Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rioting and how long decent people are going to put up with it.

Well there isn't really all that much new to go over today. 

About the only thing is the continued rioting going on in Sweden

Sadly it seems endemic to certain populations and it doesn't show signs of slowing down.

They've hit the UK, France, and now Sweden not to mention all the times they've done it here in the US

I'll say it again. What needs to be done is to equip the police with automatic rifles and tell them to shoot to kill any looters or rioters. If not them then use the National Guard or military to do it.

I honestly think that is about the only way to get through to these people. Its always been blacks but not the Muslims are joining in. 

A serious message needs  to be sent to these scum and I just hope to see someone with a set actually stand up and do what needs to be done with them.

I can almost guarantee that if you shoot several hundred of them while they're rioting that they'll get the message real quick, at least in that particular area. 

Its the only answer left. They don't care about anything or anyone and the longer they are allowed to get away with this animal like behavior the more they'll keep doing it.

Sadly not even animals $hit in their own dens unless there is a serious physical or mental problem. Yet these blacks and now others routinely do so. 

A stand has to be taken and the sooner it is the better off people all over the world will be.

If these pieces of $hit in Sweden don't like it then maybe Sweden should round them all up and send them back to Africa etc. 

Something strong and drastic needs to be done, that is obvious since the mollycoddling and begging them to be decent human beings for a change certainly hasn't worked.

I'd say its way past time to bring out the stick and give it to them good. There is no excuse for what these animals do yet each time it happens I see nothing but excuses made for them by the whining, crying liberals out there. 

I for one am more sick of seeing that approach.

Shoot the bastards and be done with it. You'll also be done with the rioting and other crap too.


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