Thursday, August 14, 2014

Islam, blacks and Our Society.

Over the last few days I've been watching two things with interest. Once is the Israel situation and the other is the black situation here.

I've also been watching our society and its' response to each thing.

I guess I'll tackle Israel first. As you know I am a staunch defender of Israel. They have been repeatedly attacked by people who want nothing less than wiping them out of existence. The Muslims call over and over again for the extermination of all Jewish people and the wiping from existence of the State of Israel. 

This is not some fringe bunch of nutjobs doing this and calling for this. 

This is a fundamental core principle of these people overriding all else. Number one in their belief system is the killing of all the Jews. Number two is removing Israel from the map and the world. 

As an aside number three is to kill all non-Muslims and number four is if not kill to conquer and enslave all non-Muslims. 

It is key that you understand this. 

No matter what else they say, no matter what else they whine about, no matter what else they say is the problem, its not, its number one and number two.

Everything, everything, else is just distraction, deception and misleading on the road to accomplishing numbers one and two. 

Until and unless the world is willing to understand this simple fact nothing can or ever will be done about it. They will continue to get away with it.

This has always been the problem and one never recognized except by a few quickly maligned and labeled racists and extreme crazy people. 

They were not and are not. 

With this in mind they not Israel began this latest altercation. They kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers. They fired the first rockets into Israel in an unprovoked attack upon Israel yet again.

As they have done over and over again for decades they commit attacks through terrorism against Israel.

Israel naturally responded in force and in self defense with return fire. 

Somehow we have allowed terrorists to dictate that those actions, defending yourself when attacked, defending your country when its attacked is bad and wrong. 

Much like the liberal narrative in this country about people defending themselves being a bad thing and that it shouldn't be allowed this mentality has permeated the world stage and is being sold and worse bought as valid 

Its not valid. It never has been and it sure as hell shouldn't ever be. 

Islam is a religion of hate and violence. Core fundamental tenets of it call for the murder or enslavement of all non-Muslim peoples. These people raise their children from birth with hatred and bring them up to kill those not Muslim.

In the supposed country of Palestine these children are raised from their earliest years to hate Israel and Jews. To want to kill Jews and destroy Israel. They raise these children and teach them at early age to use weapons for the purpose of killing Jews. This is what Israel faces. Even children want them dead.

These people are not innocent civilians but terrorists who support in every conceivable way the fighting terrorists located there even throwing their bodies in between soldiers and the fighting terrorists in order to protect them because they know Israel will not fire with them there. 

Instead of civilians they should be categorized non-fighting terrorists and fighting terrorists because that is what they are. There are no civilians in Gaza or elsewhere.

Now Hamas has once again violated another cease fire yet Israel has chosen to extend the truce anyway. Yet Obama has stabbed Israel in the back once again denying it weapons shipments it had coming. The world attacks them and even the UK is threatening to withhold needed supplies to Israel unless they submit to being attacked by these monsters. 

Israel again finds itself alone and fighting the enemy. If we in the Western world do not recognize these animals and their brutality, if we don't take a stand against them, then we will fall. 

We will fall to an enemy to civilization and our entire existence will be wiped out or forever altered to unspeakable things. 

This is what we face. This is the war we must first acknowledge and the fight with everything we have.

To lose is not an option, its not.

That brings me to the blacks. I've been watching this Ferguson Missouri case over the last days and am deeply saddened and appalled by what is taking place. 

These people are animals, worse, vermin. Watching them destroy and pillage its like watching some third world country only its in our own backyard. 

Its also normal for these pieces of excrescence. 

What is not normal is the outright unbelievable support for them which is being seen all over the place. Its appalling that we've got to this point in our society where we attack the police for putting a stop to this behavior and support those acting like this.

Something is being shown that is deeply and profoundly disturbing within our society. Something rotten and beyond dangerous.

How have we reached this point where animalistic behavior is acceptable and law and order is not.

They throw bricks, bottles, Molotov cocktails and shoot at the police but the police can't fire tear gas and pepper bullets in response? I mean that attitude is crazy.

I expect it from certain segments of society like the blacks but I sure as hell don't from the rest of people especially conservatives yet that is what I'm seeing.

Its very depressing to see this disease of thinking has stretched to include people I have always thought of as normal.

CNN has nothing but black support pages up on this situation. One cries about the police criminalizing their communities and all I can think is the police don't have to do that. The communities do it all by themselves. 

CNN asks if this is some third world country or the US and I say look at the pictures and see that in communities across this country, black and brown ones that it has become a third world country, Its not the US there, its an entirely different world. 

A filthy disgusting world but definitely different than the one I inhabit or want to inhabit. Instead of focusing on changing those people and their diseased thought processes and actions instead we're being asked, no demanded of, to change the rest of the country to be like what they are. 

That is wrong. Just plain wrong. 

I don't want my community to resemble Watts, South Central, Cabrini Greens, or Ferguson. I want those people to be forced to be civilized and become my community and the many others out there filled with decent human beings of all colors. 

That just isn't happening though and its beyond devastating to see.

So once again because blacks think they don't have to obey and do what they are told we have another problem. This young man apparently didn't think the cop had the right to tell him to move his sorry ass out of the middle of the road where he was walking and instead he attacked the cop. 

Now he's dead for HIS actions and we're supposed to put up with the violence and thuggery which has resulted?

The mentality is atrocious and people coming to these peoples' defense is even worse. If a cop tells you to disburse then friggin disperse already. Jesus what is so hard to understand about that?

Then again you have to go back to the whole concept which exists in the black community predominantly that they don't have to do what they're told. They don't have to obey, they don't have to listen, they don't have to do nothing the cops say. Remember these are the same people who say the cops don't even have the right to be in their neighborhoods at all.

That is what you're facing. That is what we're facing and that is what the cops face every day.

They don't even think the cops have the right to be in their neighborhood much less tell them what to do. I have to say that again because I want you to look at that thought process as most if not all strife comes from it. 

I saw it last night in watching the video from KARG where a woman said they didn't have the right to be there, didn't have the right to tell them what to do. Where police told them to disperse and they instead chanted "Revolution" over and over again until they got their pathetic asses kicked again by the police. 

I've watched as the police told the media to get out and the media did not do so then today are whining about getting tear gassed and shot at along with the rest of the thugs. 

Does anyone stop and think if the media had gone like they were told to do they wouldn't have been gassed? Better yet if the rioters had dispersed as they were told to they would not have been gassed or hit with pepper bullets? 

But that goes back to the mentality that they don't have to do anything cops tell them to do. There is the problem and its not being addressed.

Ironically various black groups have descended upon Ferguson and its been shown that they are tied to or support Islam and terrorist groups like Hamas. In speeches yesterday those black groups called for dragging whites out of their houses, skinning them alive and hanging their bodies from trees. They called for blacks to drag white behind vehicles and pour acid on them and most disturbing they called for bombing white nurseries to kill white babies and killing white babies within moments of their birth. 

So yeah if that sounds familiar its because its the same thing Muslims call for and are actually doing in the middle east. This is what these people want to do here in America. We don't have to worry about ISIS in America we've already got the enemy in blacks. 

Looking back and forth between photographs and video of the middle east and the same of Ferguson the lines began to blur as to which was which. Both show large amounts of scum violently taking to the streets, demanding ridiculous things, alleging ridiculous things, and threatening worse and both show third world country $hit acting up. 

Its just one of those places is here in the US, other than that they look the same. 

As I speak the democratic governor of Missouri has had the state police take over the jurisdiction of the local and county police departments in the Ferguson area. Promising to leash the police and allow the thugs to run wild, making excuses for their behavior and justifying their lawless actions while stabbing locals in the back. 

Instead of being considered what it is, shameful, its being hailed. 

In the end two worlds apart are closer than I am to Ferguson MO right now. Both festering with vermin who the world is supporting over common decency and being human. As the UK and Obama stab Israel in the back for defending herself so to are those doing the same to the law enforcement community in Missouri. 

Someone on CNN asked why cops are dressed up as for a war zone. What no one had the courage to say or what CNN chose not to print is that in inner city communities across this country it is a war zone. These people are out to get the cops. They're out to kill the cops. If the cops don't have the mentality of they're out to get me then they don't go home at the end of the day.

If the blacks want to know why the cops have this mentality they don't need to blame the cops but simply look in the mirror. 

Its a war zone and its us vs them. That goes beyond just cops anymore, it goes to our society as well.

People need to wake up and realize it, accept it, and get prepared to deal with it. 

One thing I'm certain of and I agree with the blacks on. 

A storm is coming, a bad one. 

War is coming and the question is whether we'll be ready and survive or continue to excuse and whine then die.  

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