Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Michael Brown and Ferguson Missouri. Blacks at it again

Rioting has once again hit our country and once again from one quarter in particular. 

Those online will counter that back in such and such year whites rioted but what they won't accept is that because they can find a single instance or maybe even two where whites did so doesn't lesson the fact of who does it most and continues to do it. 

Instead when confronted about it they resort to screaming "Racist." 

Well should say they immediately call you that from the get go if you say one thing against the blacks' conduct, attitude or mentality. 

They seem to think that magic word has some sort of power or devastating effect upon me. 

It doesn't. I don't care. I am a racist. I know that. I've said that and I admit that. 

The thing is that this is why I'm racist. Not blind hatred because of the color of their skin but because of what that colored skin does. How they act and what they say. That is why I am racist. 

Rioting, attacking police, fighting police and much more makes me racist. It is why I am racist. Not with blind hatred but with justified cause. 

I don't apologize and I'm not hurt by that appellation because its true. Its true because of blacks' actions that warrant it.

I've said it before that there is a cancer within the black culture and people. An infection which infests their thinking, their behavior, their very being and all they do. I hate them for those things and those things should be hated. 

I don't have all the facts yet in the Missouri case, no one does except the officer involved. I'm willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt while blacks automatically assume it was unjustified. 

What we know is that this person who died got mad at being told to get his ass out of the middle of the street where he was walking, interfering with traffic. Apparently he refused to obey the officer's instructions to do so. The officer stopped and began to get out of the car when the man attacked him. The man assaulted the officer, knocked him back into his patrol car, went for the officer's gun and they fought in the police car over the gun with a shot fired inside. After that accounts differ even more.  Blacks say the man stood with his hands up and surrendering, saying such to the officer. The blacks say the officer then walked up to the man and fired his weapon numerous times point blank into the man's chest. After that they continue to say the man went down to the ground and once there the officer shot him again as he lay dying. 

There is no account by the officer of what transpired after the assault and battle for the gun. 

According to the blacks this man was doing absolutely nothing wrong and the officer just pulled up and murdered him out of the blue. 

Forgive me if I flat out don't believe that line of horse crap. 

It may be found the officer was not justified using the amount of force he did or even any force at all but as of now we know we have another case of a black not complying with an officer. Attacking and assaulting an officer and even trying to take his gun. We know the man died because of those actions. 

We, of course, have lots of blacks screaming the innocent baby bit just like they always do. One interview the first day of this crap had a woman going on about this little boy minding his own business brutally gunned down by a racist cop. She used the words "Little boy" and "Boy" numerous times in this interview. She specifically said this was a "Little boy" but the "Little boy" was eighteen years old. 

Numerous others had the guy thinking about going to college, planning on going to college and then starting college yesterday. In the end it was never college but a technical school he was supposedly planning on attending. Considering the mother originally said he had been thinking of maybe going to college someday at the outset I find it odd that now its being said he was already enrolled and scheduled to start this week. Of course making a tech school into a college is remarkable in itself. 

Once again not a single black can be heard standing up and saying if this man hadn't attacked the police he'd be alive today, not one. 

Why not? 

Could it be that it traces back to their diseased mentality and thinking processes I've spoke of? 

Mr. Garner who died in New York died because of one thing. When the officers went to arrest him he fought the police. If he had not done that he would be alive today. It was his fault completely. 

Instead we get the innocent father of two brutally murdered bit even though he had a long criminal history. 

So in Missouri we have a black man who attacked police and tried to kill an officer who has died. Not one single black remarks that if he'd done what he was told and did not do the things he went and did he would still be alive. 

Instead his conduct and actions are the police's fault somehow. 

The police as usual are in the wrong. The bad guy isn't one and is a completely innocent baby brutally murdered by racist cops. 

Does no one see anything wrong with this picture? 

And now they're rioting over there, calling for blacks to attack whites and white areas carrying over their rampage into these communities. They are incensed that whites and others are arming themselves and saying "Bring it" not afraid of them, not cowed, not bowing down to their savage animal like behavior as so many others do and have done. 

The thing is that even animals don't foul their own nest unless extremely sick or deranged, yet these vermin do so routinely. That alone should say something about them. They destroyed their own community yet again. They destroyed black owned businesses and harmed themselves yet people don't see this as abnormal and wrong?

They do this and then complain that businesses won't come into their neighborhoods, I wonder why. They of course say its because of racism. Its not, again. They'll expect everyone else to pay for what they've done here as well just like they demanded in LA. 

Sadly we will although I don't know why. If it were up to me I'd tell them to live in the bed they've made of it and enjoy. I suppose its nothing more than appeasement hoping to get the savages to control themselves for a time.

As I watched live feeds of these events and news stories about them I was not surprised to see the usual complaints coming from the blacks. They do not think the police should even be in their communities much less ever telling them what to do or enforcing the laws. They don't think the police should be putting blacks in jail for crimes either and have even got our liberal Prez and AG to take steps to stop that from happening.

Its now illegal to even punish misbehaving black children in our schools because its "Racist" according to liberals. 

These riots and the events surrounding these police cases are endemic of a wider pathology concerning thinking in this country. It is especially embedded within the black communities within our land but extends to the young liberals as well as old ones and even to the right. 

It has deeply disturbed me to see otherwise great conservatives and their web sites go on the attack against the police echoing much of the mentality and talking points of the blacks and liberals. 

So once again we have a cop accused of that word, "Racist", when in a confrontation with blacks. Once again as it always is every incident is nothing but racism according to them. Once again I fear the officer will be thrown under the bus of appeasement and debasement so many do for the blacks. Already Holder, the  DOJ and the civil rights division are "Investigating" this for "Civil rights" abuses and the FBI has been directed to investigate the attack on the officer. Blacks are calling for or make that demanding that the locals be removed from any investigation yelling once again racism and once again without any evidence of such. 

That is another big thing. The use of that word in all of these incidents when there is no evidence race had anything to do with them. 

I do say that race plays an extremely crucial part of all these incidents. Not because the cops are racist but because if it was not the race of the suspects in these situations none of the incidents would be likely to have happened. 

If the diseased mentality, thinking processes, attitudes, beliefs, conduct, actions and reactions were not present within black society many of these situations would not arise, maybe none of them even. 

Its because of those that they do however and until all of them are changed the situations are going to continue to unfold. As long as blacks think the law and obeying police is something that should not apply to them this will continue. 

As I said, if Mr. Brown had obeyed simple commands and not attacked the officer he would be alive. If Mr. Garner had not fought being arrested by the police he would be alive. If Martin had not circled back around and jumped Mr. Zimmerman then started pounding his head into the pavement, he would still be alive, if that black woman in DC had not run from police and tried to run over several she would be alive. All the way back to Rodney King and if he had obeyed officers he would not have needed to be subdued.  

I think just about every incidence of police contact with blacks which make the news can be traced back to that simple fact. None of subsequent events would have happened if the black had done what he was told in one way or another. They don't like to though and when their actions bring about problems they blame the police and race instead of themselves. 

I saw an article by Mr. Granderson on CNN which was basically how tired he was of many things. All the things he was tired of had nothing to do with what he should have been tired of. He was tired of white people saying this about blacks, he was tired of blacks being murdered by police, he was tired of police being in fear of their lives when blacks attack them and try to kill them, he was tired for all the wrong reasons.

What I want to know Mr. Granderson is why aren't you tired of some of these things.

Why aren't you tired of:
Blacks not obeying? 
Blacks resisting police?
Blacks attacking police?
Blacks fighting police? 
Blacks trying to kill police officers?
Blacks committing crimes?
Blacks doing drugs?
Blacks dealing drugs?
Blacks attacking blacks?
Blacks killing blacks?
Blacks crying racism about everything they don't like?
Blacks looting?
Blacks robbing?
Blacks thinking they don't have to abide by the laws the rest of society does?
Blacks rioting?
Blacks putting officers in the position where they have to use force to defend themselves?

Why aren't you tired of all those things Mr. Granderson?

Because I sure am.

Just before I went to bed last night a black man posted a picture showing either militarized police or the military restoring order in that Missouri town. Soldiers with automatic weapons en masse forcing blacks back into their homes and out of the street where they were rioting. 

It is absolutely the best thing I've seen in years and certainly in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson Missouri over the last few days.

My only question is when were they going to start shooting those rioting because that is what is truly needed. 

To once and for all put down the rabid creatures who continually use rioting as an excuse to destroy and terrorize people. To further their diseased mentality and be excused for all transgressions. 

That is what is truly needed. If they ever show the courage to take a firm stand and follow the old law of rioters will be shot then I can guarantee you that there would be no more riots. But as long as the blacks know they can act with impunity they will not stop. 

It will only be a question of where they act out next and when. Like spoiled children who know they can get away with murder, they do. Until authorities are willing to forcefully put an end to this behavior and "Spank" them hard it won't stop. 

Kill a few hundred and rioting will be a thing of the past. Continue to allow it, to enable it, to justify it even, and  to excuse it as the media has repeatedly, calling it "Unruly, unrest, protesting, civil protests" and even "Revolution" and you simply allow the miscreants to go on without accounting for their actions. 

And they will never stop all the while screaming a word we should not be afraid of. 


My only regret is I don't live out there to lend my arms to those standing up to these things who have debased what it means to be civilized human beings. Like the Islamic terrorists in Palestine and the culture within there and elsewhere they show themselves to be nothing more than vermin in need of an exterminator to remove them from our midst for the sake and safety of sane beings.

When will it end because for different reasons, like Mr. Granderson, I am tired of it all. 


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