Saturday, June 27, 2015

Recent events.

Lets see, we have the truth of Baltimore finally and it of course negates all the cries of racism and murder that the blacks have cried about since it happened.

It was an accident and it was because the guy didn't stay down as he was placed in the van. No, he get up and then was thrown around in the vehicle because of that. Being thrown around meant he broke his neck thus dying. 

So once again he caused his own death. If he'd stayed down on the floor of the van where he'd been placed he's still be alive. He didn't and isn't. 

To the shooting in SC. Its horrible and wrong. With that said is it any wonder something like this finally happened? 

The blacks have been going around since Ferguson and before calling for a "Race war" along with calls to murder white babies in the hospital when they're born and other disgusting demands to murder white people including burning them alive. 

Yet people are surprised when some white nut actually does something like this? 

I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened before. They ask for it then someone is going to take them up  on it. 

Unlike the nut job most of us I imagine are just sitting back and waiting. If the blacks ever start it we'll be there to finish it but I don't think any of us are going to go out and chase their sorry asses down to bring it to them. 

As to the Confederate flag issue, I've never owned one as far as I can recall, but just because the blacks are whining so much, I think I'm going to go buy a few and put a bumper sticker on my vehicle. 

Shame on Amazon, Wal-Mart and Ebay for caving in and abandoning freedom on the altar of appeasement and political correctness. 

Donald Trump. Well he's in it for the attention in my opinion. I don't give much credence to him as a "Real" candidate at all. I also don't think he stands a chance in hell of getting elected dog catcher. 

With that said a lot of his comments on Mexico are true. I've said it before myself. Mexico sends the trash up here. Its that simple. Everything you don't want is what they get rid of and send north to us. 

Mexico has never been our friend in that regard. They vociferously attack any measures to combat illegals in our country and demand we let their people into our land without penalty. Any attempt to do so results in condemnation by them. 

According to them we should be ashamed of not wanting hordes of the lowest of the low invading our country. 

Remember these are the same people who don't even know what a toilet is much less how to use one as was shown in numerous news reports last year. 

So he's right, we need to stop it, we need to seal the border and we need to deport what is already here. I didn't hear him talk about the last one but that needs to be in there as well. 

I'm watching Europe have a fit with all the illegals swarming over their lands. No one wants them but no one has the balls to say they don't want them. Except for Hungary who has stood up to the EU and told them no more. Now Hungary is being attacked by all for wanting to defend their lands from invasion and being taken over by blacks and middle eastern people. 

Australia is also under attack once again for defending their country from invasion. The difference is that the leader there has stuck up his middle finger to the world and said illegals aren't welcome there. Good for him and good for Hungary.

Now my question is why can't the European countries have a pair and say the same. Europe is being destroyed by these invaders. 

The illegals bring their problems with them, won't assimilate into whatever culture they end up in and then demand that culture change to reflect and legitimize theirs. 

We have the same problem. Like here, no one in Europe seems willing to stand up and stop it. Why can't the words "Send them back" ever come from their lips.

They don't.

Blacks won another nail in America's coffin this week at the Supreme Court. 

The case involved whether something results in supposed discrimination can be held against the government even though it was never meant to be discriminatory. The Court ruled yes it can.

What is even worse is that it involves a longstanding liberal goal of forcing unwanted people into white areas where they are not welcome.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying letting blacks into a white area is bad or wrong but this is far beyond that. This isn't some case where they wouldn't sell a house to a black person. That would be wrong. No this is much more insidious and evil a plan by liberals. 

You see liberals have been trying to force white communities, well off ones at that, to allow public housing in them. 

Their idea is that whites moved out of the inner city to get away from the criminal blacks and that is not fair. The blacks have no one left to commit their crimes against except other blacks. That only blacks suffer because they've destroyed their communities, schools etc. and the whites are not suffering at all anymore. 

This is bad according to them.

So under Clinton they came up with a great plan. Put blacks and other minorities, the poor, into white areas where the whites had fled too to get away from them. 

That means they're exporting the crime, poverty, drugs, and violence into areas without them so all can suffer equally. 

So under the title of "Inclusive communities project" they are demanding public housing be built in white affluent areas rather than in poor minority areas where its needed under the idea that they can then ship the minorities into the new housing in the white areas thereby changing them to integrated communities. Forced integration but integrated.

The problem is that whites left the areas to get away from everything the blacks etc brought to them. It is not fair to now shove those problems into areas which do not have them. Its unfair to make the whites move yet again to get away from these scum. 

At what point will people let people alone. I remember forced busing many years ago. It just bused the problems into areas that did not have those problems and created the problems in these new communities. It certainly did not help the white schools and communities where the blacks were sent to. 

Now its not busing but wholesale redesign of the communities to fit some liberal model. Why should all suffer because some people can't be civilized? 

Why must white/affluent communties be forced to accept the dregs of society into them. Why? Especially when all know that nothing good will come of the influx of trouble into areas where its not present. Community after community, school after school, city after city gets destroyed when these people come yet somehow these liberals think this is a good idea? How? 

Its like illegals, nothing good comes with their coming. Every aspect of life goes down with their presence. The same is true of blacks infesting areas where they haven't been. 

So the USSC ruled that governments creating public housing can be held at fault for discrimination even though that was never their intention simply because some see the results of building it as being discriminatory. That is because the public housing was built in black areas and not white ones. 

The idea being that in order to not be discriminatory public housing must be forced into communities where it is not wanted, not welcomed and will be extremely harmful vs building it in communities where the minorities are and need it. Where they've already destroyed the areas and more can't hurt them much. 

No, the only acceptable thing to do is put it into good areas where there is much to be lost and much to be destroyed. Let all suffer rather than just the ones doing the destruction. 

How sad as a  nation that we've devolved to this extent that we believe all should suffer to make up some bizarre concept of fairness seem appropriate. 

How far we've fallen.

Gun control is back in the news after SC and the President along with the anti-gun freaks are using SC as a rallying cry to take our guns yet again. This time in the name of race. 

More complete BS of course but it'll be interesting to see if it gains any traction this time around. 

Most of us already have our weapons and we're not going to give them up. 

Oh, while we've spent the week or so listening to calls of outrage over the shooter in SC and his racism and calls for a race war it seems there is exactly no outrage about black leaders who Friday called for the murder of all whites again. Oh they also called for the destruction of the American flag as a symbol of our country as that is just as racist as the Confederate flag supposedly is.

Ever hear the word "Hypocrisy?"

So while Dylan Roof is apparently evil personified for his racist acts and calling for a race war, blacks doing the same are okay since they're black.

Even while Roof was decried the blacks continued their call for the same race war. I suppose their version has blacks coming out on top though. 

I wonder anymore whether people have the balls to fight if it came to that. Sadly I'm not so sure anymore. I will and my family but how many others would roll over in the face of having to fight? 

I fear the answer. 

Well that rounds up some recent events. Oh the spoiled children of Greece are hopefully about to get their butts spanked big time if the EU doesn't wuss out of course. 

Its about time. Liberals just can't seem to grasp you can't spend, spend and spend and have no money to pay for it. The fact the creditors have played this game for so long with a bunch of whiny children who don't want to face facts and do what must be done doesn't encourage me much that they will actually slap them down but we'll see. 

They've been told a hundred times what they need to do and they won't do it. They whine and cry over and over again about it but won't comply. Yet the EU keeps letting them get away with it and does essentially nothing to force them to behave in an acceptable manner. Maybe this time will be different.

It is like much else with liberals, they don't want to do what they're supposed to do and demand everyone else change to accommodate them. The problem is that we around the world have been doing so for far too long on far too many issues. 

Let's hope this time it won't happen and Greece will find out what getting their ass handed to them really means. 


Words and Meanings

I was just reading an article by Tim Reid at Reuters and while reading came across a statement by him which I found deeply troubling yet reflective of the bias in media today.

English isn't taught like it used to be and much surrounding it's use is no longer explained. 

For those of us who were actually taught the language and taught about it's varied uses this will be familiar but for those who haven't been, it won't.

Words have meaning.

I'm sure you've heard that many, many times. It a true statement but it also means much more. 

Its also how you use the words, which words you use and the surrounding words used to expand meaning.

You can make the same statement many different ways and have it mean many different things. Its all about what words you use and the manner in which you use them.

What disturbed me here was one statement in the article that made me stop and say "Wait a damn minute" 

It concerns the shooting of Brown in Ferguson Mo. Now we all know this criminal black man attacked and tried to kill a police officer resulting in the officer having to shoot Brown to save his own life. 

Now read the statement from this reporter
"... has helped organized protests around the killing of Michael Brown, a black teenager gunned down by a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri."

Notice especially the words "Killing" and "Gunned Down" 

Those words turn the meaning of what happened into something completely different than what actually occurred. 

Brown wasn't "Gunned down" and there wasn't a "Killing" as its put here. Put the surrounding context of "Teenager" and "By a white policeman" and you have something that implies a poor kid was brutally murdered by a white (racist) cop in Ferguson.

It completely changes the dynamic of what truly happened. It makes a justifiable use of deadly force by a police officer who was being attacked by a violent criminal into something foul, wrong and horrible rather than what it was. 

Brown wasn't gunned down or a victim of a killing and of course race had nothing to do with it. 

By choosing words carefully a writer can impart a different view of an event and essentially make it something different than what it actually was. 

Using words like "Teenager" equate him to a child and the black/white contrast implies racism being present and the reason for the incident to have happened at all. 

Add "Gunned down" and you bring up images of innocent people being slaughtered by evil perpetrators rather than a cop defending himself from attack. 

Words are important and when they are used disingenuously to alter the narrative of something to advance a viewpoint they can and do cause harm. 

This insistence to completely mischaracterize the events of Ferguson Mo by so many liberal writers furthers a disservice to blacks and the nation as a whole. It has also caused strife and will continue to do so.

A better way, and a much more accurate way of describing the events of that day would be along the lines of "...has helped organize protests around the death of Michael Brown, a violent criminal who was shot while attacking a police officer."

But that you see is the truth and the truth is not what these people want. 

Words have meaning, watch what words are being used and how they are being used. As you can see two different descriptions of the same event and they are vastly different and make you feel two completely different things.

I didn't even try to slant it to my viewpoint yet you can clearly see the differences and how the meaning is changed from one to the other. 

Writers select words, sometimes with great specificity to convey their thoughts, feelings and opinions about something. The problem is that writers whose task it is to bring us the news should not be using them in the way which they do. They should be reporting the news accurately and without slant for any viewpoint. 

If it is slanted then its called "Opinion" not news. 

These distinctions have been blurred or even erased in today's modern era and part of that is too many people fail to comprehend the subtle use of words to change minds, opinions and feelings on subjects.

The fact is Michael Brown was a violent criminal who tried to kill a police officer after robbing a store. He then came back to finish the job and the cop shot him in self defense. He died being what he was and he died because of his choices not the cops'. 

Yet in story after story in the news that is not the story which is told. Instead its about an sweet young boy who was brutally murdered by a racist cop. 

How the two wildly diverging narratives even exist is beyond me yet the false narrative is firmly implanted into America's and even the world's consciousness and seems destined to be given credence no matter the actual truth of the matter. 

Its rather sad to see our once discerning nation so taken in by lies, deceit and outright manipulation as has taken place. 

I seriously wonder if we stand a chance. 


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Immigration World-Wide and the Effort to Destroy Western Civilization

As many of you know by now Europe, parts of Asia and Australia are facing hordes of third world illegals swarming and attempting to swarm their borders. 

I have watched over the last years as more and more third world denizens invade traditionally white countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, and other such countries. 

I have watched as they have taken over large swathes of those countries and brought those countries to third world status in many of their cities and/or neighborhoods. 

Whether its Muslims overtaking European areas and imposing their beliefs on Christian nations and demanding special treatment and allowance or blacks from third world countries doing the same. 

Its been bad for all those countries. Its getting worse. 

Masses of middle east and blacks are now literally attacking the shores of the countries in Europe and now Asia. 

This is getting so bad its thousands a day at times. For a while the cry by liberals was that they were refugees needing protection and these white well off countries must let them in and give them full benefits and citizenship. 

Now the truth has emerged. Most are simply what the liberals are calling "Economic Refugees" 

That means they are a bunch of poor people looking for the good life and the liberals are saying the well off countries must take them in and provide it. 

There is no longer any pretense of other issues. Its straight now that the rich must give to the poor and since the rich countries won't do that then the rich countries must allow the poor countries' populations to surge into the rich ones and get the wealth that way. 

This on the fact that once these people are in whatever rich country the country will provide for them and God forbid if any doesn't want to. 

It doesn't matter if these countries are pauperizing themselves by doing this. It doesn't matter if the very foundations of these countries is being eroded and destroyed. 

It only matters that the whites pay. 

It doesn't matter that these illegals don't assimilate, don't want to assimilate and demand the right to not do so. Any attempt to force them to do such results in the liberals coming in screaming these people have a right to their culture and to live by it. 

But they don't. You want to live by your culture then stay in whatever country that the culture belongs to. You don't get to go to someone else country and demand they accept your culture instead of theirs. Yet that is what happens. 

That is what is allowed. 

These illegals much as they do in America, destroy the health system, the school system, the legal system, the prison system and the society to which they invade. 

And its being allowed to happen every single day and its getting worse. 

Now the cry is that none of the economic refugees can be sent back because they'd be poor in their own countries and they have some nebulous right to be well off or better off than they would have been if they had stayed put or are sent back.

Where in the hell did such a thing come from and when did it get classified as a right? 

That is the most asinine thing I've heard lately. As much as I'd like to have a right to be well off instead of poor the facts are that I'm not and I don't have nor should I have any "Right" to any such thing. 

Then again I'm white so I'm sure the whole thing wouldn't apply to me anyway. It seems to only be for third world minorities who have the right to overwhelm and destroy well off white societies. 

As liberals the world over cry that the white countries must accept these minorities from the poorest and worst of the lot any suggestion of sending them back or God forbid worst of all preventing them coming is met with shrieks and cries of the sky is falling and the end is nigh. 

So as thousands invade Europe, Italy and Greece are being overwhelmed. The invaders camp out wherever they choose, take over building and claim them for their own all the while bitching that not enough is being done to make their life better and demanding more, a lot more. 

On top of that any country who actually says "No" to this invasion faces international attack and condemnation from the other countries who don't have the courage to do the same. 

Australia is a perfect example of a people who have said "No more" and done something about it. They won't take em. Period. 

They send them back or stick them on some island far out at sea and let em know you ain't coming here. 

For their common sense in protecting their country they are under attack from the liberals and other countries who should be doing the same yet are not. 

The latest was several days ago when Australia turned back yet another boat full of third world scum. 

The condemnation was swift but thankfully the head of the country told them where to take their whining. 

The countries in Europe who are being inundated by these hordes of lowlifes should be doing the same thing but instead they are attacking Australia for doing what they cannot. 

I do hope Australia doesn't bow to pressure but only time will tell. 

In the meantime several countries in Asia including Thailand took a stand and refused to be overrun by these hordes. They turned back boats and kicked any that made the hell out of their countries. 

Good for them but instead the international community came out and attacked them as well. Telling them they must allow all these poor folk to invade their country with impunity. Somehow they apparently have garnered a "Right" to do so and any country who doesn't like it is now an evil and racist entity. 

After much screaming including from the UN unsurprisingly at least one of the countries has since caved in and allowed the boats filled with the indigent to invade. 

Somehow over the years we've allowed people to tell us that we owe something to every single piece of $hit poor person in the world. People that don't even know what a toilet is much less anything such as reading and writing. 

We've been told that they have a "Right" to this and to that, to our countries, to our money, to our schools, to our health system and much else. We've been told they have a "Right" to keep their culture and not become part of ours and any attempt to make them is discriminatory and a violation of said "Right" 

We've been told that they have a "Right" to what we have.

Where in the hell did they get any such thing? When did we allow these "Rights" to be created and at what point did we allow ourselves to be governed by these supposed "Rights?"

Yet that is what we face today around the world. Any nation that is considered "First World" has been placed under an obligation to suffer under the onslaught of the poor masses of third world countries simply because we've made our countries into something good, even great.

When did we get this obligation and who the hell says we have to have it in the first place? 

More importantly why aren't more people and leaders saying "NO" to this supposed obligation. 

Why aren't the leaders defending their countries? Instead they capitulate without even a whimper to demands that will eventually lead to the destruction of their country and everything that made it great. 

In an article yesterday it spoke of how the birth rate among
Germans was falling rapidly and wasn't keeping up with the death rate.  This means the native Germans will be screwed in twenty years or so with more elders than young. 

Yet also noted was the illegals who have invaded that country having an astronomical birthrate and how that was quite high. Those third world denizens invading Germany are growing in leaps and bounds and at some point in the not too distant future they will outnumber real Germans. 

They don't assimilate, they destroy the areas they infest and this is what will take over Germany. They will destroy the entire country and they will make it black and brown instead of white. 

The same thing is happening in other countries including the United States. 

The blacks have an entire continent they have $hit in and managed to make a cesspool. Why in hell are we allowing them to do it to the countries in Europe and America?

They made Africa into a cesspool that they now claim they can't live in and must therefore move to these white countries but once there they don't change their ways they instead turn wherever they go into the same type of cesspools from which they came. 

The same applies to the Muslims. They live in hell by their own choosing and making and have for thousands of years. Muslims are barbarians and the antithesis to everything Western civilization stands for yet they're swarming these countries and their being allowed in to fundamentally transform Western countries into cesspools much like the ones they left. 

This unfettered immigration does nothing good for any of these countries anymore than the illegal Mexicans do for us here in the US. 

Like here they invade, destroy, lower standards of living and bitch about not getting enough from our society. They don't assimilate they instead demand we change our country, our culture, our laws and beliefs to accommodate them. 

And to make it much worse we allow them to do so. 

That is the definition of insanity if I've ever heard it. 

Unless Europe and the United States is willing to stand up and put a stop to these hordes invading our country and make no mistake that is what it is. Even now the UN and other countries are demanding we take in the blacks and Muslims they are being overrun with. Unless we do that and make a concerted effort to remove the illegal ones already here then we are doomed. 

Our countries, our society, our beliefs, our culture, our very way of being is going to end and not end well at that. 

People need to wake up and realize what is happening, what has been happening and what is wanted by liberals to happen or we as Western civilization are doomed. 

I fear that won't happen. Even talking about stopping the boats and turning the hordes back has been attacked already and so far nothing like that has been done. Instead more have been allowed in to European shores. 

Europe is begging the UN to be allowed to defend themselves from invasion. When did these countries over there get to the point where they have to ask for permission to defend themselves from assault by the unwashed masses invading their land?

Hell when did the UN get the right to say anything to us for arresting and sending back illegals crossing our border? Yet they have been doing it with impunity. 

This is a concerted attack on Western civilization by the liberals who want to restructure the world and we're allowing them to succeed. 

Israel, Australia, Thailand and one other seem to be the only countries in the world who are standing up and saying "No" to being taken over by illegal hordes. 

They are under constant attack for doing so.

Four countries out of so many. 

Something is decidedly wrong with that. 




Ann Coulter

You know you see Mrs. Coulter all over the news and she sounds like she's just what you want in a conservative but I've noticed she's not what she pretends to be.

You see it in little comments she makes about real conservatives and members of the "Tea Party" who she seems to actually loathe. 

The very ones who she "Seems" to emulate are also apparently the ones she can't stand. 

She relegates us to being fringe nut jobs not worthy of being taken seriously.

In her latest story she wrote for publication she spoke of her new book "Adios, America" 

She seems to really slam the problem of the illegal invasion of our country. While she makes out like she's slamming Democrats for their perfidy in bringing all these illegals in and while she attacks Republicans for doing basically the same, she also says something else. 

In almost an aside in the article she wrote she says no one is seriously proposing to round up all the illegals and deport them. 

The way she says it is as if the idea is beyond ridiculous and not worth even thinking about much less suggesting. She makes it sound as if the very idea is loathsome and one that no sane person would contemplate. 

"Absolutely no one has proposed that we deport all those here illegally — much less “arrest” them."

Yet that is exactly what must happen to save this country and restore it to one of Americans and not some foreign cesspool third world entity which it is fast becoming. 

So in the end Mrs. Coulter is the same as the Democrats and Republicans she is attacking. She also doesn't want to round the illegals up, arrest them, and deport them. 

Which means she wants them to stay. 

While she suggests letting them continue to live uncomfortably in the shadows she is indeed suggesting they should remain, just not get a path to citizenship. 

Why on Earth is it so wrong to come out and say that we need to round them up, arrest them, and send them packing forthwith. 


That is what needs to be done and while Mrs. Coulter cries about the thirty million plus illegals plaguing our country so awfully and tells us how bad that is for our country on many, many fronts, she also says they must be allowed to stay, just not as citizens. 

That is wrong. Maybe her book actually says something different than her article but after watching her over time I find most of her diatribes are two edge swords and not nearly as conservative as she would like to make people believe her to be. 

The solution for the illegals is exactly what she intimates is ridiculous, get rid of them and keep anymore from coming. 

All the problems she tells us about because of the invasion which has brought those thirty million people here are going to continue if the reason for them remains. 

Apparently under her ideas they should. How this is supposed to solve any of the problems she rightfully brings up is unknown. 

I don't see how it can. 

Here is the link to her article for which I have the above quote.

I don't really think she is all that much better than the people she attacks. If not for conservatives and "Tea Party" folk then who is supposed to represent American ideals and beliefs. Certainly not the Republican party we have now nor the Democrats. 

And not her either I think.