Well hello again.
It's been a while and I know I should do this more but just haven't so I'm sorry about that.
Several things have been happening lately and I'll start with the first which has been two incidences where the word "Rape" has been used.
The first one is a girl who was fourteen when "It" supposedly happened two years ago. The other party was seventeen to the best of my knowledge and that is what we'll go with although some commenters have said he was younger than that as of this writing.
This fourteen year old girl is at her house drinking it up with her friend on the night in question. They then sneaked out of her house and went to where a party was being held.
Once there according to her they gave her a large glass of something and conveniently she says she doesn't remember anything else after that.
Now lets fill in the blanks a bit with confirmed information in the news articles. (This is as close to accurate as you are going to get right now so take it with a grain of salt as the media definitely has an agenda here)
Her friend meanwhile has said the girl in question drank then had sex with a seventeen year old boy. When the night was over the "Rapist" was nice enough to drive them home. He let them out of the car in front of her house with the "Friend" helping her out and towards the house. The seventeen year old boy then drove off. Also the friend has now come forward claiming to have seen her friend raped and now says she was raped too by a fifteen year old at this party.
Somewhere in that the girl ended up sprawled out on the cold ground in front of her door in twenty-two degree weather. The friend nowhere to be found.
Now the mother and one of her kids find her in that condition and mom takes her into the house and gets her undressed and into a bath where mom notices her daughter has had sex and asks her about it.
The girl says she was raped at that point. It all started there.
There supposedly was and possibly still is video of the encounter but no one has said exactly what it portrays that I've heard or seen anywhere.
Now on to a couple of other facts. The fourteen year old and her mom according to the defense attorneys, prosecutor and sheriff have stated that it is public record that the girl and her family claimed the fifth amendment when testifying came up, and refused to do so.
The family and girl completely denies this.
The thing is that it is a "Public Record" according to all those involved. There would have been a stenographer putting it all down and since some of it occurred in court and some in a deposition it's all on file.
I suppose everyone could be lying except this girl but at the moment I find it hard to believe. To lend even further credence to this is a simple fact, they could have left it with the family wouldn't testify. Or they could have said the family refused to cooperate with investigators etc. They didn't.
What they did say was something quite unusual and it was that the girl took the 5th when asked for testimony. That the mother invoked it also. That's beyond just not testifying or refusing to cooperate which they apparently did as well. They claimed the 5th.
I have to wonder exactly what she was afraid of saying that is so incriminating.
The next thing is this. How does the fourteen year old know anything at all?
I mean if you go with HER story as she is going around whining all over the place with, her story says she doesn't remember ANYTHING that happened after arriving and being given a big drink. Nothing. Its a blank, a complete blank.
Yet she somehow is making allegations on something she can't supposedly remember?
Maybe her friend said she was raped. Maybe her friend filled in the blanks for her? But that begs the question maybe her friend came up with something besides the truth.
Or just maybe the girl was drinking in her home, took off for a party where she drank some more and met up with this hugely popular football jock and banged him silly.
Maybe the boy did the courteous thing by driving the girls home afterwords like he apparently did. And just maybe once mom got her naked in the tub and could see the obvious signs of sex mom asked what happened and like many other times the girl freaked out and told her she was raped because she couldn't face admitting the truth of what happened.
It's certainly not the first time it has happened and sadly it won't be the last.
A girl or women can do whatever she wants and then make it all better by crying "Rape" It just shouldn't work that way.
She went looking for some fun and got it. She doesn't get to cry rape the next day when she realizes what she did and she doesn't get to cry rape when her mommy finds out to save her ass.
Too many peoples' lives get destroyed by such horrible accusations.
And too many girls and women get away with doing just that to make their behavior go away.
Another excellent and even more telling example of this is the woman in Ohio who apparently went to a public place full of people and proceeded to willingly engage in an act of oral sex with a man. Only this time it was the woman who was on the receiving end of the act. All accounts except hers state that she came there willingly, fully participated, and according to multiple witnesses was fully enjoying what was being done to her at the time. Further once they were finished she posed for pictures with the man repeatedly then posed with bystanders, again to have her picture taken by them.
It was the next day when she found that it had hit the internet that she went whining to the cops that she was actually being raped the whole time.
See a familiar response here? Once the pictures and video went viral as they call it she was hugely embarrassed by them and then cried rape.
In both cases they did something they regretted later and were caught, one by mommy and the other by a whole hell of a lot of people and both, ashamed and embarrassed by what they did then issued the accusation of rape to excuse what took place.
Sadly this detracts from the real horrific crime of rape which occurs every day in this country. It casts rape victims in a bad light and does so unfairly by painting all of them with the same broad brush.
Lets not make any mistake here. I fully support someone who has actually been a victim of rape or sexual assault and I even more strongly support the prosecution of an assailant in such cases.
But I have a serious problem with those people who wake up and not like what they did the night before or the week before and cry rape when they weren't raped.
Its not fair to actual rape victims nor is it fair to the men and boys who get falsely accused by these girls and women.
I've never supported or liked false allegations of abuse of any nature and I don't like these either.
If you want to go out and party and fuck one person or half the football team don't get up, realize you acted like a total slut and then cry "Rape" over it because you're ashamed or embarrassed by what you have done.
Deal with it and let these boys and men have a life not ruined by baseless allegations because you regret in the morning what you did the night before.
Hopefully in the last case the video will prove the innocence of the male half. In the first lets hope the Sheriff who said it's over and his office will not reopen the case stands by his ground and doesn't.
And for the nice person who attacked me on CNN.....You're an idiot.
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