Saturday, May 25, 2013

A couple things recently

Well it seems that Sheriff Joe once again has been attacked and has suffered a temporary setback by a judge's ruling stating that he can't do what a good cop is supposed to do which is to uphold the law. 

I hear he's going to appeal it which is good and I pray he gets a judge who believes in law and order who will set this first judge on his ass but good for siding with these whining Mexican and liberal groups.

We have to get rid of the illegals and these type of rulings hinder that goal greatly. 

Other news they've gone way overboard towards outright crazy out in California once again. 

They have a bunch of eleven and twelve year old kids that they are seriously considering charging with felony child pornography, possession of and distribution of. 

This is all due to the kids passing around a photo of another twelve year old girl to their friends via cell phones. 

In my day it was Polaroids but tech has improved but its the same thing just a different day and age.

To Heather:
It was called "Sight Reading" a completely discredited teaching methodology that only held benefits for black children who I was told often couldn't grasp Phonics. They pushed that on all CPS children so the black ones wouldn't feel bad about themselves etc.

Anyway I think I'm going to start this blog back up again and put some meat into it finally. 

I've really neglected it and I figure I should get back to it so hope to see you here in the future all.

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