Sunday, July 28, 2013

Thoughts about comment sections today.

I don't know why I keep coming back to this. Maybe its because I keep  being astounded or maybe a better word would be appalled by the stuff I see on these message boards but I do. 

I'm not talking about some weird out of the mainstream of anything web site but major sites like and today specifically CNN and a left wing site called Politico although that one wasn't as bad as CNN. 

While CNN denied posting to one of my posts today, again for no good reason, its what they didn't deny posting of which I have a serious problem with. 

I came onto CNN and saw massive amounts of nothing but vehemently disgusting, revolting racist posts and language. 

I mean to me this stuff was just disgusting. Hell even beyond that into the makes me sick category. 

Now there are a lot of racial issues in this country. Issues that need to be discussed honestly and openly but as I've said I doubt ever will be because the "R" word will be tossed in the moment a white person brings up something which is a problem for at least that person if not the white community. With that thinking there can be no honest, open communication. 

If you've read my posts here regarding George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin you know how I feel on that subject as well. 

But there were two articles I believe, one on boycotting Florida over the verdict and the other on Trayvon's mother saying the law in Florida let her down. 

The amount of vulgar and outright racist rants, character assassination, horrendous attacks posted about Trayvon Martin and both his parents was just unbelievable and they were up there. They were allowed to stay up there and that is what appalled me most.

Don't get me wrong I strongly felt if the prosecution was going to try and smear GZ by using his past to show him in a poor light and use it to make a case for why he "Murdered" Trayvon that night then the stuff on Trayvon's past which was directly relevant to the case should also be allowed in to show TM's state of thinking about things and his mind that night. But the trial is over and it doesn't matter any more what TM wrote on his cell phone or what pictures he took.

Now the stuff on these comment sections went into more stuff than existed in the evidence released, as in way more stuff. In other words they were pulling crap out of their asses to call TM and paint him as something he definitely was not by everything I've seen and heard. 

But then they weren't satisfied with that they began to attack everything about Trayvon Martin's parents in the most nasty way possible. 

I found these comments went beyond the pale in the extreme. I mean there were accusations of ranging from TM being in a gang and getting what any black scum should get to calling TM's parents uncaring and abusive and not raising their son properly. This went on and on and on even to the point of saying they didn't give a damn about TM just the fame and money they could get off his dead body.

I'll leave out covering a lot of the racist remarks but all these messages weren't just a few but seemed to be most of the messages up there. 

Now I strongly disagree with the black communities' leaders or supposed leaders and I strongly disagree with the positions taken by Mr. and Mrs. Martin. 

I can see having a discussion on those issues which we disagree about but that wasn't what was happening. Instead total racial bigotry and outright hatred was being spewed out and CNN allowed it up there and to stay up there. 

It was like the KKK or whatever leading white supremacist group leading the day in these times all logged in and began posting utter shit. 

I put up a post saying basically saying I find this revolting and talked about Mr. and Mrs. Martin and the loss of their son, finally calling on people to stop this and if they couldn't say something nice to not say anything at all. 

So with that I got one reply and it had nothing to do with this long post I made which received no likes btw but instead asked What black leaders am I talking about because he was black and didn't know he had any. Don't know what he was baiting me for but something I am sure.

One thing here I wanted to point out and that is the trial is over. GZ was found innocent and while there never should have been a trial at all except for the interference of Obama and the DOJ forcing it even so he was found not guilty.

Trayvon Martin and his past no longer have anything to do with anything in this unless there is another trial. Even then I don't know. The parents and what they did or did not do in raising TM also has no place in this conversation. The racism that is running rampant in these comment sections has nothing to do with anything.

What I'd like and sincerely hope that people would realize and 'get' out of all this is that these are two parents who are facing the worst nightmare of any parent in the world, the death of one of their children. There is no way to say I know what they are feeling because I don't. Its something any parent worries about from the time you learn you're having a baby and it scares the crap out of you. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have lost their son which for a lot of us was just our worst nightmare. Their nightmare came true.

Further no parent wants to hear or think their own child had anything to do with their death much less cause it and they certainly don't want to accept those facts. 

I don't blame them. I wouldn't either. Just like them I'd be looking everywhere for someone to blame, someone to be held responsible in my child's death. Because I couldn't think about or accept my own child brought about their own death.

If TM had not circled around and attacked Zimmerman then Trayvon would be alive today. 

If in the original statement and Morgan interview Trayvon had not confronted GZ and decided to give him a "Whoop ass" he would be alive today.

When asked about Trayvon bashing GZ's head into the cement, Ms. Jental replied that wasn't bashing but just a whoop ass. Everyone in their neighborhood knows what a bashing is and what a whoop ass is and Trayvon was just giving him a whoop ass. 

The sad part is that George Zimmerman didn't know he was only going to get a "Whoop ass" that night and he felt as if his life was in danger and defended himself. 

So these parents are grieving, they've lost a son, something so horrific that there are no words to describe it. They're upset, they're angry and most of all their hearts are torn apart. They have enablers that keep feeding the lies they want and truly need to believe rather than accept the truth and my heart goes out to them regardless of our differences. In spite of them I'm still a human being and can feel the hurt and pain, along with the deep sadness they are feeling and I'm also a parent and still worry about my two even though they are grown now. 

So please, if you want to discuss the issues then do so. If you want to hate and say horrible racist things then go away. You have no place where anyone wants to hear your diatribes. 

The only other post that really came out was more of the same only about GZ. This guy posts GZ is a child molester and rapist. 

I replied with the facts that I read in a news article. That GZ and a female cousin engaged in something sexual which we used to called playing doctor, sexual experimentation, sexual exploration, sex play and numerous other names. That they were near age playmates of eight and six. That it took place once a year at a large family gathering which took place every year. I also said I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't turn out to be one of these frequent things where she's been an adult for several years and has come to "Realize" that she was molested by GZ as a child.

I also theorized that she may as quite often happens been in psychological counseling and was "Helped" to "Realize" the sex play wasn't sex play but instead was child molestation. 

Its a theory and may be totally wrong but that's my theory. 

I said a few other things but that's the gist of it except for one other thing I think I should mention, the woman making these accusations stated that another relative their age who always slept with them was molested too. That woman has categorically denied that ANY sex stuff of any kind took place with her or otherwise. 

Either way since the early 80s and McMartin the child sex abuse industry in this country has become very powerful and forced their twisted ideology onto tens of thousands of children or more. 

What for years upon years was just kids messing around sexually has now become child molestation in their eyes and a large portion of that industry would like to make it that any difference in age, height, weight or mental status like one is more mature than the other makes it automatically molestation on one side and a victim on the other. So two eleven year olds playng under their theory one would be a child molester while the other would be the victim of child molestation by the other child. 

What they have done, continue to do and wish to do is sick and disgusting but sadly is happening to so many of our children its beyond belief.

But anyway, I didn't get into the last part at all online but this guy replies to me and calls me a child molester for suggesting it could be just normal childhood sex play. 

I found that to be unbelievable and it really kind of pissed me off. Buy into the whole industry or your a child molester. 

I've got to tell you that according to the child sex abuse industry which has cropped up the messing around some of us kids did way back when would make me a child molester and a victim of child molestation. We were all within a couple of years in age but under their ideology since some were younger than me that makes me a molester and since some were older than me it makes them the molesters and me the victim. 

What a complete load of horse manure. We were just having a lot of fun together and satisfying our curiosity as most kids around that age do.

Hell I can remember my grandmother who was born in 1905 telling me as a little girl she would sneak out and spy on her older brother and his friends and what they were doing "Out behind the barn" and it wasn't raking hay.  

This is as you can tell a sore point for me as I've seen, heard and read about what these nut jobs have and are doing. 

Anyway that just pissed me off and I wanted to say something. 

I'll let it drop as I'm sure you don't want to hear all my opinions on the subjects involved and frankly I don't want to spend a lot of time writing about them unless I have to either. 

I guess I'll end this by saying please think of a grieving family and parents in this whole thing. Disagree with them if you do but keep all the racist and cruel bull$hit out of it. It really only hurts people and does nothing good for anyone. Discuss the issues and leave it at that. That is afterall what discussion forums are supposed to be about.

Thanks for reading my rant and I'll get off the soapbox now. LOL


Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's been a few days

Well its been a few days and except for some minor exceptions I was wrong once again. There were no mass riots or really any riots at all. 

I guess you can say I'm jaded and cynical in regards to blacks on that subject. I lived through RK and everything that surrounded it. 

Out of pure coincidence I moved out of LA the day before the riots started. Knew a lot of people that were there though. 

So this time I'm happily wrong and I'm very glad too.

What gets me though is that the black "Leaders" and liberals are going around now demanding stand your ground laws be repealed over the Treyvon Martin shooting and GZ acquittal. 

The thing is that it had nothing do with GZ. He chose not to use it when he easily could have done and instead wanted a trial to prove his complete innocence in the matter. He got it and even though he was proven innocent these people are out there still demanding "Justice"

Well I say they got justice just not their version of what they think it should be. 

Too bad.

I watched that one interview with Piers Morgan with Ms. Jental I believe its spelt who said everything was "Old school" and that we meaning her generation are new school. That we had to do things that the "New school" thought approves of and is okay with. 

There were a number of things I could criticize about her in that interview but I won't. The two things I will though are this new school vs old school crap and the fact she said in the interview that TM wasn't bashing GZ's head into the ground just giving him a "Whoop ass" and we need to understand that because the new school knows that he wasn't going to hurt GZ much just do a "Whoop ass" on him. 

Well guess what and its something I've seen very few news outlets comment upon. That new school way of thinking which led TM to give GZ some of that "Whoop ass" is what led to his death. The new school of thinking and her neighborhood etc. may know perfectly well that there's a difference between really bashing someone and giving them a "Whoop ass" but the rest of us do not. 

I can say categorically that if at any time in my adult life either when I was young or now when I definitely meet the qualification for "Old school" with the emphasis on old that someone started beating my head into the cement and I was losing consciousness I would without hesitation pull my weapon and discharged it into the offending party believing my life was in danger and definitely believing my life was in danger of great bodily harm. 

Seriously I cannot fathom how anyone could not think at least one of those two things was applicable. Again maybe old school but then again I don't think a whole hell of a lot about the new school and their way of thinking if you want to call it that, I don't.

So I was reading today about democrats in Alabama and Arizona demanding a review and/or repeal of the stand your ground laws in their states and it got me thinking. 

Why are the democrats and especially the blacks so worried about stand your ground laws? I mean really, why?

I have to wonder if maybe they're afraid, that in those states which have them, that whites will use force including deadly force against blacks attacking them. Just think of the "Bash party" Hollywood faced and what might have happened if a stand your ground law was in effect in California? Instead of all those people being attacked they could fight back and protect themselves and instead of being victims they could have been something far different. 

This whole thing kind of reminds me of back in the 70s when a black city councilman got up at a city council meeting and demanded guns be banned within the city because too many of "His" people were getting shot breaking into white folks houses. 

Maybe they are worried that too many of "Their" people are going to get shot when attacking white folk now.

So essentially its over. The blowhards keep blowing but there isn't that much new to discuss. The AG doesn't look like he has a case at all and won't be able to find one to charge GZ further as much as the blacks are screaming for it. The stand your ground laws aren't going anywhere no matter how much the blacks whine about them even though they had nothing to do with the Martin/Zimmerman case. And the outrage etc. etc. is going to continue on a much lower level from them whining about GZ being found not guilty in a case that never should have been brought against him.

I sincerely hope that Mr. Zimmerman does sue the state for malicious prosecution because that is all it was. It had no evidence showing him acting in any other manner than self-defense. 
I hope he sues a number of entities over this vilification of an innocent man. 

In the end I don't think you'll see it do anything more than fade into history as so many other cases have. The white or in this case Hispanic victims get their lives destroyed while the blacks get to scream and whine for a time then add Martin to their long list of supposed racist victims while nothing changes of any importance.

Oh you'll see it back in the news now and again especially in the near term and again on dates such as when Martin died or if the Martins sue, when the JD finally admits they can't charge GZ and that sort of thing.

What you won't see sadly is any kind of actual racial communication going on as so many claim they want. You will see certain groups calling for it but nothing meaningful will come of it because of the same old reason it's always been. 

Anytime you say something against or perceived by the blacks to be against blacks communication stops and the "R" word comes out. 

Without fail. 

When that juror spoke about Ms. Jentel and said they way she acts and speaks is probably from the way she was raised, the circumstances in which she was raised and the environment in which she lives. Right away blacks came out screaming that "R" word about her without knowing anything about her. 

The problem is what she said applies to all of us, not just blacks but all of us. We are the products of how we were raised, the circumstances in which we were raised and the environment in which we were raised and live in. 

Yet when someone says that about a black person "They" all come out screaming "Racist" as loud as they can. But its true of white people, Mexican people, Chinese people, etc. etc. 

Why is it racist when said about a black person?

Until we can sit down at the table and actually honestly and openly talk about these issues without that name being screamed out every time there is something spoken someone else doesn't like there will never be any resolution or understanding reached on race or racial relations in this country.

That is just a simple fact. It's also something that seems to elude those wanting "Communication" to solve the racial divide in this country. Its only communications found acceptable to blacks that seem to be allowed and frankly under those conditions I don't see it either as communication or as anything ever solving anything.

Sad but in my opinion very true. 

So until I can ask a black person why they don't raise their children like I do mine to not do "Blank" or why blacks do such and such because my children sure don't do that sort of thing and many other questions there will never be that discussion.

I guess my final thought is one that happened several years ago now. A white girl had a child by a black man that was in prison and going to be for a very long time. This wannabe black woman said the boy's father was writing a book while in prison just for his son. 
It was called "How to deal drugs and not get caught" 

What type of person would do that with a four year old boy of any color but especially a black father who thinks its okay to deal drugs and who has a goal for his child to be able to deal drugs and not get caught although his strategies must not work very well since he himself got caught dealing big time. 

Maybe some white man has done the same or will do the same. Hell maybe it gets done all the time but to me its the epitome of ghetto culture and how they think and raise their children in those places. Maybe its just as endemic in white trash families too, I don't know but I won't rule it out either. 

But as Ms. Jentel basically said all the stuff that goes on in her neighborhood is perfectly okay by the "New generation, my generation" and not okay by the old school way of thinking. 

Frankly I don't want to think in the "New" way it just sounds too sad to contemplate.   


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Not Guilty

Not guilty!

That was the verdict a few hours ago in the Zimmerman trial. 

I was stunned and surprised at the verdict to say the least. I honestly didn't think Zimmerman could get justice and a fair trial after all the attacks and crap from blacks that went on. 

That's not to mention the threats of the last week or two to burn the country down essentially. 

But as in the King incident, the jurors stood up to the pressure and threats and voted for justice and what was right instead of the easy way out. 

They voted not guilty. 

Thank you jurors for doing what was right and not expedient. Thank you for listening to the facts and not the outright lies of the prosecution team. 

Thank you for doing your job the way it is supposed to be done.

Contrary to numerous comments made by the talking heads of cable news, there were no facts to support anything but self-defense. 

All the things they said, which were inaccurate to put it nicely or outright lies to be blunt, that evidence did not exist. 

There was no evidence GZ stalked him, confronted him, shot him in cold blood, shot him while they were standing, stood over him and shot him, chased him, put the gun on just to go find a black person and kill him or any of the other crap. Especially shoot a young boy. 

That is one that really gets me pissed off. They kept at it tonight. "Zimmerman murdered a young boy", "Zimmerman murdered a young child" Etc. 

A five year old, a nine year old, is a young boy/child. Maybe an eleven or even twelve year old could be called a young boy or child but sure as hell not a seventeen year old who is one year away from being an adult. 

I listened to the talking heads etc. tonight on all four channels (Fox, CNN, HLN and MSNBC) and once again was astounded at the outright lies that were coming out of their mouths. They keep pushing this narrative of an alternate reality that never occurred.

A couple of them were saying, almost calling for, violence come tomorrow when blacks wake up and find out about this. 

The only one anywhere besides Gerardo Rivera who kept saying he knew it all along was Robert Zimmerman the brother of George Zimmerman who clearly and succinctly said the truth nobody wants or is willing to hear.

The person most responsible for Trayvon Martin's death was Trayvon Martin.

By the evidence we know GZ was watching him, we know he was following him at a distance and we know TM took off running and disappeared. We know GZ stopped following at the dispatcher's comments and headed back to his car. We also know that from out of the darkness Trayvon sprung out upon GZ and confronted GZ. This is what his female friend said in her testimony before changing it to make TM look better and GZ look bad. 

We know he challenged GZ who tried to diffuse it by saying he didn't have a problem and then the phone call ended. 

According to GZ Trayvon then said something like "Well you do now" and cold cocked him which resulted in a broken nose. Now even if you take out the reply GZ says he made you can't take away the broken nose from being decked. 

So we know TM started it and as they shuffled around with GZ trying to get away they moved some distance down at which point GZ ended up on the ground. We know TM then proceeded to punch him at least several times and pound his head into the cement at least several times. 

Whether it was two, four, six or more Mr. Zimmerman felt his life was in danger or he was going to be seriously injured. He was stunned, shocked, probably in shock and couldn't think clearly as he felt himself losing consciousness. Now whether you believe GZ on what he said was told to him about he was going to die tonight or not, again by this time he certainly had reasonable fear of great bodily harm which, frankly, he probably thought was already happening and which could possibly even result in death. 

So at that moment, not before, not after not anything but at that moment the question was did he have a reasonable fear of either of those two things and all the facts, and I want to stress ALL, show clearly that he did and he fired and a seventeen year old young man died that night. 

I don't know what its called in the black community but in the Mexican community it used to at least be call machismo and basically its an "I'm big and I'm bad and I'm going to kick your a**." type attitude. 

Trayvon, again through the friends testimony, said he saw GZ standing and watching him. That's important because he was standing there not chasing him or in pursuit of him but standing there. Later on it became some white guy is following me but not chasing and not pursuing him, just following.

Trayvon decided he was going to teach this "creepy white a** cracker" a lesson. I mean he's seventeen and thinks he's all big and bad and he's going to kick this jerks butt. So he circles around and hides until GZ gets near him and pounces. 

Hey I get it. I have two kids who are in their early twenties now and through their teen age years and even today with one of them they have and had an attitude of F you, I'll kick your a**. They liked confronting people and they didn't shy away from a fight. They had no problem going after someone who pissed them off or who said stuff or whatever reason. Typical teen behavior. I get it.

The problem is not what we know now but what GZ knew then. This person came out of nowhere, confronted him, decked him, got him on the ground and began slamming his fists into GZ's face and bashing his head into the ground. GZ up until that point thought he was acting suspicious, that his hand keep going to his waistband and that suddenly he was losing consciousness. He even thought the guy had something in his hands to account for how hard TM was striking him.

Now we learned of course he wasn't one of the black teens who had been stalking the neighborhood and committing crimes for many long months, and we learned he had no weapons except his physical makeup and strength but GZ didn't know that at the time. 

That's what led to the death of a seventeen year old young man. GZ thought he was close to his age as a matter of fact. 

If this had been a normal circumstance for Trayvon he probably would have beat the guy good and left heading home. If he's a typical teen he's been in at least a couple of fights by seventeen. This isn't talking about texts or anything but just that a whole lot of teens get in fights by that age including mine. 

The sad thing was that GZ didn't know he was just going to get the crap beat out of him and then it would be over. (I'm hoping that was what would have happened, but we don't know) Trayvon just trying to scare him and beat him up and that would have been it. 

GZ didn't know that and fearing for his life and/or great bodily injury he fired his weapon to save himself. 

A young man lies dead because of all this.

But to continue to blame Zimmerman as so many did all night is wrong. It was wrong seventeen months ago and its even more wrong now.

The NAACP has demanded the Justice Dept. do in Sanford to GZ what they successfully demanded they do in LA those many years ago which is to charge GZ again and prosecute him on the same charges only on a Federal level. In that case the LAPD officers got significant jail sentences for a crime they had been acquitted from. 

I sincerely hope that it won't happen again but knowing that jacka** Holder if he can figure out a way or make one up he'll be down there going after GZ again. 

One thing to not forget is that he was responsible for this entire witch hunt on GZ in the first place. This trial would have never taken place if Holder and the DOJ hadn't forced the issue.

I worry that instead of this being the end of it that instead for GZ it may be just beginning.

As I write this LAPD is on a citywide tactical alert because of something going on they aren't describing really. I can't help but to wonder if it has anything to do with the verdict or not.

I hope I don't wake up to hear the blacks have went on the rampage again but I'm afraid I will. In that I hope I'm wrong.

To the Martin followers and supporters, you got your arrest when there were no grounds to do so, you got your trial when there was no evidence to support that arrest or any of the charges and you've destroyed a man's life, vilifying him and degrading him with your constant and continuing comments and assertions again with no facts to back any of it up. 

Can't you be happy for getting everything you wanted or are you just a bunch of sore losers who wanted a conviction regardless of whether or not the man was guilty?

Hell, why did I even ask that question when I already know the answer to it. Stupid me. Of course they can't and of course they want a conviction of an innocent man just like those LAPD officers twenty odd years ago.

They didn't get it then and they didn't get it tonight but they destroyed the officers lives then as they're trying to do now to GZ.

To all those blacks on the cable news channels (talking heads) talking about being so afraid of their little boys going to the store and getting shot on the way home and how to prevent that. All I can say is to teach them to not start fights and pound someone's head into the sidewalk who just might have the means to defend themselves. 

Then your kids will make it home just fine. 

As to your comments on "Stand Your Ground" laws. This law was NOT used here in the GZ case at GZ's choice. He could have taken the easy way out by using it but did not in order to have his innocence proven in court as it was Saturday night. 

I truly hope you never get your wish, that those laws don't get removed but that more states put them in place along with CCW laws. 

So I guess we'll see what happens next........


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Trial and News Coverage of it.

I was watching the trial off and on again today and loved the defense forensic expert. That just plain slammed the prosecution down if not out.

But I was also watching the talking heads on HLN and CNN after that and was absolutely stunned by the absolute misinformation and BS they were saying.

The other day I was expressing my shock about commenters on the news sites and where they got the bizarre ideas they were coming up with.

Tonight I got to see. 

First of all I can't stand the nasty strident tone of Jane Valez Mitchell or even worse that of Nancy Grace, not at all. 

Second was something I'd been seeing for a while on those two shows and that was complete unadulterated bias against George Zimmerman. They make no attempt at all to try and hide it either. There is nothing except contempt for him when they speak of him. 

Nancy Grace outright has called him a murderer  of this poor child numerous times while always referring to TM as just a kid. JVM isn't any better. 

According to their bizarre beliefs TM is like a ten year old that was brutally gunned down by this horrible despicable adult who targeted, stalked, started a fight then cold bloodily murdered this little boy. 

Grace even brags about having the ability to turn off a guest's microphone which she is going to use whenever anyone says anything pro-Zimmerman. I watched her do it again tonight. I've watched her do it before too. Dr. Drew at least tries to let everyone there speak but the bias is very clear there too. Tonight he called the testimony of the guy who writes the books on forensics that all others are trained with to be complete BS over the fact that consciousness can remain for a very short time without a heart beating. 

This guy is a world renown and extremely well respected forensics specialist and that gets said about him?

So after watching tonight I began to see where some of these people must be getting the complete lines of BS their commenting upon. 

One of them played a clip of Trayvon's not-girlfriend saying Trayvon had ran from Zimmerman then circled around and surprised Zimmerman by confronting him and asking "What are you following me for" or the like. 

This is the woman on the phone with TM at the time of the incident and she says TM confronted GZ. Further her original statement said something to the effect the GZ replied "What are you talking about?" then later on she changed it to GZ challenging TM with "What are you doing around here?" 

Nobody seems to pick up on that crucial piece of testimony. TM did exactly what GZ said in his original statements and all following. 

GZ stated he lost sight of TM and then TM came out of nowhere and confronted him. TM's girlfriend said the same damn thing in her testimony. 

The thing is that the talking heads and hosts went on about how Zimmerman stalked TM, targeted TM, profiled TM, either struck TM or started a fight with him, and my favorite of all was that GZ then stood there pulled out his gun and murdered Martin because Zimmerman was losing the fight he started. (Supposedly)

Many were dismissive of Di Maio's testimony today and one or two even said he didn't do a thing for the defense or prove anything. 

Wrong on both counts by the way.

But then they started throwing out crap that just had me sitting there with my mouth open. Now they are saying TM was trying to get away from GZ when GZ shot him. Even though that was in court today and was categorically proven not to be the case they're up there saying it.

They are still saying he was some kind of neighborhood vigilante who started it by getting out of his car. 

Well lets take that a moment. 

He was the neighborhood watch Captain and saw something he thought was suspicious. Because these F***ing punks always get away GZ did get out of his car and try to keep TM in sight while guiding the police in to where he was. He also did it at a distance because specifically he did NOT want any kind of confrontation. The police dispatcher was asking "Where is he now" or something to that effect. 

Now if you have a police dispatcher asking you several times where the suspect is now? What would you think you should be doing? Maybe following at a safe distance?

The dispatcher asked if GZ was following the suspect and he said yes. The dispatcher said "We don't need you to do that" 

Now I'll tell you personally I've been in somewhat similar situations in general where I'd see a drunk driver or something and would hang back following the guy and staying online with the PD while doing so to set up an intercept on the drunk. I've been told we really don't need you to follow him and I've replied its not a problem, that I'm way back and not putting myself near the suspect and don't mind doing it in order to get a cop met up with the DUI. And they were perfectly fine with that, but then again I made it very clear I wasn't getting even close to the suspect vehicle and I always got a thanks if not the more usual "We really appreciate you staying with this so we could get officers directed to the vehicle"

Now there have also been a couple times when dispatch has (not on the calls described above) point blank said we've got a description you gave us and we don't want you to follow or have anymore involvement in this and they had my phone number and if the officer needed to get in touch with me he'd call me. Not very friendly departments the few times I ran into this. Basically FO and don't call us we'll call you if we want you.

Very plain there. DO NOT FOLLOW. Not "We don't need you to do that" One of those times was in Jacksonville Florida as a matter of fact. They didn't even put out the call until I was in Georgia a bit. Large gap and guess what? They were unable to locate the suspect. 

Anyway once the dispatcher said that GZ said okay and STOPPED, then headed back to his SUV. 

It went on from there. 

But these talking heads ignore constantly the evidence which every day of this trial goes further to prove GZ's account of events. Since day one the prosecution has put on the greatest defense of GZ that could have been done. Hell the defense doesn't really have a job left to do since the prosecutions and their witnesses have proven GZ's case for him.

A number tonight even said the prosecution had done a wonderful job and there is plenty of evidence to convict GZ. What in the hell are they smoking? It must be some good stuff, I'll tell you that. 

Anyway I was just astounded and totally confused with the garbage coming out of their mouths. It literally defied belief and they're now completely making up things to explain why all the evidence backs GZ's account completely plus some. Now they're also demanding he be charged with manslaughter as a possible charge in the jury instructions.

My biggest worry is the defense might think it needs to do something rather than leave it well enough alone. One talking head a while back said "It's the defense team's to lose" and I'm afraid they're putting crap that isn't necessary up there like the neighbor's testimony today. Totally useless. They already had everyone and their mother's uncle up there testifying that it was GZ's voice so why bring another. (The race factor because she was black is my guess)

So I'm afraid they may be getting stupid here. The stuff they're trying to introduce is mostly not needed and won't help them in my opinion. About the only thing that could is supposed conversations and stuff about MMA fighting and other fighting TM had been involved with. 

Even with that I'm not sure I wouldn't have finished with Di Maio and said "We're done" You couldn't cap your case better than this guy today.

So I hope the defense rests and lets it go without making asses out of themselves. 

I can't see how a jury could possibly do anything but find him completely not guilty. Yet at the same time I am very pessimistic about things and wonder if they won't find him guilty regardless of the facts.

It makes me think of a day over twenty years ago I guess it is now. I had to pick up an LAPD Lt. and take him to LAX and we got to talking on the way there and the whole RK thing came up as it had just broke and he told me something I still remember to this day and I think applies to this as well. It went something like this.

"I think they'll find him guilty but if there was any justice in this world they'd come back with a not guilty verdict because they didn't do a damn thing wrong." 

While I knew this from my background and training I didn't think they would either so I was completely taken by surprise when they actually acted for justice instead of opinion. Btw the Lt. was black.

Let's hope this will be another time where the jury does what is right instead of what is being demanded of them by certain parties.

P.S. For all those suddenly threatening massive rioting to make the RK riots look like a weenie roast, all I can say is that as happened in the RK riots, non-rioting people lock and load and decent folk will show you what you get when you come to their neighborhoods with a very big and painful welcome.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Stuff going on lately

Well its been a while once again. 
Tried making a few comments regarding the Zimmerman show but it was like taking a leak into a sixty mile wind blowing towards you. 

How a lot of these people come to believe what they do and say what they do is beyond me. Its like we're on two completely different worlds or something they are so far out there. 

For example I was 'talking' to one guy who insists that the police told Zimmerman not to follow Martin at which point Zimmerman went back to his car and armed himself, then went looking for Martin, stalked him, confronted him and then deliberately shot him.

So far from the truth and reality that it begs the question of what world are you occupying. 

It was much the same with many of them and trying to have an actual discussion got nowhere and I finally stopped engaging at all. 

I won't even get into all the people making outrageous racist comments on there. Just as revolting.

I don't know in the end whether or not the jury will find Zimmerman guilty or not guilty but I damn sure know what they should find him and that is not guilty. 

The prosecution has actually proven Zimmerman's side in this more than they have done anything to portray Zimmerman in a bad light. 

It just amazes me that watching the trial and all you see the prosecution witnesses proving Zimmerman's version of events. 

The girlfriend for instance testified Zimmerman was just standing there watching Martin and it was creeping him out. Not chasing, not anything the prosecution and others have said but watching. 

She also testified that she heard the confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin and what she said was Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what his problem was. 

Same as what Zimmerman said from day one and certainly not what the prosecution and others have been trying to shove down peoples' throats. 

And that was the way for the most part that the entire prosecution's case has went. They are doing more good for Zimmerman that harm. Their own witnesses are backing up Zimmerman's account not negating it. 

One guy asked what the grass stains on Martin's knees prove and what the wetness and grass on Zimmerman's back and legs prove. When I spelled it out he actually said it didn't matter. 

Look its like this. The only way Martin could have grass stains on the knees of his pants were if he were kneeling in the grass to get them. (Just like GZ said he was) Also the only way to get the back of his jacket and pants wet and have grass on them is to have been laying in the grass on his back. Again as GZ originally described it. 

Another thing to take into serious account in light of the prosecution witness saying the injuries to GZ were "Insignificant" is that in self defense cases it is what the person who uses deadly forces believes at the moment he uses it regardless of whether in actuality his life was in immediate danger of great bodily injury or death. 

Now that doesn't mean I don't believe Zimmerman that he was having his head pounded into the ground and losing consciousness when shot Martin because I do, but it does mean if HE believed it then it was a justified use of force. The reasonable man hypothesis will also come into play in this. 

So we'll just have to wait and see what happens and pray the jury finds him what he is which is not guilty. 

Lets see here, next is to congratulate the gay community on the win in the USSC giving them the same rights as heterosexuals have in terms of marriage and benefits. 

Egypt has once again fallen and once again the President is throwing his full support behind radical Islamists instead of secular forces and the military as he has done in Syria and other mid-east countries since he took office. Shame on him yet again.

Hopefully this so called illegal immigrant bill is dead. They need something to get rid of the illegals here already not something which brings even more into this country as has been happening since Obama announced his legalization plan. 

As you may have seen Obama has issued executive orders delaying the implentation for businesses of his health crap plan until after the 2014 election. 

That's because after the people see the disaster it actually is of something they never and still don't want there would be no way for the Democrats to win in anything in the elections. It would kill them and most likely give full control of both houses back to the Republicans and he knows it. Hence the hold off until 2015. 

So that's about it I think this time around. 

Keep in your thoughts and prayers those injured on flight 214 which crashed yesterday and the families and children injured or killed on July 4th.