican.
Something seriously wrong.
So they keep making us out to be some fringe nuts but in reality we're not. We're lifelong Republicans who simply want people who represent us and stand up for us, not talk about it then go to Washington and do whatever they want to besides that.
Demonizing us is not going to help the party other than make us feel even more like the Republican party just doesn't get it.
Personally I don't think they do.
I've been a lifelong Republican, President Reagan was elected just before I could vote but I would have voted for him if I could have. I did four years later.
I've been a loyal supporter and more importantly voter for the Republican party my entire life. Yet they don't seem to get they are alienating me and many, many others. Not only that but they are making it worse by name calling and the hatred exhibited towards us from them.
Do I think the Tea Party is perfect? No.
Some of their social positions are much too restrictive for me but as I've always done I rely on the courts to temper such things. I loved Reagan and still do but I didn't agree with some things he espoused and relied on the courts to reign such things in. They did.
Do I think they do stupid things? Yes I do. The shutdown wasn't wrong in and of itself but what was wrong is there was no clear objective or any hope whatsoever of accomplishing anything.
If there had been something to be gained then going to the mat for it might be called for but there wasn't. Now they've made it impossible for it to happen again from what I read.
It was, basically, a completely wasted shot which did nothing for anybody and actually hurt the cause. So I don't agree with everything.
The thing is though out of all the parties and ideologies, the Tea Party most represents those views held by me and they represent my interests the most along with what I truly believe is those of the country. Further my views haven't changed all that much other than crystallizing even more what I believe and don't believe in. They have changed but fundamentally I haven't.
So to all the Establishment Republicans out there, be careful what you wish for and be doubly careful in what you're trying to do.
You may run the Tea Party out of the Republican Party but I guarantee you that you'll lose a hell of a lot of Republicans along with it and I'll be among the first to go with them.
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