Sunday, July 28, 2013

Thoughts about comment sections today.

I don't know why I keep coming back to this. Maybe its because I keep  being astounded or maybe a better word would be appalled by the stuff I see on these message boards but I do. 

I'm not talking about some weird out of the mainstream of anything web site but major sites like and today specifically CNN and a left wing site called Politico although that one wasn't as bad as CNN. 

While CNN denied posting to one of my posts today, again for no good reason, its what they didn't deny posting of which I have a serious problem with. 

I came onto CNN and saw massive amounts of nothing but vehemently disgusting, revolting racist posts and language. 

I mean to me this stuff was just disgusting. Hell even beyond that into the makes me sick category. 

Now there are a lot of racial issues in this country. Issues that need to be discussed honestly and openly but as I've said I doubt ever will be because the "R" word will be tossed in the moment a white person brings up something which is a problem for at least that person if not the white community. With that thinking there can be no honest, open communication. 

If you've read my posts here regarding George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin you know how I feel on that subject as well. 

But there were two articles I believe, one on boycotting Florida over the verdict and the other on Trayvon's mother saying the law in Florida let her down. 

The amount of vulgar and outright racist rants, character assassination, horrendous attacks posted about Trayvon Martin and both his parents was just unbelievable and they were up there. They were allowed to stay up there and that is what appalled me most.

Don't get me wrong I strongly felt if the prosecution was going to try and smear GZ by using his past to show him in a poor light and use it to make a case for why he "Murdered" Trayvon that night then the stuff on Trayvon's past which was directly relevant to the case should also be allowed in to show TM's state of thinking about things and his mind that night. But the trial is over and it doesn't matter any more what TM wrote on his cell phone or what pictures he took.

Now the stuff on these comment sections went into more stuff than existed in the evidence released, as in way more stuff. In other words they were pulling crap out of their asses to call TM and paint him as something he definitely was not by everything I've seen and heard. 

But then they weren't satisfied with that they began to attack everything about Trayvon Martin's parents in the most nasty way possible. 

I found these comments went beyond the pale in the extreme. I mean there were accusations of ranging from TM being in a gang and getting what any black scum should get to calling TM's parents uncaring and abusive and not raising their son properly. This went on and on and on even to the point of saying they didn't give a damn about TM just the fame and money they could get off his dead body.

I'll leave out covering a lot of the racist remarks but all these messages weren't just a few but seemed to be most of the messages up there. 

Now I strongly disagree with the black communities' leaders or supposed leaders and I strongly disagree with the positions taken by Mr. and Mrs. Martin. 

I can see having a discussion on those issues which we disagree about but that wasn't what was happening. Instead total racial bigotry and outright hatred was being spewed out and CNN allowed it up there and to stay up there. 

It was like the KKK or whatever leading white supremacist group leading the day in these times all logged in and began posting utter shit. 

I put up a post saying basically saying I find this revolting and talked about Mr. and Mrs. Martin and the loss of their son, finally calling on people to stop this and if they couldn't say something nice to not say anything at all. 

So with that I got one reply and it had nothing to do with this long post I made which received no likes btw but instead asked What black leaders am I talking about because he was black and didn't know he had any. Don't know what he was baiting me for but something I am sure.

One thing here I wanted to point out and that is the trial is over. GZ was found innocent and while there never should have been a trial at all except for the interference of Obama and the DOJ forcing it even so he was found not guilty.

Trayvon Martin and his past no longer have anything to do with anything in this unless there is another trial. Even then I don't know. The parents and what they did or did not do in raising TM also has no place in this conversation. The racism that is running rampant in these comment sections has nothing to do with anything.

What I'd like and sincerely hope that people would realize and 'get' out of all this is that these are two parents who are facing the worst nightmare of any parent in the world, the death of one of their children. There is no way to say I know what they are feeling because I don't. Its something any parent worries about from the time you learn you're having a baby and it scares the crap out of you. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have lost their son which for a lot of us was just our worst nightmare. Their nightmare came true.

Further no parent wants to hear or think their own child had anything to do with their death much less cause it and they certainly don't want to accept those facts. 

I don't blame them. I wouldn't either. Just like them I'd be looking everywhere for someone to blame, someone to be held responsible in my child's death. Because I couldn't think about or accept my own child brought about their own death.

If TM had not circled around and attacked Zimmerman then Trayvon would be alive today. 

If in the original statement and Morgan interview Trayvon had not confronted GZ and decided to give him a "Whoop ass" he would be alive today.

When asked about Trayvon bashing GZ's head into the cement, Ms. Jental replied that wasn't bashing but just a whoop ass. Everyone in their neighborhood knows what a bashing is and what a whoop ass is and Trayvon was just giving him a whoop ass. 

The sad part is that George Zimmerman didn't know he was only going to get a "Whoop ass" that night and he felt as if his life was in danger and defended himself. 

So these parents are grieving, they've lost a son, something so horrific that there are no words to describe it. They're upset, they're angry and most of all their hearts are torn apart. They have enablers that keep feeding the lies they want and truly need to believe rather than accept the truth and my heart goes out to them regardless of our differences. In spite of them I'm still a human being and can feel the hurt and pain, along with the deep sadness they are feeling and I'm also a parent and still worry about my two even though they are grown now. 

So please, if you want to discuss the issues then do so. If you want to hate and say horrible racist things then go away. You have no place where anyone wants to hear your diatribes. 

The only other post that really came out was more of the same only about GZ. This guy posts GZ is a child molester and rapist. 

I replied with the facts that I read in a news article. That GZ and a female cousin engaged in something sexual which we used to called playing doctor, sexual experimentation, sexual exploration, sex play and numerous other names. That they were near age playmates of eight and six. That it took place once a year at a large family gathering which took place every year. I also said I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't turn out to be one of these frequent things where she's been an adult for several years and has come to "Realize" that she was molested by GZ as a child.

I also theorized that she may as quite often happens been in psychological counseling and was "Helped" to "Realize" the sex play wasn't sex play but instead was child molestation. 

Its a theory and may be totally wrong but that's my theory. 

I said a few other things but that's the gist of it except for one other thing I think I should mention, the woman making these accusations stated that another relative their age who always slept with them was molested too. That woman has categorically denied that ANY sex stuff of any kind took place with her or otherwise. 

Either way since the early 80s and McMartin the child sex abuse industry in this country has become very powerful and forced their twisted ideology onto tens of thousands of children or more. 

What for years upon years was just kids messing around sexually has now become child molestation in their eyes and a large portion of that industry would like to make it that any difference in age, height, weight or mental status like one is more mature than the other makes it automatically molestation on one side and a victim on the other. So two eleven year olds playng under their theory one would be a child molester while the other would be the victim of child molestation by the other child. 

What they have done, continue to do and wish to do is sick and disgusting but sadly is happening to so many of our children its beyond belief.

But anyway, I didn't get into the last part at all online but this guy replies to me and calls me a child molester for suggesting it could be just normal childhood sex play. 

I found that to be unbelievable and it really kind of pissed me off. Buy into the whole industry or your a child molester. 

I've got to tell you that according to the child sex abuse industry which has cropped up the messing around some of us kids did way back when would make me a child molester and a victim of child molestation. We were all within a couple of years in age but under their ideology since some were younger than me that makes me a molester and since some were older than me it makes them the molesters and me the victim. 

What a complete load of horse manure. We were just having a lot of fun together and satisfying our curiosity as most kids around that age do.

Hell I can remember my grandmother who was born in 1905 telling me as a little girl she would sneak out and spy on her older brother and his friends and what they were doing "Out behind the barn" and it wasn't raking hay.  

This is as you can tell a sore point for me as I've seen, heard and read about what these nut jobs have and are doing. 

Anyway that just pissed me off and I wanted to say something. 

I'll let it drop as I'm sure you don't want to hear all my opinions on the subjects involved and frankly I don't want to spend a lot of time writing about them unless I have to either. 

I guess I'll end this by saying please think of a grieving family and parents in this whole thing. Disagree with them if you do but keep all the racist and cruel bull$hit out of it. It really only hurts people and does nothing good for anyone. Discuss the issues and leave it at that. That is afterall what discussion forums are supposed to be about.

Thanks for reading my rant and I'll get off the soapbox now. LOL


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