You know you see Mrs. Coulter all over the news and she sounds like she's just what you want in a conservative but I've noticed she's not what she pretends to be.
You see it in little comments she makes about real conservatives and members of the "Tea Party" who she seems to actually loathe.
The very ones who she "Seems" to emulate are also apparently the ones she can't stand.
She relegates us to being fringe nut jobs not worthy of being taken seriously.
In her latest story she wrote for publication she spoke of her new book "Adios, America"
She seems to really slam the problem of the illegal invasion of our country. While she makes out like she's slamming Democrats for their perfidy in bringing all these illegals in and while she attacks Republicans for doing basically the same, she also says something else.
In almost an aside in the article she wrote she says no one is seriously proposing to round up all the illegals and deport them.
The way she says it is as if the idea is beyond ridiculous and not worth even thinking about much less suggesting. She makes it sound as if the very idea is loathsome and one that no sane person would contemplate.
"Absolutely no one has proposed that we deport all those here illegally — much less “arrest” them."
Yet that is exactly what must happen to save this country and restore it to one of Americans and not some foreign cesspool third world entity which it is fast becoming.
So in the end Mrs. Coulter is the same as the Democrats and Republicans she is attacking. She also doesn't want to round the illegals up, arrest them, and deport them.
Which means she wants them to stay.
While she suggests letting them continue to live uncomfortably in the shadows she is indeed suggesting they should remain, just not get a path to citizenship.
Why on Earth is it so wrong to come out and say that we need to round them up, arrest them, and send them packing forthwith.
That is what needs to be done and while Mrs. Coulter cries about the thirty million plus illegals plaguing our country so awfully and tells us how bad that is for our country on many, many fronts, she also says they must be allowed to stay, just not as citizens.
That is wrong. Maybe her book actually says something different than her article but after watching her over time I find most of her diatribes are two edge swords and not nearly as conservative as she would like to make people believe her to be.
The solution for the illegals is exactly what she intimates is ridiculous, get rid of them and keep anymore from coming.
All the problems she tells us about because of the invasion which has brought those thirty million people here are going to continue if the reason for them remains.
Apparently under her ideas they should. How this is supposed to solve any of the problems she rightfully brings up is unknown.
I don't see how it can.
Here is the link to her article for which I have the above quote.
I don't really think she is all that much better than the people she attacks. If not for conservatives and "Tea Party" folk then who is supposed to represent American ideals and beliefs. Certainly not the Republican party we have now nor the Democrats.
And not her either I think.
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