Well its been a few days and except for some minor exceptions I was wrong once again. There were no mass riots or really any riots at all.
I guess you can say I'm jaded and cynical in regards to blacks on that subject. I lived through RK and everything that surrounded it.
Out of pure coincidence I moved out of LA the day before the riots started. Knew a lot of people that were there though.
So this time I'm happily wrong and I'm very glad too.
What gets me though is that the black "Leaders" and liberals are going around now demanding stand your ground laws be repealed over the Treyvon Martin shooting and GZ acquittal.
The thing is that it had nothing do with GZ. He chose not to use it when he easily could have done and instead wanted a trial to prove his complete innocence in the matter. He got it and even though he was proven innocent these people are out there still demanding "Justice"
Well I say they got justice just not their version of what they think it should be.
Too bad.
I watched that one interview with Piers Morgan with Ms. Jental I believe its spelt who said everything was "Old school" and that we meaning her generation are new school. That we had to do things that the "New school" thought approves of and is okay with.
There were a number of things I could criticize about her in that interview but I won't. The two things I will though are this new school vs old school crap and the fact she said in the interview that TM wasn't bashing GZ's head into the ground just giving him a "Whoop ass" and we need to understand that because the new school knows that he wasn't going to hurt GZ much just do a "Whoop ass" on him.
Well guess what and its something I've seen very few news outlets comment upon. That new school way of thinking which led TM to give GZ some of that "Whoop ass" is what led to his death. The new school of thinking and her neighborhood etc. may know perfectly well that there's a difference between really bashing someone and giving them a "Whoop ass" but the rest of us do not.
I can say categorically that if at any time in my adult life either when I was young or now when I definitely meet the qualification for "Old school" with the emphasis on old that someone started beating my head into the cement and I was losing consciousness I would without hesitation pull my weapon and discharged it into the offending party believing my life was in danger and definitely believing my life was in danger of great bodily harm.
Seriously I cannot fathom how anyone could not think at least one of those two things was applicable. Again maybe old school but then again I don't think a whole hell of a lot about the new school and their way of thinking if you want to call it that, I don't.
So I was reading today about democrats in Alabama and Arizona demanding a review and/or repeal of the stand your ground laws in their states and it got me thinking.
Why are the democrats and especially the blacks so worried about stand your ground laws? I mean really, why?
I have to wonder if maybe they're afraid, that in those states which have them, that whites will use force including deadly force against blacks attacking them. Just think of the "Bash party" Hollywood faced and what might have happened if a stand your ground law was in effect in California? Instead of all those people being attacked they could fight back and protect themselves and instead of being victims they could have been something far different.
This whole thing kind of reminds me of back in the 70s when a black city councilman got up at a city council meeting and demanded guns be banned within the city because too many of "His" people were getting shot breaking into white folks houses.
Maybe they are worried that too many of "Their" people are going to get shot when attacking white folk now.
So essentially its over. The blowhards keep blowing but there isn't that much new to discuss. The AG doesn't look like he has a case at all and won't be able to find one to charge GZ further as much as the blacks are screaming for it. The stand your ground laws aren't going anywhere no matter how much the blacks whine about them even though they had nothing to do with the Martin/Zimmerman case. And the outrage etc. etc. is going to continue on a much lower level from them whining about GZ being found not guilty in a case that never should have been brought against him.
I sincerely hope that Mr. Zimmerman does sue the state for malicious prosecution because that is all it was. It had no evidence showing him acting in any other manner than self-defense.
I hope he sues a number of entities over this vilification of an innocent man.
In the end I don't think you'll see it do anything more than fade into history as so many other cases have. The white or in this case Hispanic victims get their lives destroyed while the blacks get to scream and whine for a time then add Martin to their long list of supposed racist victims while nothing changes of any importance.
Oh you'll see it back in the news now and again especially in the near term and again on dates such as when Martin died or if the Martins sue, when the JD finally admits they can't charge GZ and that sort of thing.
What you won't see sadly is any kind of actual racial communication going on as so many claim they want. You will see certain groups calling for it but nothing meaningful will come of it because of the same old reason it's always been.
Anytime you say something against or perceived by the blacks to be against blacks communication stops and the "R" word comes out.
Without fail.
When that juror spoke about Ms. Jentel and said they way she acts and speaks is probably from the way she was raised, the circumstances in which she was raised and the environment in which she lives. Right away blacks came out screaming that "R" word about her without knowing anything about her.
The problem is what she said applies to all of us, not just blacks but all of us. We are the products of how we were raised, the circumstances in which we were raised and the environment in which we were raised and live in.
Yet when someone says that about a black person "They" all come out screaming "Racist" as loud as they can. But its true of white people, Mexican people, Chinese people, etc. etc.
Why is it racist when said about a black person?
Until we can sit down at the table and actually honestly and openly talk about these issues without that name being screamed out every time there is something spoken someone else doesn't like there will never be any resolution or understanding reached on race or racial relations in this country.
That is just a simple fact. It's also something that seems to elude those wanting "Communication" to solve the racial divide in this country. Its only communications found acceptable to blacks that seem to be allowed and frankly under those conditions I don't see it either as communication or as anything ever solving anything.
Sad but in my opinion very true.
So until I can ask a black person why they don't raise their children like I do mine to not do "Blank" or why blacks do such and such because my children sure don't do that sort of thing and many other questions there will never be that discussion.
I guess my final thought is one that happened several years ago now. A white girl had a child by a black man that was in prison and going to be for a very long time. This wannabe black woman said the boy's father was writing a book while in prison just for his son.
It was called "How to deal drugs and not get caught"
What type of person would do that with a four year old boy of any color but especially a black father who thinks its okay to deal drugs and who has a goal for his child to be able to deal drugs and not get caught although his strategies must not work very well since he himself got caught dealing big time.
Maybe some white man has done the same or will do the same. Hell maybe it gets done all the time but to me its the epitome of ghetto culture and how they think and raise their children in those places. Maybe its just as endemic in white trash families too, I don't know but I won't rule it out either.
But as Ms. Jentel basically said all the stuff that goes on in her neighborhood is perfectly okay by the "New generation, my generation" and not okay by the old school way of thinking.
Frankly I don't want to think in the "New" way it just sounds too sad to contemplate.
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