Friday, August 15, 2014

CNN in Ferguson Don Lemmon Bizzare Comments

I know all the cries of liberal bias on CNN that are out there. I've taken them with a grain of salt but even I have to admit its clearly there. 

Its getting more bizarre too. What's worse is people in general accept this and what is reported as normal. 

Its not. 

I just wrote about CNN taking side of mother being denied right to drug newborn daughter with illegal narcotics.

I thought that was bizarre but a short time ago I saw a video on CNN where Don Lemmon said things that were even more out there about events in Ferguson MO.

I have seen how they twist and slant everything on this event already but this takes the cake. 

The suspect in this whole thing Mike Brown, was shown on released video committing a strong arm robbery minutes before the fatal encounter with the police officer. 

Now the officer did NOT know Brown was a robbery suspect when the encounter happened. Matter of fact, as I've said, this looks to be another case of blacks not wanting to do what they're told. I think it'll boil down to that in the end. Brown didn't think the cops had a right to tell him anything. That led to the fatal confrontation. Being told to get out of the road offended him basically. 

This video adds another dimension to this, a very, very relevant dimension. 

Anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence would be able to ask a simple question "What would someone who had just committed a felony robbery be thinking and/or do if then encountering a police officer minutes later?" 

Don Lemon firstly says that its not really a robbery. He calls into question if its anything at all much less a crime. He and the host of the show say its nothing more than shoplifting with a little bit of force added but not really a crime. 

Okay stop right there! Really?!? 

Its a felony robbery not shoplifting. Not even remotely related to shoplifting other than both involve taking something from someone else.

For anyone to blow it off like that would be ridiculous but for a major reporter for a major news organization to do so is beyond bizarre and totally unacceptable. 

The man had just committed a violent robbery and I don't care if it was over a pack of gum for seventy nine cents, its was a robbery with force used. 

That gets to the second thing Lemon went on to pontificate about. He says the release of the video by police is entirely irrelevant to the shooting which happened only minutes later. That it had nothing to do with the what the officer did. 

Like any good lie or misdirection there is a sliver of truth there. It had nothing to do with what the officer did but it might have had everything to do with what Brown did. What he did, how he did it and why he did whatever he did do. 

Think about that. He just committed a violent felony and a cop says come here (According to black witnesses of events) how do you think a person running from a violent crime might react to that? 

It has everything to do with this case. It might not be just because he didn't like being told what to do. It could very well be he didn't do what he was told but when the officer then stopped and said come here he thought that the officer knew he was wanted and that was why he fought and things escalated to deadly force. 

Both parties state of mind, actions and reasons for those actions are entirely relevant to the final outcome of what happened. 

If Brown thought the officer knew and attacked the officer thinking he was fighting for his freedom that definitely changes things and has total bearing on what took place. 

For Lemon to say the violent robbery which had just taken place, which had made Brown a wanted man, which may have put this officer in danger in the first place, has nothing to do with the shooting is absolutely bizarre and beyond belief even taking into account the anti-police attitude of CNN. 

It goes with the denizens of the area who are already claiming its a faked video and its not Brown in the video. They are also claiming its some campaign to denigrate the Bloods gang member, Brown, who also attacked a white person in an unprovoked attack last year. 

Mike Brown by his actions is destroying himself as more and more come out about him. Most go to state of mind and thought processes which do have direct bearing on events or quite possibly may have.

A person who has the thought process of antagonism with the police who is a violent criminal and may think a number irrational things which permeate the black culture can and do often have direct bearing on interactions with law enforcement. 

A white person in the middle of the street walking and being told to hit the sidewalk would do it even if saying F-you to the cop as they moved. A black person due to culture and upbringing may just say the F-you part and defy the cop, remaining walking in the street daring the cop to do something as all accounts say happened in this case. 

For a responsible newsperson to ignore reality to that extent and deliberately try to alter facts to support the unsupportable, to take a side in this that is not supported by reality much less facts and then present it as reasonable and factual is beyond irresponsible. 

And now as I type this MSNBC not surprisingly has doubled down on CNN Lemon's comments. They are saying robbery occurring minutes before Brown attacked cop had nothing to do with anything and all reporters were jaw dropping stunned when it was released. 

How can it not have something significant to do with Brown's actions that day. He'd just committed a violent felony robbery five minutes before encountering the cop. The cop didn't know he was dealing with an armed robbery suspect. The cop was blindsided by a violent felon attacking him. 

Just unbelievable. 

Welcome to the new not so much truth of reality. 

Druggie Mom and Its Now Okay To Drug Baby

I was looking at CNN a couple of days ago and saw this article about a druggie mom and not being happy over being told she couldn't breastfeed her baby while continuing to use illegal drugs.

I thought "My God, she actually wants to do that?" and fully expected a story about how she got in trouble about and maybe even had her baby taken away.

That is not what I got though when I clicked on the story.

Instead CNN painted a sympathetic story of this druggie and had a tone of 'How dare anyone criticize her for doing what she did and wants to continue doing'

I was appalled. 

You see this woman admits to using illegal narcotics throughout her pregnancy. 

Her baby was born two months premature.

She continues to use illegal drugs and wants to breastfeed her baby while doing so.

She was outraged when a Portland Oregon hospital told her no, that she wouldn't be allowed to do that.

Now a reasonable person would rightly assume the hospital took steps to protect this baby and said no. That they would never allow the baby to be harmed in this manner. 

A reasonable person would likely assume that child protective services were called in both for her use during pregnancy as well as continued desire to harm her child through using and breastfeeding that child.

A reasonable person might even think that the baby would be taken into protective custody or the mother arrested for abuse because that is what she did and what she wants to continue to do.

Well I have news for you, none of it beyond initial denial happened. 

Nothing happened to mother for abusing illicit substances while pregnant. Nothing happened to the mother for wanting to and attempting to continue to harm her child. 

At one point the hospital prevented her from breastfeeding the baby because of the harm it would do the child. 

Here's where it gets even more bizarre. 

The mother was outraged anyone would stop her from hurting her defenseless child. CNN was not happy anyone would stop her from harming her defenseless child either.

The final solution. 

The hospital created a release of liability form and had the mother sign it acknowledging this is bad for the baby and by the hospital allowing her to drug her infant with illegal narcotics the mother would not sue the hospital for the harm that would be caused to the infant.

Current situation

Mother is happily taking drugs and breastfeeding this innocent little girl feeding those drugs to her through the breast milk after quickly signing the release form.

And common sense has completely left the building.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

More Disturbing Things

As the blacks win again news comes that Obama and Kerry have once again stabbed Israel in the back, stopping weapons shipments to Israel to force Israel to stop defending herself. 

At the same time news is reporting that the UK is threatening Israel with stopping all weapons shipments if Israel doesn't stop defending herself. 

This is sickening. Absolutely sickening. 

The democratic governor of Missouri has taken jurisdiction away from the local and county police in the Ferguson area to appease the blacks there. As he says the blacks have the right to rampage the dem senator of MO attacks police for suppressing the violence. Both say blacks have the right to express themselves fully.

Sorry to see Rand Paul attacking police and defending the blacks and their disgusting mentality and actions in an article today. 

Expected and got O's attack on police, what else is new?

AZ Sheriff says BP told him to treat illegals "Treat them as any other citizen" while BP agent says officers ordered to "Let as many people go as possible" all this as 30,000 more expected next month.

Oh and that hacker group "Anonymous" is pathetic. They download police dispatch audio from Broadcastify and then claim they got it by breaking into the police computers. What a joke. I can download the exact same thing and put it up but at least I'd be honest about where I got it. Hell you can download the audio files of any radio feed of any kind that is broadcast on that web site. 

They're just dangerous enough that I hope they get taken down and hard by law enforcement. Mostly they're just a pain in the ass.

Just in some black lawmaker is demanding Obama declare martial law in Missouri but not for what any decent person would suppose. No instead of declaring martial law to put down the violence he wants it declared so the blacks there can freely riot and destroy without police interference. 

What a world we live in. 

Support you local law enforcement and send a message that decent people don't support the blacks and their attacks on LE.


Islam, blacks and Our Society.

Over the last few days I've been watching two things with interest. Once is the Israel situation and the other is the black situation here.

I've also been watching our society and its' response to each thing.

I guess I'll tackle Israel first. As you know I am a staunch defender of Israel. They have been repeatedly attacked by people who want nothing less than wiping them out of existence. The Muslims call over and over again for the extermination of all Jewish people and the wiping from existence of the State of Israel. 

This is not some fringe bunch of nutjobs doing this and calling for this. 

This is a fundamental core principle of these people overriding all else. Number one in their belief system is the killing of all the Jews. Number two is removing Israel from the map and the world. 

As an aside number three is to kill all non-Muslims and number four is if not kill to conquer and enslave all non-Muslims. 

It is key that you understand this. 

No matter what else they say, no matter what else they whine about, no matter what else they say is the problem, its not, its number one and number two.

Everything, everything, else is just distraction, deception and misleading on the road to accomplishing numbers one and two. 

Until and unless the world is willing to understand this simple fact nothing can or ever will be done about it. They will continue to get away with it.

This has always been the problem and one never recognized except by a few quickly maligned and labeled racists and extreme crazy people. 

They were not and are not. 

With this in mind they not Israel began this latest altercation. They kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers. They fired the first rockets into Israel in an unprovoked attack upon Israel yet again.

As they have done over and over again for decades they commit attacks through terrorism against Israel.

Israel naturally responded in force and in self defense with return fire. 

Somehow we have allowed terrorists to dictate that those actions, defending yourself when attacked, defending your country when its attacked is bad and wrong. 

Much like the liberal narrative in this country about people defending themselves being a bad thing and that it shouldn't be allowed this mentality has permeated the world stage and is being sold and worse bought as valid 

Its not valid. It never has been and it sure as hell shouldn't ever be. 

Islam is a religion of hate and violence. Core fundamental tenets of it call for the murder or enslavement of all non-Muslim peoples. These people raise their children from birth with hatred and bring them up to kill those not Muslim.

In the supposed country of Palestine these children are raised from their earliest years to hate Israel and Jews. To want to kill Jews and destroy Israel. They raise these children and teach them at early age to use weapons for the purpose of killing Jews. This is what Israel faces. Even children want them dead.

These people are not innocent civilians but terrorists who support in every conceivable way the fighting terrorists located there even throwing their bodies in between soldiers and the fighting terrorists in order to protect them because they know Israel will not fire with them there. 

Instead of civilians they should be categorized non-fighting terrorists and fighting terrorists because that is what they are. There are no civilians in Gaza or elsewhere.

Now Hamas has once again violated another cease fire yet Israel has chosen to extend the truce anyway. Yet Obama has stabbed Israel in the back once again denying it weapons shipments it had coming. The world attacks them and even the UK is threatening to withhold needed supplies to Israel unless they submit to being attacked by these monsters. 

Israel again finds itself alone and fighting the enemy. If we in the Western world do not recognize these animals and their brutality, if we don't take a stand against them, then we will fall. 

We will fall to an enemy to civilization and our entire existence will be wiped out or forever altered to unspeakable things. 

This is what we face. This is the war we must first acknowledge and the fight with everything we have.

To lose is not an option, its not.

That brings me to the blacks. I've been watching this Ferguson Missouri case over the last days and am deeply saddened and appalled by what is taking place. 

These people are animals, worse, vermin. Watching them destroy and pillage its like watching some third world country only its in our own backyard. 

Its also normal for these pieces of excrescence. 

What is not normal is the outright unbelievable support for them which is being seen all over the place. Its appalling that we've got to this point in our society where we attack the police for putting a stop to this behavior and support those acting like this.

Something is being shown that is deeply and profoundly disturbing within our society. Something rotten and beyond dangerous.

How have we reached this point where animalistic behavior is acceptable and law and order is not.

They throw bricks, bottles, Molotov cocktails and shoot at the police but the police can't fire tear gas and pepper bullets in response? I mean that attitude is crazy.

I expect it from certain segments of society like the blacks but I sure as hell don't from the rest of people especially conservatives yet that is what I'm seeing.

Its very depressing to see this disease of thinking has stretched to include people I have always thought of as normal.

CNN has nothing but black support pages up on this situation. One cries about the police criminalizing their communities and all I can think is the police don't have to do that. The communities do it all by themselves. 

CNN asks if this is some third world country or the US and I say look at the pictures and see that in communities across this country, black and brown ones that it has become a third world country, Its not the US there, its an entirely different world. 

A filthy disgusting world but definitely different than the one I inhabit or want to inhabit. Instead of focusing on changing those people and their diseased thought processes and actions instead we're being asked, no demanded of, to change the rest of the country to be like what they are. 

That is wrong. Just plain wrong. 

I don't want my community to resemble Watts, South Central, Cabrini Greens, or Ferguson. I want those people to be forced to be civilized and become my community and the many others out there filled with decent human beings of all colors. 

That just isn't happening though and its beyond devastating to see.

So once again because blacks think they don't have to obey and do what they are told we have another problem. This young man apparently didn't think the cop had the right to tell him to move his sorry ass out of the middle of the road where he was walking and instead he attacked the cop. 

Now he's dead for HIS actions and we're supposed to put up with the violence and thuggery which has resulted?

The mentality is atrocious and people coming to these peoples' defense is even worse. If a cop tells you to disburse then friggin disperse already. Jesus what is so hard to understand about that?

Then again you have to go back to the whole concept which exists in the black community predominantly that they don't have to do what they're told. They don't have to obey, they don't have to listen, they don't have to do nothing the cops say. Remember these are the same people who say the cops don't even have the right to be in their neighborhoods at all.

That is what you're facing. That is what we're facing and that is what the cops face every day.

They don't even think the cops have the right to be in their neighborhood much less tell them what to do. I have to say that again because I want you to look at that thought process as most if not all strife comes from it. 

I saw it last night in watching the video from KARG where a woman said they didn't have the right to be there, didn't have the right to tell them what to do. Where police told them to disperse and they instead chanted "Revolution" over and over again until they got their pathetic asses kicked again by the police. 

I've watched as the police told the media to get out and the media did not do so then today are whining about getting tear gassed and shot at along with the rest of the thugs. 

Does anyone stop and think if the media had gone like they were told to do they wouldn't have been gassed? Better yet if the rioters had dispersed as they were told to they would not have been gassed or hit with pepper bullets? 

But that goes back to the mentality that they don't have to do anything cops tell them to do. There is the problem and its not being addressed.

Ironically various black groups have descended upon Ferguson and its been shown that they are tied to or support Islam and terrorist groups like Hamas. In speeches yesterday those black groups called for dragging whites out of their houses, skinning them alive and hanging their bodies from trees. They called for blacks to drag white behind vehicles and pour acid on them and most disturbing they called for bombing white nurseries to kill white babies and killing white babies within moments of their birth. 

So yeah if that sounds familiar its because its the same thing Muslims call for and are actually doing in the middle east. This is what these people want to do here in America. We don't have to worry about ISIS in America we've already got the enemy in blacks. 

Looking back and forth between photographs and video of the middle east and the same of Ferguson the lines began to blur as to which was which. Both show large amounts of scum violently taking to the streets, demanding ridiculous things, alleging ridiculous things, and threatening worse and both show third world country $hit acting up. 

Its just one of those places is here in the US, other than that they look the same. 

As I speak the democratic governor of Missouri has had the state police take over the jurisdiction of the local and county police departments in the Ferguson area. Promising to leash the police and allow the thugs to run wild, making excuses for their behavior and justifying their lawless actions while stabbing locals in the back. 

Instead of being considered what it is, shameful, its being hailed. 

In the end two worlds apart are closer than I am to Ferguson MO right now. Both festering with vermin who the world is supporting over common decency and being human. As the UK and Obama stab Israel in the back for defending herself so to are those doing the same to the law enforcement community in Missouri. 

Someone on CNN asked why cops are dressed up as for a war zone. What no one had the courage to say or what CNN chose not to print is that in inner city communities across this country it is a war zone. These people are out to get the cops. They're out to kill the cops. If the cops don't have the mentality of they're out to get me then they don't go home at the end of the day.

If the blacks want to know why the cops have this mentality they don't need to blame the cops but simply look in the mirror. 

Its a war zone and its us vs them. That goes beyond just cops anymore, it goes to our society as well.

People need to wake up and realize it, accept it, and get prepared to deal with it. 

One thing I'm certain of and I agree with the blacks on. 

A storm is coming, a bad one. 

War is coming and the question is whether we'll be ready and survive or continue to excuse and whine then die.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Michael Brown and Ferguson Missouri. Blacks at it again

Rioting has once again hit our country and once again from one quarter in particular. 

Those online will counter that back in such and such year whites rioted but what they won't accept is that because they can find a single instance or maybe even two where whites did so doesn't lesson the fact of who does it most and continues to do it. 

Instead when confronted about it they resort to screaming "Racist." 

Well should say they immediately call you that from the get go if you say one thing against the blacks' conduct, attitude or mentality. 

They seem to think that magic word has some sort of power or devastating effect upon me. 

It doesn't. I don't care. I am a racist. I know that. I've said that and I admit that. 

The thing is that this is why I'm racist. Not blind hatred because of the color of their skin but because of what that colored skin does. How they act and what they say. That is why I am racist. 

Rioting, attacking police, fighting police and much more makes me racist. It is why I am racist. Not with blind hatred but with justified cause. 

I don't apologize and I'm not hurt by that appellation because its true. Its true because of blacks' actions that warrant it.

I've said it before that there is a cancer within the black culture and people. An infection which infests their thinking, their behavior, their very being and all they do. I hate them for those things and those things should be hated. 

I don't have all the facts yet in the Missouri case, no one does except the officer involved. I'm willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt while blacks automatically assume it was unjustified. 

What we know is that this person who died got mad at being told to get his ass out of the middle of the street where he was walking, interfering with traffic. Apparently he refused to obey the officer's instructions to do so. The officer stopped and began to get out of the car when the man attacked him. The man assaulted the officer, knocked him back into his patrol car, went for the officer's gun and they fought in the police car over the gun with a shot fired inside. After that accounts differ even more.  Blacks say the man stood with his hands up and surrendering, saying such to the officer. The blacks say the officer then walked up to the man and fired his weapon numerous times point blank into the man's chest. After that they continue to say the man went down to the ground and once there the officer shot him again as he lay dying. 

There is no account by the officer of what transpired after the assault and battle for the gun. 

According to the blacks this man was doing absolutely nothing wrong and the officer just pulled up and murdered him out of the blue. 

Forgive me if I flat out don't believe that line of horse crap. 

It may be found the officer was not justified using the amount of force he did or even any force at all but as of now we know we have another case of a black not complying with an officer. Attacking and assaulting an officer and even trying to take his gun. We know the man died because of those actions. 

We, of course, have lots of blacks screaming the innocent baby bit just like they always do. One interview the first day of this crap had a woman going on about this little boy minding his own business brutally gunned down by a racist cop. She used the words "Little boy" and "Boy" numerous times in this interview. She specifically said this was a "Little boy" but the "Little boy" was eighteen years old. 

Numerous others had the guy thinking about going to college, planning on going to college and then starting college yesterday. In the end it was never college but a technical school he was supposedly planning on attending. Considering the mother originally said he had been thinking of maybe going to college someday at the outset I find it odd that now its being said he was already enrolled and scheduled to start this week. Of course making a tech school into a college is remarkable in itself. 

Once again not a single black can be heard standing up and saying if this man hadn't attacked the police he'd be alive today, not one. 

Why not? 

Could it be that it traces back to their diseased mentality and thinking processes I've spoke of? 

Mr. Garner who died in New York died because of one thing. When the officers went to arrest him he fought the police. If he had not done that he would be alive today. It was his fault completely. 

Instead we get the innocent father of two brutally murdered bit even though he had a long criminal history. 

So in Missouri we have a black man who attacked police and tried to kill an officer who has died. Not one single black remarks that if he'd done what he was told and did not do the things he went and did he would still be alive. 

Instead his conduct and actions are the police's fault somehow. 

The police as usual are in the wrong. The bad guy isn't one and is a completely innocent baby brutally murdered by racist cops. 

Does no one see anything wrong with this picture? 

And now they're rioting over there, calling for blacks to attack whites and white areas carrying over their rampage into these communities. They are incensed that whites and others are arming themselves and saying "Bring it" not afraid of them, not cowed, not bowing down to their savage animal like behavior as so many others do and have done. 

The thing is that even animals don't foul their own nest unless extremely sick or deranged, yet these vermin do so routinely. That alone should say something about them. They destroyed their own community yet again. They destroyed black owned businesses and harmed themselves yet people don't see this as abnormal and wrong?

They do this and then complain that businesses won't come into their neighborhoods, I wonder why. They of course say its because of racism. Its not, again. They'll expect everyone else to pay for what they've done here as well just like they demanded in LA. 

Sadly we will although I don't know why. If it were up to me I'd tell them to live in the bed they've made of it and enjoy. I suppose its nothing more than appeasement hoping to get the savages to control themselves for a time.

As I watched live feeds of these events and news stories about them I was not surprised to see the usual complaints coming from the blacks. They do not think the police should even be in their communities much less ever telling them what to do or enforcing the laws. They don't think the police should be putting blacks in jail for crimes either and have even got our liberal Prez and AG to take steps to stop that from happening.

Its now illegal to even punish misbehaving black children in our schools because its "Racist" according to liberals. 

These riots and the events surrounding these police cases are endemic of a wider pathology concerning thinking in this country. It is especially embedded within the black communities within our land but extends to the young liberals as well as old ones and even to the right. 

It has deeply disturbed me to see otherwise great conservatives and their web sites go on the attack against the police echoing much of the mentality and talking points of the blacks and liberals. 

So once again we have a cop accused of that word, "Racist", when in a confrontation with blacks. Once again as it always is every incident is nothing but racism according to them. Once again I fear the officer will be thrown under the bus of appeasement and debasement so many do for the blacks. Already Holder, the  DOJ and the civil rights division are "Investigating" this for "Civil rights" abuses and the FBI has been directed to investigate the attack on the officer. Blacks are calling for or make that demanding that the locals be removed from any investigation yelling once again racism and once again without any evidence of such. 

That is another big thing. The use of that word in all of these incidents when there is no evidence race had anything to do with them. 

I do say that race plays an extremely crucial part of all these incidents. Not because the cops are racist but because if it was not the race of the suspects in these situations none of the incidents would be likely to have happened. 

If the diseased mentality, thinking processes, attitudes, beliefs, conduct, actions and reactions were not present within black society many of these situations would not arise, maybe none of them even. 

Its because of those that they do however and until all of them are changed the situations are going to continue to unfold. As long as blacks think the law and obeying police is something that should not apply to them this will continue. 

As I said, if Mr. Brown had obeyed simple commands and not attacked the officer he would be alive. If Mr. Garner had not fought being arrested by the police he would be alive. If Martin had not circled back around and jumped Mr. Zimmerman then started pounding his head into the pavement, he would still be alive, if that black woman in DC had not run from police and tried to run over several she would be alive. All the way back to Rodney King and if he had obeyed officers he would not have needed to be subdued.  

I think just about every incidence of police contact with blacks which make the news can be traced back to that simple fact. None of subsequent events would have happened if the black had done what he was told in one way or another. They don't like to though and when their actions bring about problems they blame the police and race instead of themselves. 

I saw an article by Mr. Granderson on CNN which was basically how tired he was of many things. All the things he was tired of had nothing to do with what he should have been tired of. He was tired of white people saying this about blacks, he was tired of blacks being murdered by police, he was tired of police being in fear of their lives when blacks attack them and try to kill them, he was tired for all the wrong reasons.

What I want to know Mr. Granderson is why aren't you tired of some of these things.

Why aren't you tired of:
Blacks not obeying? 
Blacks resisting police?
Blacks attacking police?
Blacks fighting police? 
Blacks trying to kill police officers?
Blacks committing crimes?
Blacks doing drugs?
Blacks dealing drugs?
Blacks attacking blacks?
Blacks killing blacks?
Blacks crying racism about everything they don't like?
Blacks looting?
Blacks robbing?
Blacks thinking they don't have to abide by the laws the rest of society does?
Blacks rioting?
Blacks putting officers in the position where they have to use force to defend themselves?

Why aren't you tired of all those things Mr. Granderson?

Because I sure am.

Just before I went to bed last night a black man posted a picture showing either militarized police or the military restoring order in that Missouri town. Soldiers with automatic weapons en masse forcing blacks back into their homes and out of the street where they were rioting. 

It is absolutely the best thing I've seen in years and certainly in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson Missouri over the last few days.

My only question is when were they going to start shooting those rioting because that is what is truly needed. 

To once and for all put down the rabid creatures who continually use rioting as an excuse to destroy and terrorize people. To further their diseased mentality and be excused for all transgressions. 

That is what is truly needed. If they ever show the courage to take a firm stand and follow the old law of rioters will be shot then I can guarantee you that there would be no more riots. But as long as the blacks know they can act with impunity they will not stop. 

It will only be a question of where they act out next and when. Like spoiled children who know they can get away with murder, they do. Until authorities are willing to forcefully put an end to this behavior and "Spank" them hard it won't stop. 

Kill a few hundred and rioting will be a thing of the past. Continue to allow it, to enable it, to justify it even, and  to excuse it as the media has repeatedly, calling it "Unruly, unrest, protesting, civil protests" and even "Revolution" and you simply allow the miscreants to go on without accounting for their actions. 

And they will never stop all the while screaming a word we should not be afraid of. 


My only regret is I don't live out there to lend my arms to those standing up to these things who have debased what it means to be civilized human beings. Like the Islamic terrorists in Palestine and the culture within there and elsewhere they show themselves to be nothing more than vermin in need of an exterminator to remove them from our midst for the sake and safety of sane beings.

When will it end because for different reasons, like Mr. Granderson, I am tired of it all. 


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Common Sense or Lack Thereof. Leave three and six year olds alone?

Last night I was watching Family  Feud on television. 

Question asked: "What is something you should never leave alone?"

Well the usual cropped up, food or boiling pot on stove, Pet, etc. but the number one answer in the survey was guess what?

You got it.


You should never leave a baby or child alone. 

A game show in television and the people it surveyed get this why doesn't main stream media such as CNN and Mark O'Meara as well as so many people?

Because its now expanded to a general attack on prosecuting, incarcerating or even condemning people who do. 

I'm not talking thirteen year old kids here but little ones. 

Mr. O'Meara in his article attacked for instance the arrest, prosecution, and incarceration of a mother who left her children home alone. They went into the neighbors yard and into their pool where they drowned. 

The kids were three and six years old. 

Three and six.

Think about those numbers for a minute. 

Because that is what a man who I held a great deal of respect for in standing up and keeping an innocent man from prison for simply defending himself defended on CNN. 

Its okay now to leave little kids on their own and shame on anyone who thinks or God forbid does otherwise such as concerned citizens, cops, prosecutors or child welfare officials. 

He attacked all those, lamenting the removal of children from those parents, the condemnation of the parents, arrest of the parents, the prosecution of the parents and of course any jail time for the parents. Not to mention attacking busybodies such as the concerned citizen who reported the nine year old girl left alone daily for eight hours in a public park after witnessing her for over five hours alone.

But it didn't end with defending this woman who got her kids killed, oh no, he went on to defend the woman in Phoenix Az who left her babies in a hot car while she went for a job interview for over an hour, a woman who left a seven year old alone, the woman who left the nine year old alone, another who left five and eleven year olds alone and other cases. 

He failed to mention things like in the Arizona case it was over a hundred degrees in the sun. He made the death of those two children out to be a tragic accident instead of death by willful neglect of the children and of course condemns the mother being jailed for aggravated manslaughter. 

He justifies his article in calls not to go after parents such as these because in most of the cases the children suffered no harm or won't suffer any harm. 

He goes on to justify leaving young children alone by justifying doing so because most of the parents are poor, child care is expensive and we're criminalizing poverty. 

What he fails to understand is that just because most of the children were fine and unharmed which he uses as justification and to condemn those who go after the mothers doesn't mean its safe. 

Its not. 

He even makes the ridiculous charge that unless a person has had to face and make the choice of working or leaving a child alone they aren't entitled to judge the actions of those who do leave their children alone. 


I haven't been raped Mr. O'mara but I know its wrong and I am perfectly entitled to condemn rapists and judge them as being monsters. Same for a whole plethora of crimes, I don't have to be one to judge one. 

Because only a few children supposedly have been harmed or killed by being left alone doesn't make it right and is such a ridiculous assertion that I can't believe you said it. 

Its like saying "Play Russian Roulette because most of the time it won't hit that one single bullet" because that is exactly what the parents of these children are doing with these kids' lives. 

Its exactly what you're supporting them doing. 

Maybe not this time, maybe not next time or the time after that but sooner or later that child left alone is going to be hurt or killed. 

The other beyond belief statement that just boggles the mind is its better to leave a child alone in a public park for eight hours than have that child be watched by an "Unqualified" adult. 

What the hell? 

What qualification do you need to watch a nine year old child? 

I mean knowing CPR is nice but really? For someone to sit home with the child who is "Unqualified" , in what I don't know, but its worse than sending the child to the park all day.

His rationale is its better for the child to be among lots of kids and  adults at the park than at home with said "Unqualified" person. 

What in the hell are the qualifications of the "Kids" at the park or maybe those "Adults" who don't know this child from Adam and certainly aren't tasked with looking out for her in any way. 

After all one of those "Adults" did look out after this little girl and Mr. O'Mara condemns the person for doing so because they cared and were appalled that a little one was all alone in a city park for hours upon hours each and every day. 

I don't know what era Mr. O'Mara was raised in but he doesn't look all that old. I was raised in the 60s and 70s and I can tell you that I was never left alone at six, seven, nine or eleven. My grandparents would never have done that under any circumstances. 

Everybody knew it too. It just wasn't done. It was bad plain and simple. 

Even into the 80s, remember the hoopla about "Latch key kids?" 

So it must have been in the 50s then because it sure wasn't from 60 onward. Frankly I don't believe they let little kids go off alone back then for long periods either. 

It defies common sense. 

On top of it all he brings up the national outrage that going after these negligent mothers has brought. He uses it to justify his stance that punitive action against them is wrong. 

I say the outrage itself is wrong. I just can't believe we have become that idiotic that enormous sums of people are having a fit over protecting children like this. 

Its just unbelievable.

Where is common sense?

I guess on a game show on television because here in America it seems lost.