Friday, August 15, 2014

Druggie Mom and Its Now Okay To Drug Baby

I was looking at CNN a couple of days ago and saw this article about a druggie mom and not being happy over being told she couldn't breastfeed her baby while continuing to use illegal drugs.

I thought "My God, she actually wants to do that?" and fully expected a story about how she got in trouble about and maybe even had her baby taken away.

That is not what I got though when I clicked on the story.

Instead CNN painted a sympathetic story of this druggie and had a tone of 'How dare anyone criticize her for doing what she did and wants to continue doing'

I was appalled. 

You see this woman admits to using illegal narcotics throughout her pregnancy. 

Her baby was born two months premature.

She continues to use illegal drugs and wants to breastfeed her baby while doing so.

She was outraged when a Portland Oregon hospital told her no, that she wouldn't be allowed to do that.

Now a reasonable person would rightly assume the hospital took steps to protect this baby and said no. That they would never allow the baby to be harmed in this manner. 

A reasonable person would likely assume that child protective services were called in both for her use during pregnancy as well as continued desire to harm her child through using and breastfeeding that child.

A reasonable person might even think that the baby would be taken into protective custody or the mother arrested for abuse because that is what she did and what she wants to continue to do.

Well I have news for you, none of it beyond initial denial happened. 

Nothing happened to mother for abusing illicit substances while pregnant. Nothing happened to the mother for wanting to and attempting to continue to harm her child. 

At one point the hospital prevented her from breastfeeding the baby because of the harm it would do the child. 

Here's where it gets even more bizarre. 

The mother was outraged anyone would stop her from hurting her defenseless child. CNN was not happy anyone would stop her from harming her defenseless child either.

The final solution. 

The hospital created a release of liability form and had the mother sign it acknowledging this is bad for the baby and by the hospital allowing her to drug her infant with illegal narcotics the mother would not sue the hospital for the harm that would be caused to the infant.

Current situation

Mother is happily taking drugs and breastfeeding this innocent little girl feeding those drugs to her through the breast milk after quickly signing the release form.

And common sense has completely left the building.

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