Friday, October 10, 2014

Cops vs Blacks

It seems I can't get away from this issue. 

I just can't fathom where our society has got to in terms of accepting the black behavior that has been taking place as acceptable. 

Hammond Indiana is in the news with another blacks vs cops story. In this case blacks were being uncooperative and refusing orders including exiting the vehicle. 

Cops told the male suspect repeatedly to get out of the vehicle including a final warning before finally, after fifteen minutes, smashing the window to get to the passenger who was refusing to obey orders.

Once they smashed the window the suspect then turned lunged towards the back of the car and was tazed. 

Simple right? 

Failure to obey and posing a possible threat by going for something. 

Only its not. Instead we have CNN et. al excusing this behavior on the part of the blacks and crucifying the cops over quite reasonable and justified actions which they performed. 

This goes back to other things I've said about blacks and not listening and not obeying. More on that later.

How people can justify the misbehavior of these people and attack the police is beyond comprehension when it is so clearly the actions of the blacks that invite what happens. 

Then today CNN does another related story interviewing another black crying about one of the officers from the above incident. 

This black woman encountered the officer in question in 2006 along with other cops in a traffic stop. 

Sound familiar yet? 

Just wait it gets better.

In 2006 police pulled over a vehicle with this woman, a man and at least a couple kids in it. 

The man obeyed at least for a while and there wasn't a problem while he did so. The woman on the other hand did not and there was a problem with her.

What a novel concept. Don't listen and obey a police officer and you have an issue. 

This woman, again, refused to get out of the car after repeated orders to exist the vehicle. (Deja vu??)

This woman finally did do what she was told, for a second.

She did exist the vehicle finally and then proceeded to run like hell down the street.

Now understand this. After refusing command after command to get out of the car the woman does so then takes off running from the cops.

Guess what the cops do? 

Shake their heads and chalk it up to crazy people, get back in their cars, and head to the doughnut shop?

Nah, they chase after her, yelling at her to stop which she doesn't. 

Can you guess what's next? 

That's right the cop who catches up to her tackles her to the ground and places her under arrest. 

End of story right? 

Nah, of course not, you're dealing with blacks here after all. 

Its never I screwed up and got busted its racism and the cop's fault. 

In this case the adult son or close to jumped out of the vehicle and went nuts over mom getting caught which causes them to take him to the ground as well. Somewhere in this the man started resisting too. 

So they cry, find an attorney and sue the police. Now reality is this, cities, police departments and most places except Wal-Mart just settle these out of court because its cheaper than paying attorneys to go to court. 

This of course is translated by the blacks and media as police at fault and paid valid claims when in fact it doesn't mean that at all. 

Do you notice the similarities in these two incidents? 

Its not the cops who have issues here its the blacks who as usual do. 

If they had listen and complied with orders none of these incidents would have been incidents at all.

What the media and others never tell you is that contact with law enforcement officers is governed by your actions. They react to what you do, say and how you say it. 

You control to large extent what happens or doesn't happen. 

The fact the Hammond officers sat their talking to them for fifteen minutes instead of telling them twice and knocking windows out is a testament to their trying to kiss black ass and not much more. I know for a fact most departments wouldn't have spent five minutes yapping with people refusing orders from the officers. 

These officers either showed incredible restraint or incredible stupidity in waiting fifteen minutes before taking action. 

Instead they are being attacked for taking any action at all on people who did not comply and do what they were told. 

Absolutely unbelievable. 

Then there is the black thug in St. Louis who tried to kill a cop and lost the gunfight. 

He opened fire on a police officer and the officer returned fire killing him.

End of discussion right? 

Nah, of course not. 

Again not listening to the cop and running from the cop, attacking the cop then running again, until finally turning and shooting at the officer yet the blacks are outraged he is dead and the cop is not.

The cop wasn't supposed to defend himself according to these brain surgeons. 

This is of course what they are crying about Mike Brown and Darren Wilson as well. 

Again each and every one of these incidents begin with the actions of the suspects and what they do not the officers. It is the suspects who control the situation and escalate each and every one of these incidents to their final outcome, not the cops. 

It all boils down to they would not listen and would not do what they were told to do. From Mike Brown refusing profanely to get out of the street when told to the motorist in Indiana refusing fifteen minutes of being ordered to get his ass out of the damn car. 

Last night in St. Louis, once again, blacks rioting refused to listen and do what they were told resulting in necessary force being used to control them. 

I watched the streams live and watched these people telling the officers they didn't have to do this and that while the officers kept giving them orders to get back or whatever. 

They refused and the cops did what they had to do. 

They spent the rest of the evening crying about it. Bassem Masri a terrorist who is live streaming from the area was told to get back when cops were in a fight and he told them he had the right to be there and the cop told him and told him and finally tear gassed him and a few others who thought they had non-existent rights. 

Masri kept crying all night about it. 

Later cops ordered them to disburse from an unlawful assembly and they told the cops they didn't have to and that they could do what they wanted to do. 

The only thing that kept the cops from kicking their sorry asses was leaders went to the cops demanding this and that and the cops said you can leave one way or the other.

They chose to leave and the cops watched them go then left themselves. 

Again all of this could have been avoided if they had only listened and obeyed as you are supposed to do. 

If you attack the police, run wild and rampage you're going to be stopped unless some liberal gets in charge. 

I thought the chief of St.Louis was going to kiss their ass as he's been doing but was surprised when they took decisive action last night. 

After all this is the man who criticized the Ferguson and St. Louis County police over their stopping the rioting going on in the beginning. He's also the one who pulled his officers out of the area and from backing up the Ferguson and County officers taking the blacks' side of it.

Then the fist night of the shooting he let the vermin run wild through the streets of St. Louis, so I had deep reservations that anything meaningful was going to be done to stop them at all. 

Last night I was bolstered to see the city cops do something and do it hard and fast. I wasn't so thrilled that later on someone high up in the department pulled cops back who were about to kick their ass again. 

I'll be watching and wondering which side the city will come down on in the next few days. 

What no one realizes is that unless this crap is stopped and stopped hard it will continue. These vermin get emboldened every time there is any sign of weakness by the cops like letting them run wild. 

Striking hard and taking these vermin head on is the only way to finally put a stop to the mentality if they don't like something then they can riot and rampage all over the place. 

We can see what abdication and appeasement looks like. From the riots in 92 where Gates just let em run wild to Ferguson where the liberal Governor ordered the highway patrol to take charge from locals to kiss the blacks' ass, we can clearly see it doesn't do anything but encourage them. 

As they continue to threaten rioting if their bizarre and destructive world view is not adopted and recognized as valid there are only two alternatives. 

One is appeasement and doing what they want and the other is a massive show of force sending a clear and concise message that this behavior is not and never will be acceptable. 

As I replied to a lady last night on Twitter who asked "How many more black men must die?" 

"How many more black men are going to attack the police?"

She thought I didn't get it.

I don't. 

As my grandmother used to say 'You bring it on yourself' my question is why these vermin can't see that simple fact.

Listen to what you're told, do what you're told, when you're told to do it and I think a whole lot of your problems with the police will magically disappear. 

What is so disturbing though is the acceptance of this diseased mentality of these people by the media and politicians. Rand Paul was in town there today kissing their ass and advocating excusing criminality and attacking our laws and institutions. 

How did we get to this point in our country where its even up for discussion? 

That's what I can't fathom. 

There is right and there is wrong. 

These people and that diseased mentality they posses is wrong. Just plain and simple wrong. 

There is no excuse, no explanation, certainly no justification for them. 

Yet media and politicians continue to do all of those things.

Another example is today CNN also ran a piece on white people who have guns have them because of racism. 


Because whites have been stocking up on guns for the last couple of months and the media as well as liberals know what's going to happen if the blacks take it out of their area into non-black areas. 

They are going to die because decent people won't stand for being attacked. 

If guns aren't taken away the blacks can't inflict the damage they say they want to do to white people including killing white babies in the hospital when their born.

They know people don't give a damn if these vermin destroy their slums but people will fight back if they come out of the sewer into decent neighborhoods and among decent people.

Answer is take away guns so whites will cave into demands by blacks easier. They probably would too because they'd have nothing to defend against the marauding hordes.

I don't know about racism but I know I've seen these savage vermin and their conduct my entire life and you're damn right I have guns in large part because of them. 

Racism, maybe, but I prefer common sense.

I really fear how far we've fallen as a society where this whole mess is seen as somehow acceptable and justified. 

As I listen to the blacks rampage one of the common threads running through their twisted minds are that rioting, killing, rampaging, etc. are protected by the first amendment. That they have the right to do those things and that doing those things are legitimate protest. 

Their diseased mentality where their twisted minds come up with all the bullshit they do doesn't concern me half as much as the mentality in society today which agrees with them and enables them.

In the end I hope the police wipe the floor with them. Its the only way to stop these recurring rampages. They won't listen and behave like civilized people so they will have to be shown. The only language they understand is force and that is what will have to be used and a lot of it. 

Otherwise they won't get the message as they haven't so far.

I fear police won't do what's necessary, but I hope and pray they do, for all our sakes and that of our children.

To the decent people of Missouri, I can only say one thing:

Lock and load!


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